The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 26, 1983, Image 6
local / state Battalion/Pa] January In Faulk aim run-off election Alpha Chi Omega National Sorority proudly announces their SPRING RUSH Interested Women call: 696-3771 696-3285 ALPHA PHI OMEGA National Co-ed Service Fraternity NEW MEMBER MEETING Tuesday Jan. 25 & Wednesday Jan. 26 7:30 p.m. 205 MSC ★ Recognized on Campus ★ Refreshment Afterwards by Robert McGIohon Battalion Staff John Henry Faulk has been many things in the 69 years of his life: a radio and television personality, a humorist and a Texas folklorist, a constitutional scholar and an author. He added one other item to that list onjan. 12 — that of Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives. Faulk declared his candidacy for the the 6th Congressional District soon after former Democratic congressman Phil Gramm resigned his post and announced that he was going to run again for the seat he res igned. Faulk faces Republican Gramm and several other Democrats in his campaign. In an interview on Tuesday, Faulk said he was running more in order to force Gramm into a run-off election than to gain the House seat himself. If no candi date in the Feb. 12 special elec tion receives a majority of the votes, the top two candidates will compete in a run-off election. That strategy is a response to the “stunt” that Gramm pulled by having the special election scheduled for only four weeks after his resignation, Faulk said. Democrats need the extra time to organize an effective cam paign and to raise the money needed to combat the. half mil lion dollars Gramm is bringing into the campaign, he said. However, Faulk said he is a legitimate candidate and he will FREE APARTMENT LOCATOR SERVICE • Apartments • Duplexes • Houses • Fourplexes • Townhouses Now leasing for summer and fall. Special sum mer rates now available. Walking & biking dis tance to T .A M .U HOMEFINDER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 6S6-1GG6 1055 S. Texas C.S. 24-hour Banking with Teller 2 FIRST CITY CONVENIENCE BANKING CENTER PURYEAR DR = CULPEPPER ~[ PLAZA — TEXAS AVE to oc Get The Cash You Need, Whenever You Need It. USE The Familiar Cards at First City's Teller 2 — Pulse — Convenience Center: 1. Anytime 2. Quicksilver 3. Boss Banker 4. Southwest Banking Card 5. Dough Boy 6. Mini-Bank 7. Ready Bank nRsrCiTY First City National Bank of Bryan Member FDIC Candidate John Henry Faulk serve — and work against Reaganomics — if elected. Two of the problems with Reaganomics are that too little is spent on the needy and too much is spent on defense, he said. “We need to re-examine our whole so-called defense spend ing,” he said. "We’re being tre ated to a hocus pocus and a con game.” He said he sees parallels be tween Herbert Hoover, a pre depression Republican presi dent, and Ronald Reagan, the current Republican president. Reagan, like Hoover, doesn’t know what is hap said. “It’s almost ternfnk-« Ronald Reagan say ’ things Hoover said,"I* ™ Faulk often has bee: liberal because of his,: the economy and spending. However,kt only label he acceptss Democrat. Faulk said his dis labels stems fromaii® label — that of com destroyed the repuaj careers of many. ’50s, “McCarthyism,"jJ of publishing and innuendo and half-ir troved the lives of r cent |>eople. Faulk never was MB communist, he said. linked to communismiS port” published by “radH Among other things.tkH stated that Faulk had^S dinner that was spot — — communist organizadtH that a known corB attended. As it finally turnedB through a libel suit if ,• Doris jut s awarded Fau • ) , a t the in damages — ilu n(MV , banquet in honoroftkij^ sary of the United Natt mer first lady EleanorU attended the banquet.| the celebration's mams was the American tion. And the “knowntoJ| ist" in attendance wasSup plomat Andrei Gromylil Cons claim TDC punishes United Press International HOUSTON — A lawyer who represented inmates in the pris on reform case said the Texas Department of Corrections is punishing prisoners for testify ing against TDC in a hearing last year. Donna Brorby said in papers filed in federal court Monday that eight inmates from the Wynne Unit who were called as witnesses have been put into administrative segregation and kept apart f rom the unit’s gener al population. TDC officials denied the ac cusation. But Brorby said the inmate- Uniti HOUS lapped i iroducti< witnesses have been i o ur p, ou cess to outdoor recre :j c k ec i tc are not allowed dav orri |, u te \ ileges. She has reque* ranes 3 hearing to allow D| ^ nc j j, judge William Wayne ,f S pjff y near objections to the ■ home, native segregation pla: 1 “\yh The inmates testifi |oi n g is use of convict guards ituckey, iociati DOUGLAS JEWELRY 15% STUDENT DISCOUNT WITH CUHREHT A&M ID (REPAIRS HOT IHCLUDED) Keepsake Registered Diamond Rings PULSAR SEIKO, BULOVA St CROTOPi WATCHES AGGIE JEWELRY USE YOUR STUDENT DISCOUNT TO PURCHASE A DIAMOND FOR YOUR CLASS RING (ANE LET US SET IT FOR YOU) AND 212 N. Main Downtown Bryan 822-3119 MC VISA Culpepper Plaza College Station 693-0677 DINNERS CLUB AM EXPRESS LAYAWAYS INVITED IT mi luring tl "Home Hesai ined 1 tomak :orpor is fro TO CL 0) DC 421 S. Main- 822-2823 “A Complete Autof: Service Cente' Tune-Ups 3 < • Brakes a> -♦—* XU CL E o o Clutches Front End Parts Reps Standard Transmiss: Repairs All American Ci Datsun-Honda Toyota 10% Discounl w Student I.D (Master Card & VISAAcetT Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased i These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Rt Each Daily Special Only $2.39 Plus! “Open Daily” Dining: 11 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. — 4:00 P.M. to 7: MONDAY EVENING TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL SPECIAL Salisoury Steak with Mexican Fiesta Dinner Mushroom Gravy Two Cheese and Onion Enchiladas Whipped Potatoes w chili Your Choice of Mexican Rice One Vegetable Patio Style Pinto Beans Roll or. Corn Bread and Butter Tostadas Coffee or Tea Coffee or Tea , One Corn Bread and Butter WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Chicken Fried Sle? w cream Gravy Whipped Potatoes and I Choice of one other | Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and flit' Coffee or Tea THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing — Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FOR YOUR PROTtCTION OUR PERSONNEL HAVE HEALTH CARDS. FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL BREADED FISH FILET w TARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL Yankee Pot Roast Texas Style (Tossed Salad) , Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SUNDAY SPECi NOON and EVENI ROAST TURKEY Dl Served with Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Roll or Corn Bread • Butt? Coffee or Tea Giblet Gravy And your choice of an| One vegetable mi i • !