The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 26, 1983, Image 3
local Battalion/Page 3 January 26, 1983 a in q ^’hat iti 5S. le Bun sekend, ut “the the Belt Checker Darrell Pitillo uses a talking register pafeway using talking registers crats dp ^ms rai* Christine Mallon r I' Battalion Reporter The next time you’re at the upermarket, don’t be surprised ®he voice checking your ioceries is different than the oice of the cashier behind the ounter — it might be a achine. upafeway Stores Inc., in Cul- tepper Plaza, is the first super- narket in Bryan-College Station [/ b use cash registers that electro- HCally read and call out prices, temi/.e receipts and total items. Bkfter all groceries have been jassed over a scanning device, he voice from the register tells ustomers their total grocery till. The customers give the :ashier money, the cashier en- ers the amount received into he terminal and if change is lue, the register’s voice says how fluch money is owed to the aper. pan Feldman, assistant man ger of the store, said most of (hop the customer feedback on the talking registers has been posi tive. Unlike many supermarkets, Safeway does not put visible prices on many of its items, Feld man said. Instead, cashiers run the item over a scanner to read prices. He said that now both cus tomers and checkers will be able to hear, as well as see all prices. One cashier said the only dis advantage of the talkies is they can slow down work when groceries have to be checked one item at a time. Felman said he thinks that eventually all stores with scan ners will adopt the new talking system which makes price check ing more accurate. The novelty of the registers has attracted many shoppers who seemed amazed at the new device and wonder what lies ahead for supermarkets of the future. Regents (continued from page 1) miform rental fees for non- 10TC Cadets from $150 a year ;o $200 a year, effective Sept. 1. • Named the Texas Engineer ing Extension Service in San Kntonio the H.B. Zachry Train ing Center. • Appropriated $395,000 for installation of a PLATO compu ter-based education system at Texas A&M. The PLATO ter- inals will offer four courses: FORTRAN, Calculus I, Physics I and Chemistry I. • Appropriated $400,000 for the establishment of a Presi dent’s Reserve at Texas A&M. The president will be able to use the reserve to match salary offers made to Texas A&M fa culty by other institutions. • Authorized Chancellor Arthur G. Hansen to prepare bid offerings for oil and gas leases for two tracts of land north of the University’s main campus. A special meeting to act on the bids was scheduled for Feb. 22. See tenure list, page 9 ^-Traditions ^ I (continued from page 1) ^^.ing the organization coeduca- “-choitffiPphe head of the school of lllitary science, Lt. Gen. I&mond R. Simpson, said that Dinia. ■ ( ;he University has had a number cord i:: >fjhigh school girls who were ar e "ptaje champion baton twirlers libers ipk to join the Aggie Band, then'^ e re P** e d ^at we are a n military marching band and that '“i foe don’t use baton twirlers,” ; aD0 Simpson said. “We suggested pit they attend a school that loes.” lit is for practical reasons that lyomen are not encouraged to join the band, Simpson said. Ihere are no coed dorms at lexas A&M; therefore, a ^_-^Woman in the band would have to be housed with other female cadets, he said. H The female band member would not be a part of the female unit, nor would she be a member of the band units, and therefore she would not have a particular place in the Corps, he said. 1 Lt. Col. Joe T. Haney, dire ctor of the Aggie Band, agrees with Simpson. It would cfeate a hardship t her (a female in the band),” Bney said. “In my opinion, she would have many, many prob- ' :ms.” iFemale cadets also agree with npson’s reasoning. 1| Kim Holtz, a junior cadet, ^;;said; “I think you’ll find most ^ Women agree with Gen. Simp son. What makes the Aggie 1 ^ Band so great is living together as a unit, and until we can get , toed housing, it just wouldn’t be a very good idea.” Simpson said: “It would seem to me that the females are glad to see the Aggie Band, but they would not like to see women in it.” Another area of traditions that students were questioned about was giving recognition to members of fraternities and sororities. Most of the students polled felt that Greek organizations should not be recognized, although a large percentage said’ they thought they should be. Thirty-four percent disagreed and 21 percent strongly dis agreed with giving fraternities and sororities campus recogni tion. But 36 percent said they thought Greeks should be rec ognized. Don Scott Marable, president of the Interfraternity Council, said he was pleased with those results. “I’m surprised that the num ber of people who agreed out weighed those who strongly dis agreed,” he said. But Marable, a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity, said that the IFC isn’t working to promote recognition of Greeks because it would take away some of the group’s privileges and damage its system of govern ment. “Our primary goal is accept ance, not recognition,” he said. “We want to be Aggies first and Greeks second.” Thursday: Should a football coach at a university make more than the university’s president? The Store Worth Looking For CUSTOM SOUND Markdown Mania! ... I think it’s habit forming! The Good Ole Boys down at Custom Sounds have been marking prices down like mad. If your in the market for a super buy on stereo equipment, then come on down to Custom Sounds the deal of a lifetime. But watch out for Mike the Markdown Mania Man! Sale thru I Jan. 31st accula SPEAKERS U340 A’s acculah ~\ 480 s This 3-way speaker can be compared with systems costing twice as much. It’s an excep tional system made saperb by its ragged constraction. Reg. $200 each NOW ONLY! S| t9 oo The top of the line Accolab. This horary speaker offers per formance so realistic you may feel guilty for not buying the ticket! each Only Reg. $ 300/each each 18 s 94 s This 2-way system is a super buy! It comes complete with an 8 in. woofer and a super sound! •a. A 3-way system with 3 drive systems! Imagine the sound! % 199' ca< III CT-6R The CT-6R is a full featured cassette deck. It comes with Ribbon Sendust Heads, 3- motor direct drive design and more! •CdmorvjEerr SX-5 This 30 watts/channel AM/FM stereo receiver with digital scan tuning and six preset sta tions was regular $325.00. A super Christmas thought! NOW ONLY Only 199 90 PL-5 This fully automatic turntable will steal the heart of many on au diophile! The PL-5 is simplicity it self! Reduced! I 19 90 — Miscellaneous Markdowns Nikko Audio NK-800 This digital quartz AM/FM stereo receiver comes complete with memory preset tun ing for 6 AM and 6 FM stations. It also has push button auto/manual tuning, and two tape monitors. Reg. $520.00. Wildly Priced lOO IKEIMWOOD* KR-750 This AM/FM stereo receiver is one of Kenwoods finest. A big seller at $550.00. AM/FM 60 wstt/channel di gits] receiver. CT .#& d&RdflNAA NOW ONLY 9 60 watts per channel NUMARK EQ-2600 Stereo graphic 10 band equalizer with tone computer display, a calibrated, two channel, three color flourescent frequency spectrum display. 149 T E AC TEAC v-40 i 8 8 A-);--. mm m The TEAC V-40 cassette deck is one of our hottest items! It has soft touch controls, direct mode switching, and REC mute. You’ll enjoy the con venience! Reg. $280 NOW % ONLY | S9 oo TEAC X-10MKII This 10" real to real is really one of the best today! It’s dual capstan closed loop transport and full logic transport control are only a couple reasons! m^rnmna. S 699 ■fliD Piorvieen xs-ess—* These three way speakers come complete with a 20 oa. magnet and maximum input of 40 watts. Christmas >££95/^ Special 'pair ■fliD pioNeerr ts-694 \ Pioneers two stay speakers! 20 os. mag nets and h’s high compliance. low fre quency cone make these one of our besq sellers. *49**/pr. ClO PIONEER'TS-106 S FT-C36 PT-C36. Thu Sanyo comaa complata SANYO 109 FTV-77 The AM/FM stereo cassette £ player with 18 watts of ie 9 o« ^KEiMwaao- These 4 inch single cone speakers come with 7 os. magnets and a maximum input of 20 watts. S JENSEN !£st KRC-511 anawmi. safe cassette stereo with distal scan, bass 9 treble, Dolby and Kenwoods ealqne cassette stand by featere! Super buy at $430.00. V CUSTOM Don’t hold back! Were noil Come down and check out these deals! Incredible S i SOUND LAIOZAIOZIES RE-518 now ’199” 3800A Old College Rd. Next to Triangle Bowl 846-5803 OPEN 10-6 IMON.-SAT S. COLLEGE CUSTOM SOUNDS [ ±1 TRIANGLE • BOWL OPEN >- MON.-SAT. £ 10-6 S Co ‘-LEGE TEXAS ASM UNIVERSITY WELLBORN ROAD 84G-SS03