The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 23, 1983, Image 15
Battalion/Page 15 February 23, 1983 ^23,1| sports Did you ever wonder how Andy Rooney views A&M? iholo by Di'i next ha I Every Suntlay when I turn on the tube and watch 60 Minutes, I can hardly wait for the end of the show and “A few mi nutes with Andy Rooney” — what a joke. Rooney’s “did you ever wonder” bit is getting a little old. Did you ever wonder what Rooney would have to say about Aggieland athle tics? What would he have to say about ackie, Shelby, Tom Chandler and the [Twelfth Man? Let’s pretend. A FEW MINUTES WITH ANDY ROONEY ON AGGIELAND: “Did you ever wonder if Jackie Sher rill owns a sports coat in a color other than maroon? Or, have you ever won dered if Sherrill’s wife still remembers hat he looks like after Sherrill’s seem- igly endless recruiting trips? Did she [throw a coming home party on Feb. 9 [(national signing day for recruits)? “And did you ever wonder if the Uni- ersity of California is going to break in he 12th Man kickof f team next year with mother 5-lateral kickoff return like they lid to win the game against Stanford this ear? “And have you ever wondered if Shel- jy Metcalf is really smiling when he sits m the Aggie bench with that sheepish in on his face? If not, what does he look ike when he does smile? Or have you ver wondered if Metcalf would do a re- erse slam jam thank you ma’am if he ad springs for legs like Lowell (‘boy how love to slam’) McHenry? Or would he xecute to perfection the one-foot-on- the-ground-I-don’t-care-if-its-boring lay-up. “And have you ever wondered if all those Aggies in G. Rollie White Coliseum are really reading The Battalion when the opposition is introduced, or are they just looking for pizza coupons? “Or have you ever wondered if Reveil le had a reason for doing her deeds at mid-court during half-time of the Hous ton game? Was there an underlying mes sage to be learned from her escapade? “Did you ever wonder how Houston head coach Guy Lewis would have reacted if he had seen the incident? Would he have scoffed at Reveille — or would the incident have brought thoughts of the UPI pollsters to his mind? “Or did you ever wonder how baseball coach Tom Chandler learned how to whistle so loud? Does he have whistling practice while his players are having bat ting practice? And exactly how much of Olsen Field is watered with water and how much with chewing-tobacco spit? “Have you ever wondered why more Aggies don’t go to home baseball games? Is it possible that the baseball team is neglected because there isn’t a 10th Man tradition at Olsen Field similar to the 12th Man tradition at Kyle Field.? “Why doesn’t someone start a 10th Man tradition? And ifthereisa 10th Man tradition started at the ball park, what would we do during the seventh-inning stretch? Will it be called the seventh inning sit? “Did you ever wonder if we would have a 12th Man tradition at all if E. King Gill (original 12th Man) would have made it into the game and fumbled? “And what about the women athletes in Aggieland? Did you ever wonder how tall the men are that date players from the Aggie Lady basketball team? Why don’t they play basketball? “Have you ever wondered how athletic traditions will change in the future as the University increasingly grows liberal? Will we have to change our “Farmers fight” yell to “Radicals romp?” And will of Army come to be known as young preppies? Who’ll work on the bonf ire — redpots or pink Polos? “And did you ever wonder if this col umn was ever going to end? Well, you can stop wondering.” TANK MFNAMARA by Jeff Millar & Bill Hinds A WHOLE KJeW PfZo football L£NbOB ? kbW OOULO IT S’MEAK OUK lktfELLl0EMC£ m ft- 1 AgaIn^T fTLTIfTMTiONJ ltd pto ROOT^AU- A CeRTAikJ GOM&OkJE MG&LI&BMT Ik) MOS1ITOZIKJ& IT WA& THE HE le^MAW TROPHY THE QUI VEj2lklGr APULATiOkJ HEAPEP MEN) UEDjJ A ^O-YEAR-OLP WHO PLAYE RTTT^ALL. l- I— COUUPKI'T TAKE IT ANY MOPE... Coogs beat MHB twice to remain undefeated United Press International HOUSTON —Junior pitcher Greg Brinkman Fired a two-hitter and rightfielder Dan Larson capped a nine-run fourth inning with a three-run homer in the second game Tuesday for the Uni versity of Houston, which swept a doubleheader from Mary Hardin Baylor, 6-1 and 1 1-0. Brinkman walked three and struck out five. In the fourth inning, leading 2-0, the Cougars sent 14 men to the plate and battered three Crusader pitchers. With one out, leftfielder Gary Wright walked, then Mark Massey doubled him home and moved to third on Billy Savarino’s single. Steve Seberger bunted Massey home with the Cougars’ fourth run before Larson took Crusader pitcher J.D. Meeker’s first pitch deep over the leftfield fence to give Houston a 7-0 lead. In the first game, Cougar pitcher Aty Garcia threw a four-hitter and struck out 10 batters for his First victory of the season. The big blow of the game came in the sixth on a Savarino pinch three- run homer off Crusader Doug Delany. Houston improved its record to 6-0 on the sea son, while Mary Hardin Baylor dropped to 3-10- 1. rail Blazers beat ockets, 113-107 TS United Press International HOUSTON — Portland guard Jim Paxson led the Trail Blazers and Saiurjo a j 13.107 victory over the Houston Rockets late Tuesday, but he ace HardiaiH it was team play that allowed him to chalk up 28 points. ■“This team makes sure I get the ball in the right places. If I move and get open, they give me the ball,” he said. “For a player like Paxson to be ef f ective, the rest of the offense ^ to move the ball to him,” said Portland Coach Jack Ramsay. jPortland took command of the game on a 12-4 spurt at the start of the third period, and Paxson was in the middle of that rally, accounting for four points on two jump shots. [■ Mychal Thompson, who scored 22 points, hit three buckets during the surge. ■The victory was the Fifth straight for Portland. It was the sixth ri s^n rjOnsecutive loss for Houston, even though the Rockets shot a hot 85 percent in the second period. ■ Allen Leavell keyed the Houston offense, connecting on 8-of-9 1 shpts for 16 points in the quarter. He finished the night with 30 *(l III P ()mts an H eight assists. RAt one stretch in the First half, the Rockets made 22 consecutive field goals, the longest string in the club’s history, but Ramsay said that did not slow the Blazers. M“We are playing very well,” Ransay said. “Even though they irnatK^lip - -- -- - - yjvj — TheJ,, , _ . , pown by was 7 points. 'heduleforr^’ 3 NILE CHARITY CHASE This event is a race sponsored by the Student Y. All proceeds go to the Special Olympics for the Multiple Handicapped. DATE: SATURDAY, FEB. 26 10 A.M. FEE: $5 per runner AWARDS: T-shirts to all entrants. Trophies to 1st, 2nd & 3rd place male & female runners. Door prizes given during regis tration. Prizes donated by Wyatts, Athlete’s Foot & Swenson’s. Registration forms available in 216 MSC Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased With These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods. Each Daily Special Only $2.39 Plus Tax “Open Daily” Dining: 11 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. — 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M Press lntn»' maf | e 22 baskets in a row against us in the First half, the most we got down by was 7 points.” . ' ! in i n f„,iS‘They got off on their fast break too much against us tonight,” Leavell said. “They shot a lot of layups.” ers will°F E HCalvin Murphy came off the Houston bench to hit six straight y u g 4 inti* jumpers in the fourth period to bring the Rockets to 105-99 with [nst the $3:30 remaining. Rocket rookie Terry Teagle hit a jumper with two will haven lS minutes remaining to pull the Rockets to 105-101, but free throws ■me until^ NThompson and Paxson secured the victory, st Tampa line is s( Texas 5 t 10 SELLER’S NEEDED NOW NOW IS THE TIME TO SELL YOUR CONDOMINIUM OR HOME. WE HAVE BUYERS LOOKING AND ARE IN GREAT NEED OF GOOD PROPERTIES TO SELL THEM. CALL DAVIS NORTHCUTT AT GREEN & BROWNE REALTY FOR A NO-OBLIGATION MARKET ANALYSIS TODAY. 846-5701. Introducing 100% AutO Financing. Cars, Trucks, Trailers. BENCHMARK LEASING INC. 713/775-4881 Bryan, Texas MONDAY EVENING SPECIAL Salisoury Steak with Mushroom Gravy Whipped Potatoes Your Choice of One Vegetable Roll or. Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea TUESDAY EVENING WEDNESDAY SPECIAL EVENING SPECIAL Mexican Fiesta Chicken Fried Steak Dinner w cream Gravy Two Cheese and Whipped Potatoes and Onion Enchiladas Choice of one other w chili Vegetable Mexican Rice Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Patio Style Pinto Beans Tostadas Coffee or Tea Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter m THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing — Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FOR YOUR PROTtCTION OUR PERSONNEL HAVE HEALTH CARDS. FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL BREADED FISH FILET w TARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL Yankee Pot Roast Texas Style (Tossed Salad) Mashed Potato w gravy Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee (“Quality First”| SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNER Served with Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Roll or Corn Bread - Butter - Coffee or Tea Giblet Gravy And your choice of any One vegetable Thousands put their fingers on it. Advertising in The Battalion 845-2611 DIETING? Even though we do not prescribe diets, we make it possible for many to enjoy a nutritious meal while they follow their doctor's orders. You will be delighted with the wide selection of low calorie, sugar free and fat free foods in the Souper Salad Area, Sbisa Dining Center Basement. * OPEN Monday through Friday 10:45 AM-1:45 PM QUALITY FIRST tfloorn Serving Luncheon Buffet Sunday through Friday 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.^* ^ Delicious Food i Beautiful View | 4^Open to the Public “Quality First” If law school is the answer... let us help with your questions. IF YOU HAVE DECIDED ON LAW SCHOOL AS YOUR NEXT CAREER STEP, THERE ARE MANY HURDLES WHICH STAND BETWEEN YOU AND YOUR ULTIMATE GOAL. STUDENTS FROM SOUTH TEXAS COLLEGE OF LAW WILL BE ON CAM PUS TO ANSWER ANY AND ALL QUESTIONS CONCERNING LAW SCHOOL ADMISSIONS, LIFE AS A LAW STUDENT AND EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES. AS LAW STUDENTS, THESE REPRESENTATIVES ARE VERSED IN EVERY ASPECT OF ADMISSION PROCEDURES. THEY WILL BE ABLE TO HELP YOU WITH THE NEW LSAT FORMAT, ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS, THE PROS AND CON’S OF RECOMMENDATION LETTERS AND THE TOTAL CONCEPT INVOLVED IN THE STUDY OF LAW. WE INVITE YOU TO COME AND ASK QUESTIONS AND GAIN A COMPETI TIVE EDGE. SOUTH TEXAS COLLEGE OF LAW STUDENT REPRESENT ATIVES WILL BE ON YOUR CAMPUS IN ROOM 410, RUDDER TOWER ON FEBRUARY 23, 1983 AT 7:00 P.M. THE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY PRE-LAW SOCIETY INVITES ANYONE WHO IS INTERESTED IN GOING TO LAW SCHOOL TO COME TO THIS INFORMATIVE PROGRAM TO LEARN WHAT LAW SCHOOL IS LIKE FROM A 3RD YEAR LAW STU DENT’S TEXAS A&M GRADUATE’S PERSPECTIVE. .