The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 21, 1983, Image 14

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    Check theaters for specific times
and prices. Movies subject to
change without notice. All list
ings are current through press
Campus Theater
Airplane II: The Sequel: Robert
Hays takes to the air again in a se
quel to the hit comedy. It's not as
funny as the original, but it has its
moments. PG.
Centerspread Girls: The title
tells all in this XXX flick. Midnight.
MSC Aggie
Airplane: Robert Hayes stars in
this hilarious spoof of the Airport
movies of the seventies. See what
really happens in the cockpit of an
airplane. R. Friday and Saturday at
7:30 in Rudder Theater.
Caddyshack: This movie takes a
wild irreverent swing at country
club life. Bill Murray and Chevy
Chase are the same zany men they
were on Saturday Night Live and as
always Rodney Dangerfield gets no
respect. R. Friday and Saturday at
9:00 in Rudder Theatre.
IVIonty Python Live at the Hol
lywood Bowl: Britain's most
popular comedians bring a little bit
of their humor to the states to test it
on the Americans. And it works. R.
Friday and Saturday midnight in
Rudder Theater.
Diva: In this French film, Diva is
an opera-intoxicated 18-year-old
mail carrier, who becomes entang
led in a web of murder, intrigue,
and passion. R. Sunday at 7:30 in
Rudder Theater.
on tap
Fiddler on the Roof: This specta
cular movie is adapted from one of
Broadway's best loved musicals.
The film is the celebration of a peo
ple's survival and the importance of
tradition. G. Wednesday at 7:30 in
Rudder Theater.
MSC Cepheid
DIaderunner: Harrison Ford
plays a mercenary in a future metro
polis. His job is to hunt down and
destroy four escaped Replicants —
artificially created humans. Rutger
Hauer plays the dangerous leader of
the Replicants who does all in his
power to help them escape and sur
vive the world that is hostile toward
them. PG. Thursday at 7:30 and 10.
Plitt Cinema
Th e Dark Crystal: This is a fan
tasy using a new breed of Jim Hen
son's Muppets. The flick is about an
alien world where strange creatures
set out on a noble quest. PG.
The Toy: A comedy starring
Richard Pryor and Jackie Gleason. It
is about a rich man who hires a poor
man to be a plaything for his spoiled
son. PG.
Manor East
The Man From Snowy River:
Kirk Douglas stars in this western
about a boy suddenly alone in the
world who helps a struggling girl. In
Dolby Stereo. PG.
Xime Rider: This movie is about a
champion off-road racer. All in Dol
by Stereo. PG.
Kiss Me Goodbye: In this com
edy, Sally Field plays a widow
who's planning to remarry — de
spite the appearance of her first hus
band's ghost. Jeff Bridges is the new
husband to be; James Caan is the
ghost. PG.
Xhe Best Little Whorehouse in
Texas: First the Whorehouse pap
ers, then the play and now the
movie. All of course are about one of
the greatest Texas traditions — The
Chicken Ranch and its ultimate
downfall. Midnight. R.
Post Oak:
Tootsie: Dustin Hoffman stars as
an unemployed actor who imper
sonates a woman to land an acting
job on a soap opera. PG.
E.T.: An alien from a distant
planet is stranded on earth by his
mother ship and hidden by a small
boy. They learn from each other.
Bring Reeses' Pieces to munch on
for special effects. PG.
4sHrs: This movie stars Nick Nolle
in a comedy and crime spoof. R.
Schulman Six
First Blood: This flick stars the
ever-popular Sylvester Stallone as a
man persecuted by the law for no
apparent reason. Includes a lot of
Rocky-type violence. R.
Ator: Miles O'Keefe is the virile
hero in this sword and sorcery epic.
Best Friends: Burt Reynolds and
Goldie Hawn are scriptwriters who
decide to get married because they
have so much fun living together.
But, it's never the same after the
wedding. PG.
Still of the Night: Roy Scheider
plays a psychiatrist in love with a
mysterious woman, played by
Meryl Streep, who may or may not
be a killer. PG.
Th e Verdict: Paul Newman plays
a washed-up Boston lawyer gets a
chance to redeem himself during a
hih-stakes malpractice suit. R.
Savannah Smiles: This movie
is about a little girl who makes a
lot of people happy. PG.
Skyway Twin
.losed for remodeling.
At Ease
Editor Colette Hutchings
Assistant Editor Diane Yount
Staff Assistants Dana Smelser
Jan Swaner
At Ease will consider any items submitted
for publication, although the decision to
publish lies solely with the editor. Dead
line is 5 p. m. the Friday before publication.
Entertainment on campus
by Battalion staff
Interesting diet tips
by Kathy Breard
Cold weather warm-ups
by Diane Yount
On the cover: You've prob
ably been wondering which
of the hundreds of movies
currently showing are worth
seeing. The ever-on-the-ball
Battalion staff has generous
ly spent $3, $4, and $5 to
preview and review a slew
of new movies. Check pages
8 and 9 for the very biased
opinions of our staff.
Cover art t>y Pam