The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 23, 1983, Image 10
national Battalion/Page II February 23,11 I Report overstates real GNP decline Warped by Scott McCullar THE LITTLE RUNT CHEWED up OUR FRISBEE.. United Press International plagued economy Stumbled at WASHING I ON — the end of last year, the fall was Ithough the nation’s recession- not as bad as first reported, the DOUGLAS JEWELRY 15% STUDENT DISCOUNT WITH CURREnT A&M ID (REPAIRS nOT inCLUDED) Keepsake Registered Diamond Rings PULSAR SEIKO, BULOVA St CROTOn WATCHES AGGIE JEWELRY USE YOUR STUDENT DISCOUNT TO PURCHASE A DIAMOND FOR YOUR CLASS RING (ANE LET US SET IT FOR YOU) 212 M. Main Downtown Bryan 822-31 19 MC VISA AMD Culpepper Plaza College Station 693-0677 DIMMERS CLUB AM EXPRESS LAYAWAYS 1MV1TED government said Monday. The Commerce Department said the broadest gauge of the economy, gross national pro duct, got 1.9 percent smaller from October through Decem ber after inflation, a slight im- . provement from the 2.5 percent drop reported Jan. 19. The major influence in the fourth quarter was the steep rate of inventory clearances of un sold goods not replaced by new production. The $18.7 billion in inven tory liquidation, mostly in auto mobiles, and declines in exports and business investment were only partially offset by a 4.1 per cent annual rate of growth in final sales and increases in con struction and government spending, the report said. The new figure did not change the 1982 rate of GNP decline of 1.8 percent compared to all of 1981, the worst per formance of GNP since 1946. The fourth quarter to fourth quarter comparison did im prove slightly with the revision, going to a decline of 1.1 percent from the earlier reported 1.2 percent. Court takes right of name ‘Monopoly’ now generic FREE U CLASS REGISTRATION FEBRUARY 23 — RM. 224 MSC FEBRUARY 24 — RM. 140A MSC 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Classes include: • Dance Exercise Classes • Basic Mechanics • Jitterbug • Country & Western Dance Language Classes Musical Instruments Juggling Bartending and more For more information call 845-1515. MSC FREE UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE United Press International WASHINGTON — The Sup reme Court Tuesday set off a major trademark controversy by permitting Parker Brothers to be stripped of its 48-year-old monopoly on Monopoly, the famous real estate board game. Without comment, the jus tices let stand a ruling invalidat ing the Monopoly trademark be cause the term has become a common descriptive name for that type board game. Critics say the ruling endan gers trademark protections for hundreds of brand-name pro ducts from dish soaps to video games. Trademarks invalidated in the past because the names fell into common use include those for aspirin, cellophane, cola, thermos and yo-yo. The trademark for Monopo ly, first manufactured by Parker Brothers in 1935, was chal lenged by a San Francisco State University economics professor who invented and marketed a board game he called “Anti- Monopoly.” Parkers Brothers, a division of CPG Products Corp., pro tested Professor Ralph Anspach’s use of its trademark in his game’s title, saying it would exploit the reputation and success it built for Mono poly. Anspach retaliated by asking the courts to cancel the Monopo ly trademark, which gave Parker Brothers sole right to use of the title even though its patent had expired. A U.S. District Court twice ruled for the manufacturer of Monopoly and found Anspach could be held liable for infring ing on a registered trademark. But in August 1982, a three- judge panel of ihe 9ihli] C lourt of Appeals in Califooj dei hired the trial court wrocfl ruled Monopoly had gainedl common a meaning,like“sli ded heat," whit li theSupri Court in 1938 declared at | generic it could notbecon!i|| led by one cereal maker. The panel based its riilm(( part on a marketing suneu ! showed most consumen «t motivated to buy Monopoly cause they were interestedit game and did not caret manufactured it. Actor ceases breathing, dies after police scuffle Riel A gg with United Press International LOS ANGELES — An auto psy on Raymond Vitte, 33, may reveal why the- actor, whose in cessant religious chanting prompted neighbors to call police, suddenly stopped brea thing and died in a police car moments alter a scuffle with officers. Compare TRI-STATE’S Everyday Low Price Before You Buy! W ilson A2000 s 99 95 E# TRI-STATE A&M # SPORTIAPG GOODS -ItiOO Old C’ollcgt: Koud **«-*7«a Vitte was pronounced dead Sunday night at Sherman Oaks Community Hospital, where he was taken by officers after he appeared to cease breathing while in the back of a patrol car, Lt. Charles Higbie said Monday. The actor, who landed his firstjobin 1971 as a hippie-Jesus freak who meets Archie Bunker in jail in an episode of “All in the Family,” is survived by his bride of seven months, Ernesta, who is expecting a baby in June. Coroner’s I nvestigator Donald Messerle said there were markings on the body that he would not discuss in detail until after the autopsy, which was ex pected to be performed Tuesday. “I spoke to his mother and his wife and there w as no indication he was taking any medication and they denied use of any drugs,” Messerle said. The actor had been hospital ized for several days earlier this month to determine the cause of a lingering fever, but the diag nosis was not known. Higbie said officers, sum moned by neighbors in the Stu dio City apartment complex, found Vitte in his apartment, clad only in undershorts and a shirt. He continued to shout and chant, frequently using the name of Mohammed. Neighbors reported that Vit- te’s religious shoutings began early Sunday, Higbie said, and after more than 12 hours of con tinual shouting, they called police. Vitte, who was alone in the apartment, ordered the officers from the porch and placed a curse on them, Higbie saitf. Vitte suddenly exited his apartment, lunged toward and attempted to grab one of the two ej u I NT A ■inist< appeal P WHERE 3707 E. 29TH, (TOWN a, COUNTRY CENTER) officers, Higbie said Ronald Miller then struck 1 with his baton. Vi11e then ran off, chased Miller and Officer Douglai pies, who sprayed teargasis j te's face with no apparenttfe and struck the suspect sfvfj times on his arms and uppenj so, again with no effect, I lieutenant said. L_rr The actor again ran ft Jieaci officers, hut fell at the side? n<| rthe building’s swimming pool. J where was handcuffed and car anti-el< screaming and placed inthetlSl^OO, of a squad car for mentalevi® “Ot tion at Olive View Hospital J nt th Sylmai. ■‘ent < En route, police observcd||randh had stopped breathing and| ‘lamen officers took him instead to j Sherman Oaks hospital. | Vitte appeared in the IS “Car Wash," “Up InSmoke’f. 111 As “9 to 5” as well as an am| || a Mgh television roles, including most recent role as Codvf son in the canceled TVsk “The Quest.” lence. I Ga from a WE BELONG PIPES SNUFF SPrrroNS PIPE RACKS ROLLING PAPER CIGARS IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC LIGHTERS/FLUID IMPORTED CIGARETTES CUSTOM BLENDED TOBACCO CANDLES THAT KILL TOBACCO ODOm s o. H O. E during ■ Eig jutche men M son Id Assam bringh in 22 f official * CLASS of ’86 WA SPRING BALL MSC Town Hall MARCH 4, 9-1 am MSC BALLROOM TICKETS ON SALE IN MSC and Academic Building FEB. 21 - MARCH 4 for Are You Ready For i The Ant Invasion? Watch The Batt For Details!