state Battalion/Page 7 February 8, 1983 lidn'ts e was i. witnf al p« y. “To • savin] blebui urity me hich«i ) its id Who are you? staff photo by Ronnie Emerson Bear, the dog, pauses briefly to Academic building. Bear’s owner bark at the statue of Lawrence is Mike Earhart, a bartender at Sullivan Ross in front of the a local nightclub. Socialist enters race for Dallas mayoralty United Press International DALLAS — A Socialist Work er’s Party member who once ran for the Dallas school board has announced plans to run for mayor on a platform of lower unemployment and an effective mass transit system for the city. Greg Preston, 34, an electro nics test technician, said he has wriiten a proposal that w'ould create 50,000 additional jobs in Dallas. 1 Preston said he also would work for better public housing. He said he supports the rail and bus package recently proposed by the Dallas Area Rapid Transit .board. | “We think the DART plan is a good plan and should be im plemented as soon as possible,” Pfeston said. He made the candidacy announcement Sunday and jyined City Councilman Wes Wise, developer Starke Taylor, businessman DeWayne Dallas, publisher Marvin Watts and Kenneth Rich in the race for the office of mayor. 4 Preston said the underlying causes of urban crime are unem ployment, poverty and misery. “If we want to solve the prob lem of crime, we’ve got to solve the economy,” he said. Valentine Special 14 Kt. Gold Add-A-Beads 3mm - .50 4mm - .85 5mm - 1.45 6mm - 2.20 7mm - 3.00 8mm - 4.50 We will put beads on your chain at no extra, charge. Douglas Jewelry Culpepper Plaza and 212 No. Main Downtown Bryan Student Discounts not applicable on this event. No Credit Cards, Charge, or Layaway. Austin to observe its own Mardi Gras celebration United Press International AUSTIN — The spirit of Mardi Gras is moving across the Mississippi River from its tradi tional home in New Orleans to a saloon-decked downtown drag in the capital city of Texas. Mardi Gras, a religious holi day whose name means “Fat Tuesday” in Trench, marks the end of feasting before Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the solemn Lenten period of fasting. But despite its sacred background, it is considered a prime time for merry-making in Louisiana, Brazil and other parts of the world. Although New Orleans will continue to host its rowdy Mardi Gras celebration, Erasmo Andrade, a 10-year Austin resi dent and member of the Mex- ican-American Chamber of Commerce, decided late last year that there was no reason his city couldn’t take advantage of the ready-made party season, too. “It’s a chance to have some fun,” said Andrade, chairman and founder of Austin Mardi Gras Inc., which is partly spon sored by the Mexican-American chamber. “We are not trying to match Mardi Gras in New Orleans, but the idea is to bring out the va rious cultures and rich heritage Now you know United Press International Not all sand dunes are small, low-lying mounds. In southern Iran, dunes have been mea sured at over 700 f eet, even tal ler than the Washington Monu ment. we have here in central Texas,” Andrade said. The Austin Mardi Gras celeb ration will take place dui ing the three-day period leading up to Fat Tuesday next week. Much of the activity will occur on Sixth Street, a popular attraction for University of Texas students and tourists. The downtown avenue has undergone extensive renova tion in the past two years and now bears a striking resembl ance to famed Bourbon Street in New Orleans’ French Quarter. Although not as historic or as colorful, Sixth Street does sport horse-drawn buggy rides down a roadway flanked with flower ^nd food vendors, shabbily- dressed street musicians and ev ery imaginable motif of re staurant and bar. Andrade said at least 60 en tries will be featured in a parade along the street with riders on the floats tossing beads, baubles and aluminum doubloons to spectators on the evening of Mardi Gras — just like New Orleans. Two masquerade balls also are planned. One will be held Saturday night at The Ritz, an avant garde theater bar on Sixth Street, and another is scheduled for next Tuesday at the more posh Driskill Hotel, where th< king and queen of Mardi Gra: will be crowned. Admission to each affair is $1 per person. This is the major difference from the more snob bish New Orleans affairs tha are open only to invited guest and members of the “krewes,’ or clubs, that sponsor the diffe rent Mardi Gras parades. Another difference involve liquor. The Austin city council has outlawed open containers o, booze on Sixth Street so merry] makers won’t be able to saunte outside the bars with their rel freshments as is the case in th< French Quarter. New car leasing for business makes sense in 1983. 21 Avoid down payment. 2 Free up capital. 2 Protect bank credit. 2 Reduce taxes. 2 Beat price inflation. Call our auto leasing consultant. BENCHMARK LEASING INC Bryan. Texas • (713) 775-4881 ' spend less time studying. We’ll show you Would you like to: □ Raise your grade average without long hours over texts. □ End all-night cramming sessions. □ Breeze through all your studying in as little as 1/3 the time. □ Have more free time to enjoy yourself. □ Read 3 to 10 times faster, with better con centration, understanding, and recall. Evelyn Wood works — over 1 million people, including students, executives, senators, and even presidents have proven it. A free 1 hour demon stration will show you how to save hundreds of hours of drudgery this year (as well as how to increase your speed immediately with some simple new reading techniques). It only takes an hour, and it’s free. Don’t miss it. r SCHEDULE OF FREE SPEED READING-LESSONS You’ll increase your reading speed up to 1 00% on the spot! TODAY FEBRUARY 4 p.m. or 7:30 p.m. La Quinta Motor Inn 607 Texas Across From A&M 8 E3 EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS ©1978 EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS A URS COMPANY