The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 09, 1983, Image 1

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    Texas A&M
Serving the University community
l/ol. 76 No. 93 USPS 045360 16 Pages
College Station, Texas
Wednesday, February 9, 1983
:aH I
inking j
cut hisl
say strike may end soon
United Press International
|With support for their strike wan-
fileda bg in some states, leaders of the Inde-
rties It
i their n
Indent Truckers Association met
jih congressional allies early today,
ng to build a coalition to represent
ir interests and end the strike with-
|“a week or two.”
Reports of violence against non-
_.king truckers also declined in the
Consti»ik e , which began its 10th day today,
QVtdeatBd drivers planned protest convoys
U5 reastjin Massachusetts and Minnesota.
North Carolina Gov. James B.
Hunt Jr. appealed to independent
drivers to go back to work, saying in
terruptions in normal truck traffic
“cost the people of our state jobs and
Oregon Gov. Vic Atiyeh told
truckers he would contact the state’s
congressional delegation on their be
half and Gov. Joseph E. Brennan of
Maine said he would help them air
their views, but did not support them.
New Transportation Secretary Eli
zabeth Dole denied the strike had
widely disrupted commerce and said
her representatives would meet with
“all responsible representatives of the
trucking industry” to discuss the
Many states reported Tuesday
truck traffic had increased from last
“The truckers just can’t afford to
stay out for a long period and there
are a lot of them going back,” said
ITA representative Charles Brown of
C M’
United Press International
JERUSALEM — A defiant Defense
Inister Ariel Sharon resisted
ipunting pressure for his resigna-
|oii today over the Beirut massacre
coinmission’s ruling that he bore per
sonal responsibility for the refugee
camp slaughter.
(Prime Minister Menachem Begin
called a second special session today
Jdiscuss the inquiry findings that
ft shock waves through Israel’s
polnical establishment and could
affect U.S. efforts toward a Middle
East peace accord.
A clear majority of Begin’s minis
ters believe the government must
accept the recommendations of the
three-member panel, a view a govern
ment statement Tuesday indicated
was shared by Sharon himself.
The defense minister, however, in
dicated at Tuesday’s tense Cabinet
meeting he would not resign, leaving
it to Begin to fire him, Israel Radio
The three-man panel found it “im
possible to justify the defense minis
ter’s disregard” of the danger in
allowing Christian militiamen to en
ter the Chatila and Sabra camps
where they killed hundreds of men,
women and children.
Begin has several options for re
solving the crisis, including dissolving
the entire Cabinet and calling new
elections. Such a move could cause
long delays in the current U.S. efforts
to withdraw Israeli troops from
&M second in rapes,
urglaries for fall 1982
by Kathy Doyle
Battalion Reporter
(Texas A&rM had the second largest number of rapes
Bd burglaries during the 1982 fall semester, according
to i rime statistics from seven major Texas universities.
■ That comparison is based on statistics for September
through December from Texas A&M, the University of
Hxas, the University of Houston, Southern Methodist
fjiiversity, Baylor University, Texas Tech University and
Rice University.
■ UT reported two rapes during the fall semester, while
T|xas A&M and Rice each reported one. Texas Tech,
SMU, Baylor and UH didn’t report any rapes.
■ UT also had the most reported assaults, with 46 last
Semester. UH reported 11, Texas A&M 10, SMU four,
Rice two and Baylor one.
Bln addition, UT reported the highest number of rob
beries, with 89 for the fall semester. Texas A&M reported
5f| robberies; Texas Tech, 51; UH, 36; Baylor, 20; and
SMU, nine. No robbery information was available from
■UT led in reported thefts with 1,010, followed by
lylor with 280, Texas A&M with 246, UH with 215,
txas Tech with 205 and SMU with 100. Statistics from
Ice weren’t available.
Representatives of Baylor, SMU and Texas Tech also
said those universities have had a 20- to 30-percent in
crease in alcohol-related offenses during the last three
Several universities have organized student groups de
signed to fight crime. UH has developed the “Cougar
Patrol,” a group of student officers who patrol areas of
the campus on foot. The students wear UH T-shirts and
report suspicious activities.
Along the same line is the Rice bicycle patrol — armed
police officers who patrol certain areas of the Rice cam
pus on bicycles. The officers, who wear T-shirts with the
Rice police logo, patrol at night in areas of the campus
where foot traffic is heaviest.
With the exception of UT, all university police depart
ments offer a police escort service for students who are
out late at night. The services offer escorts for joggers,
escorts to dorms and parking lots and assistance in start
ing stalled cars.
In addition to police escorts, Texas Tech and Rice have
placed emergency phones in certain areas of the campus.
The emergency phones ring in the police stations.
John R. McDonald, Texas A&M assistant director of
University safety and traffic, said the University employs
25 police officers and most are trained in crime preven
tion. Also, two of the department’s female officers give
rape prevention talks.
Rights activist to speak
on social problems tonight
Karen Schrimsher
Battalion Reporter
| Comedian and civil rights activ
ist Dick Gregory will speak at 8
tonight in Rudder Auditorium on
Social Problems: Social or Antiso
I Gregory’s appearance, co
sponsored by the MSC Black
Awareness Committee and MSC
Great Issues Committee, is being
leld in conjunction with Black
History Month.
Gregory began his career as a
median in Chicago in 1961. Dur-
gthe 1960s, he performed in be
nefits for civil rights and peace
Joups. He was jailed several times
or his participation in civil rights
Tickets for tonight’s event are
50 cents for students and $1 for
tion-students. They may be purch
ased at the MSC Box Office in
Rudder Tower.
Other events planned for Black
History month include:
— The Black Awareness Forum
lecture series, which will continue
Monday with “African Liberation
struggles in the Post Vietnam Era.”
On Feb. 21, “Malcolm X: A Review
of the 60’s, His Contribution and
Legacy” will be presented, “Afri
can Liberation Struggles in the
Post-Vietnam Era” will be pre
sented Feb. 14, and “Issues facing
the Black World: 1983-2000” will
be presented Feb. 28.
— A collection of photographs
of black historical figures is on dis
play in the MSC Gallery; African
stamp art by Ron Wilkins also will
be featured until Feb. 18.
— The Annual Black Aware
ness formal on March 5 at the
Dick Gregory
Aggieland Inn ends the Black
Awareness Committee’s celebra
tion of Black History Month.
scientists may land in volcano
United Press International
VANCOUVER, Wash. — Mount
Helens oozed lava in a dome-
uilding eruption, but clouds and fog
ept scientists from entering its mas-
ivfe crater to determine if the volcano
ready to blow its top.
J Scientists said they hoped for a
teak in the weather today so they can
lid in helicopters and measure the
test growth of a new lobe of hot lava
ilging out of a crusty, 700-foot-high
fa dome on the crater floor.
■The scientists said the domebuild-
l eruption probably relieved press
ure from below, lessening the possi
bility of a violent eruption, but bad
ther Tuesday prevented the tests
that would confirm whether a big
blast was imminent.
“Lobe growth is continuing on
Mount St. Helens, though we don’t
know how large it has become or the
rates of growth,” Forest Service
spokesman Thom Corcoran said.
The eruption was still in progress, he
Scientists said earlier the eruption
could continue through at least
A 69,000-acre restricted zone
around the volcano remained closed.
The new lobe began bulging out of
the lava dome around noon Monday.
By the time scientists left the crater at
nightfall, the lobe had pushed out 80-
100 feet over an area 250 feet across
and the pasty lava was inching down
the side of the dome.
Although mud flows were a possi
bility, none was expected to reach
Spirit Lake, 6 miles from the crater,
scientists said.
The eruption forced a precaution
ary evacuation of a six-man crew that
was pumping water from the lake to
prevent a breach of an unstable dam
of volcanic debris from the moun
tain’s 1980 eruption.
Scientists are concerned a breach
could unleash a catastrophic flood 10
times worse than the one caused by
the 1980 blast.
New Jersey. “But we feel we have
made our point.”
ITA President Mike Parkhurst said
he has been meet ing with “dozens” of
congressmen or their aides, trying to
find a voice for truckers’ problems —
especially the 5-cent fuel tax and
higher road-use fees.
“The only encouraging thing is
we’ve got some congressmen w ho are
concerned and that’s always en
couraging,” Parkhurst said early to
day after a meeting. “But we’re not
going to be satisfied until we see
something significant on paper.
We’ve met with several congressmen
and it seems the bottom line is Con
gress is going to have to react.”
Rep. Peter Kostmayer, D-Pa., one
of the congressmen meeting with Par
khurst, said they are working on a
document, a “kind of commitment by
Congress to address the issues, to lay
out the concerns of the truckers and
what they think.”
“It looks like something could be
worked out shortly — in a week or
two,” said ITA spokesman David Kol-
man in Los Angeles.
A few reports of violence still punc
tuated the strike with police in Ken
tucky reporting seven new shooting
incidents and one attempt to force a
trucker off the highway. More than
625 shootings and almost 1,900 other
acts of vandalism have been reported
with one driver killed.
Israeli defense official
says he won’t resign
A helping hand
photo by Randy Lemmon
Wendy Pesek, right, a sophomore theater
arts major from Corpus Christi, does a
scene with Imelda Gulley, a freshman
theater arts major from Bryan, in a dress
rehearsal for the Texas A&M theater arts
production of Blood Wedding. The show
will be performed Wednesday through
Saturday at 8 p.m. in Rudder Theater.
Students begin study
of normal sleep habits
by Pamela J. Franklin
Battalion Reporter
Psychology students and profes
sors here are studying something that
few students get enough of— sleep.
The sleeping lab, a first for Texas
A&M, is set up to study the sleep
habits of healthy adults.
Dr. Ludy Benjamin, associate pro
fessor of psychology, said the lab, lo
cated in 408 Academic building, is
made up of two bedrooms, a record
ing room and a wash room. The lab is
run by students in a senior-level
psychology problems course on sleep
and dreams.
Benjamin said those are the first
lengthy tests to be conducted in the
lab, which was constructed in Novem
ber 1982. The lab probably will not
research sleep disorders, but instead
will research normal sleep and how to
shorten the amount of time needed
for sleep.
Benjamin said sixteen subjects will
be tested for eight consecutive week-
nights. Students will not be tested on
the weekends, he said.
The study will examine changes
that occur during sleep and also how
sleep changes under different condi
tions, Benjamin said.
During normal sleep, people go
through different stages. As a person
falls asleep, mental activity slows
down, but doesn’t stop. If the sleeper
is awakened during this stage, Ben
jamin said, research shows he usually
can recall unclear thoughts that he
had while sleeping.
Benjamin said the dreaming stage
— or rapid-eye movement stage — is
marked by rapid brain wave activity.
In this stage, the eyes move rapidly as
though watching the events of a
dream. Several intervals of REM
sleep occur during the average sleep
ing time.
Scientists currently are questioning
the reasons people need sleep, Ben
jamin said, because researchers don’t
know exactly why rest cannot substi
tute for sleep. If someone is deprived
of sleep for several days, he will have
difficulty seeing, thinking and
One theory says sleep can be shor
tened through motivation, he said.
This means that a person theoretical
ly can lessen the amount of time he
sleeps if he is motivated to work or
study. Scientists who follow this
theory, Benjamin said, sometimes be
lieve that people eventually won’t
need to sleep at all.
House chairman
proposes tax cuts
United Press International
and Means Chairman Dan Rostenk-
owski has a plan that would permit
the 10 percent personal income-tax
cut to take effect July 1, but would
repeal all other tax reductions sche
duled in 1984 or later.
Rostenkowski, D-Ill., made the
proposal Tuesday as a way to reduce
the federal deficit.
Rostenkowski, w r hose committee
must originate tax legislation, esti
mated his plan would gain about $ 130
billion in new revenue by 1988, about
the same as Reagan’s tax proposals.
Treasury Secretary Donald Regan
gave reporters a mixed review' of Ros-
tenkowski’s plans.
“I’m very happy to see he agrees
with us that the third year (of the tax
cut) is a necessary component of the
recovery,” Regan said. “But I’m dis
appointed he doesn’t recognize the
philosophy we should make the Con
gress literally legislate new tax in
The Rostenkowski plan, outlined
in a speech to the Securities Industry
Association, would repeal tax inde
xing and changes in estate and gift
taxes, and would delay consideration
of other tax changes including tuition
tax credits. It also would extend cur
rent excise tax rates on tobacco and
telephone use.
Rostenkowski said he also would be
open to delaying or limiting the 10
percent July tax cut if some agree
ment can be reached with the admi
“But a lack of consensus on the
merits of the third year should not
prevent us from moving ahead with
the key parts of the tax freeze propos
al,” he said.
Regan said: “If you do away with
indexing, you allow the Congress to
automatically increase taxes with in
flation. Congress should have to legis
late new tax increases.”
Classified 10
Local 3
National 9
Opinions 2
Sports 13
State 5
What’s up 16
Cloudy to partly cloudy today with
a 50 percent chance of thunder
showers. The high will be 68, with
southerly winds at 10 to 25 mph.
Partly cloudy for tonight with a low
near 46 and a 30 percent chance of
showers. Partly cloudy on Thurs
day with a high of 68 and a 20 per
cent chance of showers.