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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1982)
\ Battalion Classifieds Battalion/Page I November HELP WANTED HELP WANTED IMMEDIATE Enjoyable part-time telephone work. Monday-Friday 9:30 a.m.- 2:30 or 3:30 p.m.-9 p.m. Up to $6 per hour average. Call 764-9072. 57t6 Permanent receptionist needed. Apply in person. THAT PLACE II Culpepper Plaza, 693-0607. 57tfn Teacher needed for nursery school. Must have degree. 846-5571. 54tfn Full and part-time help. Experience help ful. Apply in person at Piper s Gulf station on comer of University Dr. and Texas Ave. by Ramada Inn. 49110 HOLIDAY HELP WANTED Full or part-time help want ed for holiday Christmas tree sales. Apply at Farm Patch between 1-3, 3519 S. College, 822-7209. SUBWAY A local speciality sandwich shop is seeking energetic people to fill respon sible positions. Flexible hours, com- petitive wages, apply in person be- 1 tween 10-11 a.m., 3-6 p.m., Southwest Parkway (Parkway Square), College I S,ati0n - 56tfn 1 FULL OR PART TIME "Day Shift "Night shift (til 10 p.m.) "Weekends ‘Flexible hours to fit your schedule . "Rapid advancement 'Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30 a.m. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik , 19QJfjjJ FOR RENT BARCELONA One and two bedroom apartments available for immediate occupan- 7cy. Call 693-0261 or come by 700 - Dominik in College Station. 29tfn Sublease for spring immaculate 1 bedroom studio aparttnent. Furnished, $425/mo. 693-4516. 57tl0 MINI WAREHOUSES 101 Jersey West (corner of Jersey & Wellborn across from Olsen field) - THE STORAGE CENTER 696-4203 (Office at 512 West Loop) SOUTHWEST VILLAGE 36tfn FOR RENT LOST One and two bedrooms available for immediate occupancy. Call 693-0804 or come by the office at 1101 Southwest Parkway. 29tfn Deluxe 4-Plex leasing for Spring Semester. 2 bdrm. 1 1 /z bath, Washer/Dryer, Fireplace, Cathedr ral Ceiling, Fenced yards. 693- 8685. 52tfn DUPLEXES AND HOUSES 2 & 3 bedroom in Bryan/CS. Kitchen LOST: Black lab mix male with 4|r, lar. Call 846-1320 or 845-9776. |g drapes, fenced yard. FOR SALE T 696-4203 (Office at 512 West Loop) 36«n 1978 Datsun 280-Z Limited EdUkip lent Condition. Low Mileage Aiijg 693-1120. HOUSTON POST are accepting applica tions for fall semester. Apply early. 846- 0396, 846-2911. 160tfn Sublease 1 bd 1 bath apartment. All bills I paid. Keep $200 deposit. Christina 696- 6520. 54t51 RENT SLASHED Spacious two bedroom 1 Vs bath four-plex with washer and dryer, close to campus. Large kitchen, walk-in closets, large deck in rear. 693-8685. 30ttn Wait persons-Flexible hours, good pay. Apply in person, 2-5 daily, KEN MAR TIN’S STEAKHOUSE, 1803 South Texas Avenue, Bryan. 55t5 FOR RENT For Rent (Daily Rates) IBM Selec- tric Typewriters Telephone An swering Machines Calculators Of fice Furniture, 693-1525. 50t15 OVERSEAS JOBS — Summer/y ear round. Europe, S. Amer., Aus tralia, Asia. All Fields. $500-$1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free info. Write IJC Box 52-TX4 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. 50t12 ■ 1 bedroom condo, wooden deck off living room, balcony off bedroom, available anytime. Call Jeri, 779-2622 or Robert 693-4946. CLOVERDALE DUPLEXES 1 /2 Month Free Rent •Near A&M Campus •Two Bedroom-One Bath •On Shuttle Bus route •Washer-Dryer connections •Central Air-Heat, Carpeted Rent Reduced, Now $325 846-3726, 775-0168, or 846-6567 Texas General Properties "Property Management Division” 5514 I^^^^^IM^reenfleld^Plaz^^Bnfan/Texa^. DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and fu-j ture Houston post routes. Early! morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-0396 24tfn 4-Woodstock Townhouse 2 bdr. 4. 4" 1 y 2 bath. Wash/dryer connec- 4- 4"tions, fenced, patio, balcony, 4- 4" fireplace, $490.00 month, $200 4- 4" deposit. Day 846-3711, at- 4- ternoon, 775-7820. 4F* ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★$ Brick Duplex, 2 bdrm. 2 bath, Kitchen appliances and drapes furnished, W/D con nections. Close to Campus and Shopping Centers. $375/month. 696-7714 or 693- 0982. 43tfn Are you looking for an apartment? We have nice large clean freshly painted apartments. On the shuttle bus route and close to campus. Semester leases available. Call 693-2772 or come by 600 University Oaks. Open 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday. Now hiring DELIVERY PERSONNEL. Must have own car. $3.50 + commission. 107 South College in the Skaggs Center. 47tfn The Sampler Gift Shop. Now through Christmas holidays. Dependable, mature. 696-2282. 53t5 'The HOUSTON CHRONICLE is cur- 1 rently taking applications for newspap er route carriers for summer & fall semesters. Routes take 21/2 to 3 hours per day, with salary from 400 to 800, per month. All routes receive a gas! allowance also we need soliciters for 'the summer & fall semester. If interest- led please call Julian McMurrey 693- .2323. — — 50tfn< SEBASTIAN’S needs full and part-time Bartenders, cooks, waitresses and Door men. Please Call 846-1711. 53t5 GET IT NOW FOR SPRING! 0 O a n vj £PurR\\>ay APARTMENTS SMOOOTH MOVE! * 'V-: 1 bdrm. 1 bath , shuttle bus, laundry facilities, security guard. 1600 Southwest Parkway, 693- 6540. Two pools & covered parking & open 7 days a week. 48tfn New Homes Now you can say youre noma. The magic of Copperfield. It begins in the trees. By the ponds. On the rolling hills. It’s a breeze. A sunray. A raindrop. It’s the land. And the dream. And the promise. Copperfield. It’s a new design for a Bryan-College Station real estate development. There are 550 acres of single family, multi family and commercial lots. As you drive through the entrance, wide boulevards tell you that neighborhoods are carefully planned, each unique yet unified, reflecting the beauty of the land. When you come to Copperfield, you’re home. BRIARCREST \ ^ DRIVE \ 3 QsF) % Vt’. CxM/jei/te/c/’ 0 \V UNIVERSITY X'p DRIVE \° \ J 1735 Briarcrest Drive / Suite 110 / Bryan, TX 77801 / (713) 775-2300 Development financing by Unitedbank College Station N.A. L L~ CASA DEL SOL One and two bedroom apartment available for immediate occupan cy. Call 696-3455 or come by 401 Stasney in College Station. 28tfn Duplex 2 bedroom, 1V4 bath, close to campus, 696-9795. $350/mo., 48U0 from the ones you’ve seen, 696-3005 or 696-9594. n WANTED VW Bug 74 Excellent Condition Ci 693-5620 or 845-2505. 5x5 — 5x7 — 5x10 — 5x12 — 10x10 — 10x15 — 10x20 — 10x25 — 10x30 — NEW MINI WAREHOUSES $25 mo. $30 mo. $32 mo. $35 mo. $45 mo. $55 mo. $62 mo. $68 mo. $80 mo. THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 isttn WANTED: Basketball Officials. Good pay! Flexible hours and ex perience is not necessary, we will train. Contact Tom Weis, IM-REC Sports Office, 159 E. Kyle, 845- 7826. 55t7 Batteries $21.95 + exchange g 822-1719. 1974 Ford LTD, excellent condiln 693-0389 after 6:00 p.m. 1976 Mercury Capri. Excellent(44 1,975.00. 846-7959. United Pi EW YO yk raised esday fo: ns a half } Chemical’ rning late jiite House nt and Bt "Warm bodies wanted-Hot tubsf« . r, • ed.” Best prices on ski trips. C ; !l |j3}es, UltlatU 693-6637 or Randy, 775-6384. CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 1200cc Kawasaki $3200 invested, asking $1695 Ras, 693-0692, Need ride from downtown Bryan area to Physical plant starting December 1. 5 days a week. Working hours 8-5. Please call 822- 0872 between 1:00 & 5:00 p.m. 5415 pt all COU ifof,1983. The sen jget offici n the Fedi turned o recent mo The unex ge in the I dosed Me Wanted person to teach Hebrew on ce/week to 7 year old, 775-4957. 57t2 LOST SACRIFICE: 1982 Honda XL 250-R, $11751 1981 Honda XL-250, $»j both very good condition, fl 1978 Honda 250-$400, goodol dition, 696-3830. the White Hi ARBOR SQUARE One and two bedroom furnished apartments available for im mediate occupancy. Call 693- 3701 or come by 1700 Southwest Parkway. 29ttn LOST: 4 month old male cat. Gray and white, declawed. If found or have any information please call Patty 696-5913 REWARD. 56t3 SPECIAL NOTICE ATTENTION DECEMBER GRADUATES Pick up your Announcement orders begin ning now in the MSC Browsing Library, Room 223. EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENT GO ON SALE, MONDAY,|J9VEMBER 22, 8 a.m. First Come-First Serve. MSC STUDENT FINANCE CENTER. 54, 6 »••••••••••••• •••••••••••• Take the advice of former students and sign up for the READING EFFICIENCY “I can always tell a difference in my reading habits.” ‘‘I have more confidence to read faster rather than word for word.” “I think this course has opened up many new time saving techniques for me.” MW 12:00 ’60 includes all materials TTH 9:30 Non-credit Come by Room 718 Harrington or call for more information 845-7140. CLASSES BEGIN JANUARY 24, 1983 ONE WEEK AFTER REGULAR CLASSES The Reading Lab Texas A&M YOU MAY REGISTER DURING 718 Harrington PRE-REGISTRATION IN NOVEMBER FURNITURE WAREH0USI 4 Drwr Chests 5 Drwr Chests Si. Student Desks 71 5 Pc. Dining Set 1, Sofa Sleeper 2SS, Sofa & Chair Setsl Nov kri 3 Pc. Coffee/end Table Twin Mat Sets Full Mai Sets Bed Frames United Pn )entists in: the bite o ovel tool: It. With the 1 scop.y, scie 'ed 1 hat sm th differ in ^ scatter lij high fret Ithy teeth Stlosity, w Dy more we red end < 111. 'Physicist 1 ^College 01 ^gating t “I didn’t thing so: d. TEXAS FURNITUI t Ea,M rk OUTLET 712 Villa Marla 822-! 1980 Triumph Spitfire convertible, miles. Must sell $4500, 846-1686. ping, word pn '/Lesbian Line Itbe Cadillac i ^ it Check oi 775-3523, “nsll Reports, P DOUBLE SERVICES Typing on word processing equipnrt perienced. We understand form mil' Automated Clerical Services, 693-1® TYPING. All Kinds. 846-0132. Call Sue for all your typing or Tj processing needs. 696-9550. 1* Typing experienced, fast, aecnralt kinds, 822-0544, 846-9707. BUSINESS MAJORS Save $$$ on textbooks for next semester. Join the Student Textbook Barter Exchange for only $1.00. Come by the tables in the MSC Lobby or in the A&A Building Nov. 22-23 to sign up. Call 696-9563 for more info. SAVE $$$ Tired of paying over SI®! semester on books? Join the STUDE TEXTBOOK BARTER EXCHANGE beat the high cost of books, TYPING/WORD PROCESSING.!!. '!'“ s ; . are able rates. Call SLS TranscriptionSem’ [r( s er 260-9137. r Rectory ref University Bookstore now offers H film service for as little as $2.99 for 111 ^ c-41 print film. :rea R f r no refun; wafers Director me xcademic ye Service For / Chrysler Corp. Cars -ACCIEUMi ’ C4r Wk fees ar f Dniester In Body Work — Painting t^rnorefj HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. _ DodgeSalesandServiceSince.- 1411 Texas Ave. 823-8111 hMifroob are rHviib Yearboo ^•edemicy, Views who w SPECIAL NOTICE^ Mardi Gras ’83 $100.00 round trip bus 2 nights lodging. Signs-ups begin Monday, November 29th in the MSC Student Office Sponsored by the MSC Travel Committee, 845-1515. ST a,e we f*- Rent onh wall Jpus. Call JlOut the ^ (literatu :; c ! collectin, S sold ' s 312 Milner, c