The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 16, 1983, Image 1

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    mmm |Texas A&M
Serving the University community
1.76 No. 98 USPS 045360 16 Pages
mendment proposed
United Press International
AUSTIN — A Texas House com-
ittee has approved a proposed con-
btitutional amendment to earmark
$125 million annually in construction
[funds for schools not included in the
Permanent University Fund.
The Committee on Higher Educa
tion reported the bill to the full House
[On a 6-0 vote Monday. A Senate com
mittee is scheduled to take up the
legislation today.
Texas A&M and the University of
Texas are the only two state universi-
lies that share in the PUF, which is
Financed from earnings on oil-rich
state-owned lands.
An amendment to this bill would
allow predominantly black Prairie
View A&M University to receive at
least $600 million from the PUF dur
ing the next decade.
The measure, if approved by the
Legislature, would require approval
in a statewide referendum later this
House Speaker Gib Lewis said the
bill would probably be debated this
week by the full House.
College Station, Texas
Wednesday, February 16, 1983
Plane hijacked to Mexico;
passage to Cuba demanded
United Press International
Three men hijacked an airliner with
22 people aboard over central Texas
Tuesday and ordered it flown to the
Mexico border where the hijackers
negotiated with Mexican authorities
to be taken to Havana, Cuba, Mex
ican police said.
The Federal Aviation Adminis
tration in Washington D.C. said
there was only one hijacker, but
Romulo Certuche, commandant of
police in the Mexican border city of
Nuevo Laredo who negotiated with
the men, insisted there were three.
He said the men were armed with a
machine gun and a bomb.
Airline officials said the plane
carried 17 passengers, two company
employees and a crew of three. Af
ter landing in Nuevo Laredo, the
hijackers released six passengers —
five women and a man — leaving
them with 13 hostages.
“We have had a hijacking,” said
Mark Connell, vice chairman and
chief executive officer of the Texas
commuter airline headquartered in
Killeen, Texas. “This is the real
Connell said the aircraft, a De-
havilland 7 — a four-engine, 48-
passenger turboprop — was seized
at 10:27 a.m, between Killeen and
Dallas in north Texas, and ordered
flown to Nuevo Laredo. It landed at
the border city about at 11:45 a.m.
A rescue worker at the airport
said, “They want to go to Cuba.
They want to go to Cuba and they
requested a plane, possibly a Lear
Certuche identified two suspects
as Joey Gonzalez and Jose Sheycho-
lys. The third was not identified.
Police said they did not know where
any of the three were from.
The aircraft, flight 252 from Kil
leen to Dallas-Fort Worth Regional
Airport, was seized south of Dallas.
The pilot broadcast a hijack code to
ground stations, turned south and:
flew to Nuevo Laredo.
Rio Airways was formed in 1967
and serves Texas and Arkansas. It
owns 21 planes and flies 124 flights
“We haven’t been able to talk to
the crew yet, so we don’t know how
this came down,” Connell said.
Two dead after Mardi Gras
United Press International
NEW ORLEANS — More than a
million revelers packed the streets for
Mardi Gras but the celebration was
marred by the deaths of a woman shot
in a robbery and a sailor crushed by a
float while leaping for a souvenir.
Tuesday afternoon’s procession of
brightly colored floats was inter
rupted for more than half an hour
when a rig in the Crescent City parade
ran over the seaman.
Witnesses said Wilson Montague,
21, of Philadelphia lost his footing
while jumping for a cheap rubber-
and-wood spear thrown from the
float. His neck and head were bleed
ing profusely as he was rushed to
Charity Hospital.
“He saw t he spear and didn’t real
ize he was so close,” said witness Paula
Thompson. “He just went under it.”
Montague, assigned to the USS Au
stin, died after two hours of surgery, a
hospital spokesman said.
Less than two hours earlier, a Flor
ida woman was shot to death at a fried
chicken stand near the parade route
by a man who confronted her and
three friends demanding money.
Police said the man got away with
about $300 but shot Bernice Hollman
of Panama City in the face when she
told him she had only pocket change.
The woman and her friends were
heading home and had stopped for
something to eat, officers said. A sus
pect was being sought in the slaying.
Fat Tuesday festivities ended at
midnight — the official commence
ment of Lent.
Revelers decked out in glittering
costumes and faces painted in the
official Mardi Gras colors of purple,
gold and green began to jam city
streets shortly after sunrise, reserving
choice spots along parade routes.
“Throw me something, mister!”
yelled Laura Tyson, 81, of Missouri,
as she shoved a child out of the path of
a flying plastic cigar thrown from a
float in the Zulu parade.
“I’m AWOL from a nursing
home,” she said. “My kids sent me,
$200 for Valentine’s Day. They told
me I needed a new coat but I decided
I needed a new frame of mind in
Police said more than 1 million
people — enjoying the sunshine
crowded into a few square blocks of
the city for Mardi Gras festivities,,
lauded as the world’s largest free
SCON A delegates, speakers meet
to discuss Latin American affairs
by Connie Edelmon
Battalion Staff
The 28th annual Student Confer
ence on National Affairs, which be
gins today, deals with “The Latin
Americas: Challenges and Alterna
tives.” The conference will continue
through Saturday.
This year, 150 delegates from
around the world are expected at the
conference. Delegates from the Un
ited States are attending as well as 28
delegates from Scotland, Canada,
Mexico, Guatemala and Chile.
The 20 delegates who represent
Texas A&M were chosen by a com
mittee at the beginning of this
SCONA committee members do
not always act as delegates to the con
ference, but must go through the
same interview process as other stu
dents. A knowledge of the conference
topic is essential to being chosen as a
Val T. McComie, assistant secret
ary general of the Organization of
American States, will make the open
ing address at 2:30 p.m. today in Rud
der Theater.
Other conference speakers in
— Alfonso Quinonez Meza, presi
dent of Compania Hotelera Salva-
— Harry W. Shlaudeman, U.S.
ambassador to Argentina.
— Dr. Robert Z. Danino, secretary
general of the Ministry of Economics,
Finance and Trade in Nicaragua.
— Ambassador Viron P. Vaky, associ
ate dean and research professor in
diplomacy and north-south relations
at the School of Foreign Service,
Georgetown University, Washington,
— Professor Heitor Gurgulino de
Souza, vice president of the Federal
Council of Education of Brazil.
All speeches except Vaky’s are open
to the public, and further informa
tion on times and locations is available
in the Memorial Student Center.
Between speeches, delegates
attend round-table sessions. Each
table is moderated by co-chairmen
from business, political or academic
backgrounds who oversee the discus
sions, Christy Flanby, vice chairman
of publicity for the committee, said.
Round-table sessions are open to
the public.
Delegates will attend a perform
ance of “Evita,” dinner with the Corps
of Cadets, a night of dancing at the
Texas Hall of Fame, lunch with the
Singing Cadets, and a barbeque and
square dance.
The SCONA committee began
planning the conference in April. Af
ter choosing the topic, the committee
conducted fund drives and raised
Hanby said funds were contributed
by former students, businesses and
! i
Around Town
Police Beat
What’s up
^lear to partly cloudy today with a
ligh of 62. Variable winds at 5'to 10
ttph. Partly cloudy for tonight and
i low near 40. Clear to partly
cloudy on Thursday with a high
near 66.
United Press International
Today is Wednesday, Feb. 16,
the 47th day of 1983 with 318 to
The moon is moving toward
its first quarter.
The morning stars are Mer
cury, Jupiter and Saturn.
The evening stars are Venus
and Mars.
Those born on this date are
under the sign of Aquarius.
Henry Wilson, 18th vice pres
ident of the United States, was
born on this date in 1812 and
American historian Henry
Brooks Adams, in 183$.
On this date in history:
In 1923, the treasure-laden
tomb of Tutankhamen — “King
Tut” — was opened by
archeologists in Egypt’s Valley
of the Kings.
Local clinic directors say law
won’t decrease sexual activity
by Jane G. Brust
Battalion Reporter
On the first visit, young women en
ter the building anxiously, cautiously.
They anticipate meeting scornful, cu
rious eyes behind the counter. But
instead, cheerful welcoming faces
greet them and seat them.
Such young women say it isn’t easy
to walk into a family planning center
for the first time. But after that initial
visit, having gynecological checkups
and asking for birth control supplies
is natural and necessary, they say.
A New York federal judge agrees.
U.S. District Judge Henry F. Werker
this week blocked implementation of
the parental notification rule that was
scheduled to take effect Feb. 25. But
federal authorities say they aren’t
sure ahether the temporary block ap
plies to the entire country.
Meanwhile, additional hearings
are underway in other federal cour
trooms, and those decisions could
launch an appeal from the Justice De
The parental notification rule, also
known as the “squeal law,” was prop
osed by the Reagan administration. It
focuses on more than two million
females under 18.
The rule would require 5,000 fed
erally funded family planning clinics
to notify parents within 10 days of
their minors’ receiving perscription
birth control — specifically, pills,
diaphragms and intrauterine devices.
This applies to clinics receiving feder
al funds under the Title X family
planning program.
The proposal also states that only
one parent needs to be informed by
certified mail. The only exception
would be if clinicians suspect that
physical harm to the minor would re
sult from parental notification.
The rule has been the subject of
lawsuits charging that the regulations
are unconstitutional and that they
represent an abuse of authority by
Health and Human Services Secret
ary Richard Schweiker. Schweiker re
portedly has called the proposal “a
reasonable balance” between the
necessity of birth control supplies and
the need to preserve parental roles.
Proponents of the rule say it would
promote communication between pa
rents and teen-agers by encouraging
teens to consult their parents.
Ultimately, the rule would de
crease sexual activity among the na
tion’s young people, proponents say.
Opponents were quick to call that
idea nonsense.
Private physicians and professional
organizations — including the Plan
ned Parenthood Federation of Amer
ica — have filed lawsuits to block the
rule. Those suits still are pending, but
opponents say they are pleased with
Werker’s stay.
Such organizations as the Amer
ican College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists, the American Civil
Liberties Union and the Girls Clubs of
America have voiced their disapprov
al of the parental notification rule.
Their forecast calls for national cri
sis if the rule were implemented. Eve
Paul, Planned Parenthood’s vice pres
ident for legal affairs, reportedly has
called the proposed regulation an
“outrage,” saying it “threatens the
health and well-being of hundreds of
thousands of teen-agers and their
Locally, the College Station Plan
ned Parenthood clinic would not have
to comply with such a rule because its
funding is classified under Title XX,
not Title X, and government inter
vention is not an issue.
But Sally Miller, the coordinator of
that clinic, echoed Paul and other
professionals who say parental notifi
cation would result in increased num
bers of unwanted pregnancies and
abortions nationwide, as well as more
cases of venereal disease.
Miller said young people are acting
maturely and responsibly in seeking
assistance from family planning agen
“Sex education and birth control
information should be in the home or
church — that’s my personal opin
ion,” Miller said. “But if that doesn’t
work, it’s reasonable to seek informa
tion and supplies elsewhere, to pre
vent the disastrous alternatives.”
Young people who cannot leave
the community to travel elsewhere for
birth control supplies, and who do not
have family communication would
suffer most, she said.
A number of Miller’s clients
Interviews with clients at the local
Planned Parenthood clinic verbalized
both fear and anger.
A 21-year-old said: “The older
generation is trying to inflict morality
and stop the sexual revolution. But if
a 17-year-old is old enough to have
sex, and old enough to plan ahead, it’s
not the parent’s business.”
Several clients said the minors who
are taking precautions in their sexual
activity now would risk pregnancy
rather than confide in their parents.
“I know for sure I would have
taken chances if it (the rule) applied to
me,” the 21-year-old said. “Kids are
naive. Girls will put the responsibility
in the hands of the fellows because
they’re not smart enough to get any
other method.”
Miller said “putting it in the hands
of the fellows” most likely would mean
a couple would rely on condoms and
foam, or condoms only, for birth con
trol, rather than on the pill,
diaphragm or IUD — methods that
usually are more effective.
“About 90 percent of our clients
have already been sexually active be
fore coming in here for a good
method of birth control,” Miller said.
One client said she waited until her
18th birthday before coming to the
Planned Parenthood clinic, for fear
her parents would be contacted.
“If this rule takes effect,” she said,
“people like me who can’t tell their
mothers and fathers won’t come in.
“I think my parents are smart
see Clinic page 10
staff photo by Irene Mees
The same old thing?
Associated General Contractors President Steve Moreno,
standing, and AGC public relations man Joel Morris pose
for an old-timey photograph. The photographs, taken in
Langford Architecture Building, are being sponsored by
the AGC for its fund raiser. Moreno is a senior building
construction major from San Antonio, and Morris is a
junior building construction major from Dallas.