The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 16, 1983, Image 4

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February 16,19!
Problems keep things lively
A day in the life of a dean
by Scott Griffin
Battalion Reporter
Trying to meet with a dean at
Texas A&M can be like going to
the family doctor. There are at
least three or four people wait
ing in line most of the day, busi
ness associates wander in and
out and a secretary keeps assur
ing you that you are next in line.
Bryan Cole, associate dean of
student affairs in the College of
Education, says the flow of stu
dents is normal in his job.
Cole says he loves his work,
which consists of conferring
with many students, but it does
not end there. He serves on at
least 15 committees, teaches, in
teracts with department heads,
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writes journal articles and puts
away paperwork at an incredible
At first glance. Cole appears
to be an average businessman.
He wears a three-piece suit,
works in a large office and has
three secretaries and graduate
assistants who help him.
But average is not the word to
describe this man.
Cole grew up in Marlin and
while in high school received a
congressional appointment to
West Point, the U. S. Military
Cole, who originally intended
to make the service his career,
served four years in Germany
and one in Vietnam. After Viet
nam, he returned to Texas and
received his doctorate degree
from Texas A&M in 1975. Cole
then became assistant to the
dean and has steadily worked his
way up to his current position.
His office is staffed with three
secretaries, who are as agile as
street policemen when it comes
to directing student traffic.
When students go to see him,
Cole seems friendly, yet firm
and to the point. His office is
spacious and comfortable as a
living room, with four soft chairs
to accommodate visitors and a
giant window that overlooks the
Cole sits at a large L-shaped
desk which is orderly, but stack
ed with books, journals and
other resource materials. Final
ly, memos, notes and various
papers bombard him, but Cole
survives it all. He knows exactly
what’s going on, and he seems
able to deal with virtually any
Now you know
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NEW YORK — The fatter the
fish, the shorter its storage life in
the freezer, says Linda O’Dier-
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problem that arises.
Cole deals with students in
the same fashion — no problem
surprises him.
He also is a master of manag
ing time — something he says
West Point taught him. Between
the faculty, students and paper
work, Cole finds time to play
racquetball, participate in the
Army reserves, and, most im
portant to him, be with his wife
and two children.
Cooperative Extension service.
She says fatty fish such as
mackerel, salmon and fresh
tuna have a storage life of three
months at zero degrees F, while
leaner fish such as haddock, cod
and swordfish can be kept up to
6 months at the same tempera
O’Diernd says fish and sea
food may be frozen safely for
longer periods, but flavor and
texture will deteriorate.
Quality loss also occurs when
fish and seafood are not pack
aged in moisture-proof, air
tight wrappings. Leaky packag
ing leads to freezer burn, or
white spots and white edges on
the fish or seafood.
Cole’s career at Texas A&M
has been colorful, including a
quick rise to his position as an
associate dean while garnering a
few awards along the way.
In 1980, he received the Dis
tinguished Service Award from
the MSC Council and Directo
rate for his work with various
student programs, and in 1979,
he received a Faculty Disting
uished Achievement Award for
Cole’s expertise in dealing
with students will be handy in
the next few years because the
College of Education is expand
ing quickly, he says.
Cole attributes the growth of
the college to the increase in jobs
for teachers. He says the job out
look for teachers is improving in
Texas because the recent influx
of people from the north.
As far as his own career is
concerned, Cole is happy here.
“I love my work here,” he
says. “I’ve had several opportu
nities to go some place else, but
I’ve stayed here because I enjoy
having control over programs
that mean something.”
Bar asks
of judge
United Press International
HOUSTON — The State Bar
of Texas has filed a lawsuit seek
ing disbarment of 1st Court of
Appeals Judge Ben G. Levy for
having sexual contact with a
female client before his election
last year.
The lawsuit filed Monday
said Levy, 55, violated two codes
of professional ethics in an inci
dent in a county jail room.
The complaint stems from
the allegation that Levy was
observed allowing the client to
place her hand inside his pants
on March 26.
Levy was convicted in April
of the misdemeanor charge of
sexual contact and sentenced to
15 days in jail and a $300 fine.
He is appealing the conviction.
Levy expressed “shock” at the
lawsuit and said he had not
heard from the Bar’s grievance
committee in Houston who filed
the lawsuit.
The suit asked that Levy be
reprimanded, suspended or dis-
It alleged that he violated
canons of the Bar’s Code of Pro
fessional Responsibility which
state “a lawyer shall not engage
in illegal conduct involving mor
al turpitude” and “a lawyer shall
not engage in any conduct that
adversely reflects on his fitness
to practice law.”
to begin
United Press International
HOUSTON — A Houston
lawyer representing 1,435 Viet
nam veterans has been named to
the nine-person team which will
try an Agent Orange lawsuit in
New York next June.
Attorney Benton Mussle-
white was named to the plain
tiffs’ team at a hearing Friday in
a federal district court in West-
bury, N.Y., and Musslewhite
named former Texas guberna
torial candidate Francis “Sissy”
Farenthold to lead his out-of-
court legal team.
Claims nationwide have been
consolidated in the New York
federal court suit. There, they
will argue in a first phase start
ing June 13 that eight chemical
companies including Dow and
Monsanto can be held liable for
the injuries.
If in the first phase the plain
tiffs prove that the chemical
companies can be sued, there
will be a second phase to hear
evidence on whether Agent
Orange is hazardous and what
its health effects are.
Around tom
Aggies reminded of Howdy Week
In case you hadn’t noticed, this week is Howdy Week.The
Traditions Council urges all Aggies to make a specialeffbn
this week to say Howdy to everyone you see.
Outdoor photo contest announced
The MSC Outdoor Recreation Committee is sponsoringa
photo contest.
The theme of the contest is “Essence of Outdoor Recrea
tion,” and photos must be submitted to the Memorial Stu
dent Center, Outdoor Recreation Committee, Photo Con
test. Box J-l Aggieland Station, College Station, Texas
The entry fee is $5. the deadline to enter is 5 p.m. Feb.25
Please include your name, address and phone number.
The photographs will he displayed in the MSC Lounge
from 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. March 2.
For more information call 845-1515 or come bvRoori
216 MSC.
Former chancellor to be honored
Dr. John C. Calhoun will be recognized for 12 yearsol
service to the Texas Coastal and Marine Council inacere
mony during the council’s meeting Thursday in the state
capital in Austin.
Calhoun, who retired last month as deputy chancellorfot
engineering for the Texas A&M University System, isi
founding member of the council, a non-regulatory advisor
body created by the Texas Legislature in 1971 to assistant!
advise lawmakers and others with respect to coastal re
sources management.
Calhoun resigned his appointment to coincide with hit
retirement from Texas A&M, which he served forfor2I
years. Governor Mark White has not yet named a successor
to Calhoun’s council position.
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Deadline for D.C. trip approaching
The MSC Political Forum is sponsoring a trip to Washing |
ton, D.C., during spring break that is scheduled toleavel
from Houston Intercontinental Airport March ISandtol
return March 19.
There is room for five or six more people to registerbiit|
they must go by the Student Programs Office before Friday.I
The $525 cost of the trip includes round-trip air fare,sk|
nights at the Capitol Hilton, some meals, an evening with tkj
National Symphony at the Kennedy Center and all tours I
A breakfast with several congressmen also is planned
A deposit of $210 for air fare and the evening aitk|
Kennedy Center must be turned in at 213 MSC bv Fridaj|
and the balance of the amount must he paid by Feb. 23,
Honor society taking applications
Attention sophomores: Applications are now being
accepted for membership in Tau Kappa, the junior honof
If you have at least 60 hours and a cumulative GPR of 3.25
or better, you can qualify to be a member.
To apply, you must attend one of the two mandator)
informational meetings. The meetings will be held Feb.21
and Feb. 24 at 7 p.m. in Room 301 Rudder.
Tau Kappa, a 50-member organization, was establishedat
Texas A&M in 1981 to promote scholarship, leadershipand
service. Tau Kappa sponsors such service projects as reading
for the blind and programs for the elderly.
If you have any questions about Tau Kappa, please cod'
tact Teddy Dela Cruz at 260-7807.
If you have an announcement or item to submit for tliis
column, come by The Battalion office in 216 ReedMcDo
nald or call Tracey Taylor at 845-2611.
Police beat
Correction: the 1974 Toyota
Celica was not stolen from the
South Bizzel parking lot on Feb.
13, it was obviously borrowed
because there was no damage to
the car and nothing was taken,
said Police Chief Schneider. The
car was found in parking lot 60.
Between Feb. 9 and Feb. 14
$533 of camera equipment was
stolen from a resident in Mcln-
nis Hall.
A set of IBM copier keys were
stolen from room 004 Helden-
fels Hall. One key was found
Tuesday morning broken off in
one of the copiers.
A Sony radio was stolen be
tween Feb. 11 and 14 from an
of fice in the Soil and CropSciffi
ces- F r 11 omology Center.
Between Feb. 9 and Hlj
ON A N 10 voltage generator*®
taken from the basement g
Zachry Engineering Center. R
Between Feb. 11 and 17dw
age was done to the side a l!!
There were two cases of®
initial mischief this week.®
parking lot 33 the rear wind®
was broken out of a 1932 Cw
rolet, and the glass panesin-l
phone booth on thesouthsitkl
the Veterinary Administrate
Building was kicked-in bya®
ler, who was apparently up>|
about his conversation.
Day students get their news from the Balt. |