The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 09, 1983, Image 3

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February 9, 1983
Peace Corps agents
develop new outlook
by Angel Stokes
id local
anti-mii ff v
Peace Corps volunteers, from left, Bette Straubinger,
staff photo by Irene Mees
Mitch Auerbach, and Gregory L. Gregory.
Battalion Staff
After living and working
overseas, returning to the Un
ited States can cause culture
shock, U.S. Peace Corps repre
sentatives, Mitch Auerbach,
Gregory L. Gregory and Bette
Straubinger, said Tuesday.
“When I first came back, I
saw the commercial for Atari
games that asks, ‘Have you play
ed your Atari today?’ and I
didn’t know what an Atari was,”
Auerbach said. He said that he
now thinks in terms of “the rest
of the world and then the U.S.”
because the United States is the
one that’s different.
Auerbach, who is working on
his master’s degree at Texas
A&M, lived in Guatemala from
1980 until 1982 where he was a
regional forester. He said he
joined the Peace Corps because
he didn’t want to settle down af
ter graduating from college.
“I got a lot more than I gave
because I learned lessons that
will stick for a lifetime,” he said.
Auerbach also said that read
ing about events in the United
States while in Guatemala was
like reading fiction.
Gregory worked as an exten
sion agent in Paraguay from
1979 to 1980. Although he had
traveled and lived outside the
United States, he said being a
Peace Corps worker was a uni
que experience because he lived
like the natives.
small fish in a very large pond,”
Gregory said.
Straubinger was in the Philip
pines from 1979 until 1981
working with dairy livestock.
She said living there was dif
ferent because money is not as
important to people as it is in the
United States.
Paraguay is different from
the United States because young
adults are given responsibilities
that are usually reserved for old
er people.
“I was a medium fish in a
small pond there, but when I re
turned to the U.S., I became a
She joined the Peace Corps:
after she became interested in
dairy animals while raising her
three children. She said that she
wanted to continue with her in
terest to benefit others.
Straubinger is recruiting for
the Peace Corps while visiting
Texas A&M.
I -i
Gregory, the Texas A&M
Peace Corps representative, and
Straubinger will be present to
answer questions at the Peace
Corps information table that will
be in the Memorial Student Cen
ter on Feb. 23, 24 and 25.
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by Patrice Koranek
Battalion Staff
The Texas A&M Residence
Hall Association has come up
ith a new way for students to
ihow their spirit. February 23,
vas officially designated as Ma-
oon Day by RHA at their meet
ing Tuesday night.
feb. 23 named
Maroon Day’
Maroon Day, when all stu
dents are invited to wear ma-
oon, is just one of the activities
ilanned for Traditions Aware
ness Week, February 21 to
March 5, said Gene Hawkins,
hairman of the RHA Tradi-
ions Awareness Committee.
The two week period was set up
p make A&M students more
ware of Aggie tradition, he
“Students are not as exposed
to traditions as they used to be,”
he said. ” We are trying to fix
Buck Weirus, Class of’42, will
start the activities with a speech
on traditions February 21, Haw
kins said.
Other activities planned by
the committee are a field trip on
February 28 to sites around
campus that have to do with tra
ditions and a competition be
tween residence halls to see who
puts on better programs prom
oting traditions, he said.
The Traditions Awareness
Week is this year’s counterpart
to last year’s Security Awareness
Week, also sponsored by RHA,
Hawkins said.
In other business, RHA
accepted a resolution stating
that a Hall of the Year Award be
given to both a male and female
dorm, instead of just one dorm.
Relax, Have Fun,
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Seniors who plan to enter graduate or profes
sional schools in Fall 1983 and who are mem
bers of Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society
should get in touch with the faculty advisr Dr.
Curtis F. Lard in Rm. 113, System Bldg.,
Phone 845-3712.
National Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society will
award eight $1,000 scholarships and twenty-
eight $500 scholarships this year on the basis
of the student’s scholastic record, evidence of
creative ability, potential for success in chosen
field, and character. Only members of Phi Eta
Sigma are eligible for these gift scholarships.
National deadline for submitting applications is
March 1. Application forms are available from
the faculty adviser to the local chapter. Local
deadline for applications is February 23, 1983.
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