The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 10, 1983, Image 1

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    Texas A&M
Serving the University community
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1.76 No. 94 USPS 045360 22 Pages In 2 Sections
College Station, Texas
Thursday, February 10, 1983
sraeli cabinet meets;
)fficiars fate at stake
p will l
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■ United Press International
RUSALEM — Prime Minister
tijuchem Begin called a third
i net meeting today on the Beirut
|j>acre report to decide the fate of
inse Minister Ariel Sharon — and
}siil>ly that of his entire govern-
jin’s Cabinet failed to decide in
kings Tuesday and Wednesday
ther to accept the findings of the
-man commission of inquiry on
leirut slaughter, including a re-
linendation Sharon quit or be
IcDonil —^
■“Histon ’
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l Jane
Israel Television said today’s meet
ing would be the last Cabinet session
on the commission’s recommenda
tions, adding Begin has decided on a
course of action, but gave no details
on the prime minister’s decision.
The investigating panel recom
mended Sharon be ousted for his
“personal responsibility” in the Sept.
16-18 massacre by Israeli-backed
Christian militiamen of hundreds of
residents of two Palestinians refugee
A senior Israeli official said Begin
does not want to fire Sharon. This
would leave Begin the options of res
igning himself, possibly forming a
new Cabinet without Sharon or plac
ing him in a lesser ministry, or calling
new elections.
Public opinion polls show Begin’s
popularity has not suffered because
of the massacre and he would be likely
to increase his support in the Israeli
parliament in such a vote.
Amid Wednesday’s frantic political
maneuvering, Begin met alone with
Sharon and also conferred with U.S.
special envoy Philip Habib on the
Lebanese negotiations.
The Cabinet Wednesday put off a
decision to adopt the recommenda
tions after Chief of Staff Lt. Gen.
Rafael Eitan said two army generals,
also criticized for their roles in Leba
non, asked to plead for leniency to
save their careers.
During a three-hour emergency
meeting, a majority of Cabinet minis
ters were in favor of accepting the
commission’s recommendations,
Cabinet Secretary Dan Meridor said.
omedian tells Aggie crowd
31zicks must control destiny
photo by Dena Brown
by Karen Schrimsher
Battalion Reporter
ack people must wake up to reak
iid Cake charge of their own des-
k[ says civil rights activist and come-
an Dick Gregory.
■When are you black folks going to
“your act together?” he asked
pressed in a blue warm-up suit,
egory spoke to a group of about
in Rudder Auditorium. The
Ht was co-sponsored by the MSC
ack Awareness Committee and
if Great Issues Committee in hon-
(If Black History Month.
Gregory said that blacks will be
|to liberate themselves only if they
allowing themselves to be man-
ated and straighten out their
Gregory, whose presentation re
sembled a comic routine more than a
speech, said he was concerned with
the number of black student athletes
at Texas A&M in comparison with the
total number of black students. He
advised black mothers against “rais
ing gladiators (football players) for
white people’s institutions.”
He also said that educational insti
tutions are responsible for mass man
ipulation of students. Schools teach
people how to make a living — not
how to live, Gregory said.
“There are no good schools in
America,” he said. “They are all here
for one purpose — to manipulate —
not to educate. If you can’t see it, then
you’re crazy.”
Civil rights activist and
comedian Dick Gregory
Gregory, who was a member of the
the track team when he attended
Southern Illinois University, also ex
pressed his concern for physical fit
Speaking about Black History
Month, Gregory quipped: “It used to
be Negro History week, now it’s Black
Month. You would know they’d give
us that old short month — February.”
Gregory also said that it is ridicu
lous for blacks to celebrate George
Washington’s birthday because
Washington was a slave master. He
likened the situation to Jews being
forced to celebrate Hitler’s birthday.
Since Martin Luther King Jr.’s
birthday is not recognized as a nation
al holiday, blacks should take one any
way, Gregory said.
“Evita” — Aggie style
Jody Stablein, a sophomore marketing major from
Houston, performs a medley of songs from the musical
“Evita” with the Century Singers Wednesday in the MSC
Lounge. The concert, sponsored by the MSC Opera and
Performing Arts Society, promotes “Evita,” which will be
performed here Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Graduate college
responds to report
teagan proposes lower wages
or teens to up job chances
United Press International
Washington — President
lagan blames increases in unem-
jyment of unskilled teenagers on
ie minimum wage law and says
ths should be exempted from its
visions to improve their chances
etting a job.
[The line on the chart foi unem-
Jyment for teenagers goes right
long increasing with the increase in
illinium wage,” Reagan told a
mp of regional editors and broad-
ers Wednesday.
He said government demands on
employers, such as a higher minimum
wage and Social Security payments,
have made it “impossible” for unskil
led young people to find employment
at the apprentice level.
“The employer just can’t afford to
take these young people on,” he said.
“I believe the minimum wage never
should have been applied to young
people looking for summer jobs, af
ter-school jobs,” the president said.
He said elimination of the wage stan
dard for teenagers “would be the
right thing to do.”
The unemployment rate in Janu
ary for teenagers was 22.7 percent,
45.7 percent for black teens. The
minimum wage is $3.35. Reagan has
proposed a sub-minimum wage of
$2.50 for teenagers doing summer
Reagan’s appearances before the
media groups have been marked by
his strong defense of the administra
tion’s approach to social programs.
He insisted “the safety net is intact
and is providing for those people who
have real need.”
Reagan indicated he plans no re
treat on his military spending, despite
attacks on the size from Democrats
and Republicans on Capitol Hill.
Furthermore, he said, he has the
backing of the voters because they
don’t believe “in a fire sale on national
“Defense spending is not the cause
of our economic problems, and with
out it we would have no chances to get
agreement with the Soviet Union (on
disarmament),” he said.
by Robert McGlohon
Battalion Staff
As a result of the recent report on
minority conditions at Texas A&M,
the Graduate College has started a
$117,000 fellowship program to
attract qualified minority students.
“I’m glad that we have the Minor
ity Merit Fellowships program in
place,” said Dr. George W. Kunze,
dean of the Graduate College. “And
we’re going to be working hard at it to
increase our minority enrollment.”
The Minority Merit Fellowships
program offers qualified minority
students $7,800 a year. The 15 fellow
ships require no duties of the gradu
ate students, but candidates must
maintain satisfactory academic
The lengths of the fellowships will
vary. Students in a master’s gram will
receive two-year fellowships. Post
master’s students who are working to
ward a doctoral degree will receive
three-year fellowships. Doctoral can
didates with bachelor’s degrees will
receive four-year fellowships.
The Minority Merit Fellowships
program is the first program aimed at
recruiting minorities that has been
offered by the Graduate College. The
college previously was limited to re
cruiting minorities through graduate
A graduate assistantship is not a
fellowship or a grant, but ajob. Quar
ter-time graduate assistants work 10
hours a week, usually in teaching-
laboratories. Assistants are responsi
ble for preparing and conducting labs
and grading lab assignments. They
are paid $250 to $500 a month.
Kunze said the purpose of the fel
lowship program is to comply with
federal regulations concerning the
percentage of minorities at Texas
A&M. Last fall, 285 — or 5 percent —
of 5,729 Texas A&M graduate stu
dents were minorities.
“We have a quota to fill and this is
one means by wbich we’re attempting
to meet this goal,” Kunze said.
He has sent an announcement of
the program to each of the more than
360 members of the Council of Gra
duate Schools of the United States.
Kunze hopes to fill all 15 of the
fellowships in the program, but he
said that may not be easy. Based on
the experiences of other schools with
similar programs, the Graduate Col
lege probably will have problems
finding enough qualified candidates,
he said.
Applications are due April 1.
$ inside
Blassified . 12
ational. 11
pinions 2
b'orts 13
:ate 4
1 ■'hat’s up 8
artly cloudy skies today with a
Jigfi of 67. The winds will be north-
[Westerly at 10 to 15 mph. Partly
|0udy tonight with a low of 40. For
Ifiday, cloudy to partly cloudy in
lie morning and becoming clearer
h the afternoon. Friday’s high will
tfe about 66.
United Press International
oday is Thursday, Feb. 10, the
|lst day of 1983 with 324 to follow.
American journalist William
[Hen White was born Feb. 10,
168. Comic actor Jimmy Durante
|as born on the same date in 1893,
was actor Robert Wagner, in
On this date in history:
In 1763, the Treaty of Paris en-
:d the Seven Years’ War between
ritain and Spain.
In 1942, the American auto in
dustry shut down its civilian car
isembly lines for the duration of
odd War II and converted to
lilitary production.
In 1962, U-2 spy-plane pilot
Jrancis Gary Powers was returned
B) the United States in exchange
t)i Soviet spy Rudolf Abel.
Student Senate bill
has chancellor’s OK
by Kelley Smith
Battalion Staff
A two-part constitutional
amendment must be passed to
protect the Permanent University
Fund and keep it within the Texas
A&M and University of Texas sys
tems, System Chancellor Arthur
Hansen told the Student Senate on
The amendment was proposed
in a bill by the Legislative Study
Group, a Student Government
committee that plans to lobby be
fore the state Legislature.
The bill, which was unanimous
ly approved, called for the Avail
able University Fund — proceeds
from bonds issued against PUF
land — to be made available to
Prairie View A&M University. The
AUF is divided between Texas
A&M and the UT main campuses.
Texas A&M receives one-third
and UT receives two-thirds of the
Hansen, speaking to the Senate
in support of the student bill, said
Prairie View A&M has been neg
There have been arguments
that when Prairie View was begun,
it was meant to be a part of a uni
versity of first class, Hansen said.
Therefore some people feel that
Prairie View should have had ac
cess to the PUF from the first day it
was opened.
“The AUF would now be used
for the maintaining of excellence
at Texas A&M and Prairie View
University,” Hansen said.
The money would be appropri
ated by the Texas A&M Board of
Regents. Hansen said the Board of
Regents could be trusted to act in a
fair and equitable manner.
UT also recognizes that the
problem of funding for Prairie
View A&M is not limited to Texas
A&M, Hansen said. UT adminis
trators have agreed to give Prairie
View $60 billion from their AUF
over a 10-year period.
The student bill also called for
the establishment of an alternative
source of funding for the other 17
state-supported schools in Texas.
If both parts of the amendment
do not pass, the PUF will be
threatened, Hansen said. The next
attempt to get funds for the other
schools will be an attack on the
PUF that will try to break it up, he
“For several years, non-PUF
schools have looked on the PUF
with envy,” he said.
The bill would allow bonds to be
issued at 30 percent of the value of
PUF land, versus the current rate
of 20 percent. It also would allow
the bond proceeds to be used for
construction at all campuses within
the Texas A&M and UT systems.
Approval of the student bill au
thorizes the Legislative Study
Group to lobby in support of the
bills that correspond to the Stu
dent Senate bill.
On Wednesday, Gov. Mark
White proposed a constitutional
amendment on college construc
tion financing, declaring it an
emergency item.
The proposal, which agrees
with the position supported by the
Student Senate, would establish a
permanent fund for the state-
supported colleges not in the
Texas A&M and the UT systems.
New lock systems installed
in six women’s dormitories
by Kim Schmidt
Battalion Staff
Residence hall security, which has
been questioned in recent weeks be
cause of several violent incidents, has
been upgraded this week with the in
stallation of new locking systems in six
women’s dormitories.
Clements, Haas, Hobby, McFad-
den, Neeley and Underwood halls
have received new security systems,
which have been in planning stages
since December. Legett Hall will have
its security system installed by the
middle of next week, said Glenn Fer
ris, housing operations supervisor.
Installation of the system comes
after several violent incidents occur
red here last fall and this semester.
One rape and 10 assaults were re
ported at Texas A&M last semester.
The new security system involves
issuing keys to more than 1,750
women living in seven dormitories,
Ferris said. The keys unlock outside
entrances to the halls. Entrances will
be locked every night after visitation
hours and will re-open at 8 a.m.
Ferris said he thinks the $2,500
system will prevent people from wan
dering uninvited into the dormitories
at night.
“We’re all excited about it (the
security system) and hope it is success
ful,” Ferris said.
Dormitory residents have been
briefed on the new system and
cautioned not to lose their keys, he
“The women seem very positive
and appreciative of the security
effort,” he said.
Susan Vaughn, head resident of
Clements, where keys were distri
buted last Thursday, said residents
feel more secure with the new system.
Other head residents said they are
glad to see the new system, but said
they know it cannot solve all the secur
ity problems.
Deborah Lancellp, head resident
of Mosher Hall, said crime awareness
should be increased with the in
creased security.
“It (the security system) is not
going to be perfect until residents are
aware and take some more responsi
bility for their own security,” she said.
Vaughn said: “Some girls won’t
lock their doors no matter what. But
now we’re at least limiting entry in
some way.”
In addition to the upgraded secur
ity systems in the six women’s dormi
tories, other residence halls are in
itiating new systems following the
rash of rapes and assaults that have
plagued Texas A&M'in the past few
Visitors to Cain Hall, the men’s
athletic dormitory, now are required
to sign in and out at the main entrance
after 7 p.m. All other doors are locked
after this time.
Briggs Hall also has a new security
system. Installed on a trial basis last
fall semester, the system allows all
four entrances to the hall to be se
cured by push-button combination
Fiona McCracken, head resident
of Briggs, said that although the lock
system is taken more seriously now,
residents were careless with it in the
“Last semester, the number got out
and the whole (Quadrangle) knew
what it was even before the semester
see DORMS, page 5
Combination lock system
in use at Briggs Hall