The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 11, 1983, Image 10
on VCXf? Check theaters for specific times and prices. Movies subject to change without notice. All list ings are current through press time. Campus Theater 846-6512 First Blood: Sylvester Stallone is persecuted by the law for no appa rent reason. Includes a lot of Rocky- type violence. R. Insatiables: Advertised as a tri- ple-Xer. Does the plot really matter? X. Midnight. MSC Aggie Cinema 845-1515 pie won him the designation of “Great Soul." It's a must to see this portrayal of a legend. PG. Ivocky Horror Picture Show: Join Janet (Susan Sarandon) and Brad as they experience numerous interesting events after they meet Frankenfurter, a transexual. R. Mid night. Post Oak: 764-0616 ried psychiatrist, psychoanalysis offers more than expected. Dudley Moore and Elizabeth McGovern star. PG. Road Warrior: A science fiction thriller about a future world where roving gangs engage in deadly car races. R. Manor East 823-8300 1 he Man From Snowy River: Kirk Douglas stars in this western about a boy suddenly alone in the world who helps a girl struggling with life. In Dolby Stereo. PG. The Dark Crystal: Jim Henson uses a new breed of Muppets in this fantasy where strange creatures set out on a noble quest in an alien world. PG. No Movies This Week MSC Cepheid Variable: 845-1515 No Movies This Week Plitt Cinema I&II 846-6714 Lords ot Discipline: A secret society of cadets take charge at a military school to insure that no one unfit will graduate from the school. R. Gandhi: The film traces 56 of the 79 years of Mahatma Gandhi's life. Gandhi was a man from India whose efforts on behalf of his peo- Tootsie: Dustin Hoffman stars as an unemployed actor who imper sonates a woman to land an acting job on a soap opera. He gets the job and then the fun begins. PG. Lovesick: When a beautiful single woman falls in love with her mar- The Entity: In this horror flick a woman thinks she is being possess ed by a demon and no one will believe her. Until it's too late. R. Schulman Six 775-2468 E.T.: An alien from a distant planet is stranded on earth by his mother ship and hidden by a small boy. The two become good friends and the boy helps the creature in his quest to "phone home." PG. 10 to Midnight: Charles Bron son is back in this thriller playing a policman hot on the trail of a killer. Also starring J. Alfred Lewis, Clint Eastwood's sidekick in Every Which Way But Loose. PG. Joystick: One of the many Porky's clones. High school was never like this. Stars Joe Don Baker from Walk ing Tall and Scott McGinnis. R. The Sword in the Stone: Ani mated fantasy adventure about voune King Arthur's rise to the kingship with the help of Merlin the Magician. A short feature, Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eyore, will be shown with the movie before 5. Both movies rated G. I renchcoat: Margot Kidder and Robert Hays, of Airplane, star in this romantic mystery-comedy ab out a mystery writer and an under cover agent caught in a web of inter national intrigue. PG. Th e Year of Living Dangerous ly: This romantic adventure, star ring Mel Gibson, is set against the background of war in Indonesia. PG. Skyway Twin Drive-In 822-3300 48 Hours: Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy star in this thriller about a policeman temporarily forced to team up with a convict to track down a cop killer. One of 1982's hot test movies. PG. Timerider: A motorcyclist is mysteriously transported back in time to the Old West. PG. Homework: Joan Collins, of Dynasty fame, stars as a woman who has a sexual encounter with her daughter's boyfriend. Quality stuff, this. R. Friday the 13th part III: One of the original blood and gore horror movies about 13 camp counselors (count 'em) being systematically kil led off in a variety of creative methods. Bring a calculator and a paper bag. R. At Ease Editor Colette Hutchings Assistant Editor Diane Yount Staff Writers .... Ann Ramsbottom, Carol Smith Staff Assistants Daran Bishop, Dana Smelser, Jan Swaner Austin has no city limits by Jan Werner Touring Houston town by Carol Smith Fusion, the rock band byRebecaZimmermann.. 4 .7 18 On the cover: Contrary to popular belief, spring break doesn't have to be spent on the ski slopes or at the sandy shores of the Caribbean. And a relaxing, informative break from school need not have been planned weeks in advance.Feature L^ 0 ins on page 3. Cover by Sergio Gal vez Thompson. Art by Pam Starasinic.