etc Battalion/Page 1 November 3,11 Grand Opening Sale Continues 20% OFF Layaways ALL LOOSE DIAMONDS SET IN AGGIE RINGS THIS WEEK! Charges Formerly Cowarts Jewelry All Major Credit Cards Accepted 415 UNIVERSITY 846-5816 Now you know United Press International NEW YORK — A psychology professor says men and women tend to repeat their parents’ mis takes in marriage, even though they vow to do things diffe rently. In the November issue of Glamour magazine, James L. Framo of Temple University says most people unconsciously use their parents as role models when they marry. “People have a tremendous fear they won’t know what to do in new situations,” a New York psychotherapist says in the same article. “Rules make things simple,” adds Leah Cahan Schaefer. “You know what you’re sup posed to do. When it comes to such issues as marriage and family, we usually do what we think comes naturally. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS ... a special program for technically trained graduates In our Special Assignments Program you will have the opportunity to work on meaningful projects in several dif ferent functional areas before a decision is made regarding job placement on a longer range basis. We will be interviewing at Texas A&M on November 18, 1982 . . . see your placement office for details. Badische Corporation 602 Copper Road Freeport, TX 77541 BASF What’s Up at Texas A&M 1 Wednesday MBA/LAW DAY:Tickets for MBA/Law Day, a program to inform students about graduate studies in law and busi ness, will be on sale at the MSC Box Oil ice and at the ANA lobby from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., through Nov. 5. Program tickets are $2 and BBQdunch tickets will be $4.50. MSC HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE:Attention ladies! Anyone interested in competing in the 1983 Miss Texas A&M Scholarship Pageant should pick up applications available now in 216 MSC at the Hospitality cubicle. The deadline for all entries is Nov. 5 at 5 p.m. MSC OUTDOOR RECREATION:Sign up in 216 MSC for Thanksgiving trips: backpacking - Caney Creek Wil derness, Ark. and rafting - Big Bend National Park. Also, sign up for the weekend canoe trip to the Neches River to be held Nov, 6 through Nov. 7. AGGIELAND: Juniors and Seniors may have your year book pictures taken now until Dec. 17 at the Yearbook Associates at 1700 Puryear. AGGIE SCOUTS:A meeting will be held to discuss new constitution plans, the Merit Badge Workshop, and the group will watch Phiimont Slides at 8:30 p.m. in 607 Rudder. TEXAS AGGIE MOTORCYCLE CLUB: I-shirt trans fers will be handed out and a discussion of the upcoming trip to Rio Bravo will be held at 8 p.m. in 123 A&A Building. ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY SOCIETYThe yearbook picture will be taken, Field trip sign-ups will be held, and intrannirals will he discussed in a meeting at 7 p.m. at the main floor of Zachry. TAMU S TAMP CLUB:A stamp exhibit will be held at 7:30 p.m. in 140 MSC. MSC BLACK AW AREN ESS: Ron Wilkins will speak in a meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 604 Rudder Tower. DANCE ARTS SOCIETY:Aggieland pictures will be taken at 8 p.m. in Zachry. All teachers and members please attend. Wear leotards and tights or Dance Arts t-shirts. T-shirt logos are available at T-shirts Etc. in Cul pepper Plaza. PRE-VET SOClE’l Y:Dr. Feldman will speak on Career Alternatives for the veterinary school graduate at 7 p.m. in 401 Rudder. RENEWABLE NATURAL RESOURCES ASSO CIATION :Dr. Brown of Soil Sciences will speak on Land Reclamation — What happens after strip miningat 7:30 p.m. in 110 Harrington. TAMU ROADRUNNERS:A planning meeting for the coming month will be held at 7 p.m. in the MSC Snack Bar. All officers are urged to attend. CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION - OFF CAMPUSThe Newman Club will meet for massanda fellowship at 7:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s Student Center.A mass for Off-campus Catholics living in the Barcelona apartments and the surrounding area will he held at !0 p.m. at the Barcelona Party Room. S TUDENTS CONCERNED FOR THE HANDICAP PED: A meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at the 1st floor lounge in Krueger Hall (closest to the Commons area) to plan special projects and organize committees. 4 AMARILLO HOMETOWN CLUB:An activities meet ing will be held at 7:30 p.m. in 1 11 Heldenfels. OFF CAMPUS AGGIES:A general meeting will beheld at 7 p.m. in 301 Rudder. Everyone is welcome to attend. INTRAMURAL-RECREATIONAL SPORTS:A wal- lyball clinic will be held at 7 p.m. at courts 23 and 24 in Deware. TEXAS A&M SPORTS CAR CLUB:A meeting to dis cuss Aggieeross XI11 will lie held at 7:30 p.m. in 32! Physics Building. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL:A Candlelight Communion Service of Meditation will he held at 10p.m. at the University Lutheran Chapel, 315 N. College Main in College Station. EL PASO HOMETOWN AGGIES:Thanksgiving tides and membership drive will be discussed in a meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 214 Military Science Building (Trigon). NURSING SOCIETY: Harriet Chaney from U.T. at Gal veston will speak at 7 p.m. in 140A MSC. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: A regular executive committee meeting will be heldath p.m. at the booth of the ISA in the MSC. Everyone is welcome to attend. EPISCOPAL STUDENT UNION: The group will meet for Holy Eucharist and supper at 5:30 p.m. at the Canterbury House, 902 Jersey St. in the sprit it high sell the state o nal letters- ne colleg >thodist Ut dow Craig ierson w< thonthe p was a maj in among 1 months. Then the field. Not quite 523 yards ckerson ha to doubted itg. The P tnes and L § at the tail f running r ice. And tl South' Member of the BASF Group an equal opportunity employer—m/f drive Texas Office of Traffic Safety SHSU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Notice to Engineers Dec. & May Graduates IN COOPERATION WITH Budweiser id ampions in using in on :utive title. iWithare ranking ess natioi the bei ip of fo lile Dicke an Tropl nior seasi deal with ng and 'ccessful i He is lean The senii Itratford is ersion of th ext door. Me, taikati fhumor thr ige footba Miles across 4i'd want yi MASON & HANGER - SILAS MASON CO., INC Engineers & Contractors Since 1827 May have the career for you. A prime contractor for the Dept, of Energy in nuclear weapon manufacture & assembly BS/MS ME, EE, IE & ChE Interviewing on Campus Nov. 9 & 10, 1982 Sign Up Today at Placement Office AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M/F, THE BEACH BOVS* JAN AND DEAN’S LOVE EHDLESS SUMMER BEACH BAND I DATE: MONDAY, NOV. 8, 1981 TIME: 8:00 P.M. LOCATION: SHSU COLISEUM TICKET OUTLET: ALUMNI OFFICE NEXT TO KAMPUS KORNER IOOI 17th STREET GENERAL ADMISSION S7.00 IN ADVANCE $8.00 DAY OF CONCERT BE TRUE TO YOUR BUD © 1982 ANHEUSER-BUSCH. INC., ST. LOUIS. MO. 63118 EVERYONE NEEDS A CALENDAR SO WHY NOT HAVE THE BEST! ■ » 28 page calendar ~ ornia Dreaming 1983 Calendars Exciting... Sensual... Tasteful Already a hit throughout South ern California. Not available else where. These 1 hof California Dreaming Men’s and Women’s cal endars are full color, high glossy productions featuring Southern Cal ifornia’s finest, shot at favorite beach locales. These calendars are highly functional with large writing space for each date. We also offer a selection of fifty 18" x 24" awesome posters for your enjoyment. Order from calendar only. So stay warm all year with your California Dreaming Calendar. THIS COULD BE YOU! Windnsea Productions is cur rently searching nationwide for next year’s lucky men and women mod els. Two weeks in San Diego, tours, prizes, parties. Please check the en try form for complete information on how you could have your Califor nia Dream come true. Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope. Christie Claridge $3.50 Miss California/ Miss International SPECIAL OFFER With any order of 2 or more cal endars you receive FREE the Califor nia Golden Girls Poster shown Poster also available separately at $3.50. ! GO FOR IT! Women’s Calendar $7.95 Men’s Calendar $7.95 Golden Girls Posters $3 50 . Talent Search Information FREE (Add $1.50 shipping. California residents add 6 % sales tax.) Total amount enclosed $ Allow 3 to 4 weeks delivery. Name —1 Address —-— City State Zip GREAT GIFT IDEA. ” MAIL TO: ■ WINDNSEA PRODUCTIONS, INC. ■ 7910 Ivanhoe Ave., Suite 238, ■ La Jolla, CA 92037 I V ENT!