The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 31, 1983, Image 9
national Battalion/Page 9 January 31, 1983 maty -*n theecJ d. • leading | badly oil ' e cession,tl esi we art J - downwJ n Richari lie analyst j VssociatiotS Dole, R.J Senate Fit! ed. ecovenanj each wed| ndividualj Decembe lets forfj Jther imprj d What’s Up Monday MSC BLACK AWARENESS COMMlTTEE.The Afri can American Drama Company of California’s produc tion of “Can I Speak For You Brother?” will be presented Tuesday at 8 n.m. in Rudder Forum. Admission is $2 per student and $8 for non-student. MICROBIOLOGY SOCIETY:The Texas ASM Conven- , tion will be discussed at the first spring meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in 113 BSBE. Anyone interested is welcome. MSC ALL-NITE FAIR — ALL PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS: A mandatory organizational meeting for all groups participating in the MSC All-nite Fair will be held at 7 p.m. in 308 Rudder. AMNESTY INTERNATION AL:The first club meeting will be held at 8:30 p.m. in 604-AB Rudder. Students interested in promoting student awareness of individual rights ate invited. TAMU ONE-WHEELERS:Semester plans will be discus sed and dues will be collected at 5:30 p.m. at the Grove. Beginners are welcome. STUDENT ’Y' — FISH CAMP ’83:Applications for counselor are available today at the Student ’Y’s’ secret ary’s desk, 21b MSC. Deadline for applications is 5 p.m., Feb. 11. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN C H APEL: A bible class on the Book of Ephesians is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. at the University Lutheran Chapel, 315 N. College Main in College Station. PHI SIGMA - HONORARY GRADUATE BIOLO GY SOCIE’l Y:Dr. Chuck Giammona will speak on “Strategic Petroleum Reserves -or- How to put Oil back in the Ground,” at 7:30 p.m. in 221 Civil Engineering Building. PHI THETA KAPPA ALUMNI ASSOCIA ITON- :Plans for club social scheduled for Feb. 11 will be discus sed at 7 p.m. in 104-B Zachry. Fellow PTK members are welcome to join. BETWEEN FHE LINES.A FREE performance of ‘Voices' an oral interpretive group performance, will be presented at 7:30 p.m. in Rudder Forum. AGGIE ALLEMANDE.RS:A free introductory class will be held from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in 22b MSC. Regular club dancing will be from 9 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Learn to square dance, the official folk dance of America, and join Aggie AUemanders for the semester. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP GROUP:Prayer will be discussed from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in 214 Scoates Hall. CLASS OF ’85:Run for the Roses, the sophomore class ball, is scheduled for Friday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the MSC Ballroom, second floor MSC. Tickets will be sold in the MSC and Rudder Box Office now until F’riday. The Debonaires will play. POLITICAL FORUM :Sign up now for the annual trip to Washington D.C. A $200 deposit is due by Feb. 9. For more information, call 845-1515. A&M RUGBY CLUB:Practice and training is held every Monday through Thursday at 5 p m. on the Main Drill Field. MSC VARIETY SHOW Applications to perform in the 1983 MSC Variety Show are available now at the secret ary’s isle in 21b MSC. Deadline for applications is 5 p.m., nd 23. Friday. Auditions will be Feb. 22 ant Tuesday TAMU SAILING TEAM:A meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in 109 MLS (Trigon). MSC VIDEO COMMITTEE:The first general meeting of the year is scheduled for 8 p.m. in 350-A MSC. MSC OUTDOOR RECREATION:Semester events will be discussed and a slide show will be presented at 7 p.m. in bOl Rudder. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF SAFETY ENGINEERS (ASSE):A meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in 342 Zachry. ECONOMICS SOCIETY:Spring semester activities will be discussed at 7 p.m. in 308 Rudder. New members (regardless of major) are invited to attend. It botbcil in take advt Smokes and drinks may be bad mix United Press International CLEVELAND — Cigarette smokers who become chronic drinkers may increase their chances of developing throat and nose cancer, said a Case Western Reserve University re searcher. C. David McCoy, an assistant professor of epidemiology at CWRU’s School of Medicine, said Friday his findings indicate a strong correlation between heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages in smokers and an in crease in cancers in the trachea and nasal cavities. Data as early as the 1950s in dicates people who had head and neck cancers tended to be heavy tobacco and alcohol users, he said. “Since that time, studies, in cluding our own, indicate there is a slight increase of cancer of the larynx in smokers who are non-drinkers,” McCoy said. “However, the same rate of smoking in conjunction with alcohol consumption dramatic ally enhances the risk. “The same trend is found with oral-cavity and esophageal cancers.” He emphasized the increase is not as dramatic in smokers who consume one or two drinks per day. In the Case study, hamsters were given injections of cancer-* causing substances found in tobacco and tobacco smoke. The hamsters that also received etha^ nol showed a dramatic increase in both tracheal and nasal-cavity tumors. “From our studies in hams ters, the increase due to alcohol consumption is in the range of 40 to 70 percent,” he said. .11 icre poo:: ate for fu idioactivei rtment ol Iso sugge ^ bid fo alter ho* thev are Missourians offered dioxin poisoning tests eagan sf 7 establii United Press International TIMES BEACH, Mo.— The |tate of Missouri plans to offer ee testing for people com plaining of skin rashes, the first |ign of dioxin poisoning. I “We’ve had a lot of interest Jxom people who call up and say, ‘1 have this rash’ or I once had tins rash,”’ said Dave Forney of .the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. I “This is based upon the fact that about the only symptom when first exposed to dioxin is fprloracne (a severe skin rash),” |:he said. I The free testing will be con- Bucted in Kirkwood, Mo., in ^February. I The CDC recommended in JPecember that Times Beach- lo. be evacuated after soil test ing showed high levels of dioxin lontamination. I Most of the 2,40,0 residents of ■imes Beach have stayed away *;since the recommendation was jnade, and a three-member de legation went to Washington ®his week to seek a federal buy- Sout pf homes and businesses. The delegation included the ngF Odd: j,Rev. Larry Rice, head of the Jew Life Evangelistic Center, a private relief agency in down- Kown St. Louis; Times Beach (Alderwoman Susan Johnson i.i/w liand former Mayor Gary SPverton. They met with Lee M. Tho- “I don’t want to overprom- ise,” said Thomas, who heads President Reagan’s task force formed to look into the flooding and dioxin contamination at Times Beach. Thomas said money from a hazardous waste “superfund” eventually might be used to pay for a temporary or permament relocation of Times Beach resi dents. But he said a “lot of steps” had to be overcome before that could happen. The fund is a pool of money financed by a tax on chemical stocks. The $16 billion fund is to be used for cleanup of hazar dous waste sites. TS-O Prescriptions Filled Glasses Repaired BRYAN 216 N. Main 799-2786 Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Sat. 8-1 COLLEGE STATION 8008 Post Oak Mall.. 764-0010 Mon.-Sat. 10-9 p.m. Texas State fflp Oeticae be Since 1935. New car leasing for business makes sense in 1983. Avoid down payment. Free up capital. Protect bank credit. Reduce taxes. Beat price inflation. y y y y y Call our auto leasing consultant. BENCHMARK LEASING INC. Bryan, Texas • (713) 775-4881 ed 7: Bias, associate director of the pFederal IAY ■ederal Emergency Manage- ECIAL >' nient Agency, who told them a i, Ibuy-out was not coming in the j Stea * ear f uture iravy jes and I i other m S ( Free Catalog of Quality Outdoor Gear and Clothing REI offers one of the largest selections of outdoor equip ment, apparel and accessories. Whether you hike, climb, run, ski, kayak or cycle, REI has a unique assortment of goods, competitively priced, to send you on any pursuit. Send for a free color catalog today and explore the world of outdoor adventure at REI. We guarantee satisfaction or your money back. □ Please send me a free color catalog. Name Address City State ZIP Mei P.O. Box C-88127, Seattle. WA 98188 Quality Outdoor Gear and Clothing Since 1938 AP FREE APARTMENT LOCATOR SERVICE • Apartments • Duplexes • Houses • Fourplexes • Townhouses Now leasing for summer and fall Special sum mer rates now available. Walking & biking dis tance to T.A.M.U. HOMEFINDER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT b96-1CG5 1055 S. Texas C.S. AEROBIC EXERCISE Exercise all semester for just $60 — that’s just $15 a month! — at College Station’s finest aerobic exercise facility. (Offer valid with current TAMU student or staff I.D.) ‘Exercise as often as you like ‘Classes offered seven days a week ‘Convenient location ‘Professionally trained instructors Also available: One month of classes for $25 Call BODY DYNAMICS today at 696-7180 or come by our studio on Harvey Road across from Woodstone in the Post Oak Village Shopping Center. BODY DYNAMICS Exercise Studio MSC POLITICAL FORUM PRESENTS WASHINGTON DC EXTRAVAGANZA 1983 MARCH 13-19 SPRING BREAK TRIP INCLUDES: TOURS: essM, ROUND TRIP AIR FARE LODGING AT THE CAPITOL HILTON 6 BREAKFASTS & 5 DINNERS KENNEDY CENTER PERFORMANCE . . . AND MUCH MORE! CAPITOL WHITE HOUSEL ARCHIVES PENTAGON COST: $525.00 DEPOSIT OF $210.00 DUE 9 FEB SEE OUR NATION’S CAPITOL SIGN UP NOW!! zfclVemonicd Student Centen- FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 845-1515 — TONIGHT! — at Graham Central Station "SHAKE RUSSELL BAND" 25C Draft Beer 7-9