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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1982)
Ski Keystone in January from $475 Book before November 19 Call 846-8881 A&M Travel Service local Battalion/Page * November 17, II AGGIELAND PICTURES (Jrs., Srs., Grad Students) being taken at Yearbook Associates 1700 Puryear 9 a.m.-5 p.m. More information 693-6756 Fish spirit line to greet Aggies < DRAFT GALLON TO GO SPECIAL Coors Light 3 25 gal 3611 S. College 846-6635 by Kelly Krauskopf Battalion Reporter The Residence Hall Associa tion Tuesday night announced that the Class of ‘86 will form a spirit line from Cain Hall to Kyle Field Saturday before the last home game between Texas A&M and Texas Christian Uni versity. Traditionally anyone could stand in the line, but RHA President Stacy Graf said just freshman will participate. Graf said she hopes that this will get (he freshman involved for the last home game. “The idea is to get the new freshman fired up,” she said. “We want to give them some thing special to do for the last game. I have already spoken to Coach Sherrill about it and he is very excited about the idea. He WHO The Twelve Men ^/4cjcjielar}cl has been wanting more non- Corps support.” The Aggie football team will run through the line at 12:20 p.m. and will be followed by the Corps march-in. In other activities, A1 Link, head civilian for the Aggie bon fire, said that although 20 more truckloads of wood has been added for the fire this year, stu dent help has been very low. Be cause of the low turnout, Link said construction of the bonfire is slightly behind compared to last year at this time. “We have not had as many civilians help out this year,” he said. “We are trying to encour age as many people as we can to come out and help. We really need support from everyone.” The RHA also recommended extending visiting hours in resi dence halls from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. after bonfire. Graf said she hopes that publicizing the visita tion hours will remind more people to attend bonfire. drive Texas Office of Traffic Safety A w Unite SAN / stylist, a doormar saw Chai las the Judge Jo led in Sa Hair : testified the accu by his D; 9:30 the killed. Hart shooting apartmei work abt 1979. Ham he was s apartmei was kilk have poii flight fn Dallas ca one hout Mitch drank an staff photo by OctavioGi FREE APARTMENT LOCATOR SERVICE • Apartments • Duplexes • Houses • Fourplexes • Townhouses Now leasing for summer and fall. Special sum mer rates now available. Walking & biking dis tance to T.A.M.U. HOMEFINDER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT b96-1005 1055 S. Texas C.S. “Charley’s Aunt” cast members (left to right) Gary Kunkle, Becky Hernandez, Jill Moore, Richard Strayer, Doug Galenski, Peck Phillips and Lucien Stavenhagen (on the floor) stage the first dress rehearsal of the comei Monday in Rudder Theater. The will be performed tonight, Thursdt and Friday at 8 p.m. in Rudde Theater. Contest to pick weekend scoi starts publicity for Big Event service project sponsored by Student Government. by Shelley Hoekstra Battalion Reporter A' contest to pick the score of the Texas A&M/TCU game Tables for the contest will be set kicks off publicity today for T he up in the MSC today, 1 hursday Big Event, an all-community and Saturday, lo enter, one ;ipl» Now you can earn rates higher than money market funds with withdrawal privi- leges of a checking account. We call it an Investor’s MoneyStore account. Each night, the computer auto matically transfers funds in excess of $2500 to an Investor’s Repurchase Agreement* to earn highest rates (currently 10.25%). The $2500 in checking earns 5.25% (the maximum permitted by law) until you need it. If your checking balance falls below $2500, the computer automatically transfers funds back from your Investor’s balance to the checking account. Earn 10.25% fixed through December 14. Keep a minimum of $250 in your account and it’s free — no service charges, no per check charges, no penalties. It’s easy to open an Inves tor’s MoneyStore account. We’ll help you complete the necessary documents in a matter of minutes. Visit any of our 18 offices in Central Texas for more information — or call us and we’ll come to you. 'Investor Repurchase Agreements are NOT savings accounts or deposits and are not insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. They are a general obligation of Brazos Savings, backed by the full faith and confidence of the Association. MoneyStore Accounts are insured up to $100,000 by an agency of the Federal Government. And make withdrawals by check in any amount. BRAZOS Savings i leu ¥ in!. II. CULPEPPER PLAZA Something Else Hair Salon Perm Special 35 00 reg. 40 00 & 45 00 Student Rate Hair Cuts 8 00 reg. 10°° M-F 8-7 Sat. 8-12:00 Appt. not always necessary 693-9877 404 E. University must predict the outcome Saturday's game and donate least one coin to The high® The winner of I he comesh' receive a football autogr by the Texas A&M fooik team. Scheduled for Feb. 20, lit Big Event is a campus and® munity-wide effort to ansW President Reagan’s volunteerism.” Students and faculty at A&M and citizens of Br* College Station will partial in a variety of non-profit teer service projects. Project chide activities such asidonalii labor to improve United organization facilities, work® with campus ministry grwj and their affiliate churches serving individuals and dead up the Bryan-College Slit# city parks. The Student Govern# Student Services Committee" 1 serve as coordinator iorthe* 1 vities of participating campus organizations, and 1 * help any group find Workers will volunteer IK hours of labor to chai organizations or individ'® and groups will beabletocho* their projects. There w basis lor determining the of services to individuals organizations. Any organization that wants' participate in The Big h (I should pick up a particip form in the Student I ) mg ra,i Office in the MGS. Fortrof due T uesday, Nov. 23 rill he® If your research project Involves leased equipment; call us first. College Station Branch Office: Texas Ave. at Southwest Parkway • 696-2800 If you need leased research equipment include us in your grant proposal. Leasing has attractive advantages for grant sponsors. We can provide laboratory equipment, vehicles, computer hardware, etc. to meet your exact specifications. Call one of our leasing consultants for more information. BENCHMARK LEASING, INC Bryan, TX • (713) 775-4881 Unite HOUS' man chat extortion Co.’s ch Baytown other del suicide p; failed. Michai grenades where G drop off t and his p; thegrena their plar Worth bond rei codefend; McKinne’ Colo. At the trate Frai fused to t million be ness of th Eld sus - lit"' Ever diets enjo folio be d lo food Dini; M