The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 18, 1983, Image 7

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Battalion/Page 7
January 18, 1983
Graduating Without a Job ?
Earning a degree doesn’t guarantee you a job. Industry is looking for
experience and credentials and where can you get it? A NAVY officer can
acquire responsibility, training, experience, and enjoy traveling and socializing
while becoming very marketable to private industry.
The World’s Best Aviation Training
College grads are needed to pilot, navigate, and maintain the most
sophisticated aircraft in the world. All majors considered. No experience
necessary. Can apply before graduation. Up to age 31.
*As an Aviation Intelligence specialist you will get involved with
analysis of foreign capabilities, photo reconaissance, and recogni-'
tion of foreign equipment.
*As a Navy Pilot you will fly the most advanced aircraft ever de
*As a Naval Flight Officer you will operate the sophisticated elec
tronics and computers in the Navy’s newest jets.
*As an Aeronautical Engineer you will manage the support systems
that maintain the operation of the Navy’s finest aircraft.
— minimum 2.7 GRA
— U.S. Citizen
— 21 -31 years old
— Excellent health
— All majors considered but seniors in
engineering, science and business pre
— must pass qualifying examination
— The Navy is an Equal Opportunity Em
— Club privileges including 18-hole golf
course, swimming pools, handball, rac-
quetball, tennis, beaches, sailing and
flying clubs.
— Full medical and dental care
— Unlimited sick leave
— 30 days annual paid vacation
— post-grad education
— Retirement in 20 years
Nuclear Reactor
Management Training Available
Department of Navy, Division of Nuclear Reactors is accepting applica
tions for nuclear management trainees now. College sophomores,
juniors, and seniors can apply and if screened successfully, qualify for a
$1000/mo. retainer check while finishing college. Pay available up to 24
months prior to graduation.
Training program consists of 10 months of instruction following gradua
tion in Orlando, Florida:
Thermodynamics, Personnel Management
Electrical Engineering, Career Counseling
Chemical Analysis Control, Reactor Theory
Followed by six months of internship at one of the three reactor sites
with opportunities for assignment at various reactor and overseas sites
following internships.
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The field of cryptology combines two
opposite skills — cryptography and
Cryptography is the art of disguising
communications to protect them. Cryp
tanalysis is the art of deciphering coded
Each year a very limited number of
applicants are selected to attend Officer
Candidate School as prospective cryp
tologic officers. Those who succeed are
commissioned and then assigned to the
Navy Security Group. Because of the
highly technical nature of the Navy Se
curity Group’s work, scientific and tech
nical backgrounds such as electrical
engineering, math, physics and compu-
science/data processing are pre-
The Navy Security Group also sends
a limited number of officers to study
languages, primarily Russian and Chin
ese, at the Defense Language Institute.
To be selected for language instruction,
an officer must have demonstrated an
aptitude for languages in previous
schooling or achieved a satisfactory
grade on the Foreign Language Ap
titude Test.
We can’t describe the day-to-day
workings of the Navy Security Group or
the specific duties of cryptologic officers
because they are largely classified.
However, we can say that during the
course of their careers cryptologic offi
cers can look forward to a variety of
challenging assignments.
The knowledge and teamwork
needed to solve meteorological, ocean
ographic and hydrographic problems
form an important and highly spe
cialized area of naval operations — an
area that requires officers whose ranks
are small in number but large in terms
of technical expertise.
Applicants must have a degree in
meteorology, oceanography, geodesy
or another field of earth science, physi
cal science or engineering. Other re
quirements include two semesters of
calculus and two semesters of calculus-
based physics. An introduction to com
puter systems management, photo-
grammetry and cartography is viewed
as a plus. A degree in marine biology,
geology or chemistry, unsupported by
work in mathematics, physics,
oceanography and meteorology, is not
sufficient for entry into this career field.
Newly commissioned geophysics of
ficers normally are sent to one of the
Naval Oceanography Command
centrs, facilities or detachments. The
Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center
and oceanographic survey units are al
so possible assignments.
Primary emphasis is on operational
fleet support. Typical tours include op
erational meteorological and oceano
graphic forecasting, interfacing with
Navy research and development ef
forts, and conducting oceanographic
Geophysics officers are exposed to
great diversity in the application of three
primary sciences within the Navy and
the Department of Defense (DoD), as
well as through interface with non-DoD
and international agencies. This fosters
professional growth and enables these
officers to assume positions of increas
ing responsibilities as their careers
A select, limited number of college
graduates qualify each year as pros
pective naval intelligence officers. They
first attend either the Aviation Officer
Candidate School in Pensacola, Flori
da, where they train with Navy pilots
and flight officers, or the Officer Candi
date School in Newport, Rhode Island,
where they train with prospective sur
face warfare officers.
Upon commissioning, they begin the
basic intelligence course for Navy offi
cers at the Armed Forces Air Intelli
gence Training Center, Lowry Air Force
Base, Denver. Colorado.
This rigorous training is normally fol
lowed by a three-year tour of duty
aboard ship, at a shore-based aviation
squadron, or a major staff headquar
Typical functions of the newly com
missioned intelligence officer include
maintaining plots of enemy forces,
briefing pilots and senior officers on the
current enemy situation, debriefing
pilots after missions and compiling the
information obtained, operating ship
board intelligence processing facilities,
analyzing aerial photographs, and
maintaining escape and evasion plans.
The primary function of a naval intelli
gence officer is to assist the comman
der in decisionmaking.
Supply Corps
The Supply Corps, the huge arm of
the Navy that tends to its material re
quirements, offers a fascinating array of
challenging career opportunities, par
ticularly to those with a college back
ground in business or management.
The first assignment for all new Sup
ply Corps officers is the Navy Supply
Corps officers is the Navy Supply Corps
School in Athens, Georgia. Here offi
cers are instructed in the basic courses
required to qualify them for general
supply management at the junior officer
level. Subjects taught include disburs
ing, personnel management, food ser
vice and retail operations management,
and introduction to quantitative man
Following this training, most officers
are ordered to jobs at sea where they
serve as heads of departments on
small ships or as assistants to senior
supply officers.
Supply Corps officers, like other
Navy officers, are encouraged to plan
their careers and to take advantage of
further educational opportunities. There
are many billets open to officers in the
Supply Corps which require specialized
education in such management areas
as systems inventory, finance, procure
ment, transportation, merchandising,
food service, petroleum, operations re
search/systems analysis, computer
systems and general supply.
Civil Engineering
The naval shore establishment is
where Navy men and women and their
families live, work and play. It is homes,
schools, streets, parks and factories;
hospitals, science and research cen
ters, airports, docks, canals and radio
stations; railroads, communication sys
tems and — oddly enough for the Navy
— millions of acres of timberland, and
oil and mineral deposits.
One group of Navy officers manages
this incredible mix of military and civi
lian facilities: the Navy Civil Engineer
Corps (CEC).
The CEC is a relatively small group of
officers, all of whom are engineers or
Applicants for a commission in the
CEC will benefit by obtaining their engi-
neer-in-training (EIT) certificate during
their senior year at college. All CEC
officers are encouraged to obtain their
professional engineer license when
they have gained the required experi
CEC applicants must have at least a
bachelor’s degree in engineering from
an institution accredited by the Accred
itation Board for Engineering and Tech
nology. Preferred fields are civil, me
chanical, electrical, ocean, architectur
al, petroleum or construction engineer
ing. Degrees in engineering technology
are not qualifying, but architecture de
grees accredited by the National Ar
chitectural Accrediting Board, Inc., are
There are few organizations in the
world that offer so many engineering
and construction challenges as the
CEC. Challenges include planning, de
sign and construction of Navy bases,
which are often the size of small cities
and include just as many different kinds
of facilities, to the engineering and de
sign of fixed structures on the ocean
floor. These challenges can offer enor
mously satisfying career opportunities
to those who qualify.
For more information contact:
1716 South Texas Avenue Bryan, Texas 77801
Or call (713) 822-5221