MSG Camera Committee FALL PHOTO CONTEST • Entries open Nov. 1, 82 and close Nov. 5, 82 at 4 p.m. in the MSG Lobby. Cost is $2.00 per print. • Prints will be judged Sat. Nov. 6, 82. • For more info call Bill 260-1958. local Battalion/Page 6 November 2,1982 Jailor thief sought On Sept. 24, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., burglars entered the house of a Brazos County Sher iffs Department jailor and kick ed in the front door. In the burglary, the following items were stolen: a Curtis Mathis 19-inch color television, serial number 1879462; a Zenith 12-inch black-and-white tele vision; a Gerrard stereo turn table; a Cannon 35mm camera, serial number 1423881; and sev eral Brazos County Sheriffs De partment shirts. The shirts were found later in a dumpster at West 19th Street and San Jacinto If you have any information concerning the burglary, call Crime Stoppers at 775-TIPS. If the tip leads to an arrest and grand jury indictment, you could earn a $1,000 cash re ward. Crime Stoppers also pays cash for information on any 'fugitive or felony crimes. STOPPER: “ 775-TIPS Some members of Kappa Alpha Theta visit in the parlor of their house on the corner of Athens by Michael Raulerson Battalion Reporter The Greek Village on Athens Drive in College Station pro vides more continuity and allows more effective interaction be tween sororities, an adviser for staff photo by David Fisk Drive, the location of Texas A&M ! “Greek Village.” A&M Greek area provides continuity ApGIE CINEMA^ PRESE NTS OLIVER! the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority says. Judy Richards said the idea for Greek Village was started ab out five years ago when a repre sentative of the Don Marcal Co. development firm proposed the idea to the College Station Panhellenic Association. The land was owned by the company and was zoned for multi-family dwellings. Construction on the houses in the area began about four United 1 H0USTC apparently crash lande street early yards from thorities saic The twi plane ran f thorities sait juries and homes. Wed. 7:30 Theatre Nobody leans on Sharky's Machine. * BURT REYNOLDS SHARXYS MACHINE J THEATRES + $1 off adult ticket if 1st Matinee af Mon-family night Sch 6 4- Tue-family night M.E.III JSCHULMAN 6 * * 2000 E. 9th ¥ 775-2468 J I ALLOWEENJ III J 7:25 9:50 » GARP 7:15 9:50 Jmotherlodej * 7:15 9:40 * J JEKYLL& HYDE J 7:10 9:25 ♦ IT CAME FROM J HOLLYWOOD 4- 7:25 9:40 years ago and the first house#! completed in August 1979. The newest house, ownedh the Delta Zeta sorority, is si under construction, but mem hers already have moved the house, said Judy Gortnej, alumni adviser for the Delo Zeta sorority. Eight of the nine sororities® the College Station area houses in the Greek Village.Tit ninth House will be com within the next few yean, Richards said. She said houses range in price from $500,()()() to'$600,000 each anil have 10,000 to 13,000 squart feet of floor space. The cost per square foot of the houses is less than most net single-family houses, Richards said. Each house has a differem floor plan. Some have suite-typt bedrooms with a bathroom shared by two suites; othersha« a community bathroom at out end of the hall. The Greek Village houses also have study areas, parlors, ceiling fans and phones inead room. The houses have main kitchens — complete vs# cooks and a maid — and a kitchen.Jor sorority members use, Gortney said. Sorority members who live® the houses pay about $1,4 semester for room and Richards said. JTHE SORCERESS? * 7:10 9:25 1 ZMANOR EAST anorE. Mall t * 823-830(£ PLITT THEATRES Student Disc. Frl. with ID Tues. all seats‘2.00. BLACK AWARENESS DR. JOHN FERNANDEZ RACISM * AN OFFICER & J * A GENTLEMAN J J 7:15 9:50 * FANTASIA 7:30 9:45 ROCKY III 7:00 9:40 CAMPUS * * J POLTERGEIST * J 7:15 9:30 * CINEMA l&ll 846-6714 “FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONTHIGH” 7:45-9:49 (R) ■NAT’L LAMPOON" CLASS REUNION 7:35 - 9:35 CINEMA III PoM Oak M.ill 764-0616 “E.T.” (PG) 7:15-9:30 ‘MY FAVORITE YEAR" (PG) 7:00-9:00 •DRAGONSLAYER’W 7:30-9:45 IN AND SEXISM BIOLOGICAL/PHYSICAL SCIENCES ... CORPORATE LIFE You're Needed All Over the World. NOV. 2, S^OOPM Ask Peace Corps volunreers why rhey are using rheir Science major, minor, or oprirude in health clinics ond classrooms in Moloysio. Why do they use them in fish pond culture projects ond experimental forms in Western Samoa? They'll tell you rheir ingenuity and flexibilify ore os important as rheir degrees. Ask them why Peace Corps is the roughest job you'll ever love. rudder theatre TICKETS ; MSC BOXOFFICE Recruiters on Campus Tues.-Thurs., Nov. 2-4 SENIORS/GRADS: Sign up now for an interview PLACEMENT OFFICE - 10th Floor, Rudder Tower 50 STUDENT $ l.OONON STUDENT PEACE CORPS The si: engine Pipei ed on Camp east Housto skidded int wrapped ai pole, Feden (ration offic The plan in a ditch ar lane street, plane’s fuel t ly dry. One wi 17, said he street whe “1 thou; then 1 saw pulled ove hit all thos and stopp< “1 came the door < two guys plane ran Police ( plane but s dence of c bands. moni Sail If ’ D FRIt br file Koll or ( T