The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 26, 1983, Image 9
V iIioiift'= etc. Battalion/Page 9 January 26, 1983 / A&M regents approve tenure, promotions Me Board of Regents has con firmed the promotion of 123 Texas A&M University faculty members, effective Sept. 1. stlc *^B)i the 123, 4 1 were advanced to full professor, 75 to associate ■chapi professor, six to assistant profes- tiild- U [ foland one to clinical professor, 'vhich ITie regents also approved |)ii ces the granting of tenure to 109 |win individuals. ided. W Promotions and tenure ^^mts are listed below in c level alpliabetical order by colleges: au is wop* College of Agriculture J stoft! Jo professor: Stephen W. Ful- <es andu eranc i John B. Penson Jr., agri-. ht ratj., jcultural economics; Charlie G. ouh Coble, agricultural engineering; dinj; Harold W. Franke, animal scien- iid. ce; Geirge \V. Bates, biochemis try and biophysics; Frederick R. i situa Mi) e , t so il and crop sciences; md tii an (i William H. Neill and Robert •umersptR Stickney, wildlife and lisher- •d proi iegscinces. ' eaVe flV 0 associate professor: Theo dor- H. Friend, Darrel A. Knabe, James O. Sanders and Jeffrey W. Saveli, all animal sci ence; David W. Reed, horticul tural sciences; Raymond D. Martyn, plant sciences; David D. Briske and Stephan L. Hatch, range science; and David A. Zu- berer, soil and crop sciences. Granted tenure: Thomas O. Baldwin, biochemistry and biophysics; Robert W. Blake and Floyd M. Byers, both animal sci ence; James R. Cate and Robert N. Coulson, both entomology; John L. Crompton, recreation and parks; Gunnar Finne and Theodore H. Friend, both animal science; Franklin E. Gil- strap, entomology; J. Spencer Johnston, plant sciences; Wal lace G. Klussmann, wildlife and fisheries sciences; Raymond D. Martyn, plant sciences; Joseph G. Massey, forest science; Daniel C. Pfannstiel, agricultural edu cation; James O. Sanders, anim al science; and Milton W. Wel ler, wildlife & fisheries sciences. College of Architecture To professor: W.L. Bucking ham, building construction. To associate professor: Jac dejong, building construction; and Augustus C. Hamblett and Walter V. Wendler, environ mental design. Granted tenure: David Bilbo, Jac dejong and Ronald Kruhl, all building construction; Daniel F. MacGilvray, environmental design; Richard P. Maher, building construction; John W. Walker, environmental design; Ward V. Wells, architecture; and Paul K. Woods, building construction. College of Business Adminis tration: To professor: Stanley H. Kratchman, accounting; R. Mal colm Richards, finance; Richard L. Daft, management; and Wil liam M. Pride, marketing. To associate professor: Wade Ferguson, business analysis; and Barry D. Baysinger, Cynthia D. Fisher, Ricky W. Griffin and Asghar Zardkoohi, all manage ment. Granted tenure: Leonard L. Berry, marketing; George C. Fowler, business analysis & re search; and Michael W. Pustay, management. College of Education: To professor: Robert S. Hurley, health and physical education; and Jerry L. Rapes, industrial education. To associate professor: Bar bara S. Beall and Glenn E. Richardson, health and physical education; Linda Parrish, in dustrial education; and Paulette T. Beatty, interdisciplinary edu cation. Granted tenure: Paulette T. Beatty, industrial education; Timothy R. Blair, educational curriculum and instruction; and Douglas J. Palmer, educational psychology. College of Engineering: To professor: Jerry A. Bullin, chemical engineering; David R. Basco, civil engineering; Jerry D. Gibson, electrical en gineering; and Leland T. Blank, Gary L. Hogg, William A. Hy man and Peter J.H. Sharpe, all industrial engineering. To associate professor: Dallas N. Little, civil engineering; Tho mas R. Fischer and Robert D. Nevels, all electrical en gineering; Thomas G. Pollock, engineering design graphics; Russell E. Puckett and Paul E. Rainey, both engineering tech nology; Donald K. Friesen, Albert Garcia-Diaz and Robert E. Young, industrial en gineering; and Carl H. Gerhold, Warren M. Heffmgton, Ben jamin W. Mooring and SherifT. Noah, all mechanical en gineering. To assistant professor: Mikael P. Olsen, civil engineering; and Joseph B. Popp, engineering technology. Granted tenure: Arthur R. Benton, chemical engineering; S. Bhattacharyya, electrical en gineering; Leland T. Blank, in dustrial engineering; Don E. Bray, mechanical enigneering; - CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION h/rodei ut-Up Fryers •» 69 LLY FARMS gAdE A FRYEAeG OR recast Qtrs 79* HALF 11 HOLLY GAL. I 1 LB. HOLLY FARMS GRADE A FAM. PAK MIXED *"1 Fryer Parts • • • l. 49* Fryer Wings • holly Farms grade a fam. pSk Fryer Breast holly Farms grade a split Fryer Broilers LB. LB. HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS CONDITIONER 1* OX. STL. flex BEEF SKIRTS SKINLESS Fajitas $ 1 78 COUNTRY CLUB BONELESS WHOLE 'urkey Hams.. l B $ 1 69 Sliced Bacon • COUNTRY CLUB IMPORTED Sliced Ham • • GILLETTE FOAMY. REG. 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REG. *7.97 YOUR CHOICE OO ^AVAILABLE I AT BRYAN I STORE ONLY| MATTRESS COVER •Wipes clean with damp cloth •Great for allergy suffers •Keeps mattress dry •No laundering necessary OUR REG. •1.37 & *1.47 mm choke SAYS 34% TO 48% OVER 1ST QUALITY PRICES SCATTER ASSORTMENT Assorted colorations, yarns and sizes. YOUR CHOICE TWIN OR FULL BED SIZES |KROGER STORES Charles W. Brice and Randall L. Geiger, both electrical en gineering; Charles J Glover, chemical engineering; Douglas M. Green, electrical en gineering; Richard B. Griffin, mechanical engineering; Nor man C. Griswold, electrical en gineering; Warren M. Heffing- ton, mechanical engineeering; James C. Holste, chemical en gineering; Donald A Maxwell, civil engineering; Gerald E. Mil ler, industrial engineering; Gerald R. Morrison, mechanical engineering; Richard W. New ton, electrical engineering; Tho mas C. Pollock, engineering de sign graphics; Paul E. Rainey, engineering technology; Sallie V. Sheppard, industrial en gineering; Richard P. Skow- ranek, engineering design graphics; Noel R. Strader,III, electrical engineering; and Gary B. Tatterson and Ralph E. White, chemical engineering. College of Geosciences: To professor: Wayne M. Ahr and John H. Spang, both geology; and Thomas W.C. Hilde, geophysics. To associate professor: Robert S. Bednarz and Peter J. Hugill, both geography; Richard L. Carlson, geophusics; and Douglas C. Biggs, David A. Brooks, Greta Fryxell and Eric N. Powell, all oceanography. Granted tenure: Robert S. Bednarz, geography; Douglas C Biggs and David A. Brooks, oceanography; Richard L. Carl son, geophysics; Patrick A. Domenico, geology; Raymond C. Fletcher, geophysics; Tho mas W. C. Hilde, oceanography; Peter J. Hugill, geography; James P. McQuirk, meteoro logy; William J Merrell Jr. and Eric N Powell, both oceano graphy; and John H. Spang, geology. College of Liberal Arts: To professor: Harry J. Shafer, anthropology; Dennis A. Berth- old, English; and Ludy T. Ben jamin, psychology. To associate professor: Nor- bert Danjafiaeuser, anthropo logy; Donald C. Johnson, com munications; Mark B. Busby, Clinton Machann, Katherine A. O’Keefe, Malcolm Richardson and W. Craig Turner, all En glish; John H. Lenihan, Donald J. Pisani and Anthony N. Stranges, all history; Keith E. Jamm, Robert E. Harmel, Ed ward B. Portis and Harvey J. Tucker, all political science; Wil liam S. Rholes and James B. Shaw, both psychology; and Be- nigno E. Aguirre, sociology. To assistant professor: John C. Adams, David M. Holman and Richard P. Sodders, all En glish. Granted tenure: Benigno E. Aguirre, sociology; Sara Alpern, history; Ludy T. Benjamin, Jr., psychology; Mark B. Busby and Cofinne Dale, English; Emily S. Davidson, psychology; Timothy J. Gronberg, economics; Keith E. Hamm and Robert Harmel, both political science; Hae-Shin Hwang, economics; Donald C. Johnson, communications; Dale T. Knobel and John H. Lenihan, history; Julie A. Lepick-Kling, English; Donald J. Pisani, his tory; Edward B. Portis, political science; John Powers, English; Anthony N Stranges, history; and Mar Zey-Ferrellk, sociology. College of Medicine 7b professor: Robert N. Barnes and Victor E. Schultze Jr., both internal medicine; Robert F. Peterson, pathology and labora tory medicine; and LeRoy B. Druepple, surgery. To associate professor: H. Wayne Sampson, anatomy; Ry- land F. Young, medical bioche mistry; and Sara J. Jones, psychiatry and behavioral sci ence. To clinical professor: J.C. Lee, pathology and laboratory medicine. Granted tenure: H. Wayne Sampson, anatomy; James L Way, pharmacology; and Ry- land F. Young, biochemistry. College of Science: To professor: David W. Berg- breiter and Michael B. Hall, both chemistry; Joel Zinn, mathematics; and Roland Allen and Wayne Saslow, both physics. To associate professor: Com er O. Patterson and Hugh D. Wilson, both biology; Danny L. Yeager, chemistry; Douglas Hensley and David Johnson, both mathematics; and Michael T. Longnecker and H. Joseph Newton, both statistics. Granted tenure: Ilya Bakel- man, mathematics; Donald J. Darensbourg and Marcetta Darensbourg, both chemistry; Susan C. Geller, Douglas A. Hensley and David Johnson, all mathematics; Michael T. Long necker, statistics; Comer O. Pat terson and Hugh D. Wilson, biology; and Danny L. Yeager, chemistry. College of Veterinary Medi cine: To professor: Michael E. Tatum, veterinary anatomy; Tex S. Taylor, large animal medicine and surgery; and W. Kay Read and James E. Womack, both veterinary pathology. To associate professor: Joerg A. Auer, Robert W. Field an Michael T. Martin, all large animal medicine and surgery; and Harry W. Boothe and Greg ory C. Troy, both small animal medicine and surgery. Granted tenure: John A. Allert, veterinary physiology and pharmacology; Gerald R. Bratton, veterinary anatomy; E. Dean Gage, small animal medi cine and surgery; Jon F. Hunter, veterinary physiology and phar macology; Ronald J. Martens, Michael T. Martin and Tex S. Taylor, all large animal medi cine and surgery; and Ian Tizard nad G. Gale Wagner, microbiology and parasitology. University Library: To associate professor: Donald H. Dyal and Katherine M. Jackson. To assistant professor: Julia M. Rholes. Granted tenure: Jane K. Dodd, Susan S. Lytle and Emma B. Perry. Decisons affecting faculty mem bers at Texas A&:M University at Galveston include the grant ing of tenure to Lawrence L. Griffin and Douglas J. Klein (both marine sciences) and Andre M. Landry and William J. Wardle (both marine biology) all of the Moody College of Marine Technology and to Robert F. Latham and Yu Hwa Wang of the Texas Maritime College. Promotions were approved for James M. McCloy (to profes sor of general academics), Ed ward T. Park (to professor of marine biology) and Lawrence L. Griffin (to associate professor of marine sciences). Both tenure and promotions are effective Sept. 1. WINNER! BEST MUSICAL! 7 TONY AWARDS • 1980 N.Y. DRAMA CRITICS CIRCLE AWARD 6 DRAMA DESK AWARDS EVITA The International Musical Hit iPresented by MSC Town Hall*Broadway February 14, 15 & 16 at 8:00 p.m. Rudder Auditorium-Texas A&M Univ. Available at MSC Box Office Phone (713) 845-1234 Ticket prices $14, $18, $22 Mastercard & Visa accepted