The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 03, 1982, Image 9
iren :oy$ national Battalion/Page 9 December 3, 1982 mi Internationil ON - The G Safety Con >g a natiotim aign durinj o make pan easons liildren are ngs. ision u y to ng the hot g the ri_ ;s for childtf agency saidi en 125/ i suffer injit tal emergei from acrid What’s Up Friday TAMU BAPTIST STUDENT UNION .Free Interna tional Student Dinner, Christmas Special, will be held at 7 p.m. at the Baptist Student Center, behind Kinko’s. This next to last dinner will feature Chinese food. MSC VARIE TY SHOW:Applications to perform in the 1983 MSC Variety Show are available now at the secretar ies isle in 216 MSC. Deadline for applications is Feb. 4. UNI TED CAMPUS MINISTRY:A progressive dinner will be held at 6 p.m. Saturday at the A&M Presbyterian Church. Admission is $2 and dress is formal. 17. No make-ups will be allowed after this date. TEACHER EXCELLENCE AWARDS NOMINA TIONS: This is the last chance to express yourself! Any student who has taken or is presently enrolled in any Liberal Arts class can nominate their professor(s) for this prestigious award only through Monday, Dec. 6. Forms may be obtained in the Academic and Academic and Agency Buildings on the 1st floor. Let your voice be heard. Doctors implant plastic heart _ designed for lifelong use ™ Saturday ty camp* pital Chililn msored by the Toy bit mica, the ini >ital emerge cl by the age than 15 werel ycles. Anoti were injit >f sleds, 9*,l dents invoki 30 injuries ds. >n has setG idards fori , pacifiers ys with sk leadp MARKETING SOCIETY:A Christmas Party with beer and munchies will be held Monday at 7:30 p.rn. at the Elk’s Lodge. EUROPEAN CLUB: A Christmas Party will be held Satur day at 9 p.rn. in the Pepper Tree Apartments Party Room. For more information, contact Jose Miguel Fernandez at 846-0838. MT. PLEASANT HOMETOWN CLUB:A Christmas Party will be held at 8 p.m. at #82 Brownstone Apart ments. Beer and chips will be served. EUROPEAN CLUB:A Christmas Party will be held at 9 p.m. in the Pepper Tree Apartments Party Room. For more information, contact Jose Miguel Fernandez at 846- 0838. United Press International SALT LAKE CITY — Uni versity of Utah surgeons re placed the dying heart of Bar ney Clark, 61, Thursday with the first artificial heart designed to support human life indefi nitely. Dr. Chase Peterson said three problems were overcome dur ing the operation and the plastic heart, powered by an external air compressor, had started beating and was maintaining the life of Clark, a Seattle dentist. “It is operating satisfactori ly,” said Peterson, university vice president for medical services. Doctors planned to monitor the pump’s operation for awhile before closing the incision in Clark’s chest. The history-making opera tion was a last-ditch effort to save Clark’s life. The successful weaning of Clark from a standard heart- lung machine was a major step in the procedure and left the mechanical heart as the sole sup porter of Clark’s circulatory system. The operation means Clark must be connected for the rest of his life by two tubes to the port able external air compressor running the implanted device. Peterson likened it to being u- “tethered to a grocery cart.” .o- re PRE-LAW SOCIETY:A Christmas Party with punch and munchies will be held at 8 p.m. at Sharon Pavlik's house. INTER-VARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIPS will play volleyball from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in 410 Rudder and eat Blue Bell ice cream afterwards. UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRY:A progressive dinner will be held at 6 p.m. at the A&M Presbyterian Church. Admission is $2 and dress is formal. 'S. 150,0001 narket andi ot test them; ufacturef: ard that top "equiremen: said, non have extent KEATHLEY HALL - PROGRAMS COMM LT- TEE:Today is the last day for the All Day Mail Call — Christmas Cards for Servicemen. You can send a card and 20 cents for postage to servicemen at the Commons main desk and the SPO in the MSC all day and f rom 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Sbisa. STUDENT ‘Y’ — FISH CAMP ’83Applications for Chairman, Sub-Chairman and Recreation Coordinator are available now at the Student ‘Y’ secretary’s desk at 216 MSC. T he deadline for applications is 5 p.m. on Dec. 10. STUDENT PUBLICATIQNS:Pictures will be taken in 137 MSC Dec. 6 through Dec. 10. Also, juniors, seniors, graduate, veterinary, and medical students may have their pictures taken between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the Yearbook Associ ates at 1700 Puryear Dr. For more information, call 693- 6756 or 845-2611. The final deadline for pictures is Dec. MARRIED STUDENT APARTMENT COUNCIL: A 25-family garage sale will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in front of the Married Student Housing Office. Every one is invited to come and look around. Sunday STUDENT ‘Y’ ASSOCIATION:A Christmas service will be held at 7 p.m. at the All Faiths Chapel. A message from Father Bill Brooks and the Singing Cadets will be featured. Have a Merrv Christmas! UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL:A Fellowship Supper will be held at 6 p.m. at the University Lutheran Chapel, 315 N. College Main in College Station. INDIA ASSOCIATION:New president Satish Patel and General Secretary Sadhana Satya will be inaugurated in a general meeting at 5 p.m. in 140-A MSC. Also, a video presentation of Diwali will be shown and tea, coffee and donuts will be served. suit the sli r labels sue. led for “Flame n cuts fail committee ant. II instructs ■riodicallv tntial hast ildren United Press International WASHINGTON — The wrappingi||i n i strat j on Thursday defe- anhurtorlj e ff or t s by congressional jonents of the MX missile to [out money for production he new intercontinental ipon, gaining a 26-26 tied ft in a crucial House com- yned foriiftee. hands ofitftjbe vote by the House ftropriations Committee fol- ited injutled intense lobbying by Presi- if suddea jht Reagan, who called several hasafaH immittee members while mak- -own toy 4 an official visit to South "Young herica. vulnerable Ifiie panel also voted to con- suf foflti jp e funding for the Air Force’s swallowi* | bomber and two new nuc- m house* | r aircraft carriers for the ; entangW hy as it approved a $231.6 bil- othing. in defense appropriation bill ==: r 1983. ^ | The move to block produc- m ion of the MX was led by Rep. ||| FPh Addabbo, D-N.Y., who IJI so failed in his effort to cut unding for the B-l and to cut ) |t one nuclear carrier. ■Addabbo’s amendment was R the verge of winning on a R-25 vote when Rep. Bill Alex- ider, D-Ark., who had passed • It fehen his name was first called, riOni Ipted “no” at the end of the roll ^ ^11. The amendment then iled on the tie vote. The full defense appropria tions bill, expected to reach the House floor next week, repre sents a cut of about 7.2 percent from the administration’s re- quest. AGGIELAND PICTURES (Jrs., Srs., Grad Students) being taken at Yearbook Associates 1700 Puryear 9 a.m.-5 p.m. More information 693-6756 GOLD FOR CHRISTMAS! LAYAWAYS M-F 9-5:30 Sat. 9-5 ay si ’ll ic i- lin -3.*- ;rl i-l ds 9, 1). >)■ don't want to make a fuss this holiday season- —not much! Enter in our formal length party gown that's sure to make you the center of attention. Pintucked ruffles accented with roses will flatter your neckline and a very full self sashed bow will com pliment your waist. In royal blue or wine, sizes 4 to 14 S 120 OO CHARGE ACCOUNTS BRID€ n fORmfiL ! 0861 • 8452 Gulf Fwy 7644-8295 • 2722 Hillcrott/781-7555 • 64 E Crosstir?T)e 1208 San Jacinto/652-0861 • 8452 Gulf Fwy /644-8295 • 2722 Hillcroft/7817555'* 64 E ’CrosstTTbers/692-9105 • 5334 W 34th/682-2538 •111 Pasadena Plaza/941-4601 • Sharpstown 6561 Fondren/778-1930 •Memorial City/ 465-5429 Greenspomt Sq /149 Greens Rd /821 1611 • Baytown 1008 W Sterlmg/428-1569 • Pt Arthur 2523 Jefferson/962-8583 Bryan College Station/693-6900 OPEN SOON! Pasadena. Town Square, Baytown, Goosecreek Shopping Center Tine jewelry; 415 University 846-5816 Formerly Cowarts Jewelry All major credit cards accepted CCClRSSirilD MS sure to pet rasunQ) 30% OFF All 14 Ct. Gold Chains preaiancy l f -0548.’' I® by sit, 696-M5I imas Pafy 8:00 pA (direction isup Ro 011 ’ 3u there! 65t! al gift- Tiy laus. Pro - 6411! FREE APARTMENT LOCATOR SERVICE • Apartments • Duplexes • Houses • Fourplexes • Townhouses Now leasing for summer and fall. Special sum mer rates now available. Walking & biking dis tance to T.A.M.U. HOMEFINDER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 696-1006 1055 S. Texas C.S. 'TS-O Prescriptions Filled home0, Glasses Repaired Room g Center Bryan BRYAN 216 N. Main 799-2786 Mon.-Fri.8-5 Sat. 8-1 COLLEGE STATION Post Oak Mall.. 764-0010 Mon.-Sat. 10-9 p.m. Texas State » Optical bc Since 1935. Built to be driven. Bought with pride, Fred Brown MAZDA-BMW 3100 Briarcrest Dr. at East Bypass 775-8058 Open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.