!attalion/Pj> member 11 local / state usifob competition alkit A&M tighter albums In Collection by Elaine Engstrom ic and the] Battalion Staff Countn \\ More layoffs in Bryan-College i next yen tatlon, tighter department he third sj> udgets, and increased migra- J. Milton\°n from northern states may s. w hich Ic lean the competition for full- on. These me ) 0 ^ s at Texas A&M Univer- the Depati lt )' is g ettin g tougher, i recognitio- More applicants for fewer teiils ol \ acancies seems to be the gener- ner headt * tren< ^ i n full-time campus em- tmem and ^ o y menl > University employ- eritusofhi ient uianager Wayne McGuire aid. ' T he tighter job situation is lustrated by the low number of 11 ah vacancies. On Oct. 28, 1981, t I aere "ere 42 clerical and 102 LdiM-clerical positions open, ompared to the eight clerical nd 34 non-clerical positions "V I /2kOpen at the same time this year. X V/ Cl McGuire said one reason for ewer vacancies is the rising lumber of job layoffs in the the insanin or f mun * t y> specifically the hutdown of the NL Atlas Brad- ord Co. “As companies layoff work- rs,’ - he said, “more people are gi.ulii.ri ornin g to look for jobs on cam- "l m( |' ls .| jus and more people are hold- l ( , ( | ( id on to their campus jobs.” sew Von W ne example of the increased . . . ompetition occurred recently .hen a vacant secreterial posi- ion attracted four times the tsual number of applicants. Twenty people applied for the ab, in contrast to the five appli- TA71A a 9° ns are usually filed. \ \ 11 H. Ray Smith, personnel dire- tor for the University, said Texas A&M is the largest em- ( ' ^ < M er * n l ' ie community with ^ ',800 employees. He said the low vacancy level tnd low turnover rate is un it was prn i SUa l. tad no ale “it’s the lowest 1 can recall nis in thavithin the last 10 years,” he said, of. fiwea'The current low level is prob- re ahead a t said, d the irad in a setiesi 4 forts by ;d of mot rom the t Ts Dep.n I police d: louston art' ickley cas how it is ii it should med e pit Student Ce ably due, in part, to departments watching their funds more closely and not creating many new' jobs.” However, he said the employ ment business on campus is very seasonal. In April and May, there are a lot of clerical vacan cies as students’ wives resign. In the summer, clerical positions open and the University some times hires high school students to fill the positions until fall. Walt Baker, local manager for the Texas Employment Com mission, said the unemployment rate for Bryan-College Station is 5.8 percent. He. said the number of inital claims filed for unemployment benefits have jumped 400 per cent over the same time in 1981. Local companies, such as NL Atlas Bradford Co., have laid off workers, but Baker refused to comment on possible connec tions. Student employment, howev er, seems to be more positive. Clair Fink, student employ ment supervisor, said the num ber of students working part- time on campus has increased 10 percent. “In the period from September 1981 to Aug. 31, 1982, there were approximately 7,200 students working on cam pus — up 1,000 students from the year before.” A possible reason for the in crease was the hiring freeze put into effect in January by Univer sity President Frank E. Vandiv er, Fink Said. The action re stricted hiring full-time em ployees until August. To meet their workloads, de partments hired student work ers if possible. While job opportunities are good, there has been no change in the number of students ap plying for jobs, she said. R.eagan protest reld in Austin 1A AY IP 7D United Press International AUSTIN — About 65 people, ging from toddlers to the erly, marched Saturday from ; Istate Capitol to their eagan Ranch” to protest Pres- :nt Reagan’s economic poli- s. “Reagan, Reagan, he’s a titor, only to big industry will cater,” the protestors chanted a two-mile walk to their en- mpment at a baseball field ar the Colorado River in wntown Austin. The protestors also criticized ■publican Gov. Bill Clements r supporting the Reagan ministration. “Clements, Clements, he’s no od, get him out of the neigh- rhood,” they yelled. The march was part of a t ion wide protest of “Reagano- ics” that began last weekend d has spread to more than 30 mp-out rallies. One marcher, Onnie Byrd, , said, “I think it’s great.” “They couldn’t have named it ly better,” she said. “Rich peo- e don’t care anything about us >or people.” The Austin demonstration is sponsored by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now' and is supported by 25 other civic, church, en vironmental and political groups. More than 30 bright green tents were set up Friday at the start of the four-day protest. It is aimed at reminding people of “Hoovervilles” in the 1930s, organizer Holly Blake said. The protestors, she said, hope to mobilize voters against candi dates who support Reagan’s programs in Tuesday’s general election. “This is just to try to get peo ple aware of what we’re facing,” said Ruby Melrose, 62, of Au stin, a member of ACORN. “Reaganomics has cut social programs to the bare bones,” she said. “It has caused too much unemployment and too many business failures. It’s a cruel joke to the American people.” The protest will also include a soup line, workshops, a candi dates’ forum and a protest at the governor’s mansion Monday. ollision cause ;till unknown United Press International . J CARROLLTON — Deter- ining the cause of a two-plane illision that killed four people ill take several weeks, said fed- i 'al investigators, who believe tulty radio transmissions may ave contributed to the crash. ; The crash occurred Wednes- ay when a Piper Navajo en aute from Opelousas, La., w'as pproaching Dallas Love Field ?e$ or forn’rJ a Cessna 337 Skymaster was iem how G ff f rorn nearby Addison lechonics Airport. persono Ej_o. Johnson of the National e Importation Safety Board in ort Worth, who is heading the iquiry, said Friday it had been etermined the last radio trans- Nov aission from one of the planes an tad instructed the pilot to de pend and turn south. Floo , pjj ot 0 f (yg pjp er i ia{ ] equested flight information econds before the crash and *ras told to turn south and de- cend to 2,000 feet, Johnson aid. i f “So far as w r e know he had not I you :or turned when the crash occur red,” he said. “Shortly after ward, the Cessna pilot came on and said he was north of Addi son Airport.” Johnson said controllers may have misunderstood what the pilot said and reported it back as Arlington Airport. “The (Cessna) pilot didn’t correct the mistake when he cal led back. Maybe both just mis understood each other,” John son said. He said tapes revealed the conversation w'as garbled and may have been caused by a faul ty ground receiver. Johnson said Allen Lebo, an air traffic control specialist with the National Transportation Safety Board, told him a check of other tapes revealed distor tion in conversations with six planes during the day, indicat ing the problem may have stem med from a ground receiver at Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Air port. 6UY, SELL. TRADE Oft RENT THROUGH THE I Battalion/Page 7 November 1, 1982 Carolyn Ruffino is the only candidate with the experience to match the job. The record speaks for itself. Carolyn Ruffino is the only candidate who has experience as a prosecutor. Carolyn Ruffino’s experience is much more diversified and her legal career has been intensely devoted to serving Brazos County. Only Carolyn Ruffino’s experience can meet the needs of the County Court at Law. Carolyn Ruffino’s experience in these areas... The Job The County Court at Law Judge presides over six different areas of the law: JUVENILE Entertains matters relating to detention hearings, adjudication hearings, disposition hearings, motions to revoke probation, certification hearings while always trying to balance the question of what is in the best interest of the child and of society through programs designed for treatment, training and rehabilitation of the child. All proceedings require an in depth knowledge of the Texas Family Code. Juvenile prosecutor in County Court at Law In over 300 cases filed, represented interests of the people of Brazos County in adjudication hearings to determine whether a child had broken the law in all types of offenses ranging from truancies to aggravated robberies In disposition hearings, to determine what should be done with a child who had been found to have engaged in delinquent conduct or was in need of supervision In certification hearings, to determine if case should be transferred to district court In detention hearings, to determine where a child should temporarily stay In motions to revoke or modify conditions of prior probation Has thorough working knowledge and application ofjuvenile law Approximately 300 court appearances in County Court at Law CRIMINAL MISDEMEANOR Entertains hearings and trials for violations relating to assaults, DWIs, theft under $200.00. unlawfully carrying a weapon, possession of marijuana under 2 oz., reckless conduct, criminal trespassing, criminal mischief under $200.00, sale of alcohol to minors, illegal sale of beer, public loudness, harassment, burglary of coin-operated machines, and traffic appeals. All proceedings require an in depth knowledge of the Texas Penal Code and the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. Assistant District Attorney for 2‘/2 years In over 500 cases, represented interests of the people of Brazos County relating to offenses ranging from criminal mischief over $200 to murder Appeared in court almost daily for 2‘/2 years for hearings ranging from docket calls, pretrial hearings, trials, motions to revoke probation, bond hearings and grand jury hearings Has a thorough working knowledge of and applicability of criminal laws and Texas code of criminal procedure As chief prosecutor responsible for all cases filed in 272nd District Court, made court appearances daily PROBATE MATTERS Entertains all applications, petitions, and motions regarding probate of wills, administration of estates for those descendants without a will, hearings for the declaration of heirship and hearings regarding guardianships. All proceedings require an in depth knowledge of Texas Probate Code and Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. As Assistant Trust Officer in the Trust Department of one of the areas leading banks, helped to manage and oversee the probating of wills, assets of estates and guardianships Gained a good working knowledge of investment and financial markets Advised relatives or representatives of a descendent’s estate regarding the application of probate laws While in private practice of law, represented estates of descendents in approximately 15 cases in probating the will, collecting the assets, paying off debts and closing out the estates and in helping to appraise value of assets Worked closely with real estate appraisers for estate planning and for preparation of tax returns Has an in depth working knowledge of Texas Probate Laws and rules of civil procedure MENTAL ILLNESS aniMf nm; Entertains all applications, petit ions and motions regarding mental illness and incompetency hearings. All proceedings require an in depth knowledge of Texas Probate Code. Mental Health Code and Texas Code of Civil Procedure. Has represented interests of many clients with mental illness problems due to alcoholism, temporary insanity and insanity Worked with many mental health experts in Brazos County, Rusk State Hospital and Austin State Hospital regarding sanity or insanity in both civil and criminal cases Has an in depth working knowledge and application of mental health code and of probate code CONDEMNATION MATTERS Hears all condemnation suits and allows for the compensation for property taken as. well as for all loss and damage resulting from the taking of any property in Brazos County. These proceedings require an in depth knowledge of real estate law and civil laws. • Instructor for American College of Real Estate for 3 years and taught courses regarding real estate law as it relates to the buying and selling of real estate • In private practice, represented many clients in helping them to plan the development of their estates and appraise the values of assets • Worked closely with many real estate appraisers • During past five years, has developed an in depth working knowledge of real estate law as it relates to ownership of land and to appraisals of real estate property civil matters mwmmmm Hears all controversies between individuals from $500.00 and up to $10,000.00 in value. These proceedings require an in depth knowledge of civil law and the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. ** 'W ■ T While in private practice of law, has handled over 300 cases involving matters between individuals ranging from the drafting of contracts, rental agreements, collection of rental fees, garnishments, wage disputes and destruction of property Has represented several clients in contested matters for the enforcement of terms of contracts Has an in depth working knowledge of civil law and Texas Rules of Civil Procedure RuffinS County Court at Law Judge Paid Pol. Adv. by the committee to elect Carolyn Ruffino. P.O. Box 3605. Bryan. Tt. 77805