The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 03, 1983, Image 3

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Battalion/Page 3
March 3, 1983
s: started
:or A&M
v hvdniW
St in soa by Larry Couvillon
because H Battalion Reporter
pu \.. r M ,ook out Richard Simmons
ed i n , and move over jack Lalane.
ca n mid
The Texas A&M Department
of Intramural-Recreational
„ Sports has started two new fit-
pnit ol ness programs,
that yotiBj The programs are de
vour signed to encourage Texas
you to| A&M faculty, staff, students
iniple: ‘fid their spouses to become
ecurbi interested in and addicted to
Olvedbi re - ular exercise.
mlv’TtM ° ne P r °g ram > which
already has started, is called
i equtifjljjAPE UP — an acronym for
Sport Health and Physical
clter is Education for University Peo-
Morali pie. It’s based on a point sys-
e that ,tein in which participants
icralitv work out at their own pace
respi ail d earn points for each activ-
othm kneh participant must
i . acrumulaie 250 points within
i>e. ln, f 1
lot ofiis
that if
s, theyrj
tat is to a
h requirtj
te and
a calendar year to get a com
plimentary SHAPE UP certi
ficate of completion.
Activities offered in the
program include aerobic
dancing, bicycling, calisthe
nics, racquetball, running,
jogging, swimming, walking
and handball.
Participants can use any of
the activities to add to their
point total.
Each week, participants will
turn in a report of completed
activities. The recreation
office will calculate each parti
cipant’s progress and display
it on a chart in an accessible
Paula Opal, an assistant di
rector for the department,
says SHAPE U P enables active
people to earn recognition for
their efforts.
She says this is a good time
to become motivated for re
creational activity.
“The nice weather makes
people ready to exercise,”
Opal says.
Students can participate in
SHAPE UP at no charge if
they have a student I.D. card.
Faculty and staff members
can participate for $2, and the
fee for their spouses is $5. The
participation fee will cover the
cost of an I.D. card.
For those faculty and staff
who are more interested in
competitive sports, the recrea
tion department is expanding
its activity offerings for the
spring 1983.
Activities offered are rac
quetball, tennis, golf, weight
training and clinics to teach
the proper ways to play va
rious sports.
Tournaments for singles
and doubles competition in
racquetball, golf and tennis
are scheduled for late March.
The cost of the tournaments
will he $2, which will cover the
cost of an I.D. card.
Northgate focus
of Council tour
wn Stevi
Gatlin Brothers play
solid gold hits tonight
by Michelle Powe
Battalion Reporter
Several College Station city
boards are talking about getting
tough and cracking down on
Northgate parking problems.
Members of the City Council
and the Zoning Board of Adjust
ments, accompanied by a hand
ful of Northgate merchants,
toured Northgate Wednesday
night to get a first-hand look at
problems with inadequate park
ing and unused lots and to hear
suggestions of fered by the mer
The major complaint of the
merchants is inadequate park
ing. They say their parking lots,
which are supposed to be re
served for customers, are always
filled with cars whose owners are
not shopping for books. The
merchants say that students
simply store their cars in these
packing lots rather than battling
the parking problem on
There were various sugges
tions about the problem. Some
merchants suggested one hour
parking limits at Northgate, J^o
he strictly enforced by the
Other merchants suggested
tougher means of getting stu
dents’ attentions — such as plac
ing clamps on the tires of any
cars which violate parking reg
ulations. Such clamps would
effectively prevent people from
moving their cars before they
could be towed.
All the merchants seemed to
agree that stricter enforcement
by the police would help the
Another meeting between the
city boards and Northgate mer
chants was tentatively set fqr the
end of the month. The mer
chants were asked by hoard
members to bring written sug
gestions about Northgate prob
lems. Northgate residents may
also he invited to the meeting.
Earlier Wednesday, the Col
lege Station City Council
approved a zoning map, drawn
up by the city’s planning staff for
the Plan 2000, which will be a
guide for the city’s future
City Planner A1 Mayo says the
city should begin planning now
for the city’s future growth.
The approved plan will be
printed up and circulated
throughout the city for public
comment in three or four weeks.
by Patrice Koranek
Battalion Staff
■Even if MSC Town Hall didn't
give Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin
Bjothers Band all the gold in
California, they are playing in G.
Rjtllie White Coliseum tonight.
I Larry, Steve and Rudy Gat-
lira, natives of Odessa, have been
Brforming and recording
Hgether since they were teena
gers. The brothers delivered
their first album for Sword &
Shield Records, a gospel label
based in Arlington, while still in
their teens.
I The oldest Gatlin, Larry, is
the lead singer for the group.
Be got his start in the business
while on tour with a gospel
■roup, the Imperials, in Las
Vegas. On the tour, he met sin
ger Dottie West. When he re
turned to Houston, he sent West
a tape of eight of his original
Bongs. She recorded several of
|hem and since then his career
has taken off.
I On the strength of his song
I writing talents, Larry became
known throughout Nashville’s
music industry and began to
i play in small clubs. He also was
recording with his brothers hack
home, and in 1972 they released
|he single “New York City,” but
the song remained virtually un
Make a
Invest in
As a business
man you know
how important it
is to invest in
your own good
looks. Like
classic two
piece suit of
polyester and
wool. It's a great
value, and one
more reason
why shopping
here is just good
business sense.
Culpepper Plaza
Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers Band will
be performing in G. Rollie White Coliseum
tonight at 8 p.m.
The turning point for the
Gatlin Brothers came when they
released the album “Larry Gat
lin, Family and Friends” which
included the hit “Broken Lady.”
That song got them a Grammy
Award in 197(i.
Since then the Gatlin brothers
have recorded hits like “Statues
Without Hearts,” “I Don’t Wan
na Cry,” “Love is Just a Game,”
“Night Time Magic” and “All
the Gold in California,” all writ
ten by Larry.
The Bellamy Brothers, whose
hits include “If I Said You Had
A Beautiful Body, Would You
Hold It Against Me," “Sugar
Daddy” and “Lovers Live Lon
ger,” will open for the Gatlin
Brothers. The Bellamys hold
the distinction of having more
number one hit singles than any
other country music duo today.
Tickets for the 8 p.m. concert
are S7, $7.50 and $8 and are
available at the MSC Box Office.
register to win
$50 gift certificate
(boo jouf
ive re<|
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g studtf
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is accoi
The Look
of the “Fifties”.. .
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be in “Style. ”
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