The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 02, 1982, Image 4

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Learn things you probably
weren’t taught in school.
The Success Image ... A Guide for the Better-
Dressed Business Woman is written for women
who want to be successful in business, by experts
on the subject. It’s a comprehensive, concise
guide to correct wardrobe and image building
plus pertinent tips on make-up, color, travel
and other aspects of the business woman’s life.
Around town
Send your check for $7.83 (includes Texas Tax, postage
and handling) to the address below for your copy of “The
Success Image,” 1982-83 edition, illustrated.
Inolsey custom clot lies
2613 Richmond Avenue at Kirby Houston, TX 77098
Battalion/Page 4
November 2J982
Auto-teller planned
to ease fiscal lines
Graham’s to sponsor dance contest
Suzie Hitchcock, choreographer for “Waltz Across
Texas,” a movie which opens Nov. 5 in Austin, will be at
the dance contest at Graham’s Central Station tonight at
9:30 p.m.
The dance contest serves as the local preliminaries for a
contest to be held in Midland on Dec. 5, and is broken into
catagories such as the waltz, the two-step, and the western
swing and/or jitterbug. The top three couples will win prizes
of $100, $75 and $50 as well as the chance to go to Midland
for the dance finals on Dec. 5. The grand prize in that contest
is a four day/3 night vacation in Reno, Nevada.
dotX^cje- JStation 'i fins iJtcXian -izitauzant
Faculty cutting day
set for Sat.
Saturday has been designated faculty bonfire cutting
day. All faculty members interested in cutting for bonfire
need to meet at the field behind Duncan at 9 a.m.
Saturday. Rides to the cutting site will be arranged for
those people who would prefer to watch rather than cut.
Bring your own axe. For further information call Bill
Reevis 260-2749 or Mike Wallace at 260-2849.
MSC travel committee plans trips
The MSC Travel Committee has announced two more
trips available to students. The first is to San Antonio on
Nov. 13-14. The second is to Purgatory, Colorado on Jan.
9-14. For more information and to sign-up for both trips
contact the information desk in Room 216 MSC.
Art League to sponsor craft show
The Brazos Valley Art League will hold its annual Art
Market, Nov. 5-6 in the Post Oak Mall. Among the items
for sale there will be many Christian gifts, crafts,
paintings and pillows. Local artists and those from across
the state will be displaying their work. For more
information contact Judy Wagner at 693-7737 or Louise
Turch at 846-3243.
Comptroller to interview on campus
Representatives of the Comptroller of Public Accounts
will be on campus Wednesday to interview December
graduates interested in careers as tax auditors.
College and university graduates with a minimum of
24 hours in accounting, including six hours of
intermediate accounting, three hours of advanced
accounting and three hours of auditing are encouraged
to make interview appointments.
Salaries range from $17,500 to $20,000 a year,
depending on location assignment, and some travel is
Further information may be obtained by calling the Place
ment Office at 845-6551.
Peace Corps to
recruit on campus
A Peace Corps recruiter will be on the Texas A&M
campus today through Thurday to conduct interviews
with seniors and graduate students interested in joining
the Peace Corps. Persons who wish to sign up for an
interview may do so in the Placement Center in Rudder
Tower. A Peace Corps table will also be set up in the
MSC to distribute literature concerning the various
programs of the Peace Corps.
MBA/Law Day set for this Saturday
The MSC Career Development Committee is sponsoring
a MBA/Law Day this Saturday from 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. in
the Academic 8c Agency Building. The program is
designed to inform interested students of possible careers
available to graduates with law and master of business
administration degrees. Tickets for the program con $2
in advance and $2.50 at the door.
The keynote speaker for the law portion of the
program will be Sen. Kent Caperton. The keynote
speaker for the MBA portion has yet to be announced.
There will also be representatives from the law and MBA
programs of all major schools in Texas, as well as schools
across the nation.
There will be a catered barbecue lunch served
between the two programs. The cost for the lunch will be
$4.50 in advance and $5 at the door.
If you have an announcement or interesting item to
submit for this column, come by The Battalion office in
216 Reed McDonald or call Tracey Taylor at 845-2611.
Thousands put
their fingers on it...
Advertising in The Battalion
Tuesday: Veal Parmigiana
' $ 7.25
(Salad and Vegetable)
Lunch: Dinner:
| 11-2
404 Shopping Center
East University
“Experience in drafting con
tracts for large international
corporations as well as inter
preting Texas statutes for small
businessmen has given me a
keen sensitivity to the needs of
our expanding community. As
your JP, I will see that deci
sions rendered in disputes
before the court are fair.”
by David Johnson
Battalion Staff
Stahding in line at the Richard
E. Coke Building will continue
to be an Aggie tradition — but
there is relief in sight.
There are plans to install
automatic teller machines under
the walkway between the Memo
rial Student Center and Rudder
Tower which may reduce lines
at Texas A&M University’s fiscal
offices at Coke.
The Coke Building was built
in the early 1950s when only
10,000 students attended Texas
A&M. Now Texas A&M has
more than 36,000 students, and
the lines at the Coke Building
also have grown.
However, Robert Smith, Uni
versity controller of accounts,
said there are no plans to ex
pand either staff or space to
handle the long lines that de
velop on paydays or rush
periods, such as registration.
Students who want to cash
checks for more than $25 must
cash their checks at the Coke
building or at Rudder Tower.
However, the planned auto
matic tellers may be a solution.
Smith said the contract to install
the machines is being written by
the University and will be pre
sented to area banks soon. The
machines will be installed when
the contract is finalized.
The Texas System Board of
Regents gave Texas A&M Presi-
automatic tejlhas always
. . . Relief could be in
sight for students who
cash checks at the Coke
building when automat
ic teller machines are
installed under the
walkway between the
Memorial Student Cen
ter and Rudder Tower.
Smith said.
But the
won’t help the large numbers dependent
students and faculty who
paychecks at the Coke Build Western lil
pick up financial aid, paydd thority on
or don’t have an automatictel Monday ni
Smith said a motion stu -ukural hi
done in the cashier’s offict m,JS * c at
1981 determined that the
was busiest from 8 a.m
spoke at ft
try Music
Cashier window hours, extt Southwest
I _ I. r Inn \Janr'*a
on paydays, were shortened!
those times.
The shortened hours enali
all five cashiers to stay open]
cept during their lunch brt emeritus in
and gave them moretimetol
lance their books and corapli
their daily paperwork altertl
closed in the afternoon, Smi
dent Dr. Frank E. Vandiver the
authority to negotiate a contract
for the machines. The machines
will be part of the MPACT or
Pulse automatic teller machine
networks, since most students,
faculty and staff use institutions
that are part of those networks,
Smith says.
“The line over there may be
twice as long as the line over
here (at the Coke building),”
On paydays and at busy
of t he semester, such as rey
tion, cashiers’ windows areoji
from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Smith said that thesewereii
most efficient changes siii
neither the Coke building
Rudder Tower had room
more cashiers to ease the cm
during peak hours.
Malone i
guitar, an
help illustn
try and “co’
beginning i
recent resu
Malone s
came popu
when young
states woulc
and appear
j, in com]
record s<
boy life the
Later, si
more popt
Lecturer to examine
corporate life faults
A former assistant professor
at Yale University and current
division manager of labor rela
tions for Bell Telephone of
Pennsylvania will speak on rac
ism and sexism in corporate life
tonight at 8 in Rudder Theater.
In his book “Racism and Sex
ism In Corporate Life: Chang
ing Values in American Busi
ness” published in 1981, Dr.
John Fernandez examined the
complexities and problems with
in the corporate structure. His
book includes an analysis of
values systems and attitudes
which flow through the corpo
rate structure.
His analysis includes
stereotypical attitudes about
blacks and women and attitui
which keep certain white ma
from making it to the top oft)
corporate ladder.
'Ehe lecture is sponsoredi
MSC Black Awareness.
Tickets are available in i
MSC Box Office. Admission!
50 cents for students and51 fi
Paid political advertisement
Hugh Lindsay Campaign Committee
Wesley Hall, treasurer.
Now you
United Press International
NEW YORK — Women J
victimized more often thanffl
in confidence games andsni
dies, says the president ofil
National Association of C« majors. Seni
Interested in a teaching certificate in vocational agricul-
N ture?
^ Teaching jobs available in Texas & other states.
N Let us explain certification requirements to you:
S November 3 or 4
^ 6:30 p.m.
N Room 101 Scoates Hall (Ag. Gn./Bldg.)
a Contact Gary Briers or Herman Brown at 845-2951 for {
[more information and/or come to our meeting.
sumer Agency administrator
An article in the NovendH
issue of Ladies’ Home Jour®
quotes Clair Villano as sayiij
“Women have a tendency
want to be thought of as pleas!
and polite. Many of us do
want to be considered toughet
tomers.” . , ,
Villano and other const™
fraud specialists say women ten
to be duped by con artistsb
cause they are inclined
assume the best about pet
and often look for bargains® with themed
ways to stretch tight budgett
These needs play into the ham! Tower,
of scam artists.
by I
ton Nance
Texas histo
the achieve
mer head o
with the hel]
people’s ne<
creased the
Malone saic
by I
The Peace
viewing gt
through Thi
Seniors ’
view with th
out ap
Thursday. A
plicants may
Peace Corp:
telephone. /
" years old
have a colleg
years work e
Betty Str
Peace Corps
olving agri
economics ai
n f
Texas A&l
and Head Fc
Sherrill will
tions at 7 ton
The Tex;
he Society o
talks is