The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 26, 1983, Image 8
state January 26, Farm bureau officials say .\£ Reagan’s plans are good More parking, fewer flowers staff photo by Irene Mees Although the area was rather loud Tuesday, no one in A.P. Beutel Health Center complained. Fred Bernal, left, and Albert Ingleman were breaking up the flower bed to create four new parking spaces. United Press International AUSTIN — American far mers cannot hope to pull them selves out of their financial gloom until the world economy improves, the president of the American Farm Bureau Federa tion said Monday. “I think it’s tied to the general economy of the United States and the world,” Robert B. De lano said at a Texas Farm Bureau leadership conference. I think we’re closer to ending the recession than we were this time last year, he said. Delano said he expects to see an upturn in the farm economy by the end of 1983, and he urged farmers to sign up for President Reagan’s new crop swap program to speed the re covery. The president of the Texas Farm Bureau, S.M. True Jr. of Plainview, also said farmers should back Reagan’s payment- “Without such a pro gram, we face another build-up of surplus commodities which will again depress farm prices,” S. M. True, president of the Texas Farm Bureau, said. in-kind plan to wipe out price depressing surpluses. Reagan’s proposal, said True, “offers the best available method for dealing with the sur plus problem, and we must make every effort to insure that we do our part to make the P1K program successful.” True said the ultimate answer to farmers’ problems lies with Congress, who must ba lance the federal budget. He told the 500 conference dele gates the budget must be ba lanced through cut backs in spending rather than new taxes. “If we can’t afford cost-of- living adjustments in current so cial programs, then we had bet ter start adjusting the adjust ments,” he said. “Current levels of deficit spending will surely lead to re-inflation with inhe rent skyrocketing costs of pro duction and interest rates." In conjunction with the crop swap plan. True said other programs must be devised to bring agricultural production in line with domestic demands. Atheist claims oaths biased United Press International AUSTIN — Court documents filed by Madalyn Murray O’Hair, Monday, say that the ph rase, “God save our nation and this honorable court,” is a prayer and its recital in a cour troom violates the U.S. Constitu tion. O’Hair, head of the Amer ican Atheist Center in Austin, asked that the phrase, often re cited by bailiffs to convene court sessions, be declared unconstitu tional and barred from Austin federal courtrooms. She also filed a motion asking that a federal oath of office taken by court personnel ending with the words “so help me God” be ruled a violation of the Con stitution. O’Hair filed the motions in conjunction with a federal court suit she and her Society of Separationists Inc. filed in 1978 challenging a provision of the Texas Constitution, which she says requires anyone holding public office or a public trust to profess a belief in a supreme being. . The motions follow a court appearance by O’Hair earlier this month during which she said she heard a bailiff recite the phrase she claims is a prayer. When she complained to presiding U.S. District Judge James R. Nowlin, she said the judge told her recital of the phrase depended on how he felt and how many people were in the courtroom. TAtlU ULA Socjia^b PRESENTS Close Encounters of the Mystical Kind by B.S. Salzman, MD, FRSH Rudder Rm. 302 Sunday Jan. 30 2 p.m. Tickets s 2 00 non-members, *1°° members j: N S !> S s N s s ATTENTION AC MAJORS Alpha Gamma Rho the national Agriculture Fraternity invites you to a Rush Party Saturday, Jan. 29 8-1 418 College Main s S N s s I! BUSINESS CAREER FAIR ’83 BANQUET February ! MSC Room #224 7:00-9:00 p.m. Tickets and available Resewations are THIS WEEK in the A&A Foyer per person 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Re Board c r.j-jhed the •fexas A&M Umbers, ef RXthe I2: j t0 lull profes _Rfessor, si> “WithoutsuchapraK^d one t lace another build-upolHi i he regt commodities which v ^ granting depress farm P rices [Jividuals.' adding that exporttiuiiRf promot must be expanded. R ns are On the state level,Up' 1 the farm bureau iswwR e S e out the high costoftrciTtf p^o/evsc tion, water, taxes and lei Ptul John i mmal ecc>! 1 exas freight rates a g rici ulutions lavor outol H . ( , jiaw. F dusiries, including far? e J Geir g e ys modifies, he said. ^ lIK i biop “ This unfair situati \liBer. soil that farmers and tar a nd William ceive less, consumers g.Etickney, and agricultural proc jes scinces. encouraged to leave oassoc/.' said True. do 1 ' hi. 1 Knabe, Jam LIQUID dalmolive Amevfcaii Singles 5 KROGER SALTINES 59 c U.S. HO. 1 ^ RUSSET % POTATOES-4 Ice Cream . KROGER FAMILY PACK CHUNK Colby Cheese . COST CUTTER m Dog Feed.... Kroger"^ Peanut Butter SWEET JUICY RED RIPE WATERMELON 29 e LARGE. FLAVORFUL Cantaloupes . EASY PEEL CALIFORNIA SMA^ SIZE Navel Oranges ECONOMY SIZE Yellow Onions. KROGER 100TH ANNIVERSARY DISPOSABLES BUTANE LITER 67 rhe Childrens OF ALL AGES. IN FULL UNDERSTAND iY-TO- LANGUAGE. A 12-volum* Mt fit lad with th« drama .W*«uty .«dvi harolsm of tha araat Elbla mtorlaa thot hava kaan an A 11. of tha groat Elbla mtorlaa thot hava baai ♦o raodarm all ovar tha world for thousand Tha children's Elbla contains 123 of tha longuaga that Is faithful to tha scrlptura. Each story Is llli has baan daslgnads to oHmr chlldrai famous tlmpl* splratlonal and anjoyabla axparlanca. In addition to tha colorful stories, each volume contains an ll- ♦•d glossary of gaographlcal locations, biblical flowers. Tha Children »la” has baan approved by leading roprasor*- your collection today.. FOLEY 10 INCH COVERED FRY PAN OR SAUTE PAN POLISHED HEAVY GUAGE ALUMINUM INTERIOR COATED WITH SILVERSTONE DELUXE HANDLES AND KNOBS REMAIN COOL TOUCH DECORATIVE MIRROR •CLASSIC SCROLL GQLD •FLORAL FROST AND BROWN •FLORAL ENGINI BRITI GUNK America's no. 1 «nglm Especially formulal^ emulsifying degreaier marine, aircraft, lawnandf equipment engines. GREAT STUFF SEALANT SEALS. INSULATES. FILLS HOLES. 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