The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 03, 1982, Image 10
national Battalion/Page December 3,19 Warped by Scott McCullar HOLMY ftWIES m cwmLUL TEXAS A&M SPORTS CAR CLUB ■Oitf w&ye cu cyolT-Y kunch rfTovv/ TtuoK 0f>*rA.+0W, but tbcy fui/ta. Wa-/ to more boi JJ'.njj onto Ca.mfv6 by elimin«.tin5 tbe m.Jclle men^l.K't. tke jfoden-fjr. is going to have a party after the you'RE /V A PLACE WITHOUT TIME ('CAUSE the CLOCKS ARE. HtytR ri&ht), with no sore WAV TO LEAVE... tvtff THERE WAS »ORTH G Arr f ,*t» l AST */Vsn, ^ 6ATE 0(J r/j I COIKES.. COtfPEMED TO HELPING L/NES OF PEOPLE,THE) ALLOWED to HAVE PlCml paintings on the wm THEY SUFFERED BLANK, HUHOI DAYS WITHOUT KELIEF... CHAMPIONSHIP RALLYE. The Rallye moves out of Central Park at 2 p.m. on Saturday. Find a car. A navigator. Entry fee of $ 5 00 . If you can follow directions ■ they YoWeJ off tb« piu-Kins lots THE DAY HE WAS STAKED TO THE LAWN PKESEMTED M' THE AOniNISTKKTOKS OF THECOffiS FISCAL OFFICE' '££JJ£SSJS TOO IMPtXTOWT FOK c ns «■ you can be sure of partying with the SPORTS CAR CLUB Saturday night. Study: Starch blockers fail United Press International BOSTON — Starch blockers that blitzed the market promis ing weight loss without dieting or exercise, do nothing to keep the flab off and may be harmf ul, according to a study that was published Thursday. “We conclude starch-blocker 1 ! 2 ■ 12 ;* i i* s $2 OFF ANY SMALL 1 $2 OFF ANY LARGE | (12”) 4-ITEM OR MORE j ■(16”) 2-ITEM OR MORE PIZZA AT PIZZA AT I 1 CASSINO’S PIZZA j | CASSINO’S PIZZA FREE DELIVERY FREE DELIVERY CALL CALL 696-0234 696-0234 2 FREE COKES 4 FREE COKES WITH THIS COUPON | WITH THIS COUPON ! Open VI ■ open V> ■ Sun. - Thurs. 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. ~7 ■ 1 Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. O ■ ■ Sun. - Thurs. 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. _ I ■ Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. ^ ■ tablets do not inhibit the diges tion and absorption of starch calories in human beings,” doc tors said in the New England Journal of Medicine. An accompanying editorial, however, said the long-term effectiveness of the starch block ers, “although highly unlikely,” has not been disproved by the study, which focused on the im mediate ef fects of the product. “What is clear, however, is there are no clinical studies that establish the effectiveness or in deed the safety,” of the pro ducts, said Dr. Irwin H. Rosen berg of Chicago. The researchers said the blockers failed because the pan creas probably secretes much more of the enz.yme that digests Now you know CASSINO’S PIZZA Holds All The Cards for a Delicious, Hot Pizza United Press International Staying warm in cold weather isn’t easy. Up to 1,800 calories daily — 90 percent of many peo ple’s energy intake — may have to be burned to maintain a body temperature of 98.6 degrees. starch than is needed for the di gestive process. The results were based on a study of five people who were fed precise amounts of spaghet ti, bread and butter. One day the subjects took three starch block ers with their meal and another day they took a placebo. More than 200 million starch blockers hit the shelves of health food stores and drug stores in a two-year period and were taken at an estimated rate of 1 million tablets daily before the Food and Drug Administration ordered them off the market in July, Rosenberg said. The FDA classified the diet aids as drugs whose safety and effectiveness must be proved and ordered them removed af ter an increasing number of re ports linked them to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pains and excess gas. The blockers, made from plant foods such as kidney beans and wheat, have been recog nized since 1943 to contain a substance that prevents enzymes from digesting starch. Previous laboratory experi ments had found rats taking starch blockers excreted more starch and gained less weight. digeai the a Human experiments had gested they blocked the d tion of starch. But the most recentroi tests conflicted with the findings. The doctors worked assumption that to beefft starch blockers must absorption of calories starch, therefore, extra would be eliminated. Using a complicated in which the subjects’ tracts were cleared and creted starch was measuredi doctors found no differem the amount of starch exci by subjects taking starch ers or a placebo. Producers brought a stop the FDA action, claii the pills were food, but in her a f ederal court in Cl issued a permanent injuncli against the manufacture distribution of the prodi That ruling is under appeal the makers of starch block and similar court action isun( way in New York Officials in five states Sej 30, seized more than 1 millic the diet pills. Since then an mated $1.6 million of the have been destroyed. 696-0234 Introducing An Invitation To OPEOT HOUSE Villa Oaks West Wfmt a Setter way to start off ’83 December 4 & 5 Saturday 8-5 100% AutO Financing. Today’s Almanac Cars, Trucks, Trailers. December 11 & 12 Sunday 1-5 II Is d I BENCHMARK LEASING INC. 713/775-4881 United Press International Today is Friday, Dec. 3, 337th day of 1982 with 28j follow. The moon is moving towaij its last quarter. The morning stars are Satwj and Jupiter. The evening stars are Mi cury, Venus and Mars. Those born on this date ;«l under the sign of Sagittaimj On this date in history: In 1818, Illinois wasadmitl| to the Union as the 21ststate| In 1833, Oberlin Collegef Ohio opened with an enrofB ment of 29 men and 15 woW® — the nation’s first truly c®. educational school. I, Un kin In 1929, the Ford Motorr; torwarc raised the pay of its employtftwo poi from $6 to $7 a day despite tljj here TJ collapse of the American st« market. A thought for the day: Briti| that a single man in posses*! of a good f ortune must be I