The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 03, 1982, Image 7
talion/Paj! 3mbe[ 3, is national Battalion/Page 7 December 3, 1982 Tylenol suspect move delayed Todd Melton, a sophomore finance ma- executed a couple (literally) of what he jor from Palestine strongly believes that calls “double chip shots” for the camera two is better than one. He decided to while humming the theme from the give his golf style some variation and movie “Caddy Shack.” More jobless laim benefits United Press International WASH iN’GTON — The ^nJnmibei' of people claiming job- ; to id. ght the otel abom ; retired [obil Reset in Daih ’h.D. in A for ere schedt Phillips goton. Bm week in M tnsfield, ii eivors ind , Janies s, and thi i Wright of ton Pickd both ofS e and dt 1 and s Sullivan cnnltesnnW^", 1 ^' T 1 t-’'r l, u iv ' j uu ' I Jess benefits for the first time in- ■reased by 56,()()() to 654,000 Bitring the week ending Nov. I p, the Labor Department said /hursday. This increase was the first in ive weeks and the largest surge ’ n claims since the total hit a re- pSH lord 703,000 new claims 10 ■*' veeks earlier. Before adjustment for ft of prof outine seasonal hiring and ipokeswoi ayoff trends, the department orney’sou laid the number of actual new 10 operai* ilaims for benefits was up lias' Cot® 103,100 from the previous week )0 in Ioa» md totaled 649,800. kofAniap The seasonal adjustment he loans' rompensated for the fact layoffs kruptcy' tsually rise in November but showed they climbed past the dly acted 1 ^timber suggested as typical by )y findW pnst years’ experience, leo gam fl The number of people already receiving benefits also showed a sharp increase, climb ing by 196,000 to a new' total of 4,841,000, or a 5.5 percent of He ’s all right staff photo by Octavio Garcia United Press International LOS ANGELES — The trans fer of a former mental patient — who is wanted for questioning in the seven Tylenol killings — was mysteriously delayed, but offi cials said he was expected in Chi cago Thursday. The return to Illinois of Kevin Masterson, 35, who sur rendered to the FBI Monday, had been ordered immediately but was delayed Wednesday for unexplained reasons. Authorities in both Los Angeles and Chicago had little to say about why Masterson’s re turn was delayed. “We have no notion why he’s still here or when he’ll be leav ing,” a police spokesman said. “He’s just kind of a guest of ours until those guys (from Illinois) come to get him.” Masterson is wanted for ques tioning concerning statements he made about the cyanide- laced Tylenol killings of seven people in the Chicago area two months ago. Illinois Attorney General Tyrone Fahner expressed doubt that the unemployed mechanic was responsible for the poison ings and urged him to take a lie detector test. Masterson calmly walked into an FBI office Monday after four weeks on the run and was arrested for marijuana charges filed in DuPage County, Ill. He was transferred to a pad ded cell Tuesday night after throwing a violent tantrum, smashing a toilet and smearing feces on the walls, police said. A police spokesman said Mas terson was enraged by other prisoners calling him “the Tyle nol killer,” but another officer said the outbreak was caused by refusal of Masterson’s request to make a phone call. Masterson has a history of mental hospitalization in Ore gon, authorities said. A nationwide search con tinued for James W. Lewis and his wife* Leann. Lewis was named in a federal extortion warrant, accused of writing a let ter to the makers of Tylenol de manding $ 1 million “if you want to stop the killing.” Masterson told police he was so frightened by learning he was wanted by the FBI tjiat he lived in a car in the desert. Masterson was not a suspect, but he “made statements to va rious people that he had a role in the poisoning,” Fahner said. Friends told investigators Masterson held a grudge against Jewel Food Stores for filing sho plifting charges against his ex- wife in 1975. Masterson re portedly blamed the incident for the breakup of his marriage. Some of the cyanide victims pur chased the poisoned Tylenol capsules at Jewel stores. Soft and Warm Reversed Shearling Hand laced Mocs Perfect for ahyoue. dm tour ust WHO WAS COLD HELET. WHOLE EARTH PROVISION COMPANY 105 Boyett 846-8794 j maM—ri«n<i ii«y—-nurfcmirtiumrtlBai lldl HMMmuniwunii the insured workforce, for the weekended Nov. 13, the depart ment said. The number of people get ting extended benefits, indicat ing their unemployment has lasted longer than the usual 26- week maximum compensation period, rose to 364,800 during the week ended Nov. 13, up by 12,300 before adjustment. Since the week of Sept. 18, when the total of new claims surged by 91,000, the volatile weekly figure has risen three times and declined six, leaving the total 49,000 below the re cord 703,000. The Labor Department issues its monthly unemployment rate today, which reflects the overall jobless situation based on a sur vey taken during the week of Nov. 13. The rate is adjusted for routine seasonal patterns. During that week in Novem ber new claims stood at 598,000, well below the rate during the survey week in October of 687,000. WHAT'S HAPPENING AT MR. GATTI'S ★ EVERYDAY MON. 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