The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 21, 1983, Image 8
local / state Battalion% February 21,! Spielberg comes to Texas Movie set location sought United Press International EL PASO — The man who brought you “E.T.” is consider ing filming part of his next movie in El Paso. Producer-director Steven 'Spielberg was in El Paso last .Sunday and Monday scouting locations for a forthcoming movie, according to Joe Sierra of the Greater El Paso Tourism "and Convention Bureau’s Film other members of the film’s pre- production crew to locations in San Elizario, Hueco Tanks and in the Avenue of the Americas area east of El Paso. “He’s a super guy,” Sierra said. “Real down to earth. He’s all heart.” which 300 El Pasoans may be hired as extras. Bill Newkirk of the Film Liason Office said de tails still are being worked out with Lower Valley County Com missioner Rogelio Sanchez for use of the historic area. Liaison Office. A portion of the movie is to be shot in El Paso’s ; Lower Valley. { Sierra escorted Spielberg and Sierra said location shooting for the film — titled “Fandango” — will take place in late May and early June at those locations. Historic San Elizario, part of the Missions Trail, would be the site of a wedding sequence in “They looked for this place all over Texas,” Sierra said. A spokesperson for Warner Bros. Films, which will distribute the movie, said “Fandango” is in pre-production. The spokesper son said Spielberg’s participa tion in the project may be li- pepe ® Spec/ Chili Con Queso and any Medium Size soft drink only 99C 12 p.m.-2 a.m. Sunday-wednesday 3312 s. College Bryan Open Daily 10:30-2 a.m. <pepM / MEXICAN FOOD 107 Dominik College Station Open Daily 10:30-2 a.m. Post Oak Mall Open 11 a.m.-9 p.m. r- * mited by his involvement in the sequel to “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” “Fandango” is a comedy in volving three former University of Texas students. Sierra said, one of whom inherits his pa rents’ strip-mining operation upon his return from Vietnam. Though locations across Texas will be used, much of the filming will take place in and around the Austin area. Sierra said that the film had a $6 million budget. He expects the two-week shoot to generate about Si million locally. Spielberg, 34, is the hottest di rector in films today. “E.T.” has made more money than any movie in history. Thursday it was nominated for nine Academy Awards, including Best Film and Best Director. Spielberg’s other box-office hits include “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and “Jaws.” His film debut was “Sugarland Ex press,” much of which was shot in Texas. Ambassador Viron P. Vaky spoke to Scona 28 about Latin American coun- T 1 S-0 Prescriptions Filled Glasses Repaired BRYAN 216 N. Main 799-2786 Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Sat. 8-1 COLLEGE STATION 8008 Post Oak Mall.. 764-0010 Mon.-Sat. 10-9 p.m. Texas State « Oeticae bc Since 1935. SCONA speaker sees ‘no simple solutions’ by Robert McGlohon Battalion Staff The nature of U.S.-Latin American relations has been sig nificantly altered, a former U.S. assistant secretary of state for in ter-American affairs said here Saturday. “Both the scenery and the actors have been changed,” Viron P. Vaky said during the final day of the SCONA prog ram “Latin America: Challenges and Alternatives.” The lens through which the United States views Latin Amer ican countries has been dis torted by stereotypes and mis conceptions, Vaky said, and no generalization about Latin America could be true. In the past, people have ques tioned the U.S. policy of using tax-payers’ money to bail-out troubled Latin Americaiul tiies. Vaky said. The' Stales instead should i what would happen if so:® c < huh t ies did not receircB ' 1 ' aid. dent; de Latin America,througfe® e S markable growth in tlitB a ! e tlthi Steak and Shrimp Dinner at Fort Shiloh: Only $ 9 95 ! Monday-Wednesday 5-10 p.m. Weekly! Includes a tender 6-7 oz. Ribeye Steak, three golden-fried Jumbo Shrimp, a baked potato or french fries, hot and fresh homemade rolls, tea or coffee and a trip to the best salad bar A Complete Meal! f F^T Mon.-Fri. Sat.-Sun. 1 I a.m.-2 p.m. 5 p.m.- 10 p.m. | 1 a.m.-l 0 p.m. SkiLoH | STEAKHOUSE 1 2528 S. Texas College Station 693-1164 the 1: 1 letH X World War II period, come an increasingly (®* or part of the world econoitB Iie | said. { Vaky said both the l® at * States and Latin AmerieB €C ‘ f ace several related problcBr the near future: — i in t eased unemplwW: 111 in countries sudi as Meaw °J — increased tion,” not only from America to the UnitedSti also between themore&i l.atin American countries. — repayment of the® Latin American external More than half the worUi ternal debt is owed bvlj American countries. — poor communicatiM] inability to see the situation the other side, which hat pered U.S.-Latin Amelia lions throughout the yean What looks to be a fail B mutually beneficialsoliMB given situation from P Washington viewpoint,coil B viewed from Latin Amerfl L tyrannical decree impost!P the United States by rigliN B superior economic and: L power, Vaky said. B And that, he said, musts ■ 1 here are no simple L solutions to the pfOHP F Latin America, he said an ■ t reating to the “Bunker® C its" of isolation or thepaW P tic outlook of “big WB won't work. What will work, he sa® B cooperation and work t® mutually acceptable and be cial goals. Vaky, a career foreign of ficer, is an associatedfi' research professor C ieorgetown University» of Foreign Service. Fountaim Forum presents CHRISTIANITY ON TRW - is Christianity credible in Today s World? — you be the judge-