The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 04, 1983, Image 4

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March 4,1
Beauty Salon
704 N. Rosemary
Valid on Tues.,
Wed. & Sat.
Perms $29
Men’s Cuts $5
Women’s Cuts
Blow Dry $15
In the Plaza
Casa Tomas
:v-v/<••• ^• . •' <
XW-SAS f / '■ J!>4
staff photo by David Fishei
Larry Gatlin sings Thursday night in G.Rollie White coliseum.
Chicken Fried Steak Dinner:
At Fort Shiloh:
Only $ 4 95 !
Sundays 5-10 p.m
Includes a 5-6 oz. Chicken Fried Steak, baked potato
or french fries, hot-and-fresh homemade rolls, tea or
coffee, and a trip to our famous salad bar!
A Complete Meall
Mon. -Fri.
Sat. -Sun.
II a.m.-2 p.m.
5 p.m. -1 0 p.m.
II a.rn. - I 0 p.m.
2528 S. Texas
College Station
693-1 164
201 Dominik College Station
Pick Up
A Big Sackful
Of Good Eatin
— Tills Week Special —
— N —
•Limit 5 per order please.
Denver’s Roast Beef is always fresli and always
liot... You dress it like you want at no extra
Roast Beef
Small Fries
Gatlin ‘polished’
despite problems
by Patrice Koranek
Battalion Staff
Despite recurring problems
with the sound system, Larry
Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers
Band showed Thursday night’s
audience in G. Rollie White Col
iseum that little problems can’t
stop a veteran act.
Playing to a house that was
about two-thirds full, the Gatlin
brothers showed that they had a
polished act. Throughout the
performance, Larry, the leader
of the group, interjected com
ments about the whooping and
hissing of the Aggie crowd. Sev
eral times during the evening he
stepped back and clowned with
the audience, giving the crowd a
feeling for the people behind
the music.
The group started the even
ing on a mellow note with “She
Used to Sing on Sunday,” and
worked their way into fast-paced
hits like “Nighttime Magic” and
“All the Gold in California.”
But no matter what kind of
song the group was.doing, the
harmony and balance between
the brothers’ voices were great.
In slow, haunting melodies like
“I’ve Done Enough Dying To
day” and “Midnight Choir,”
Larry’s voice seemed to make
the crowd sit up and listen to the
poignant words. And in the fas
ter songs, the backup from the
band and harmony from his
brothers kept the songs moving.
About midway through the
performance, the band and
brothers Steve and Rudy left the
stage. Larry pulled up a stool
and after bantering w ith the au
dience and telling Aggie jokes,
he did a solo — a nonsense song
called “I’m Just a Mannequin.”
Trying to end the perform
ance with “All the Gold in Cali
fornia,” the band left die crowd
excited instead of ready to leave.
Realizing the audience’s mood,
the group came back and sang
N. ’ U A - /"k >» 1 .L ...
‘We’re Number One” and then
left the audience in silence as
they sang the gospel song “Alle
The Gatlin Brothers’ stage
was simple compared to that of
the opening act, the Bellamy
Brothers, who also were enter
taining. Hits like “You Ain’t Just
Whistlin’ Dixie,” “Sugar Dad
dy,” “Let Your Love Flow” and
“Reggae Cowboy,” set the mood
for the rest of the evening.
Even though we do not prescribe
diets, we make it possible for many to
enjoy a nutritious meal while they
follow their doctor's orders. You will
be delighted with the wide selection
of low calorie, sugar free and fat free
foods in the Souper Salad Area, Sbisa
Dining Center Basement. •
Monday through Friday 10:45 AM-1:45 PM
Serving V
Luncheon Buffet *
Sunday through Friday J
11:00 a.m. to 1:30
I Delicious Food I
Beautiful View \
.Jf-Open to the Public ^
| “Quality First” |
* turn i
Around tov<
Community classes to be offered
Beginning soon, more than one hundred classesandi
ties will lx* offered to area residents through the Col
Station Community Education spring session ofclau
Registration for these classes w ill he held March29c
cafeteria of A&M Consolidated High Sch<x)l located«
2818 and Welsh Road. College Station residentsmayrtti
beginning at 7 p.m. and all other area residents mayrtj
beginning at 7:30 p.m. Late registration will be heldMi
30-31 in the Community Education office, 109 Timbi
College Station.
Classes will lx* offered lor all age gr
vocational, techinical, and office skills
personal enrichment; arts and ( tails;
recreation; and communication. Most c
weeks with an average tuition cost
mips in the;
; music and
health; litni
purses runfi
under $20.
For more information on the [\|>( '
contact die Communits Education Olfic
jf da
Wheelchair runners hold lap-a-lk
The three-man Texas A&M wheelchair track teama
to see how many laps around Kyle Field they can acorn
in one hour’s time. Sponsors will lx: solicited forao
amount for each lap.
The lap-a-thon is to raise money for two programs
trip to Colorado and a kayaking program for disable
Any support will lx? greatly appreciated. For more
mation contact Larry Gee at 260-3097.
by Cl
The Col lei
ad Zoning 1
ublic hearii
•acts of la
nee parkin
ir meeting
I|l'he heat
ie rezonin
grk ulture <
lal district,
poth tracts, I
Texas Aven
I The
High School Co-Rec softball offerc
The College Station Parks and Recreation Departmecf United Pi
sponsoring a High School Co-Rec Softball League. BOERNE
This league is for Itovs and girls in gi ades 9-12. Allp onsin-based
will be played at Bee Creek Park on Fuesday and Ihur acked by 3
evenings. Fite entry fee is SI30 per team. Registration nd nuns, is
take place Man h 14-25 at the Parks and RecreationDe[ truction on
ment located in Central Park. Texas Nucle
The Parks Department will be taking registrationfet irestors in t
\Tv M ( < iiisi iln< < I 11 ieli s< 11< >< >1 on M.hi 11 22 from HBu’ linn i
a hi. till 1:15 p.m. lam.
There will lie an organizational meeting on March? UThe 700
the College Station Community Ccntet located at I ic Sorrow
Jersey Street at 6 p.m. ,050 shares
For further information please call the College Sia ndustries, j
Parks and Recreation Department at 093-7273. lonston Lig
'Hncipal pa
exas Projet
I Sister Su
or the Tex;
BAC formal scheduled for SafiirdaiRnesday
a force a n
frui tion by ]
The Black Awareness Committee is holdinga formalSatijn,!, p r()X y s
day from 8-1 a.m. in the Aggieland Inn. bholdersol
The theme of the formal is “SteppingOut”and ticketsajaiding j ]
$8 for couples and $5.50 for singles and are available at tihles.
MSC Box Of fice and at the door. Mi i ie coa l
2 {Catholic
he Wisconsi
tajement w
•enure Horn
Former CIA Director to speak
Former CIA Director Admiral Stansfield Turner willspei
ause of a re
at Texas A&M Unversity on March 22 at 8 p.m. in ibr es < '' <)ni11 '
Rudder Theater. The topic of his speech will fie “lntern; n 8 <>usto
tional Hot Spots.” His talk is a presentation on lion
lenders to ;
identify and interpret information on the unrest in theworj
nSouth ft
I The gr
iinte losses <
political arena.
Admiral Turner directed the CIA from 1977 tolWL
under President Carter. Prior to that he was Gommander<® re () er
the U.S. Second Fleet and Commimder-in-Chit l ol i|^ eis,s '‘V.
Armed Forces in Europe from 1974-77. Admiral TurnerRj e l<) ca
job as Director of Central Intelligence put him in control«
the entire U.S. intelligence community.
.Admission is free. For more information please contK e\
MSC Political Forum at 835-1515.
Kiwanis to sponsor Pancake Day
Kiwanis Pancake Day has been set for Saturday at! » united F
Brazos (Tenter. NEW CA
The three Kiwanis Clubs of Brazos County will be senT v Count
pancakes from 1 1 a.m. to 8 p.m. A delicious meal consisiii|e' a | t h citalii
of sausage and all the pancakes you can eat, along with co(fC w -Tent d
and milk will he served. md schedul
Prices are $3 for adults and $2 for children under l|[ onc j a y t()
Proceeds from this 31st annual Pancake Day support iR e t y, e s j tl
community activities of the three local Kiwanis Clubs. ■Eollowini
Everyone is invited. ion Wedne
ite on pnv;
If you have an announcement or item to submit fortbi» County
column, come by The Battalion office in 216 Reed _ s s 5‘ 1 ^ c
nald or call Tracey Taylor at 845-2665.
Everyday Low Price
Before You Buy!
$ 99 95
9600 Old College Road
S*a-*7*S 846-4743
^t* for 9:30
ounty com
’ecide the I
he jobless.
In prep;
•'g, the con
-om mission
Hent offici
iud a cour
-i panied Edv
you know h <*«i«
/ f Ray Mey
and organ
w |th count;
United Press Internatiotnf HAbout ^
Caterpillars have more ployed are
2,()()() muscles in their Ixjty in two
Humans have fewer than'tiiobile hot
huts and t<