The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 21, 1983, Image 18
***** free Humor supplement to The Battalion 9UJ0lj qmn[ npuj frAg News^ S j US: Members of the Cut-and-Shoot A&M Mothers’ Club took control of 3 (than 500 Texas A&M classes today to wipe out rampant liberalism on the H j [lub President Shirley U. Jest said the club believed anti-traditionalist, ;> jlprofessors were ruining Texas A&M. ! | tfe can’t have these people filling our babies’ little minds with those society thoughts,” Jest said. “That could be dangerous and destroy A&M.” ^ bleachers, we’re focusing on teaching students — using clearly under- lableEnglish — important values about life at A&M: how to keep tradi- * howto write letters to The Battalion, how to write letters home tea mother, iowash your clothes and how to eat properly,” Jest said. pY: The Texas A&M Department of English, in an effort to upgrade the jiioncampus, has announced that it will abolish Howdy Week and replace ih"Felicitous Salutations.” Students are encouraged to use this phrase never possible. ftillie Class of ’84 announced today that it will present Texas A&M with jirnal fire extinguisher. lissofficers said the gift symbolizes the Class of’84’s desire “to make sure place doesn't burn down.” lass president Squeak E. Klean said: “Aggies always should be prepared for emergency. We thought that because of the ‘eternal flame’ on campus, we Jdhave an eternal lire extinguisher, just in case. I (ell get chemistry seniors to build it to save money,” he said, le fire extinguisher will be located in a glass case near the Memorial lent Center. ;>MTIONS: The Traditions Council will hold a Traditions Update Forum Krrow morning to bring Texas A&M traditions up-to-date. Topics to be »;,sed include: uauio ^Y peignating the concrete around the Memorial Student Center as a memo- o.Sutpupni ^ jo sje3, irming an eternal waiting line at the MSC check cashing center. I Suiueau jo sjea^RTS: Athletes! Why take chances? The Alpha Beta Chi sorority will ue JU3ui||(L r anescort service for athletes at night. We will escort you anywhere on ) dn uamoA lS , For further information, contact Muffy at The House, on luaiiat 1 jo J3C|mnt\A:The Student (Conference on Nocturnal Affairs will be held April 22. jo|ntoj|Eo jisinterested in learning the sleeping and other night-time habits of tJtqi-auoXi : ountries are invited to participate. The topic for this year’s conference T> Do in Moscow After Midnight.” Students participating in the ■j 3 p[ 0 yjpiioMoscow may find the conference very useful. See story on page 3. uapms^SH'N HALL; Members of Clown Hall have announced their latest mega- uns jj|:re — a Beatles reunion. ^B\(.Joking, Clown 1 fall president, said the group expects few problems in aSailo nlU re. om ^ 3i3|(j, en asked how a concert by the Beatles would be possible since John JJ aip 'uai in has been dead for two years. Joking said: “Details, details, details. j ui uamev 5 ure we can work out any problems.” 31 '6Z,() >3 uo u A STUFF: The following crimes were reported during the weekend. 1 uautoyvy f.Ualking Coke machine was charged with disturbing the, peace after Mm obscenities at passers-by. daa ncaanj,student was caught passing notes to his neighbor in class. His hand was Sutdaap sjand he will remain after school the rest of the week cleaning erasers. 3§ej3ai student was apprehended taking more than one napkin at Sbisa Dining eaj ju3iu||o ,st night. As punishment, he was forced to eat a double serving of the 3 ‘sjaqtiim jSurprise.’ He is in critical condition at the A. P. Beutel Health Center. nasssmuggling operation has been uncovered at the Sterling C. Evans , A group of about 15 students were apprehended w hile sneaking mdCheetos from the lounge into the group study area, rail of broken blue Ixxlies and mangled pink flesh was all that was left at jeChicken following a rumble between the Smurfs and the Strawberry Ae gang. The fight broke out when Lemon Meringue accused Papa offathering her illegitimate child. otSutoa 9ji SIHSVi I P 3 >!un . I9U1 [l°d :j s jouitun, OJ SUOSE3 pile Suud EJ 3niIEp\ oui|iiv 3 •adojnq i ) }o J3(|tuni 1 ‘SUEfl t ]S3 I 3l|l pU UIHS Js XpAIlEp I prq oq ur OA .WIN i It IV Compiled by Rebeca Zimmermann eatherscope i: Today’s clear skies te you want to eat every- ght. Watch for trolls. As usual for the water ret rain. That old black itinues to follow you o back home. Id and clammy. Don’t fall me old line.'Tee bee hoe. i hotheads should expect lav. Avoid confrontations ikely to butt into trouble, ell vour friends (hat skies be partly cloudy. Today talk, people listen, xpeci lightning and thuu- eet anti snow. Or torna- hurricanes. Or famines nee. Or ham and eggs. ( )r rat. Or the other. •ueSiiptj ixotp .1(1 unmqq iJOi jos oj 186 1 p3.inSS3Ji }o jjnsp.i ‘J31|133oJI OJ | ).)3JC 3U ji jnq p 3| Snapshots Cancer: Terminal clouds. Leo: You might want to use extra hairspray, because your mane most likely will be windblown in the gusts and gales prevailing today. Avoid thorns. Virgo: Say no. Libra: No justice in your forecast: expect hail, followed by flash fires, followed by winds, followed by tidal waves. That’s the breaks. Scorpio: Stinging wind and rain. Serves you right, you nasty little critter. Sagittarius: Who broke my heart, you did, you did. Right from the start, you bet, you bet. Shoot that poison arrow through my hear-ar- ar-art. (It’s gonna rain.) M3 iu.nnn“ " 1,1 '■ i-i—.ii jclaa Ajiitu ,t ids v pa-iap, Martha, what'll they think of next?!? uipE Ainda >ueuj;>h mips Mur joqs siq jut paMu (i oj Shim EjuauaioJ zapurqja sll HSYM l p-aiufi ■ *3..., Texas A&M researchers announced today that now can breed sheep with plastic skin. The sheep, td for their maroon color and ATM logo, will be dtomake Fightin’ Texas Aggie raincoats. TIM? 6 pages Vol. I, Only 1 March 21, 1983 Vajirifieei tells allS See page 2. ^ •'' • • ..-. V 4^..; A , WNt .WV I Minority students for liireS See ex elusive story, page Another one Bites the dust in sports. See page S. Way to go. Snowy! All, Ant new by Gary Barker Aggie Rag Staff In a somewhat less than surprising move yesterday, Gov. Snowy White replaced his three oiiginal Texas A&M regent appointees with neo punk rocker Adam Ant, boxer Muhammad Ali and College Station housewife Myrtle Crabtree. “I think my new appointments more accurately l eflect the needs and desires of Texas A&M,” White said during a press conference. “Adam Ant will bring the Universi ty the ‘World Class’ status it wants,” White said. “And besides, he’s cute.” White said the new regent f choices were not entirely his. B.S. “Ultra” Brite, chairman of the 'Fexas A&M Board of Regents, recommended the names to White and he agreed. “Ultra was absolutely right,” White said. “Ali would give the University the fighting image it needs and Myr tle, well, you should taste her pecan P ie ” • . When questioned at today’s meet ing of the 3'exas A&M Board of Re gents, Brite said he welcomed the appointment of Am. “He purtnear plays the best banjo west of the Pecos,” Brite said. “The musical quality at the meetings will be greatly improved from now on.” One University official, who asked that his name not be used so he could continue to feed his family, said that Ant and Brite aie working on an album, tenatively titled, “The A’s and B’s of Regent Rock.” “I understand the two are as close as two ants in an ant farm,” the official said. Ali said at today’s meeting that he was glad to be appointed. “Oh, yeah. I’m glad to be a regent,” uliitmmml Ali Ali said. “I am the greatest and with my help Texas A&M can be the greatest. We can be the greatest.” A System official, who asked to re- See related story, page 3 , main nameless for reasons of person al health, said he heard that Texas A&M President Francesco Vanducci and Ali already have been in fisticuffs over the adjective for Aggieland — whether the Univeisity should be a “world university” or “the greatest.” Vanducci reportedly lost the first round. When asked what changes he would like to see at Texas A&M, Ali said that he would like to see boxing made a vaisity spoil on a par with football. When told that that might not get Adam Ant overwhelming regent support, Ali said: “I float like a butterfly, I sting like a bee. Who on that board is gonna stand up to me?’.’ Ant, who was easy to spot in his usual pirate costume, said he was “jol ly glad” to be appointed regent. “I love all the snappy uniforms heie,” Ant said. “I hope I didn’t underdress for the meeting.” Ant said his first official act as re gent would be to obtain a saber from the Corps. Ant said he had written a new song, called “AntRegent,” to com memorate his appointment. “It goes like this: ‘So unplug those old fogies and do yourself a favor. That regent’s lost his hair, so try another flavor, AntRegent,” Ant sang. Hearing the song, Brite ran into the room and joined in the chorus. When asked what changes he Myrtle Crabtree would like to see at Texas A&M, Ant said: “You don’t drink, don’t smokeJ What do you do? “I would say that subtle innuendos follow, if you know what I mean. P want to see more of those innuendos* at A&M. Everyone needs more in- ( nuendos.” Crabtiee, White’s second house-* wife appointment to a state board tj said she was pleased to be appointed^ “I think the decorations in here (the regents’ quarters) are as purty a.^ a picture,” Crabtiee said. “But theyj need a woman’s touch.” Crabtree said her first official act ai regent would be to vacuum the rel gents’ annex. jj “I think students need better meals,” she said. “I want to see tht* food quality upgraded. And I want u: see those dorm rooms cleaned up anc[ the students in bed by midnight. Yot| just wait until your father gets home.’S , Pizza deliverer nabbed by UFO by Denise Richter and Gary Barker Aggie Rag Staff A dazed pizza delivery boy for Snake-Eyes Pizza was found yester day in an pasture near North Zulch after being shanghaied for a trauma tic three days by aliens from the Andromeda galaxy. Ann Chovie, a spokesperson for Snake-Eyes, said the delivery boy, whose name is being withheld pend ing the arrest of the aliens, was sent to deliver a pizza to a phone booth north of campus Thursday. “We thought it was strange when he didn’t come back after three days, but we didn’t think he’d skip to another galaxy,” Chovie said. The delivery boy said that when he reached the phone booth, he found it empty. But as he returned to his car, he was flooded with “this really bright light.” The delivery boy said he passed out and when he woke up he was inside the UFO. He described the aliens as being about 8-foot-3, dark black hair, about 325 pounds, large ears and “these really clean white gloves.” He said they repeatedly demanded that he guide them to a mushroom farm where they could get halluci nogenic mushrooms. “Evidently they experimented with mushrooms when they worked undercover in Southern California,” the pizza boy said. “They wanted more and they thought our pizza had them. “I’m happy to say our pizzas use only the finest mushrooms, not those druggie kind. Those guys were really wacked-out liberals.” Police discovered that the delivery boy was missing when they saw an See related ad, page 3 insulated pizza carrier falling from the sky. “I thought the sky was falling,” University police officer Chico N. Lit tle said. “But it wasjust this insulation. We filed the usual Unidentified- Insulated-Pizza-Carrier-Falling- From-the-Sky Report and got the license of the saucer.” Little said they traced the plates to a small planet near the center of the Andromeda Galaxy. Police said they thought chances were slim that the pizza boy would be recovered until Saturday when a Snake-Eyes pizza carton fell through a barn on a farm just north of Bryan. Although the box was slightly char red from re-entry into the atmos phere, a message scrawled on the box was still legible. Written in pizza sauce was the mes sage: “Help, have been abducted by mushroom-hungry aliens. Send help. Send mushrooms. Send the National Enquirer.” Radar specialists in the O&M Building tried to trace the path of the saucer on Saturday, but had little luck. “Vee lost zee zaucer ven dey turned left at Jupiter,” said Dr. N.D. Ozone, a Nobel prize-winning radar specialist. Ozone was recruited from the Uni versity of California at Berkeley after he won the prize for rescuing Chinese food deliverers from the hands of the dreaded Won-Ton Wascals fwom Wsythgs, just south of Alpha Cen- tauri. When told of the size of the alien Texas A&M Athletic Director Jock Shorts said he would send out a scot ship. “As far as I know, recruiting froi another galaxy doesn’t violate NCA regulations,” Shorts said.