The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 14, 1983, Image 1
his Monda HHi ■ Texas A8cM The Serving the University community Vol. 76 No. 96 USPS 045360 14 Pages College Station, Texas Monday, February 14, 1983 Li Hinckley will survive overdose, doctors say .« * Ihp 1*11^9911 1 — staff photo by David Fisher Reaching for it Rick Beardon, a member of the Aggie lacrosse team, battles with a University of Houston player for the ball while teammate Joey Donahue, number 16, watches. The Aggies won 13-3 Saturday at the main drill field. United Press International WASHINGTON — Presidential assailant John W. Hinckleyjr. took an overdose of drugs in his mental ward and was in serious condition today but doctors said they expected him to sur vive. It was Hinckley’s third presumed suicide attempt since shooting Presi dent Reagan and three other men March 30, 1981. “He is presently in stable but se rious condition. He is on the respir ator. His vital signs are stable. He is restrained somewhat,” said Dr. Jim Levy, president of Greater Southeast Community Hospital. Hinckley, acquitted by reason of in sanity last year of trying to kill the president, swallowed the unidentified drugs Sunday at St. Elizabeths Hos pital and was rushed to Greater Southeast Cornmunity Hospital. One doctor said the dose was potentially deadly and it would be 24 hours before it can be determined whether Hinckley, 27, is “out of the woods.” A nurse was inside Hinckley’s room today to monitor vital signs. Security was tight at the hospital. Hospital spokesman Wayne Pines said Hinckley was found in his ward at the mental hospital at 7:15 a.m. Sun day and taken to the Southeast hospit al for emergency care. Levy told reporters Hinckley was in “a serious but stable condition.” At 9 p.m. hospital spokeswoman Stepha nie Mcneill said Hinckley’s condition was unchanged. Asked whether Hinckley was in any danger of dying, Levy said, “Yes he is.” “I cannot give you a prognosis,” he said. “We have every reason to believe he is going to be all right. We think he is going to be all right. (But) I will not be able to tell you until the next 24 hours whether he is out of the woods. He is still in serious condition. Officials said Hinckley was brea thing with difficulty and looking blue when he was taken to the hospital where is stomach was pumped and doctors administered cardiopulmon ary resuscitation. Hinckley had tried to kill himself twice before. Pines said it was a “reasonable assumption” that Hinc kley again had attempted to take his life, but a final determination could not be made pending a full investiga tion. Levy and Pines declined to say what drug Hinckley took but officials spe culated it may have been his pre scribed medicine. “Hinckley did take a substance. We have some ideas but would not want to characterize it,” Levy said. Pines said Hinckley was found on the floor in his room in semi conscious condition face up. There was vomit next to him, he said, and indications were he had fallen off his bed. Hospital officials said they expect Hinckley to be returned to St. Eli zabeths following an expected re covery. They said Hinckley’s parents, John and JoAnn Hinckley of Evergreen, Colo., had been notified. The movie “Taxi Driver,” which Hinckley has said sparked his linger ing infatuation with actress Jodie Fos ter, was shown on a Washington area television station Friday night. Levy said “my information is that he did not” see the movie. Hinckley has said he shot Reagai to impress Miss Foster, who played child prostitute in the movie, whicl featured a loner stalking a politica candidate. In written responses to question submitted by United Press Interna tional last fall, Hinckley said he hac hopes of being released from th< mental hospital and declared, “I an not suicidal.” A federal jury acquitted Hinckley June 21, 1982, of charges of attemp ting to kill Reagan and shooting three others. He was ordered confined at St. Elizabeths indefinitely. During his first suicide attempt, Hinckley secretly saved an undis closed quantity of an aspirin substi tute at the federal correctional facility at Butner, N.C., and took an overdose one afternoon. Law enforcement officials characterized the incident as an attempt to harm himself. T he second time, Hinckley jam med the lock of his jail cell at the Army stockade at Fort Meade, Md., and fashioned a noose from a jacket. He hung for three to five minutes before federal marshals could cut him down. Gramm calls election win a victory for his principles ^Search for Texas ugitives begins United Press International MEDINA, N.D. — Police sear ched today for two members of a paramilitary tax protest group who killed two U.S. marshals with machine gun fire, wounded three other law officers and then lied in an unmarked police car, authorities said. Local police, state and county authorities, marshals and FBI agents flown in from Washing ton joined the manhunt for parole violator Gordon Kahi, 65, of Midland, Texas, and one of his followers, identified as Scott Faul. Kahl’s son, Yorie, 23, was cap tured shortly after the shoot-out when he went to a Jamestown hospital with a stomach wound. A woman believed to be the younger Kahl’s wife fled on foot and was captured soon after the shooting. Both Yorie Kahl and the woman were charged with aiding and abetting the shooting of a federal officer. by Patrice Koranek Battalion Staff Phil Gramm called his victory in Saturday’s special election “no acci dent” and said that it was not a per sonal victory, but a victory for the principles he has supported — reduc ing the size and budget of the federal government — during his four years as congressman. Gramm received 55.1 percent of the votes cast for representative of the 6th Congressional District. His closest opponent, former congressman Dan Kubiak, garnered 39.4 percent of the vote. John Henry Faulk, who received 3.7 percent, was the only other oppo nent in the 11-man race to receive more than one percent of the vote. “I’m very grateful to the people in the district for the vote of confi dence,” Gramm said. “The margin was bigger than I expected and we ran a little stronger than I thought we would.” Since Gramm received 55 percent of the vote, a runoff election will not be needed. “I’m pleased to have defeated 10 opponents without a runoff,” Gramm said. “I’m especially proud of the fact that I carried counties that are tradi tionally Democratic.” Gramm telephoned President Ronald Reagan Saturday night to in form him of the victory. Reagan con gratulated Gramm on the win and said, “God bless you and welcome back.” Kubiak, the leading Democratic candidate, said he thought he made a good showing for what he called a 23-day “David and Goliath cam paign.” He raised about $60,000 for his campaign effort. “We faced an incumbent with lots of name recognition and actually a $ 1 million campaign,” he said. “We were forced into the fight with one hand tied behind us and nearly pulled it out. “We lost the election but we’re not conceding. We’ll be around for two years to expose the record.” Kubiak said he plans to run for the same office in the next election. Gramm, who had $206,000 left from his previous campaign and raised another $500,000, used most of his funds for radio and television advertising. Voter turnout in Saturday’s elec tion was moderate with 34 percent of the voters going to the polls. Turnout in Brazos County was slightly higher — 41 percent of the voters went to the polls. Gramm, former Texas A&M eco nomics professor, gained overwhelm ing support in three counties that col lectively have almost half of the dis trict’s voters. He won with a decisive 4-1 margin in Dallas County and took Montgomery County by a 3-1 margin. Turnout in those counties was consi dered moderate to heavy. In Brazos County, Gramm’s home and the place where he began his poli tical career, he won by a 2-1 margin. Brazos County voters turned out to give Gramm 66 percent of the vote and Kubiak 28 percent. Kubiak won six of the 14 counties in the district, but most of those were by slim margins. Overall he received 33,162 votes to Gramm’s 46,334. Gramm forced the special election when he resigned his seat as a Demo crat in the U.S. House of Representa tives on Jan. 5. Grarpm resigned after Democratic leaders ousted him from the House Budget Committee be cause of his support of President Reagan’s economic recovery plan. Gramm’s success in the election did not guarantee him a position on the budget committee. Gramm, however, said he will be named to the House Budget Committee when he is sworn in this week. ’olice report •egins today [Starting today, a campus police re- port will appear daily in The Batta lion. Today’s report is on page four. inside Classified 8 seal 3 Rational 8 Opinions 2 1 sports 11 [tate 3 that’s up 10 forecast lartly cloudy skies today with the :pigh near 61. Southeast winds at 15 Bo 20 mph. Becoming mostly Jloudy tonight with a 40 percent ■hance of thundershowers and a ftnv near 49. Continued mostly ■oudy on Tuesday morning with a ■0 percent chance of showers. Juesday’s high will be about 60. almanac United Press International Today is Monday, Feb. 14, the |Pj>thday of 1983 with 320 to follow. This is Valentine’s Day. Those born on this day include B)lish astronomer Nicolaus Coper- |i|cus in 1473, English economist pomas Malthus in 1766, Amer- in suffrage leader Anna Howard law in 1874, and comedian Jack snny in 1894. EPA may allow banned herbicide to be sold, used United Press International BOSTON — Despite, a ban on a herbicide containing dioxin, the deadly chemical that has severely con taminated at least 22 sites in Missouri, the Environmental Protection Agen cy may permit a chemical company to continue to sell the substance, a Bos ton newspaper reported. According to a report in the Bos ton Globe Sunday, the EPA is nego tiating an agreement with Dow Che mical Co., the company that makes the herbicide 2,4,5-T, to allow wider use of the chemical. The report also said 2,4,5-T still is being sprayed on thousands of rice fields and cattle ranges in the United States. In 1979, the EPA issued a ban on 2,4,5-T that led government officials to believe that the ban covered all uses of the herbicide. However, it did not. Charles Benbrook, staff director of a congressional subcommitee that deals with herbicide issues, initially told a reporter that 2,4,5-T was ban ned. After checking, he said he “was surprised and a little disturbed” to find that many uses of the herbicide had never stopped. Patrick Tobin, acting director of the EPA’s criteria and standards divi sion, said the July 1981 study was sent to EPA deputy adminstrator John Hernandez “months ago.” Benbrook said the long delay in publishing the study “is usual practice when a study is contrary to the pre vailing political stance of the agency.” “Since they can’t change the study without impinging on the rights and research of the scientists, they just sit on it and keep saying it is under re view,” Benbrook said. Dixoin is a byproduct of many che micals, including 2,4,5-T, which is used to kill broadleaf weed on rice and cattle-grazing land. Experiments on laboratory animals show that the dioxin in 2,4,5-T causes cancer, birth defects and damage to the liver and other organs at very low' levels of exposure. A water-quality study completed by the EPA but never published con cluded that the form of dioxin found both at the Missouri sites and in the herbicide 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo- p-dioxin is “one of the most toxic sub stances known.” “It exhibits a delayed biological re sponse in many species and is highly lethal at low doses to aquatic organ isms, birds and mammals,” the study said. Dow Chemical argues that “the small theoretical risk posed by the trace amounts of dioxin in 2,4,5-T is well within acceptable limits.” The company argues that use of dioxin-contaminated 2.4,5-T should be allowed because the risk is “lower than other commonplace carcinoge nic risks found acceptable by society.” ■ A' ■ -. |r Ip V Mm. 4" ■ < - 'V * '--v - ■mm Home at last photo by Dena L. Brown After a 24-hour field training exercise in to A&M. Eight helicopters deposited 50 to Nacogdoches, Army ROTC cadets in the 60 “rangers” — cadets who want extra Rudder’s Rangers Company return Sunday adventure training — at the polo field.