'on/Page 2 ber 5,1982 local Battalion/Page 3 November 5, 1982 g a “sick"|)fl /our diagnose ti coughs sol > start towateti Hyper Cheap Trick heats Rollie crowd on cold night autte a: ce, you can kness is delicate questionable • taking a ely to incres e amount of« to the coni around in bedi g and bemoai g their weal; oer enou ’ r to The Roxl worth in bai )0se(l lot only hun«hi what theybd but theyai n the goodrf member than j/cold cases much-desen e that thecani| [ at i some positive] I the need appointed pli ough get theli Iships, just by Gary Barker Battalion Staff Guess what? Cheap Trick was lyper. Guess what? Cheap Trick as rea//y hyper. And it was con- ,gious. It may have been cold outside rhursday night, but inside G. iollie White Coliseum there vasn’t a dry underarm. Cheap Trick — that zany, pubescent- looking, power pop group from he Midwest — took a packed louse, partially excited from an idequate warm-up band, and iept them on their feet for a solid our and a half. The warm-up band for the how was Novo Combo, an aver- ge high-tech band mainly com- of ex-session players, s’ovo Combo was no bigo dealo mt they had enough to get the ow started. The group had ifficient harmonies and no re a vasted notes, but little stage pre- icnce. ■ However, Cheap Trick — specially Rick Nielsen, the lands lead guitarist and song- vriter — more than compell ed for Novo Combo's lack of lersonality. With his almost non-existent lairand customary baseball cap, ilielsen hardly looks the part of a n’ roller. But as he careened iround the stage, dashing off uitar licks as if they were shor- hand, it became obvious that le’s an excitable, rambunctious ind talented entertainer. Cheap Trick opened with Hello There,” their traditional :all to order and then went itraightinto “California Man,” a lousing song that invited the au- lience to a parly. And the party was loud, but the group justified the volume. When lead singer Robin Zander’s neck muscles strained as he screamed “yeah, yeah, yeah" at theendof the Beatles’ “Day Trip per,” it was clear that volume and rock ’n’ roll are unalterably syno- nomous. Zander’s voice was well-tuned all evening. He rarely missed a note and his powerful voice filled Americas favorite old-fashioned ice cream parlor. any SUPER SUNDAE . With Purchase of One Super Sundae at Regular Price. . EXPII SWENsenc ONLY AT CULPEPPER OR POST OAK MALL 3 00 off LUNCH OR DINNER FOR TWO (limsistiiig ol: - I latnl)iu gci I’lalcv X '2 h y Cream Sodas S^ENSEN’S EXPIRES 11/19/82 ONLY AT CULPEPPER OR POST OAK MALL Nol valid Desserts On Us At McDonald’s Get a dessert of your choice Cheap Trick’s Robin Zander staff photo by John Ryan the coliseum even when he was unaccompanied. Complementing Zander and Nielsen were Jon Brant, the group’s new bass player, and Bun E. Carlos, drummer. Carlos and Brant provided a solid rhythm backing and kept the songs on course even when Nielsen got carried away with his Ted Nu gent-like antics. Magic Christian, keyboard player and back-up vocalist, also provided back-up, but he was kept hidden behind a row of speakers. T he group changed up their tunes enough to make them in teresting, but kept them close enough to their albums to keep the audience satisfied — and en tertained. They were animated and theatrical — Nielsen punc tuating his guitar riffs by throw ing guitar picks into the audi ence, Zander grimacing and whispering at appropriate times. Zander was the ultimate tease, taking advantage of his Tiger Beat idol good looks to captivate the females in the audience. Once, carrying a 12-string acous tic guitar, he came out on stage and played the opening chords to the Kinks’ “Lola,” only to stop in mid-song and play the group’s latest hit, “If You Want My Love.” After a standing ovation, the group came back for two encores and sent the crowd away chant ing “we’re all alright, we’re all alright.” And it was alright. Real ly alright. with every purchase of $2.50 or more Offer good Fri., Sat. & Sun. 15% on all money plus get two professionals who work for you. Call Larry 6? Swede 693-6030 or come hy 707 Texas Suite 225D ■McDonald’s I ■ I® Bryan-College Station 5 p.m. til Close