The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 14, 1982, Image 7
Battalion/Page 7 December 14, 1982 national photo by Iw| )T it to t dy N Theft nets pull of $8 million United Press International NEW YORK — Two shot gun-toting bandits wearing ski masks broke into a builds ing housing an armored car service, overpowered a guard and stole $8 million, police said Monday. A police spokesman said the robbers apparently gained entry to Sentry Armored Car- Courier through the roof of the building around lltlS 7 p.m. Sunday. The bandits overpowered the guard, who was on duty alone inside the building, handcuffed him and stole $8 million in $50 and $100 bills from a vault before escaping, the spokesman said. The guard was not injured, police said. An FBI spokesman said the bureau had joined the investi gation. Company officials did not discover the robbery until ab out 7 a.m., when they unlock ed the building. The identity of the guard was not immedi ately available. The $8 million figure made the robbery the largest cash holdup in U.S. history, a police spokesman said. [Reagan, Dane discuss NATO United Press International WASH INGTON — President leagan arranged to meet with banish Prime Minister Poul fkhluter Monday, hoping to overcome a threat to planned' deployment of medium-range missiles in Europe. Schluter arrived Sunday for [he three-day working visit that vill include talks with Reagan knd other top administration officials. It marks the first offi- fcial U.S. visit by a Danish prime linister since Wc.ld War II. Defense and economic issues topped the agenda of the meet ing, which one senior U.S. offi cial characterized as “intense consultations” aimed at showing that the troubled Atlantic alliance is strong, stable and in good condition. However, U.S. and Danish officials attached prime import ance to a dispute triggered by Denmark’s suspension of pay ments to NATO for deployment of intermediate-range nuclear missiles. IS art to then te.” partmentij agency 1 /s trip hastily ice call failure n lational ‘ e will ffl 81 me ™ rina a Geniay(| es y the hijl 1 iierate S' ; excellen 1 '' tie mosil® reom, 111(1 and cot rt-inthef er held outs eeting. jsident ;uild, K the coi^ at brealu nployees. ; ers, spy! 1 foiled in 11 falls,S.D- L it board*' m said tit'’ ellent ^ iindnoit" ^ count!' TUESDAY NIGHT No cover for unescorted ladies with TAMU ID and 25C HIGHBALLS 'till 10 p.m. Door opens at 7:00 Dallas Night Club In the Deux Chens Complex Behind K-Mart, College Station 693-2818 Classified SERVICES 4 4 1 ;za (or I Married students can babysit, 696-8455. 64tll TVPING/WORD PROCESSING. Reason able rates. Call SLS Transcription Services, '260-9137. 17t5« Karen’s Typing service, 775-6126. 67t84 University Bookstore now offers 24 hour film service for as little as $2.99 for 12 exp. c-41 print film. • 42tfn Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846-‘ 3755. 178tfh TYPING- Word processing by secretary after 6:00, 775-7224. ' ftttll Service For All Tj Chrysler Corp. Cars TYPING 823-4579. 63tl2 TYPING, Dissertations, reports, thesis. Executive Secretarial Services, 696- 3785. 6319 WORD PROCESSING: Fast, accurate, reasonable, 846-6200. 63tl3 Typing experienced, fast, accurate, all kinds, 822-0544, 846-9707. 184tfn Call Sue for all your typing or word -processing needs. 696-9550. 131tfn Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 E ^ 1411 Texas Ave. 823-8111 Typing on word processing equipment. Ex-’ perienced. We understand form and style. Automated Clerical Services, 693-1070. .' 14t38 TYPING. AH Kinds. 846-0132. Gay/Lesbian Line 846-8022. Flying F Typing service, reports, statistical typing, $2.00/pg., 846-2506. 60tl5 Problem Pregnancy? Free pregnancy test ing and referrals. (713) 524-0548.” I88tfti FASTMARK Expanding your consulting business next year? Individual offices, includes receptionist. Short term leases. EastMark Executive Suites, 693-5895. Still have papers due? We can still do them. Word processing, fast service. 693-5895. FOR LEASE Sublease 1 bedroom across from TAMU $275, 693-7976, 845-9110. 70t5 TREEHOUSE SUBLEASE for spring, 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment, 696-2315. 70t4 Keep $400. deposit when sublease nice 2 bedroom 2 bath, 693-2926. 71t3 Patio home 717 Lincoln, five blocks from A&M on shuttle bus route. 1100 square feet. 2 bedroom 2 bath, fire place. Full kitchen & W/D connections. No bills. Deposit required. Minimum lease: 6 months, $550/mo., available February 1st. 696-3754 or 779-0554. 69tfn 1 bedroom 1 bath. Willowick. Overlooks pool, $295/mo. 696-8817 or 693-1325. 69t5 Sublease for spring. 1 bedroom furnished studio apartment. Gardenia Apartments. Call 693-4516. 69t7 1 bedroom fully furnished apt. Su per nice for one or two people. Lease for spring semester. Availa ble from December 3rd on. (Ear lier the better). On shuttle bus route. Call anytime 693-2261. 6916 TYPING. Based on Campus, 693-0770 day, 696-9586 nights. 64t5 Sublease 1 bedroom apartment for spring. Call 696-6731 after 5:00 p.m. 71t4 Nice 1 bedroom apartment, reduced to $290. Call 764-8245 after 5:00. 71t4 Chrysler proposal accepted United Press International DETROIT — The over whelming approval by striking Canadian workers of a new con tract with Chrysler Corp. cleared the way for the first of some 4,600 U.S. workers to re turn to their jobs Monday. The contract, ratified Sun day, will give the Chrysler Cana da Ltd. workers their first pay raise in three years and compen sates for Canadian inflation. Six Chrysler Canadian plants closed by the walkout reopened Monday. The U.S. workers were laid off as a result of parts shortages caused by the five-week strike by 9,600 Canadian workers*. U.S. Chrysler employees will vote Friday on their contract, which was approved by union leaders Saturday. It is expected to be approved. “It looks like over 90 percent in favor,” United Auto Workers Canadian Director Robert White said after the last of three ratification votes in Windsor, Ontario. UAW spokeswoman Wendy Cuthbertson said final results show the contract was approved by 91 percent of hourly paid workers, 85 percent of skilled trade workers and 97 percent of salaried workers. White said about 7,000 of the 7,400 workers at Local 444 jam med the Windsor Raceway for the morning vote. The turnout showed, “tremendous solidarity. They were extremely satisfied. They wanted to go back to work before Christmas,” he said. The crippling strike began Nov. 5 with warnings from Chrysler Corp. Chairman Lee lacocca that the militant Cana dian UAW would bankrupt the automaker. “It took a strike either in Canada or the U.S. before Janu ary so that we could get this.” UAW President Douglass Fraser said. The new contract offers Canadian workers an immediate wage boost of $1.15 an hour in wages and cost-of-living money. Quarterly cost-of-living adjust ments add another 12 percent increase by the contract’s expira tion, Jan. 14, 1984. The total hike would raise the hourly wage of assemblers from $9.07 to $10.85, reducing from $3 to $2 the wage gap between Chrysler’s Canadian workers and their counterparts at Ford Canada and General Motors of Canada. Chrysler originally offered U.S. and Canadian workers a 30 cents-an-hour increase. The U.S. pact would give workers a 75 cent up front in crease and promises further in creases in cost of living allo wances over the next year. 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