The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 04, 1983, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Serving the University community
76 No - 110 U SPS 045360 26 Pages In 2 Sections
College Station, Texas
Friday, March 4, 1983
>bab lain doesn’t stop Goldie, a full-blooded Lab-
yofilxador retriever registered as “Golden Graham
s 0 * iffAggieland,” from retrieving pencils, pens
iid Pepsi cans from Rudder fountain. Owner
Janalie Graham, a senior wildlife and fisheries
major from Houston, says that Goldie likes the
campus, especially the fountains.
in Nnapi
,lv siJr
"Ivershadow papal visit
pay afl
'Dp.m* United Press International
i a 10#N JOSE. Costa Rica — Pope
tied ini'in i’aul II held to the original sche-
uty r le for his Central Americ an peace
gijmage despite six executions by
laiemalan authorities who ignored
eS n ln °Bicari appeal for mercy, a spokes-
lVa ^ in said.
alt anH ie p () |) e today was visiting Nit at -
leoffi# 3 - ruled by the leftist Sandinista
(tnniisaByual Liberation Front and a
ingddftd of controversy between a coll
ars Krtvativechurch hierarchy and ac tiv
es fed|Po esls espousing the “liberation
he hdlfhe visit to Nicaragua — where
Katholic churchmen continue to
fy a Vatican request to step clown
rtosn ini government posts — is viewed
th particular interest because the
lv rq ndinistas as well as their foes are
lecadf ikin g P a l> al support.
iaIlv( John Paul’s eight-day peace mis-
i thev(f 1 I () ^- entra ' America and Haiti was
■shadowed Thursday by Guate-
1S e [0 rjfla s firing squad execution of six
a j ( ] 5n despite a Vatican appeal they l>e
rdoned or their sentences reduced.
Three of the men were convic ted
by a secret military court for rape and
kidnapping and the other three were
condemned for political terrorism.
Sources said Vatican officials
advised the pope to cancel the trip
Monday to Guatemala because of
potential danger in the nation where
bitter divisions pit Roman Catholics
against fundamentalist Protestants.
But Vatican spokesman Rev.
Romeo Panciroli said “there have
been no changes” in the itinerary, in
dicating the pope would make the trip
to Guatemala as planned.
A Vatican official described the
shootings — seen as a direct rebuff of
John Paul’s pleas for peace in the
strifetorn region — asan “insult to the
Guatemalan President Efrain Rios
Montt, a “born-again” Christian who
abandoned the Roman Catholic
Church, said in a statement issued in
Guatemala City that the six were ex
ecuted because “nobody is above the
Rev. Panciroli, however, called the
executions “a serious setback for di
plomatic: relations between the Vati
can and Guatemala.”
In Costa Rica, the pope made no
direct mention of the executions but
exhorted 500,()()() people at an out
door mass in San Jose’s Sabana park
to help the church “eliminate injus
tice, hatred and violence.
“ This church, by doctrine and ex
ample, exhorts us to attend not only
to the things of the spirit, but also to
the realities of this world,” the pope
said. “It exhorts us to promote the
dignity of man.”
At the mass, police arrested an un
identified man shouting “death to the
pope,” but he was out of John Paul's
earshot and apparently carried no
Addressing hundreds of Costa
Rican nuns in San Jose’s central
cathedral, the pope bade the “less
content” to “wait for an opportune
moment” for change, repeating his
stand that nuns and priests not parti
cipate in revolutionary politics.
Mam Ant
zoncert date
EPA prosecutor
plan suggested
1 Ticket sales for the March 20
idam Ant concert have been sus-
3ended because the new wave per-
onner has postponed his tour to
■over from a knee injury,
i; MSG Town Hall adviser Suzan-
ie Becker said Town Hall is trying
oj reschedule the concert. She said
she hopes to have a new concert
Jate set by later today.
|: If the concert is not resche
duled, refunds will be given for
ickets that already have been sold.
1 the concert is rescheduled, the
ickets that have been sold will he
'alid. Refunds also will be given to
icketholders who do not want to
attend the rescheduled concert.
round Town 4
jassified. 6
real 3
[pinions 2
'ports 7
late 5
hat’s up 6
JPLE | forecast
j ^ Mainly overcast skies today with a
: ICE r P ercenl chance of thunder-
howers. Today’s high near 71,
th winds from the south at 12 to
| mph. For tonight, mostly cloudy
ith a 50 percent chance of thun-
trshowers and a low of around
|8. Cloudy to partly cloudy skies
for Saturday with a 25 percent
lance of showers and a high near
United Press International
WASHINGTON — A Democratic
congressman is calling for a special
prosecutor to investigate Environ-
menal Protection Agency officials, in
cluding agency chief Anne Burford.
Though calls for her resignation
or firing are continuing, Mrs. Bur-
ford told reporters Thursday, “I have
no plans to resign.”
Sources say Rep. James Florio, D-
N.J., chairman of one of six House
subcommittees investigating EPA,
planned to call for amending federal
law today to allow for appointment of
a special prosecutor to independently
look into the agency.
Congressional sources said Florio
plans to send a letter to Rep. Peter
Rodino, D-N.J., chairman of the
House Judiciary Committee, suggest
ing there is justification to amend the
Special Prosecutor’s Act to cover Mrs.
The act, a post-Watergate reform,
triggers appointment of special pro
secutors where there are allegations
of wrongdoing against Cabinet-level
officials or other specific executive
branch officials, but does not apply to
the EPA.
Mrs. Burford testified Thursday
before a House appropriations sub
committee on FZPA’s $948.6 million
fiscal 1984 budget and said, “The
agency is in a very difficult situation at
the present time,” and added that she
hopes to provide the leadership that
will enable it to carry out its mission.
But Sen. Rudy Boschwitzand Rep.
Vin Weber, both Minnesota Republi
cans, urged President Reagan Thurs
day to replace her.
A congressional source quoted a
House Republican as saying, “Tier
days (with the EPA) may be in single
Two EPA employees involved in
the agency’s controversial toxic-waste
dump cleanup program were sum
moned to testify today at a hearing
before a House Public Works over
sight subcommittee headed by Rep.
Elliott Eevilas, D-Ga. Other unidenti
fied employees were asked to testify
in private before a House Energy and
Commerce oversight panel headed by
Rep. John Dingefl, D-Mich.
The Washington Post reported to
day White House officials consider
Mrs. Burford a political liability, re
gardless of her ability to run the agen
cy, and are pushing for her ouster.
“The people at the White House
whose business it is to look after
Ronald Reagan now believe she has to
go,” the newspaper quoted an un
identified official as saying.
But White House political adviser
FZd Rollins said today lie has not been
“privy to any discussions on that.”
. Reagan has steadfastly backed
Mrs. Burford in the face continuing
calls for her resignation.
Several congressional committees
have requested documents on the Su
perfund toxic waste cleanup prog
ram. They have been granted partial
access by the White House to the
material, but some congrssmen say it
is not enough.
New A&M regents
approved, sworn in
from staff and wire reports
Cov. Mark White’s appointments
to the Texas A&M Board of Regents
were approved Thursday by the
Texas Senate. The regent appointees
are Dr. John Coleman, David G. Eller
and Joseph H. Reynolds, all of
The regents were sworn into office
Thursday afternoon in White’s office.
Reynolds, an attorney, and Cole
man, a physician, previously have
served on the board. Eller, a Houston
businessman, graduated from Texas
A&M in 1959.
Reynolds said among the high
lights of his previous term as a t egent
was the controversy surrounding the
possible admission of women to the
Aggie Band. Keeping the band all
male is important, he said.
“I love A&M and regret that I
didn’t get to go to school there,”
Reynolds said.
Reynolds also said it is important to
bring Prairie View A&M University,
Tarleton State University and Texas
A&M University at Galveston to the
highest possible level of excellence.
Priorities for Texas A&M should
be the Continuation of research, seek
ing out better faculty and being the
best in specific areas, he said.
“I would like to see A&M have the
best veterinary school, agriculture de
partment and engineering school in
the nation,” he said.
The two other new regents were
unavailable for comment.
In other action Thursday, the Sen
ate delayed action on the appoint
ment of Sam Barshop to the Universi
ty of Texas Board of Regents.
Barshop, of San Antonio, was
named to the post by former Gov. Bill
Clements. Eleven senators, enough to
block the nomination, have opposed
Barshop’s appointment.
Affirmative action plan
at SMU to be reviewed
by Connie Edelmon
Battalion Staff
Southern Methodist University is
moving fast to update its affirmative
action plan because the federal gov
ernment is checking to see whether
the school is in compliance with reg
ulations— and school officials say it’s
Everett Winters, SMU affirmative
action officer, said the Office of Fed
eral Contract Compliance Programs
has notified SMU that it will be one of
several institutions to be reviewed this
Institutions that receive federal
contracts of $50,GOO or more are re
quired to have an affirmative action
plan. Federal law also requires the
plan to be updated annually. SMU
has not updated its plan for several
Affirmative action is a program
designed to prohibit discrimination
due to race, sex or religion.
Officials here say Texas A&M has
an acceptable affirmative action plan.
Margaret Dean, University affirma
tive action officer, said the plan is up
dated annually.
Winters said the SMU Affirmative
Action Office is working on its plan
and hopes to have a new plan in oper
ation before April. The federal com
pliance office has not set a date for the
“It’s my belief that funds will not be
taken away,” Winters said.
If SMU’s plan is considered un
acceptable, the federal group could
direct the office to do better or revoke
funding that SMU is to receive this
year. SMU has received $2.8 million
in federal contracts and grants since
June and expects to receive an addi
tional $500,()()() this year.
SMU’s affirmative action plan in
cludes policies for changing the SMU
minority situation, responsibilities for
various administration levels, ethnic
and sex makeup of employees and
specific goals for one-, three-, and
five-year ranges.
Currently, 93 percent of the up
per-level administrative positions at
SMU are held by whites and 84 per
cent of service and maintenance posi
tions are held by minorities.
Whites hold 94 percent of faculty
positions, blacks hold 2 percent, His-,
panics hold 1 percent and other
nationalities hold 3 percent.
Women hold 22 percent of faculty
positions and 22 percent of upper-
eve! administrative positions.
Nationally, 1 1 percent of profes
sors holding doctorate degrees are
minorities, while at SMU the number
is 6 percent.
Corps officials
by Robert McGlohon
Battalion Staff
An investigation into allegations of
marijuana use in an outfit of the
Corps of Cadets has been completed,
Corps Commandant Donald L. Bur
ton said Thursday.
Burton added, however, that ac
tion on the results of the investigation
has not been taken.
“There was evidence that four
cadets had been involved in the usage
of marijuana in a company in the
Corps,” Burton said. “The investiga
tion, up to this point, has indicated
that the allegation is correct.”
At first. Corps officials werq inves
tigating a specific incident of mari
juana use, but no evidence was unco
vered to support the charge, Burton
“We have little evidence to support
the fact that the incident occurred at a
specific time and specific place, which
is what vye thought had happened in
the beginning,” he said. “But the evi
dence indicates these four cadets have
been involved in marijuana usage at
least in the past.
“Two of the cadets apparently have
not been involved recently. Two we
suspect have been involved very re
cently. Because some of the cadets are
on military contract, their cases will go
before a board of officers for a re
view. The purpose of that board is to
make a recommendation as to
whether their contracts should be ter
Cadets under contract are those
who have signed an agreement to
serve in the military upon graduation.
Length and type of service vary from
service to service.
In an earlier interview, Burton ex
plained the Corps’ view of illegal drug
“It’s not going to be tolerated,” he
Regulations concerning drug use
are specific, he said. Cadets who only
have experimented — but not recent
ly — with illegal drugs may receive a
waiver and be allowed to enter the
military. But cadets who are drug-
dependent or who have sold illegal
drugs will be denied a commission.
He said the military’s — and thus
the Corps’ — position on drug use is
for legal and not philosophical
First, while use of marijuana may
or may not be worse than alcohol use,
it is illegal, he said. Second, many
military officers are required to have
exacting security clearances and are
in positions of grave responsibility.
Drug use is not compatable with that.
Burton said.
A board of officers will reach a de
cision concerning the cadets some
time this week, Burton said.
staff photo by Irene Mees
No hot dogs today — too cloudy
Lyndon Felps, left, shows a parabolic solar
cooker to Carla Hampel, a freshman journal
ism major from Waco, and Eric Bechler, a
nuclear engineering major from Biloxi, Miss.,
at Rudder fountain. The cooker heats up to 600
degrees in 30 minutes. Hampel’s only ques
tion: “Is it legal in the dorm?”