The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 21, 1983, Image 16
1 sports Battalion/Pagsii February 21, Aggies to play All-Stars in wheelchair basketball^ A wheelchair basketball game between the Texas A&M wheel chair basketball team and Coach Jackie Sherrill’s All-Star wheel chair basketball team will be held before the Texas A&M-St. Mary’s game, beginning at 5:30. Included on Sherrill’s team will be head yell leader Tom Joseph, former Miss Texas Sherri Ryman, Eagle sportswri- ters Jerry Waggoner and Neil Landsman, NFL and former Aggie football players Jacob Green and Curtis Dickey, Aggie basketball graduate assistant Milton Woodley, Battalion sports editor John Wagner, Olympic gold medalist Randy Matson and the director of In tramural-Recreational Sports, Dennis Corrington. w licclc hair basketballto| to spotlight the handn Dr. John Koldus, the vice president of student services, is also scheduled to play. Corrington said the purpose of the game is to promote the awareness of the Texas A&M athletes on the Texas] campus. Students will be admiij the game with aticketoru the Aggie game. The Aggie s meet itieM tonight at 7:30 in C. White Coliseum in a conf erence game.Texas! 1 3-1 ‘J lor the season,suilj South west Conference i The Aggies are in fouttl in the SWC. Reaching out staff photo by Bill Schulz Senior Ron Kowal lunges to make a return in one of Saturday’s matches. The men’s tennis team took first place in the Texas A&M 4-way tournament. For more information, see related story on page 14. Rifle team wins SWC SHRIMPARAMA championship match by Tracey Taylor Battalion Staff The Texas A&M rifle team won its first confer ence shooting championship in two years Sunday .— but at the same time may have lost a bid to the NCAA championships. Shooting in the .22 caliber rifle division at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, the Tour-man smallbore team of Chris Fedun, Glenn Park, Kurt Nauck and Todd Woodard beat the Unversity of Texas by 10 points, 4,389-4,379. In smallbore, each team member shoots 40 -shots in three different positions: prone, standing and kneeling. A total of 120 shots are fired — ] worth up to ten points apiece. A perfect individual score would be 1,200, and a perfect team score would be 4,800. The world record for individual !.22 free rifles in 1,190.- used for two purposes. Besides scoring for sec tionals, the match was used to decide the confer ence championship. The Aggies also took first in the . 177 caliber air rifle division, but again didn’t get the high scores they had hoped for. “We needed to shoot a 4,500 to make it in smallbore,” team captain Woodard said. “But that score would have meant near personal bests for all of us, so we concentrated more on air rifle. “Our guys were ready,” Rifle coach Maj. Richard Pitts said. “I don’t know why we shot so low. Everybody was at least ten points off their average, both us and Texas. We were lucky to win.” Texas A&M could have qualified for one of the eight spots at the championships in either small bore or air rifle had they shot the required scores. The scores shot in this smallbore match were “We did have a good shot in air rifle. In air rifle you shoot 40 shots standing for a possible score of 400. The air rifle team, which is Kurt, Glenn, Jerrold Scharninghausen and I, all had practice scores above 370, which would have made it easily. But during the match, three of us were way off our averages and we only shot a 1,459. That gives us about a one percent chance of an invitation (to the NCAAs).” MONDAY AND TUESDAY NIGHT $5.95 FRIED SHRIMP OUR REGULAR $7.95 Platter with all the trimmings Individually in the smallbore divison, Woodard finished in a third place tie with Texas A&M’s John Berry with a score of 1,104. Berry lost the tiebreaker and took fourth place. Lisa Higgins of Eastern New Mexico Military Institute (1,121) finished first and John Pence of UT (1,1 19) took second. IN CONCERT THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd 8:00 P.M. G. ROLLIE WHITE COLISEUM Tickets- $7, $8, & $8.50 MSC Box Office 845-1234 Option Pass Period Feb. 7-11 General Sales Feb. 14 AGGIE OWNED AND OPERATED CLASS ’60 HI ££’3 SSCTTOOD and STSCtK East 29th Street at Carter Creek m ■McDonald's DRIVE-THRU WINDOW MCDONALD’S INTRAMURAL HIGHLIGHTS At University Drive Now at Texas and S.W. Parkway At Manor East Mall McDonald ■ I BREAKFAST EVERY acob MORNING ive er ins Intramural Pre-Season Softball Tourn. Wrap-Up! The purpose of the Intramural Pre-Season Softball Tournament sponsored by the TAMU Sports Offi cials Association was twofold. First, to get the softball teams together and provide them with an opportunity to practice before the regularly sched uled softball season. Second, to pro vide softball officials with competi tive practice games so as to improve their officiating skills before regular season play. Sixty-four men’s teams, sixteen corec teams and five women’s Come “horse” around with us! Enter the Intramural Horseshoe doubles tournament. ENTRIES OPEN HORSESHOE DOUBLES: Grab a partner and come to the IM-REC Sports Office and register for the Intramural Horseshoe Doubles Tournament. Entries will be accepted now through Tuesday, March 1st. The best part? It’s free! All skill levels are offered and all equipment will be furnished. Fore more information come to 159 East Kyle or call 845- 7826. ENTRIES CLOSE: Don’t forget about getting your entry in for the Intramural Tennis Doubles Tourna ment. Entries are due in the IM- REC Sports Office, 159 East Kyle, by 7:00 p.m. tomorrow, February 22nd. So get into the swing of things today — before it’s too late! ENTRIES FOR INTRAMURAL WRESTLING: Will continue to he accepted at Weigh-In on Monday, February 28th, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in Room 173 East Kyle (Men’s locker room). Entries will close at that time. Room 260 of G. Rollie White is scheduled for wrestling practice tonight through Thursday evening from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. Al so, a last wrestling practice is sched uled for Monday, February 28th. For more information, contact the IM-REC Sports Office in 159 East Kyle or call 845-7826. Intramural Slam Dunk Finals During Halftime of A&M vs St. Mary’s Basketball Game Tonight! On Tuesday, February 15, TAMU Students competed for the five finalist positions in the Preliminary Intramural Slam Dunk Contest. The Final Slam Dunk Competition is tonight, February 21 during the halftime of the A&M vs St. Mary’s Men’s Basketball Game. Dan Nottebart, Bill Cleary, Mark Hixson, Mark Berrier and Alfred Ray will compete for the Slam Dunk Championship. Our thanks to Roy Jones and Jimmy Gilbert forjudging our preliminary competition. The preliminary slam dunks were judged on style, accuracy and creativity on a scale from 1 (poor) to 10 (outstanding). The dunks witnessed bv the judges and spectators ranged from Alfred Ray’s SLIDE- N-GLIADE, Mark Berrier’s TWO HAND REVERSE DUNK, Mark Hixson’s 180 DECREE SLAM to Bill Clearv’s BEHIND REVERSE SLAM. So. . . come cheer on your favorite Slam Dunk Finalist at halftime of the Aggie Men’s Basketball Game tonight, February 21 in G. Rollie White Coliseum! teams entered the tournament. In the Men’s Division, Carlos O’Willies ran away witli the game after the second inning by scoring 12 runs against the Silver Bullets. The final score of the game was Carlos O’Willies 15 and the Silver Bullets 6. Steve Willoughby scored 3 runs and six others scored two runs a piece for the winning team. Both teams played one game on Friday night and five games on Saturday in order to play in the championship game on Sunday morning. In the Women’s Division, the Free Agents shut out the Angels by a final score of 3-0. Runs were scored by Janet Braly, Mimi Morales and Lau ra Kelly. The Free Agents scored all their runs in the first inning. Three times the Angels completed an in ning by leaving the bases loaded. The game was exciting from begin ning to end despite the fact that the Angels were unable to score. In the CoRec Division, Last Chance came from behind to out- score the Hogs 13-8. By the second inning, the Hogs were on top of their opponents 4-1. But Last Chance came back with 4 runs in the third inning, 2 runs in the fourth and 5 runs in the fifth. Dave Weymond lead Last Chance in scoring with 3 runs. Gary Bristow and Scott Allen also scored two runs each for the winning team. All members of the aforementioned winning teams will be awarded team pictures. Due to the success of this tourna ment, the TAMU Sports Official’s Association will sponsor pre-season tournaments next year for football, volleyball, basketball and softball. Thanks to all those who par ticipated and congratulations to all the winners!!! n c( 0 Bust ation t( ' n K o 'prove. pined . In ; >piopr j>ns Co juhoriz Pled a °ni the J Com Pje cc teh an ; Jt of rt Pt beer Rep. Jackie Sherrill, Curtis Dickey, Jacob Green and Many More Tonight...5:3 p.m.. . . G. Rollie White Coliseum ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS McDonald’s® Intramural Highlights is sponsored each Monday in the Battalion by your local McDonald’s® Restaurants at University Drive, Manor East Mall, and on Texas Avenue. Stories are provided by members of the Intramural-Recreational Staff’. Photos are by Debbie Drillette and Tom Davies. Come see the highly skilled A&M Association of Handicapped vs. the Texas A&M All-Stars Wheelchair Basketball Game! The^' take place tonight at 5:30 p.m. in G. Rollie White Coliseumpriod 11 regularly scheduled Men’s Varsity Basketball Game (A&M vsSt W Your regular Men’s Varsity Basketball ticket will get you in to see!' games! The A&M All-Star Team will include: Jackie Sherrill Football Coach; Curtis Dickey, Baltimore Colts; Jacob Green, Seahawks; Sheri Ryman, Former Miss Texas; Neil Landsmanaiwf Wagonner, Eagle Sports Writers; Randy Matson, Olympic Gold .'I?' Track & Field; Tom Joseph, Head Yell Leader; Gary kubiaLQuarffj 1982 Football Team; John Wagner, Battalion Sports Editor; John^ Vice President for Student Services; Dennis Corrington, Dirfd* Intramural-Recreational Sports; Milton Woodley and Jimmy ffW*' graduate assistants for the 1982-83 Aggie Men’s Basketball Team Th roster for the A&M Handicapped Athletes includes: JimM;#' ki, David Panek, Carla Kassler, David Walker, Steve Magdalenst Spiegel, Larry Boldt, Steven Tips, Ron Menard, Monica Marquez-' Metcalf, Ray Olivas, Jim McMann, and Kit Kloepfer. The purpose of this game is to promote the A&M Associi |,t Handicapped Athletes and to spotlight the Wheelchair BaskelM ^ and other handicapped athletes on the campus of Texas A&M Um' f! I A ’ helpir |on . Sieph and sc JUiore state’s | At |12-tc In abc alter i , D 1 exas artm Jario fnissio |nd rt | a ge p ter a Jluctec Bonin wuere ■vent I Gat