The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 02, 1983, Image 14
sports Battalion% February 2,1S| New tricks add new laughs ’Trotters make Rollie roll ! I ■ n i i' ; M i i by John P. Lopez Battalion Staff It wasn’t exactly a nail-biting, down-to-the-wire game, but the Harlem Globetrotters defeated the Washington Generals 70- something to 50-something Tuesday night at G. Rollie White Coliseum. The score didn’t matter. But if a game were decided by the amount of laughter a tearti could produce, the ’Trotters were in championship form. The Globetrotters kept the crowd buzzing with their famous old antics and some hila rious new tricks. Led by ringleaders “Sweet” Lou Dunbar and James “Twig gy” Sanders, the Globetrotters transformed the coliseum to ev erything from a football Held to a discotheque. Several times the ’Trotters drew “volunteers” from the audience to participate in some of their pranks that in cluded a picture-taking session and a water fight. Sanders and Dunbar were the main cogs in the Globetrot ter’s familiar tricks, but the two funnymen were aided by a great supporting cast that included former Texas A&M player Albert Culton Dribbling whizzard “Curly” Neal didn’t make the trip to Col lege Station, but his tricks with the basketball were hardly mis sed as talented Osborne Lock hart more than filled the shoes Review MSC Political Forum presents WASHINGTON DC EXTRAVAGANZA 83 March 13-19 spring break TRIP INCLUDES: ROUND TRIP AIR FARE LODGING AT THE CAPITOL HILTON 6 BREAKFASTS & 5 DINNERS KENNEDY CENTER PERFORMANCE . . . AND MUCH MORE! TOURS: CAPITOL WHITE HOUSE ARCHIVES PENTAGON Cost: $525 Deposit of $210 due Feb. 9 SIGN UP NOW! For more info 845-1515 of the quick-handed Neal. Lockhart’s ball-handling and several long-range shots, includ ing a 48-footer by Sanders, were proof enough to the crowd that the Globetrotters are truly magi cians with a basketball. But one- liners by Dunbar and Sanders kept the crowd from getting too involved with the ’Trotters’ ta lents. A typical exchange between Dunbar and the referee would be: Referee: “Foul on you 41 — two shots.” Dunbar: “What? I only hit him one time.” Although the Globetrotters have used virtually the same lines in their act for 57 years, the delivery by Dunbar and Sanders coupled with willingly gullible referees makes the show seem totally spontaneous. Some portions of the show were unrehearsed, however. At one point during the game, San ders stopped play and sang to a woman walking to the coliseum lobby, “I know where you’re going.” Sanders’ quick ad-libbing brought the house down as did most of the Globetrotters’ antics. G. Rollie White wasn’t filled to capacity, but the laughs were enough to fill Kyle Field. The Globetrotters have per formed in front of more than 100 million people in more than 100 different countries, but their personalities and one-to- one relatipnship with the audi ence during the show made Tuesday’s performance seem tailor-made for the Texas A&M crowd. ALTERNATIVE presents Mr. M. Robert Schwab — Houston Attorney — President, Texas Human Rights Foundation discussing: the Status of the Gay Student Ser vices’ lawsuit against Texas A&M University, Harlem Globetrotter “Sweet” Lou Dun bar congratulates a young fan after the boy made a shot. The boy was gift shirt and Dunbar was given asm Wednesday, Feb. 2, 1983 7:30 p.m. College Station Community Center Room #106 w TEXAS A&M CHAPf ct OF MORTAR BOAR! IS NOW SELECTING MEMBERS FROM THE CLASS OF '04 INFORMATION SHEEIS AVAILABLE IN ROOMI YMCA SUILDING INFORMATION SHEETS DUE FEBRUARY 9 ATTEND INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS FEBRUARY 2, 510 RUDDER, 7:00 FM OR FEBRUARY 3, 302 RUDDER, 0:30 PM Greetings to the students of Aggieland, I wish to express my apology for the lack of seating at the Josh lectured Thursday night, January 2?. As the national represtative for Campus CrusadeJi Christ in the College Station area I was overwhelmed by the response of the to the Josh McDowell lecture. It is my understanding that many dorms declared] lecture a dorm function and didn't even begin to gather until 70° pm and by! the auditorium was overflowing. We had to turn away as many as heard the 10 The overwhelming response shows that there are so many personal and spih“ needs that are very seldom even being addressed. Students seem to be bankrupt] the area of interpersonal relationships. Our desire in Campus Crusade is to provide programing that addresses the needs, interests, and issues that effec 1 today’s college students along with showing how a personal relationship with' relates to every area of life. In pursuit of this we are working on plans to bring another lecturer, M c, | Purnell. Dick is a friend and associate of Josh McDowell. Dick will be doing* three night lecture series on Dynamic Relationships April 6,7, and 8. We will work as best we can to make sure we have plenty of seating for everyone that wishes to attend. Make plans now to be there. Sincerely, Anderson P.S. In the mean time I would like to invite you to our regular Campus Crus#] meetings on Thursday nights at 7*30 P m i n Kleberg 113. Campus Crusade for Christ Khs r,; International ■