The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 08, 1983, Image 2
t opinion Editorials Committee’s actions step in right direction *■ The recent report on minority condi tions at Texas A&M was seen as an embarrassment by many faculty and stu dents — one that won’t go away over flight. One possible solution for the charges <)f racism is to increase the number of -scholarships and financial aid to minority students. Some students and faculty have argued that this will result in reverse dis crimination. The possibility does exist. Admissions personnel will have to be very careful when distributing financial aid to ensure that qualified majority stu dents are not disqualified. University President Frank E. Vandiv er evidently thinks it can be done. He recently allocated money for 15 graduate minority fellowships, each worth $7,800, to be awarded for 1983-84. Even with that allocation, Texas A&M still spends a mere pittance to attract minority students. But money won’t make the problem go away. Attitudes, from those of the Board of Regents to students, also must be changed. The Black Awareness Committee is taking a leadership position in trying to air some of the problems related to minority conditions. Through its prog rams this month, the committee is pre senting a variety of programs related to minorities and racism — topics that are especially relevant to Texas A&M. The minority report was the first step in presenting the problems faced by minorities at Texas A&M. The Black Awareness Committee is taking the next step. Momentum is building — let’s make sure it continues. Players’ help required for Super Bowl victory by Art Buchwald * It’s hard to imagine what happens to a person who lives in a town that has won the Super Bowl. For Washington, D.C., a pity that never gets any respect, you have -to be very careful so all the adulation -doesn’t go to your head. - I am happy to report as a Redskin fan ^Fve kept the greatest football victory in -modern history in its proper perspective. - It hasn’t been easy, because ever since "the final whistle of Super Bowl XVII ?blew I’ve been taking calls from all over the country from friends congratulating hie on the championship. I On Monday, when the first one came in, I resorted to what I now realize was false modesty, When the caller said, “Congratulations, you were magnifi cent,” I responded, “I had nothing to do .with the win, though of course I am hap py with the results.” “What do you mean you had nothing to do with it? You’ve been a Redskin fan for years. Jack Kent Cooke, the owner, and Joe Gibbs, the coach, said on nation wide television they couldn’t have won the championship without the fans.” “We were always there when they needed us,” I admitted. “Butjust because you root for a team doesn’t mean you can take any credit when it wins.” “It’s typical of someone like you to play down your role,” he said. “But I want you to know I am proud I have a friend in Washington who never lost faith that his team would win all the Super Bowl mar bles.” The Calls kept coming in — from Okla homa City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and even Dallas, congratulating me on the magnificent victory I had achieved. By early afternoon I decided to drop the pose that I had nothing to do with the Redskin triumph. When a call came in from an old col lege schoolmate in San Francisco, I changed my tune. “I never thought when we roomed together that someday you would be a Super Bowl champion,” he said. “I couldn’t do it alone,” I told him. “There were 49 other guys on the field that I have to share the triumph with. The thing that did it for us is that we played together as a team.” “But you were a believer from the be ginning. It was your inspiration that de feated the Miami Dolphins.” “I only did what any Redskin fan would do under the circumstances. I yel led my heart out.” “I know you’re just saying that, but I’m sure you had a lot more to do with it than that.” “Let’s just say it was a team effort and let it go at that. I don’t want any of the other Redskins to think I’m getting more than my share of the credit.” By late afternoon I decided I had been protesting too much. When Bob Markay, a Jet fan from Long Island, called to say if anyone had to win the Super Bowl he was glad it was me, I told him, “After my game against Dallas, I was sure I could beat the Dol phins. Their defense was overrated and I knew if I could open a hole for John Riggins, he would do what he was paid to do. In the fourth quarter when we were down 17 to 13, I told Joe Theismann, my quarterback, ‘The game isn’t over until the fat lady sings.’ It gave him new life, and the kid took it from there.” Bob said, “Nobody deserves a Super Bowl ring more than you.” “The ring is important,” I told him. “But what really counts is that I’m finally going to get some respect.” That night when I got home I asked my wife if there were any calls. “Why? Were you expecting any?” “I thought President Reagan might call to congratulate me on my victory.” “Why would he call you?” “Well, he telephoned the Redskin coach, Joe Gibbs, after the game. The least he could have done is call me.” “It’s still early,” she said. “Maybe he’ll ring you after he gets a reaction to his budget.” “It really doesn’t matter,” I said. “I know I’m number one and he knows I’m number one, and that’s the only thing that really counts.” Slouch By Jim Earle "It sort of smarted when I got under the press, but I thought it was worth trying, ” Battalion/Page 2 February 8,1983 _ THIS MAN IS AK/ntD WITH A LOfKDZD WE-AfO/V. WE’D CONSIDER HlfA DAN6E.R0 US. THIS MAN 15 ALSO ARMED WITH A WEAPON, BUT HE’S THE ONE THATS LOADED. FOR SOME REASON WE DON'T CONSIDER HIM DANGEROUS. The art of sleeping in classes Sh im rol All of us are aware of its existence. It cuts through every major, from agro nomy to zoology, and all the rest in be tween. Surprisingly enough, the less said about it, the better, seems to be the ax iom. But let me drag it out from under the carpet and spare a few thoughts on it, if you will. Of course I’m referring to the “condi tion” widely prevalent in early morning and late afternoon classes: sleeping in class. The reactions of instructors- often vary over a wide spectrum. A few may find such behavior mildly distracting (luckily their numbers are decreasing in the manner of a radioactive sample) while the seasoned ones realize it as a perfectly harmless exercise. Many of the fellow students, on the other hand, will assume the position that is is the poor fella’s business. Some profs who are sympathetic with the student may try to be helpful by cracking a few jokes every now and then, in a vain attempt to keep him on his toes. Still others may expend sane advice, like — concentrating on holding the breath for a few seconds or thinking about last night’s party. A host of other remedies like dabbing the face with cold water, can also be had. But you know as well as I do that once you are in the sleepy mood, you are past redemption, unless of course something dramatic happens, like an ear thquake. If and when you find yourself in such a precarious situation, try to keep your cool and use your head. Firstly, realize the futility of all the above suggestions (I should know for I have tried ’em all.) and then settle down in the most comfortable position you can and give yourself a break. Every once in a while you see con scientious students, fiddling with their eyelids trying to stay awake. Needless to say, you don’t have to feel guilty about missing out anything in class, for more often than not, you are not (un less it’s a major exam with no makeups). If you know beforehand (intuitively, like you’ve been up late last night) that you are not going to make it through the lec ture, you can be better prepared. Find Now students from nil over the n&tion have handed together to form the ERDS (Equal Rights for Dozing Scholars), headquartered in Austin. yourself a comfortable seat in one of the back rows (preferably close to the wall, so you can rest your head if you wish) and enjoy your little siesta. For Pete’s sake, don’t choose the front rows for there are too many distractions going on up there (like the prof’s booming voice). Here’s a tip to those anticipating prob lems waking up after the lecture. Either set your watch alarm at the time the lec ture ends or if you don’t mind making things a bit more involved, ask a friend (mind you a trusted one), to give you a thorough shake when he is about to leave. This will ensure that you don’t sleep into the next lecture. Every now and then, depending on personal fi nances, treat that friend to a six-pack. Over the years the style of dozing has undergone dramatic changes. Nowa days, rarely will you see executors of the once popular vertical pendulum motion or undiplomatic guys with their mouths wide open. The snoring types are also a threatened species. The current rave among college students is the upright holding of the head with the arms cros sing each other. Until recently, students who sleeping in class, were an unorgan group, with everyone on his own, ing off the ridicules and derrogator! marks directed against them by approving fellow students and insn| tors. But not anymore. Now stui from all over the nation have together to form the ERDS (Equal mg Scholars), headquartere This is undoubtedly a for Dozin Austin. from when teachers regularly ui chase out students suspected of si during lectures One of the first actions of the was to institute a class action suit oil half of 22 students, against a Uww of Texas Sociology professor, win Lbe lawyers claim, caused their clientsiK -feet anguish and deep embarrassmeni nth s awakening them from their pen red slumber in his 314 Sociology class. lree - lawyers are demanding a wnttenapd from the prof. This should serve a[e ^ warning to all concerned thattheB mean business! Among the organization’s pla activities include slide presentations guest speakers, in their effort to dnn support for the recognition of the t bers’ rights. A chapter has not yet formed at Texas A&M so you gup just have to wait! Indeed dramatic progress has 1 made by the ERDS in their fightfe rights of the dozing scholars, consiJf 1 how pathetic the situation wasjusta pie of years back. But still a lot! remains to be done before they can in the limelight of their success, Won’t you lend your whole-hd support to this worthy cause? Biju Mathew is a junior electrid i" gineering major from Galveston, j PLATO can’t replace prof in computing Editor: I am writing in reference to your arti cle “A&M installs computer instruction programs” which appeared in the Feb. 7 issue. I am a student in Computing Scien ce 203H and am currently using the PLATO system. Your article stated that “students ...learn from the computer rather than from the instructor.” I be lieve that this statement is inaccurate be cause the PLATO system in no way ful fills the place of my professor, Dr. Shep pard. It is merely an aid and a supple ment to the lecture. PLATO is very good, but the University sould be wary of giving the machine too much power over con trol of my grades! Robert Woeger Law Hall The Battalion USPS 045 360 Member ot Texas Press Association » Southwest Journalism Conference Editor Diana Sultenfuss Managing Editor Gary Barker Associate Editor Denise Richter City Editor Hope E. Paasch Assistant City Editor Beverly Hamilton Sports Editor John Wagner Entertainment Editor Colette Hutchings Assistant Entertainment Editor . . . . Diane Yount News Editors Daran Bishop, Jennifer Carr, Elaine Engstrom, JohnaJo Maurer, Jan Werner, Rebeca Zimmermann Staff Writers Maureen Carmody, Frank Christlieb, Patrice Koranek, John Lopez, Robert McGlohon, Ann Ramsbottom, Kim Schmidt, Patti Schwierzke, Kelley Smith, Angel Stokes, Tracey Taylor, Joe Tindel Copyeditors Jan Swaner, Chris Thayer i Cartoonist Scott McCullar Graphic Artists Pam Starasinic Sergio Galvez Photographers David Fisher, Jorge Casari, Ronald W. Emerson, Octavio Garcia, Rob Johnston, Irene Mees William Schulz Editorial Policy The Battalion is a non-profit, self-supporting news paper operated as a community service to Texas A&M University and Bryan-Coiiege Station. Opinions ex pressed in The Battalion are those of the editor or the author, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Texas A&M University administrators or toil 1 | bers, or of the Board of Regents. The Battalion also serves as a laboratory for students in reporting, editing and phoiognf ses within the Department of Communication Questions or comments concerning an} matter should be directed to the editor. ■> Letters Policy Letters to the Editor should not exceed 300 length, and are subject to being cut if theyaiH'' The editorial staff reserves the right to edit lt |lfS | style and length, but will make every efforttofF E the author’s intent . Each letter must also besi^ show the address and phone number of the'^ Columns and guest editorials are also wekoo* are not subject to the same length constraints as^ | Address all inquiries and correspondence to: ” The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, Texas Ai v versity, College Station, TX 77843, orphone(7l!i 2611. The Battalion is published daily during Texas' 1 „ fall and spring semesters, except for holidayan<i t ' i I nation periods. Mail subscriptions are $16.75peM ter, $33.25 per school year and $35 per full yearN* tising rates furnished on request. Our address: The Battalion, 216 Reed McR 1 Building, Texas A&M Llniversity, College Slati 1 * 77843. United Press International is entitled exclull' , the use for reproduction of all news dispatches^ E to it. Rights of reproduction of all other matted f reserved. Second class postage paid at College Static 11 A 77843.