The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 04, 1983, Image 4

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Around town
Ags asked to wear maroon to game
The students of Texas A&M are being asked to show their
spirit bv wearing maroon and white to Saturday afternoon's
basketball game.
The game is being televised, and the .Aggies want to show
more spirit at G. Rollie White Coliseum than the folks f rom
Show your fighting Texas Aggie spirit by wearing ma
roon and white Saturday afternoon.
Women s club to offer CPR classes
Classes in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation are being
of fered Feb. 14 and 1 b from ( 4 a.m. to noon and Feb. If) and
17 from 7-10 p.m. by members of the Woman’s Club.
f ilms, demonstrations and practice on special manikins
are part of each course. File Heimlich maneuver f ro relief of
c hoking is included.
Upon completion of the course, each participant will be
certified by the American Red Cross and the American
Heart Assoc iation. Certification is current for one year and
should then lie repeated.
1 his course is open to the community and is free except
for a .”>() cent c harge for the instruction booklet.
Classes ;ue held at the Woman's Club Building at 1200
Carter Creek I’arkwav, and pre-registration is required. To
register, or for more information, call The American Heart
Assoc iation at (>0.4-0434 or Mi s. James Holster at 094-0427.
Softball meeting planned for Feb. 8
I he College Station Parks and Recreation Department will
hold an organizational meeting on Feb. 8 lor those in
terested in playing softball in College Station.
The meeting will be held at Cit v Hall beginning at 0 p.m. A
pre-season tournament will begin Feb.28. Co-Rec begins
March 28 and the men's and women's league begins April
For further information contact the College Station Parks
and Recreation Department at 094-PARD.
MSC l ravel to sponsor programs
The MSC Travel Committee in conjunction with the Study
Abroad Office is presenting the Council on International
Educational Exchange discussing Overseas Opportunities.
Fhc* program is planned for 7 p.m. Feb. 8 in Room 501
On Feb. 9, MSC Travel is sponsoring a “Europe on Your
Own” seminar at 7 p.m. in Room 401 Rudder. The goal of
the workshop is to inform students of helpful hints about
traveling in Europe.
Station looking for program ideas
KAMU-TV Channel 15 lias a new program entitled “On
Our Way” that will focus on teenagers, their concerns and
their activities.
1 he program will comprise several half-hour segments,
and a f inal one-hour special, all of which will spotlight local
teens and issues af fecting them.
“On Our Way" is being co-produced by two communica
tions students at Texas A&M University. Director Nancy
Weatherley and Hostess Jane Brust are undertaking the
project for credit as an independent study course.
Weatherlev and Brust welcome suggestions of topics and
personalities for the three segments. They need names and
phone numbers of teens with interesting or unusual talents
and hobbies for personality segments. In addition, they need
to know what kinds of topics should be explored. Possibilities
are deciding on a college career, coping with divorced pa
rents and sibling rivalry.
Suggestions can lie addressed to Weatherley & Brust, c/o
KAMU-TV, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
The f irst broadcast of “On Our Wav” is expected in late
Club to sponsor amplifier clinic
1 he Texas A&:M Audio Group is sponsoring an amplifier
clinic Saturday f rom 12:40 - 4:40 p.m. in Room 102 Zachry.
Students are invited to bring their amplifiers and have
them checked free of charge, courtesy of Pyramid Audio
and AFC.
FEES to conduct health workshop
A one-week health occupations workshop begins on the
Texas A&M University campus Monday, sponsored by the
Vocational Industrial Teacher Education Division of the
Texas Engineering Extension Service.
The workshop is designed for health occupations instruc
tors with less than three years of experience who have not
had formal course work in teaching.
The 46-hour workshop is funded by the Texas Education
Agency and is conducted free of charge.
Washington D.C. trip planned
The MSC Political Forum is sponsoring a trip to Washing
ton D.C. on March 13-19. The total cost is $525, and a
deposit of $200 is required by Feb. 9. The trip is open to
everyone, but space is limited to 30 people. To make a
reservation or put down a deposit, come by Room 216 MSC
or call 845-1515.
MSC committee to sponsor ski trip
The MSC Travel Committee is sponsoring a ski trip to
Crested Butte, Colorado over spring break.
The trip will be from March 1 1-19 and will cost $349. That
covers five days and six nights.
To sign up for the trip come by Room 216 MSC or call
If you have an announcement or item to submit for this
column, come by The Battalion office in 216 Reed McDo
nald or call Tracey Taylor at 845-2611.
Architecture college
exhibits neon artwork
by Wanda Winkler
Battalion Reporter
“Energy Sculpture,” a neon
art form, is on exhibit at the Col
lege of Architecture and En
vironmental Design’s Langford
Architecture Center gallery
through Saturday.
The neon light sculptures,
designed by artists Larry Flnkin-
ger and Clark Harrah.are being
displayed before they are sent to
the new Marshall Field’s in
Flukinger said that af ter ex
perimenting with neon art for
many years, he and Harrah be
gan making neon sculptures on
a family farm in Hempstead.
“Our neon sculptures are
making statements about beauty
and excitement,” he said.
The artwork involves color
relationships, shapes and the in
tensity of light.
Flukinger said release of
gases in the vertical glass tubes
produces the sculptures’ light.
Delicate color combinations
of red and orange, green and
blue, and purple and pink are
determined by the gas used, the
tube’s inner coating, and the col
or of the glass, he said.
Harrah said that a continuous
change in color occurs when the
gases mix in the tubes. Since the
tubes are close together, a per
son can watch the interaction of
light take place. If the observer
changes his angle of view, the
colors and light patterns seen in
the sculpture also will change.
Although the light intensity
of each tube may vary, Flukin-
MSC Recreation
ACU-I Qualifying
lO A.M.
Signup at
MSC Bowling
& Games
Men’s & Women’s
More Info.- 260-3166
ger said, together the tubes form
enormous energy.
Architecture students said
viewing exhibits through the
year helps them look forward to
a career in art and keeps them in
contact with current art ideas.
Tom Colbert, exhibits com
mittee chairman, said the col
lege tries to expose architecture
students to current art forms by
displaying paintings, sculptures,
landscapes and photographs.
He said the college wants to
provide a professional gallery
for the students and the com
Colbert said displays sche
duled for the spring semester in
clude paintings by Julia Horen-
er, photographs by Ruth Schill
ing and a furniture display by
George Nakshina.
Sunday Services:
Sunday School 9:45 a.m
Morning Worship 8:30 a.m
11.00 a.m
Evening Worship 6:30 p.m
United Press Intematioii
alarm fire which
$ 1 ()(),()()() damage to a
church was set to cover
burglary, officials
No injuries were repoi
the Wednesday fire at
vary Baptist Church loan
The fire, which wasconl
to the sanctuary andbapiii
was started when son)
ignited a flammable liquid
the central heating systen
“Somebody came i»
building and ransacked
offices,” said the pastorRf'
Barron. “They broke tte
four or five locked doorii
ching for valuables, thenid
building on fire.”
The burglars stole st*
small, rather inexpensivef
from the office area,
two radios and two vrt
valued at $15 to $20J*
Authorities had nosusprt
the blaze.
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