The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 29, 1982, Image 6
to CS parking problem by Brian Boyer Battalion Reporter A plan to contract a towing service to discourage parking on major streets was discussed by the College Station City Council Thursday night. Some no-parking /ones already have tow-away zone notices posted, City Manager North Bardell said. Until a tow ing service is contracted by the city, however, offending vehi cles will merely be ticketed, lie said. Brazos County STOPPER 775-TIPS Bardell said that illegal park ing is a problem near shopping centers and apartment com plexes that do not provide con venient or adequate parking for tenents. The plan is designed especially to discourage parking in fire lanes, he said. Along some streets, illegally parked cars force shuttle buses to stop in traffic, Bardell said. Requiring offending motorists to pay a towing fee in addition to a traffic citation should discour age illegal parking, he said. “Given the amount of money it costs to build a major street, it shouldn’t be used as a parking lot,” Mayor Gary Halter said. “You can build a parking lot a whole lot cheaper than you can a major thoroughfare,” he said. Halter said that he would like to eliminate parking along Jersey Street, which he said is being used as a parking lot by motorists without a Texas A&rM parking permit. Other business before tbe council included a budget re quest of $10,650 to help finance the Bryan/College Station Clean Community System. The coun cil approved the request, which must be matched by Bra/os County and the City of Bryan to meet the Clean Community Sys tem’s $51,950 budget. The Col lege Station City Council also passed a resolution approving the organization’s bylaws. In other business, a proclama tion designating the first Mon day in November as Teacher Appreciation Day was signed by Halter. The council approved an ordinance establishing a licens ing procedure for grave services before adjourning to a closed session to discuss land acquisi tion and personnel. Lots of fdces A landscape design class in the Architecture Building carved to its hearts desire. Left to right, Harry Dawson, Phil Solaman, Amy Wilson, Steve Landry and Julie Coleman they consider to be the best s attorney ge jinecl to ask tl me Court to ove 'dei blocking th iutiori of “Cam jaald Clark ■estnan in the , Is office said \\ 3’Bryan had I to death by le te eighth anni Halloween p< om E United Press Int lUSTIN — A Group sells ho after saving United Rre»» International AUSTIN — A group of resi dents who launched a campaign to keep the historic Driskill Hotel from l>eing torn down 12 years ago has sold the last re maining interest in the proper ty. The Driskill Hotel Corp. in terest in the downtown hotel property was sold to Laral Hotels for $750,000, Driskill president Clint Small )r., said Wednesday. ritici/.edadecisior Mutation Agency ire:.' es to vem rom elementary |gh textbooks, sa> ■rmation that ca 1 loked. Ben. Betty Am Vonh. Wednesdt tate education c pymon Bynum to ision he made las But a group oUfiBlymm) ordere dents banded toget mpoks under cot the late architect MaBstate to elimin launched a “Save IktBs to sexually campaign and sotaB^es from tin subscriptions for sivpdes four throui hotel. LM rs - Andujar, 1 More than 600 groaBcting a Senate dividualssignedupf Bbn Public Hea share issue, and moi Injstudy on VI), were individuals kiH shares or less. lonv Small said the corporation’s 632 stockholders will receive a liquidating dividend equivalent to $9 a share. A reserve will be held to cover future tax liability and other expenses. Small said the corporation decided to sell its interest “be cause its purpose has been achieved in saving the Driskill.” Laral, headed by Larry Sup- nick, acquired controlling in terest in the historic landmark two years ago and made major improvements in it. The Driskill, which has pro vided lodging and a watering hole for politicians since 1886, was closed in 1969, and it appeared it woidd he torn down. The hotel reopem with Braniff Intern then active in the hodW 7"" foimc I wo years later ilt(« lion sold the hotel (oBrB I Cl,lined an interesl B United Press InU earnings. Laralbon. 7 ^7 ^ m . ;ui from Braniff in 1980.Bg h ‘ s ex-wife gad in his apartm When The OrisM Thursday. St in 1886 bv cattle ^| ec,ed cause of Driskill, it was hailedlP va r d Toesc h, the mostluxurioushoi#* 1 Wednesday : the Mississippi River. B tln g death of B Day Loesch. Numerous gubernift' oesc h was to aj augural halls have betiB'ict Uourt 1 hu the hotel, and duringBshment phase i t was headquarter White House presscotfB visits by former Presi L] Larry Miller C don Bailies Johnson. Swede Hanson an ically receive a no 1c that pays you 15% 693-603 THE LITE BEERAU-STARS t ITT M When famous bowler Don Carter invited 23 Kingpins to the First Lite Beer Bowling Tournament, it seemed like a great idea. It was the guys who drink Lite Beer from Miller because it tastes great, against the guys who drink it because it’s less filling. And once again, the All-Stars proved they’re in a league by themselves. After a lot of pins (and quite a few Lite Beers) went down and the smoke finally cleared, the score was tied, with only one man left to go. Rodney Dangerfield. All he needed to win it was one pin. Aklutzsituation. Rodney, in topform,gotthesameamount of pins as he gets respect. None. ir Teammate Ben Davidson felt Rodney deserved a break, or at least a fracture. Billy Martin didn’t argue with that. Jim Honochick couldn’t believe his eyes. Neither could Marv Throneberry. So the First Lite Beer Bowling Tournament ended in a draw. And the argument over the best thing about Lite \ was left unsettled. 1 But there was one thing everyone agreed B on. It was truly every thing you always wanted in a bowling tournament. And less. ill I DRESS TO IMPRE! Formal attire for any size manoi! li A\s FORMAL WEAR 1609 TEXAS AVENGE COLLEGE STATION CALL 693-0947 | ^ ^ From left to right: Bubba Smith, Dick Butkos, Frank Robinson, Jim Honochick, Ray Nitschke, Ben Davidson, Don Carter, Billy Martin, Matt Snell, Rodney Dangerfield, John Madden, Mickey Spillane, Lee Meredith, Buck Buchanan, Marv Throneberry, Tommy Heinsohn, Boog Powell, Rodney Marsh, Steve Mizerak, Deacon Jones, Boom Boom Geoffrion, and Dick Williams, c 1982 Miller Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wis. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Specials By Sassoo For Fall ( For Career and Coeds Suits by Sassoon 20% Off Fri. & Sat. Transitional Fall Wear: 1 Sassoon Skirts 25V Dresses 10-401 Calvin Klein 20% Selected Sweaters 8c Blouses Persona! Attention for Today's Woman. Layaw: Botique 5F 1422 Teas Ave. C.S. ^ i ^ ^ t ^ ^ f ^ ^ f ^ ^ ?0ST Co " e 9e' Su