The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 29, 1982, Image 8

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Lawyer says accused
kidnapper was insane
by Scott McCuI
United Press International
GALVESTON — A man ac
cused of kidnapping three men
last month may nave suffered a
nervous breakdown and should
be committed to a hospital for
mental testing, his court-
appointed lawyer, Elmo Schwab
Ronald Floyd White, who has
been charged with the kidnap
pings, said he has no memory of
’rXi S 1 *!
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the crimes he is accused of com
mitting. Schwab said Wednes
day that his client is innocent by
reason of insanity.
“This seems to be a classic
case of a person who has under
gone a physical and mental ner
vous breakdown,” Schwab said.
“This is a man who has been
married 21 years, has three chil
dren and has never been in any
kind of major trouble.”
“I think he did (his under the
throes of a complete mental ner
vous breakdown.”
White is charged with kid
nappings in Galveston, Mont
gomery and Live Oak counties.
He is accused of burying alive
Michael Baucom, abducting
firefighter Goby Hamilton and
then forcing trucking company
employee Robert Cameron to
drive White to San Antonio.
Three other suspects are
being held in the Galveston
County Jail on charges that they
acted together in the Baucom
kidnapping and burying.
“If he can’t remember what
happened, I can’t ever begin to
organize a defense for him. He
looks, acts and talks weird, like
he’s insane. This man should be
pitied and not pilloried,”
Schwab said.
Court rules that trial tapes
violated defendant’s rights
United Press International
AUSTIN - An appeals court
ruled tape-recorded conversa
tions between a murder defen
dant and a hypnotist should not
have been entered as evidence in
the woman’s trial for allegedly
killing a three-year-old l>oy, and
reversed the conviction.
asked to Ik* executed lor the
shooting death of Jason Phillips.
impi<)|>eilv iniroductdl
drtu e in her
The Court of Criminal
Appeals Wednesday ordered a
new trial for Linda May Burnett,
34, who earlier this month had
court ruled tape-
recorded conversations between
Burnett and a hypnotist were
New Happy Hours
4 p.m.-Midnight
Texas woman arrested while
‘bringing home the bacon’
United Press International
WARREN, Ark. — Police
have been holding a 70-pound
pig named Prissy since Saturday
in connection with a traffic viola
tion, and authorities apparently
are perturbed about their porky
In fact, police are reluctant to
talk about Prissy, whose owner
was charged with driving under
the influence of intoxicants.
“Anything I say can and will
be used against me,” said an
officer who answered the tele
phone at the Warren City jail.
“It’s the sheriff’s depart- 1
ment’s case,” said another city
A woman who answered the
telephone at the Bradley County
sheriffs office said there wasn’t
anybody there.
Sources said the pig was pick
ed up by State Trooper Joe Lee
Wright at about 2 a.m. Saturday
in rural Bradley County. Prissy
was a passenger in a car driven
by Joanne Greer of Texas, who
was not further identified.
Greer was charged with DWI
and taken to the Warren jail,
and Prissy was sent to the city
But Prissy apparently became
distressed there and refused to
“It turned out that the pig was
this lady’s net,” said an officer
who begged for anonymity. “We
got the pig back and for a while
she just sat in the day room pet
ting it. 1 hen we put it out back in
a pen we sometimes use to hold
stray dogs.”
1 111 ' mi %
her right to keep da
her attorneys private.
Jefferson Countv I
Attorney Jim McGn
prosecuted the case, i
would ask the court ton
dec ision.
“I was shocked.
the\ were going to M
McGrath said.
Early this month,
asked District Judge L.^
ol Beaumont for pern®
abandon the automat^
of her death sentence s
icy Smith,
ft Associati
was unfair "to handdoM 3 looks
and then make the inW tiding in
out an appeal." —■
Burnett, a Nederland I
wife with three childtfl 17
her boyfriend Joe Dtf y
an used of kidnappings
dering Dugas’ formeri
Bishop and Esther Phi
Winnie, Texas, along*
Phillips' son, dauglw
and Jason, their grandst
J . . . r 0 A ii,i united Press It
were visiting IromUk ERRV1LLE -
I he five membersofij , ed into a po ,
lips family each wereshC n L sed to gfip,
head and thrown intoa
grave near Winnie. Dtij
pding the she
of three W
rers said Thu
However, a \
h interrogatec
man said his
'le slayings wa
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Please state whether (unlor year or postgraduate
was sentenced to death
In some of Burnell J
tecorded conversations
h\ pnotist, she described
ings as “exciting and fa je i
I it striking down ihf km n the suspec
lion, the Court of C i, nt y to ^ que
Appeals said 'Hut;. K) killing,
recordings played for'■Kerrville ' pc
were originally intend# g c klem an sai
Bit rnett’s defense aw
sen ted privileged info
between Burnett andhj
lames Boulch.
has more trial experience
in County Court at law
in both criminal and
civil cases.
He's best qualified
to be Judge of that court
In a recent poll, a majority of active Brazos
County lawyers affirmed Steve Smith as “best qualified” to be Judge
of the County Court at Law.
The record speaks for itself. Steve Smith
has a much broader background in the law, considerably more
experience in both criminal and civil cases in the County Court at
Law, more seasoning in contested matters and a record of public
service to the community.
• The Judge of the County Court at Law is not
an extension of the prosecutor’s office. It is a place for the citizens
as a whole and as individuals to find justice. The person who sits as
Judge needs to be well versed, fair and experienced. Steve Smith is
best qualified to hold this important office. We ask for your vote
and support.