Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1983)
STUDENT BOOK EXCHANGE Need to pick up books or money from sale of books. Monday, Jan. 24 thru Wednesday, Jan. 26 8:30-4:00 p.m. MSC Room 216 If not picked up by Wed. Jan. 26, 4 p.m. all books and money left will go to Student Government. Villa Oaks West WHAT A BETTER WAY TO START OFF ’83 2 Bedroom 1-1/3 Bath Approx. 810 sq. Fireplace $ 340 2 Bedrooms 2 Baths Approx. 929 sq. ft. Fireplace i : $ 395 11 igS78 / .► 1 1 1 .* 1 1»- g Forestwood Q. Villa Oaks West Villa Oaks West is conveniently | located just off FM 2818 in 1 Bryan J 1107 Verde Drive ^ H Pinfeather Drive 779-6296 779-1136 national BattalionM January 25,1 Now you know United Press International Scientists are looking at bugs to figure out how to develop sophisticated, space age robots. Yes, daddy longlegs, which coordinate their jointed legs as they negotiate uneven surfaces, are aiding in the development of walking machines that could op erate on terrains now inaccessi ble to man. People who study robots — robotocists — have long tried to design an “adaptive walking machine,” a device capable of making constant adjustments to uneven ground. Programming a robot to walk with a fixed gait on a flat surface is easy, but no one has yet made a robot with a free gait. That is why Ohio State Uni versity electrical engineer Robert McGee and University of Oregon scientist Robert Frank lin went to work with daddy longlegs. They discovered that these bugs’ eyes are not essential for navigation. Instead, they use their second and longer pair of legs as feelers. So far, McGee and Franklin have put together an ex perimental walking machine capable of adjusting the height of the legs to keep its body level. TS-O Prescriptions Filled Glasses Repaired BRYAN 216 N. Main 799-2786 Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Sat. 8-1 COLLEGE STATION 8008 Post Oak Mall.. 764-0010 Mon.-Sat. 10-9 p.m. Texas State s© Of^ticae oc Since 1935. ' ^ y * : , :•••. .:>.: ••• ■ ■. • ‘ ' "N - . " , . 0 S ' I i Whafs Up ■ - ERICA N Tuesday H HUM AN ICS STUDENT ASSO CIATION :Dr. Stone will discuss internship opportuni ties in the youth agency field in a meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 140 MSC. PRE-LAW SOCIETY:Local attorneys, William R. Vance, Steve Rodgers and Gaines West, will participate in a panel discussion Wednesday at 7 p.m. in 410 Rudder. TAMU SAILING TEAM:A regular weekly meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in 109 MLS (Trigon). For more informa tion, contact Jonathan Roach at 260-2669. MSC CAM AC :The first general meeting of the spring semester will be held at 7 p.m. in 308 Rudder. TAMU HORSEMEN’S ASSOCIATION:The group will meet at 7 p.m. at the MSC Lounge for the Aggieland at Kle k) In H photograph. A business meeting will follow at Kleberg. ASSOCIATED GENERAL CONTRACTORS:The first spring meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in 207 Harrington. “Importance of AGC” will be featured and dues will be collected. STUDENT GOVERNMENT (STUDENT BOOK EXCHANGE):Pick up books or money from the Stu dent Book Exchange now through Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in 216 MSC. STUDENT GOV’T — VOTER REGISTRA TION :Get registered for local spring elections! Register at the first floor MSC, the lobby of the A&A building, the street corner of Nagle and Lubbock (in front of HeTden- fels) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and in front of SBISA Dining Hall from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. now until Saturday. BUSINESS CAREER FAIR BANQUET:Tickets are on sale ($5 per person) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. now through Friday in the foyer of the A&A building. Reservations for companies are available. A&M RUGBY CLUB:Practice and training will be held Monday through Thursday at 5 p.m. on the Main Drill Field. MSC VARIETY SHOW .‘Applications to perform in the 1983 MSC Variety Show are available now at the secretar ies isle in 216 MSC. Deadline for applications is 5 p.m., Feb. 4. Auditions will be Feb. 22 and 23. MSC HOSPITALITY:Interviews for new members are available now through Wednesday. Get your applications in the Hospitality cubicle in 216 MSG (SPO office). A general meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in 310 Rudder. AGGIELAND YEARBOOK PICTURES:This is your last chance to have your picture in the Aggieland. Today through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. pictures will be taken at 1700 Puryear Drive, 696-6756. No individual pictures will be taken after Friday for the ’83 Aggieland. COLLEGE REPUBLICANS OF TEXAS A&M:Wel come back Ags! Final plans for the upcoming Chiles Dinner and other spring activities will bediscussec in a meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 302 Rudder. AGGIES FOR GRAMM.An organizational meetingfo university involvement in Gramm for Congress Cair paign will be held at 8 p.m. in 308 Rudder. Also,amee. ing will be held at 8:30 p.m. in 302 Rudder wherema: activities will be available for those interested in helpia; former Texas A&M Economist Phil Gramm in hisbidfc: reelection. Get involved in the electoral processl A&M CYCLING 1 EAM:An organizational meeti&gai^Hirterb; be held at 7 pan. in 604-4 B Rudder. Anyone mir pj us Hit in racing should come. ranks of; CO-OP STUDEN I ASSOC I AT 1C iNioiiu,! electiotiB tr ^ ns ' are scheduled for the first spring semester rnminga!'^ 6 "^ p.m. in 404 Rudder. ^ ai '' v :hoice to MSC GREAT ISSUES: Fhe first meeting of the semamBck. will be held at 7.30 p ni. in 410 Rudder. All iiitiTBirt Bin people are invited. Become a part ol a winning team-jjHLse eg the year oi G.I. Fbl fuitfaei information, coniaa ikp||imni Todorovic at 696-7608 oi 216 MSC (SPO) 8-1 1515 forward redshirte ARLINGTON HOMETOWN CLUB.Memhm worker meet at 8 p.m. in ih<- MM Main 1-ounge u> h.iwiiv linn 1 Aggieland photo taken. mc< pla BRYAN HOSPITAL:Bryan Hospital is sponsoringaCar-'B' ^* r11 dio-PulminarvResin itation t(.I’Ri ( ourse,ceitifiedbjivHuston American Heart Association, Wedm srl.n ami 1 hundaif®.* P a i i "i 11 . ; ■ to I O p in at the Bi s an Hos|> ( oriferenaH le " Room. The course i-- taught In Naomi Ginnix andcostsH| ^. xl ' 50 cents per person. y () ^ nany tin POLITICAL SCIENCE SOCIETY AND PI SIG.M.l^- ALPHA:Plans for the semester, a paper contest and iftied ] dinner will be discussed in a meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 121! With Bolton Hall. un|1 ,, tnd sma: Mue-Gr; vtthiak I o be wa SOCIETY OF MANUFAfnVRING i \(‘.INKERS' A.ul Details of the Houston Tool Show will be discussed in ’ 0 'd, POL IT ICAL FORUM :Sign up now for the annual tr mam ig» Washington D.C. A S200 deposit is due by Feb more information, call 845-1515. meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 203 Zachry. WOMEN IN COMMUNICATIONS, INC.Spm semester events will be scheduled in a meeting at 7:1 p.m. in 003 Reed McDonald Building. Enginooity Import Welcome Back Aggies in <Jan. & Feb. Get 15% off Installed Parts with, this coupon Over 30 yrs. Combined Mecb. exp. Aggie Owned & Operated Culiiak i >n his ca ;ave his Jrigran Q. Yo earn cri TAMU SKEET AND TRAP CLUB: A . Iim iiNSion of sea- tears. 1 son’s training for national < harnpionships will be hddma jlinary meeting at 7 p.m. in 209 Military Scienc o Bnildinj |phoni (Trigon). lead co: ABILENE HC3METOWN CLUB:C:iub pictures i nillk^B* or y taken Wedtiesday at 7:30 p.m. in the MSG Main founse. ,ears ^ »ad the How c h Absence of stress health hrough sening j ie? may improve 775-5614 1102 S. Coulter Bryan United Press International WASHINGTON — Numer ous studies have shown that peo ple who worry or are stressful have an increased risk of de veloping a disease, and a Boston psychiatrist says it appears that the absence of such stress might promote health. The key seems to be denial, the conscious or subconscious repudiation of risk, Dr. Thomas P. Hackett said. Hackett, chief of psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hos pital, said denial is a person’s way of coping with a difficult situation. Not only does a denier minimize worry, but also he is able to think positively about the future. Vecirbook Pictures Juniors & Seniors ON€ LAST CHfiNCC JANUARY 24-28 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1700 Puryear Dr. 693-6756 On January 28 at 5 p.m. the studio will close. No more indiuidu al pictures will be taken after that date for the ’83 Aggieland. The denier is optimistic and confident and may have a humorous outlook about things, Hackett said. A study of people who had heart attacks found that indi viduals classified as deniers were more apt to survive hospitaliza tion in the coronary care unit than were the fearful, Hackett said. “Survival rates for the denier, while not strikingly greater than for the non-denier, demonstrate that over the long haul, denial is not a bad coping tactic,” Hackett said. “Individuals who have the capacity to deny tend to do bet ter in convalescence than wor riers. “They get less depressed, re turn to sexual activity following an MI (myocardial infarction, or heart attack) with more alacrity, and go back to work more rapid ly than non-deniers. “Their quality of lifeissuti lively more satisfying thantfl non-denying counterparts’! Because of those Hackett and his colleagues| amined the characteristicsofl denier by conducting extenl interviews with the patients)] backing these up with liedfl tor tests and interviews 1 friends and associates. “In addition to denying they also tended to minimi symptoms,” Hackett said. “Verbal dismissal offeap] often accompanied byashrm an arm wave of dismissal Til seemed to regard themselvej invulnerable or possessing^ failing luck.” Denial appears to beasul trait, he said. The denier ij individual who has a 1 tory of adapting to stress] minimizing its impact. The Lipstik advertisement of Mon day January 25 stated a $ 1000°° firstl prize of the Gong Show. It should] have read $ 1 00 00 first prize l W -■ MW MW Kvr- m TAP Instructor NEEDED x H &ocieUs' If you are interested in teaching tap danc ing for Dance Arts Society, meet at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday Jan. 26 at 268 E. Kyle (Dance Room). Auditions begin at 7 p.m. For more information call Cynthia at 260-0056 MW— -MW- 30c