The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 04, 1983, Image 16

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    (movies on tap
Check theaters for specific times
and prices. Movies subject to
change without notice. All list
ings are current through press
Plitt Cinema
Campus Theater
Six Weeks: In this tearjerker,
Dudley Moore plays a political can
didate who falls in love with a divor
cee (Mary Tyler Moore) whose
daughter is suffering from a fatal
disease. PG.
Trash: For some reason we don't
think this is a documentary of the
life of a garbage collector. Midnight.
MSC Aggie
Th e Dark Crystal: This is a fan
tasy using a new breed of Jim Hen
son's Muppets. The flick is about an
alien world where strange creatures
set out on a noble quest. PG.
Sweet Sixteen: No one knows
what terror is until they turn 16 in
this honor flick. R.
Dawn of the Dead: In this hor
ror flick, dead people rise out of the
grave and munch on those alive in
order to sastisfy their deathbed hun
ger. Sounds pretty gruesome. R.
Horror Picture Show:
Join Janet (Susan Sarandon) and
Brad as they experience numerous
interesting events after they meet
Frankenfurter, a transexual. R. Mid
Star Wars: Join Luke Skywalker
and Princess Leia as they try to over
come the Empire in this classic tale.
May the force be with you. PG. Fri
day and Saturday at 7:30 and 9:45 in
Rudder Theater.
Revenge of the Pink Panther:
Inspector Clouseau spreads rumors
that he has been assasinated in an
effort to capture the head of the
French underworld. PG. Friday and
Saturday midnight in Rudder
MSC Cepheid
Rollerball: In the year 2018 pov-
erty, sickness, and war have been
eliminated in this movie. The ''Cor
poration'' controls society and pro
vides the masses with entertain
ment through a violent, bloody
sport called Rollerball. R. Thursday
at 7:30 and 9:45 in room 242 MSC.
Manor East
The Man From Snowy River:
Kirk Douglas stars in this western
about a boy suddenly alone in the
world who helps a struggling girl. In
Dolby Stereo. PG.
Time Rider: An ace motorcyclist
enters a time warp and winds up
transported back to the 1870s in this
science-fiction Western. In Dolby
Stereo. PG.
1 he Entity: In this horror flick a
woman thinks she is being posses
sed by a demon and no one will
believe her. Until it's too late. R.
Pink Floyd The Wall: In this
movie. Pink, a rock star, fights in
World War II and makes his state
ment about Nazism. Recorded in
Dolby stereo. R. Midnight.
Post Oak:
Tootsie: Dustin Hoffman stars as
an unemployed actor who imper
sonates a woman to land an acting
job on a soap opera. PG.
E»T.: An alien from a distant
planet is stranded on earth by his
mother ship and hidden by a small
boy. They learn from each other.
Bring Reeses' Pieces to munch on
for special effects. PG.
4sHrs: This movie stars Nick
Nolte in a comedy and crime spoof.
/\tor: Miles O'Keefe is the virile
hero in this sword and sorcery epic.
Best Friends: Burt Reynolds and
Goldie Hawn are scriptwriters who
decide to get married because they
have so much fun living together.
But it's never the same after the
wedding. The movie is not as funny
as it could be. PG.
W ithout a Trace: A six-year old
boy disappears on the way to school
and his mother and the police try
frantically to find the boy. PG.
Th e Verdict: Paul Newman plays
a washed-up Boston lawyer who
gets a chance to redeem himself dur
ing a high-stakes malpractice suit.
Savannah Smiles: This
is about a little girl who makes a
lot of people happy. PG.
Schulman Six
First Blood: This flick stars the
ever-popular Sylvester Stallone as a
man persecuted by the law for no
apparent reason. Includes a lot of
Rocky-type violence. R.
Skyway Twin
Closed for remodeling. Will re-
open in 2-3 weeks.
At Ease
Kick up your heels
by Cindy Lyons
Editor Colette Hutchings
Assistant Editor Diane Yount
Staff Assistants Daran Bishop
Dana Smelser, Jan Swaner
Mark your Valentine with Cupid
by Leslie Barr
At Ease will consider any items submitted
for publication, although the decision to
publish lies solely with the editor. Dead
line is 5 p.m. the Friday before publication.
Theater Arts present "Blood Wedding"
On the cover: Restaurants
are abundant in Bryan-
College Station. But not
many restaurants are of the
one-of-a-kind genre. Whether
the food is just mediocre and
the decor leaves a little to be
desired is irrelevant, there
are a few places that have
been and probably always
will be frequented by Ag
gies. Our feature begins on
page 4. Cover art by Scott