The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 21, 1983, Image 4
local Battalion/Page 4 February 21 Student fees to be allocated SG reviews budget proposals by Patrice Koranek Battalion Staff The University Art Exhibits and the MSG Council and Dire ctorate were the last organiza tions to make bids for allocations of student service fees made by the Student Government fi nance committee. In open meet ings Friday afternoon, the com mittee reviewed the proposed budgets of those two groups. The coordinator of the Uni versity Art Exhibits, a part of the Cultural Programs Develop ment office, requested an alloca tion of about $30,000, which is what the UAE received last year. Joe R. Arredondo Jr., coordi nator, said UAE plans include the establishment of a museum on campus. A temporary com- ha University President Frank E. Vandiver to study the museum proposal. Texas A&M ranks near the bottom in terms of art compared to other universities across the state, Arredondo said. The UAE usually presents four exhibits each year. Money is needed to rent the exhibits, supply security at the showings and provide transportation for the exhibits, Arredondo said. The UAE also hopes to purch ase intrusion detectors to ex pand its security system. Cinema to the MSC Videotape Committee. Most of the items questioned by the finance committee in- mittee has been developed by The MSC Council president and vice presidents answered questions for more than four hours regarding the proposed budgets of MSC committees. The MSC committees within the council range from MSC Aggie Money spent on MSC programs is an invest ment in the future be cause many students who are influenced by MSC programs become major contributors to the Memorial Student Center. volved food purchases and capital outlay expenses by the committess. & & & & 4* & & & & & & & & Birthday “We are looking for the best student return on the student dollar,” said Blaine Edwards, fi nance committee chairman. Expenses incurred by the MSC committees often result from speakers who visit the Uni versity. Many times, a written contract states that a speaker will be taken to dinner in return for his presentation, the MSC Council president Todd Nor wood said. Transportation fees often are included too. Professional fees for commit tees like MSC Town Hall, Poli tical Forum and Great Issues also make up a large percentage of the expenses for the council, Norwood said. MSC Director James R. Reynolds also answered ques tions from the finance commit tee concerning allocations made to the administrative branch of the MSC Council. Wages and salaries for people working in the Browsing Library, Craft Center and Finance Office are some of the expenses Reynolds outlined. Reynolds said the money spent on MSC programs is an investment in the future because many of the students who are influenced by MSC programs become major contributors to the Memorial Student Center. The MSC Videotape Com mittee made a special bid for funds. The committee has drawn up plans for the Texas A&rM University Student Enter tainment Network, which would be a student-oriented cable tele vision station broadcast to all re sidence halls and lounges on campus. The group asked the finance committee to approve the allocation of $25,289 of stu dent service fees for the creation of TAMSEN. The finance committee voted on all requests for student ser vice fee allocations during a closed meeting on Saturday. It’s decision will be forwarded to Vice President for Student Ser vices Dr. John L. Koldus. From there the request moves to Van diver and then to the Texas A&M Board of Regents. pip pip pip pip pip pip pip pip p|p pip pip pip pt^ pi#» pt/* pi/* *A* pi/* p^ pi/* p|m piA^Sn* MSC HOSPITALITY PRESENTS -Scftofiirsmy FRIDAY, 700 PM 1985 RUDDER AUDITORIUM TICKETS ON SALE NOW Students & Senior Citizens s 3 50 — Non-students $ 6 00 AVAILABLE AT MSC BOX OFFICE Around RHA gets school of the year award Texas A&M hosted the Texas Residence Hall Assodnl convention this past weekend. Over 250 people fromacrosj Texas and Oklahoma attended. The theme of the convention was “Focus ’83 —Zoomit| on Your Talents.” At a banquet held in the Memorial Student Center,Tm| A&M was awarded the Texas Residence Hall AssntuwJ School of the Year by the convention. Kathryn Terry, president of Krueger Hall, was elected the convention as the new Gulf Coast Regional Director, f Student Y to sponsor charity run ug( 111 The Student Y Association is sponsoring a three-mi “Charity Chase” Sunday at 10 a.m. The race will slant front of G. Rollie White Coliseum. The entry fee is $5 at pre-registration and Sfithedar the race. All proceeds will be donated to the Special Olw] pics. Each entrant will receive a T-shirt and an certificated; ice cream cone at Swenson’s. Dl l ech communicators to organize Eng til The Technological Communications Society will organizational meeting for all students interested in acarre in technological communications. The meeting will lx? at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Room 150A4.I Building. Cookies and punch will be served. For more information contact Elaine Engstrom ai -"Bu"' 8086. * vie F in Fc Co-op Association to hold meeting h ar . The Co-op Student Association is holding a meeting Tuff day at 7 p.m. in Room 504 Rudder. On the agenda for the meeting are two speakers on inin nit view technicjues. All past, present and future co-op students are inviiedn ha: attend. :IHr ORC plans February fishing trip The MSC Outdoor Recreation Committee is pla fishing trip to Lake Whitney State Recreational AreaonFel 26. The main purpose of the trip is to get away fora weetai and enjoy plenty of rest and relaxation. Anglers canef first class fishing while non-fishermen can swim,canoc,i or just plain sleep. The cost of the trip will be $28 due upon sign-up.Rf traticm runs through Feb. 23 at the secretaries islanrf-j Room 216 MSC. A pre-trip meeting is planned for Feb.K 7:30 p.m. in Room 350-A MSC. Trip leaders are Mike Dennis, Stephen Jones andJa« F. Modiano. For further information please call 845151' Outdoor photo contest announced I The MSC Outdoor Recreation Committee is sponsoring photo contest. ’j The theme of the contest is “Essence of Outdoor Recr ( ' tion,” and photos must be submitted to the MemorialS |! dent Center, Outdoor Recreation Committee, Photo C® test, Box J-l Aggieland Station, College Station, Tts* 7 7843. _ ■ J The entry fee is $5. the deadline to enter is 5 p.m.Fell- Please include your name, address and phone number For more information call 845-1515 orcomebyRoonr- MSC. Sign-ups begin for softball leagues Softball teams interested in entering one of thethreeBn* City Open leagues being offered, can register M through March 16 for $175 and late registration on 17 through March 18 for $200 at 203 E. 29th Streetin For further information call 775-2204. The managflj meetings will be conducted at the same location on! as follows: Men’s Fast Pitch 6 p.m. Men’s Church Slow Pitch 7 p.m. Men’s Slow Pitch 8 p.m. If you have an announcement or item to submit for column, come by The Battalion office in 216 Ree nald or call Tracey Taylor at 845-2611. Police The following occurrences were reported to the University Police during the weekend: Thefts: • Feb. 18 The front wheel of a Schwinn bicycle was reported missing from a bicycle rack in front of Dorm 2. • Feb. 18 — Two signs from the campus golf course were taken. • Feb. 20 — Thirteen dollars was removed from a wal let in room 212 of Dorm 12. Burglary: beat • Feb. 18 Construction Co. trailo rll! : ing lot 7 was brokenif 10 ^ electric screwdriver, a ^ and a crescent wreiw’ taken. • Feb. 18'" coat and a watch were from a car in parking I' 11 Other reports: , • Feb. 18."’ A&M student reported-' 1 ' been harrassed by had been receiving phone calls since July