The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 26, 1983, Image 14
■■■NATIONALLY ACCLAIMED SINCE 1959“^ FROM EAST TO WEST STUDENTS SAY WE’RE BEST! > I mrr tours sports Battalion/Pad January 26, lis *= Super Bowl XVII hoopla begins TAS Harwood 2428 GUADALUPE AUSTIN. TX. 78705 C C## W ■ Redskins beware: The Dolphins are read United Press International LOS ANGELES — You didn’t see this on television, because it happened on the field during one of those timeouts for a com- Villa Oaks West WHAT A BETTER WAY TO START OFF ’83 2 Bedroom 1-1/3 Bath Approx. 810 sq. Fireplace $ 340 D 2 Bedrooms 2 Baths Approx. 929 sq. ft. Fireplace $ 395 Villa Oaks West is conveniently located just off FM 2818 in Bryan 1107 Verde Drive 779-6296 779-1136 mercial. The New York Jets had kick ed off to the Miami Dolphins to start Sunday’s rain-soaked, mud-caked contest in the Orange Bowl, and after Fulton Walker, their speedy little punt- return specialist from Martins- burg, W.Va., brought the ball back to Miami’s 23, the Dol phins’ offensive unit trooped out onto the field and went into a huddle. Eric Laakso, the Dolphins’, fifth-year pro and only player in the NFL of Finnish descent, stood up in the huddle so he could look over the way the Jets were lining up defensively. He and the rest of the Dol phins had heard some of the Jets’ defenders, fellows like Joe Klecko, Marty Lyons and Greg Buttle, were still nursing in juries, and Laakso was trying to see whether they were starting or not. Lyons and Buttle were, and Klecko would come in shortly afterward. Then Laakso’s eye caught Mark Gastineau, the Jets’ unin hibited defensive left end. As Miami’s offensive right tackle, it would be Laakso’s primary job to keep Gastineau off quarter back David Woodley’s back all day. Gastineau, who’s like one of those big friendly St. Bernards, noticed Laakso giving him the once-over through his facemask only a few yards away and nod ded at him amiably. Laakso nod ded back. He didn’t say a word, but he was letting Gastineau know he was ready for him. And he was. The Jets’ highly emotional, inordinately strong extrovert did manage to sack Woodley twice, but overall the doggedly determined Laakso contained him quite well. And like so many of his fellow M S C ^ApGlE QNEMA^ presents GONE WITH THE WIND 7:30 p.m., Theater MIGHT SHIFT DR m A LADD COMPANYRELEASE WARNER COMMUNlCATlONsToMPANY Midnight, Theater Friday Jan. 28 Saturday Jan. 29 $1.50 wTAMU I.D. Advance tickets at MSC Box Office Mon.-Fri. 8:30-4:30. Also 45 min. before showtime. 12 A EVERYDAY AUTOMATIC 2 FREE COKES WITH EACH PIZZA ORDER A&M 30 MINUTES OR FREE Rules: If your pizza is not delivered to you within 30 minutes from the time you placed your order to any Texas A&M on campus address Chanello’s will give you your pizza FREE. HAM ONION 12" 16" 20" ANCHOVY SAUSAGE CHEESE 4.55 6.95 12.25 GR. BEEF BL. OLIVE AD ITEMS .95 1.40 1.80 GR. OLIVE XTR CHEESE THICK CRUST SUPREME .95 1.40 1.80 MUSHROOM JALAPENOS 8.30 11.25 16.10 FAVORITE GR. PEPPER PEPPERONI 8.30 11.25 16.10 CAN CHANELLO’S BEAT THE CLOCK ON THE AGGIES? 846-3768 IF BUSY 846-7751 301 PATRICIA Minute Delivery Coupon I ‘ “ | your pizza does not arrive within | 30 minutes from the time you or- I j dered your pizza is FREE with this I j coupon on campus. One coupon per pizza I Expires 1/30/83 Jets in the Dolphins’ 14-0 triumph, Gastineau did not have one of his better days. Next Sunday, the Washing ton Redskins meet the Dolphins in Super Bowl XVII in Pasade na, Calif. Many of the Redskins were watching the game in Miami Sunday on TV, but none of them saw that little exchange between Laakso and Gastineau, because of the commercial that came on during the timeout. The Redskins are hot, maybe hotter than the Dolphins. Of course, they’ve just taken care of America’s Team, the Dallas Cowboys, and seem capable of beating anyone, with Joe Theis- mann throwing the ball and John Riggins carrying it. They should take heed, though, of that silent message Eric Laakso was delivering to Mark Gastineau. The Dolphins are ready — not only for the Redskins, but for anybody. They’re on a roll. Washington has an excellent defense, one of the best you’ll see, but it still can’t compare w ith Miami’s, which has less give in it than the Great China Wall. The Dolphins’ defenders have a right to go around beat ing their chests and to think maybe they can stop anyone. “Are you guys starting to feel you’re invincible?” one radio man tried putting words in the mouth of Don McNeal, one of the Dolphins’ feather-footed aggressive cornerbacks. McNeal smiled. He’s a rela tively little fellow who makes the big play but doesn’t udk big. “I’m the kind of guy who doesn’t like to brag, but we are getting to feel pretty good about ourselves," he said. “We feel we can play with anybody.” For the Dolphins, this will make their fourth trip to the Su per Bowl, their last years ago, ans on and only tlittt this dub Kuechenberg, Verndet# and Don Strock —wei W”** iifcw Wfc What most people«j like about the Dolphin! way they adjust to anysnj Nothing seems togetti* hinged, no matter whau credit for that has to go Simla and his assistanto Playing in themudanji Sunday in the OrangeIkL am (lung but a dayatibtffl Si one nine Rockets 114-111 jeis' quarterback i®| , I odd had his umsi tL fA’ seeing five of his paix/\rkar i epted. W< M hIIi \ had §utt<>i Ins losses pie ked oilR a z< h tlies didn’t proveanywlj n i; as damaging to the Ikwitho I odd's did to the Jets. G seemed to adjust lotheiqpnigl mis underfooting belter porta >wl)} ] on I t Razoi drop Nets; fin- positive’ victoi eagu I ues< United Press International HOUSTON — The negative publicity the Houston Rockets received recently apparently had a positive effect in their game against the New Jersey Nets. Joe Bryant scored a season high 28 points in Tuesday night’s 114-111 victory, while James Bailey, who replaced Elvin Hayes in the starting lineup, and Allen Leavell put in 24 apiece. “I was hoping our players would respond in a positive way to a problem that shouldn’t have become public, and tonight they did,” said Houston coach Del ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ * * * SCHULMAN THEATRES $1 off adult tickets 1 st Matinee Sat & Sun Mon-family night Sch 6 Tu^amilynij^hnitlEJIll^ * * * * * * * SCHULMAN 6 J * 2000 E. 9th 775-24M * * * *- BEST FRIENDS Burt Reynolds 7:20 - 8:40 * * 4r- FIRST BLOOD 7:15-9:30 *- STILL OF THE NIGHT 7:25i -9:40 THE VERDICT 7:25-9:55 SAVANAH SMILES 7:15-9:25 ATOR (Dolby) Milo* O’Keef 7:15-9:30 '* * * * * * * * * * * * * * -* * * * * * * 4-. > Harris, referring to Tuesday’s published remarks by Hayes that the coach was ineffective. Hayes, the longest playing player in NBA history, was told Monday he would not be in the starting lineup Tuesday for the first time in his 15-year career. In a story in the Houston Chronicle Tuesday, Hayes criti cized the coach and said the team could not improve with Harris. Harris, however, said he be lieved the comments stemmed from his decision to remove Hayes from the starting lineup to give Bailey, a young forward, more playing time. However, following Tues day’s game, Hayes, who scored rom teed onl\ four points, said coming off the bench oach ( iting oss " “I'm going to enjoviife scai-old forward saicDl's pleased with the playentK and with irty conlribmM^^ sta\ on the trench until h () I’m hat k home in Hoik Basketball is lun. I'll be team next vear." :ourt Leavell demonstrate minute heroics anda l r a<t floor game to dinchth pT 1 the Rockets. With his ter* ,, mg 111-110 in the set onds. 1 .eavell hit a from the base line, theIl^ !, ’ two clinching free throvl 12 seconds left. “They (the Rocketsjj with great (ontidepefj and they’ve got somegoo ei s on their team," sanj Jersey coach Larry Bror )ver Bryant in hospita with chest pains United Press International TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — Hos pital officials said former Uni versity of Alabama head football coach Paul “Bear” Bryant was admitted to Druid CityN Tuesday evening stil from chest pains. Student Disc. Fri. with ID $2 ' TV os. All seats $2.00 1 + MANOR EAST III* ^ Manor E. Mall 823-8300^ - — ' 4- CINEMA I & II SKAGGS CENTER 846-6714 Hospital spokeswonu: Jordan said Bryant is i comfortably and is in not She said the hospital will! ning tests Wednesdays mine the nature of the i* SNOWYRIVER * 7:254:45 if * The Dark Crystal 7:45 - 9:45 Alchard Pryor “THE TOY” <PG) * 7:30 - 9:50 TIME RIDER 7:30-9:50 J KISS ME GOODBYE J £ Sally Fields * *Tnr Unhr CAMPUS ★ ★★★★ ow . 6512 * AIRPLANE II * CINEMA III POST OAK MALL 764-0616 Share the Magic! ‘E.T.,The Extra-Terrestrial' 7:15 9:30 (PG) Dustin Hoffman “TOOTSIE” (PG) 7:29-*:40 Nick Nolle “44 HOURS” (R) 8:00-10:00 John Lucas, theassisu: pital administrator, said! was brought into thehospi out 6:15 Tuesday t' 1 Lucas said Bryant spending the night, bu' not know how long would remain. Bryant, also a former A&M coach, was report! resting comfortably early TR i ALL i CITIES ALL STATE! IT’S SIMPLE.. * CUT * YOUR LONG-DISTANCE TELEPHONE COSTS BY 20% to 50% AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY FOR BOTH • BUSINESS AND HOME • For More Information Call 779-2830 * STAR * TEL, INC. I Visit our sign-up booth in the MSC main hall (1st floor January 25 1 26, 27.