opinion Slouch By Jim Earle “J know we promised beer for blood, but at the same time?” Carter’s memoirs characteristic of him by Wesley G. Pippert United Press International WASHINGTON — Former President Jim my Carter’s memoirs, “Keeping Faith,” are a faithful selfportrait — paying attention to de tail but lacking passion and not adequately communicating his vision for the nation. In his 622-page book, published by Ban tam Books, Carter admits few mistakes and makes little attempt to answer the critics of his style. This is unfortunate, because his style drew more criticism than his achievements. Perhaps what is most lacking in Carter’s book is a passionate description of his aspira tions for the nation as well as a subjective account of his own motivations and lifestyle. He does not reply to criticism that his speeches often failed to move political audi ences. There is an irony here, for Carter often was electric when speaking to a black audience or teaching his Sunday School class at the Baptist Church. Carter was among the most curious of all presidents. He was a more avid outdoorsman and a greater patron of the arts than any recent president. Yet this breadth and depth in his life do not show through in his memoirs. He also was one of the most devout of all presidents, faithfully reading the Bible and praying unfailingly each day, he used to say, and faithfully attending Sunday School and church, a Bible tucked under his arm. Yet, despite its title, Carter’s memoirs offer few statements about whether and how he integrated his beliefs with his Oval Office de cisions. He wrote merely that he prayed “a lot — more than ever before in my life,” especial ly during times like the Camp David summit on the Mideast. He once said publicly he approached the presidency as “First Servant,” not “First Boss,” a remark he told this reporter drew scorn. His restraint and moderation in dealing with the Iranian hostage situation and the Soviet inva sion of Afghanistan probably reflected this basic view of how power ought to be used. Yet, unfortunately, there is no discussion of this in his memoirs. During and after his presidency. Carter was criticized for his inability to deal with Con gress and for remaining a Washington outsid er throughout his presidency. Carter conceded in his discussion of the allegations raised against Budget Director Bert Lance that there were “adverse consequ ences” to being an outsider. “As one who had never been part of the Washington scene, I was not particularly ea ger to change my attitude after becoming president. This proved to be a mistake,” Car ter wrote. “I did not see that one of the important avenues to this support and understanding was through the seemingly informal but high ly structured social life of the nation’s capital. Much of it seemed f rivolous to me “Nowhere within the press, Congress or the ranks of the Washington power structure were there any long-established friends and acquaintances who would naturally come to our defense,” Carter said. Carter also admitted the error that some critics have pointed out: that he sent too much legislation to Capitol Hill at one time, instead of phasing it out. But by and large, Carter’s disdain for Con gress is only thinly veiled. He said it was a “perennial temptation” for Congress to pass tax legislation that was “a Christmas tree full of goodies.” Fie also said that one of his unpleasant surprises in Washington was the “inertia of Congress, the length of time it takes to get a complicated piece of legislation through.” Other mistakes that Carter admitted: —T he handling of his Cabinet changes after his 1979 Camp David domestic summit meeting. He said by failing to distinguish be tween those who had wanted to resign and those he wanted to change, “the changes were portrayed as a great governmental crisis.” —A “costly mistake” involving Jerusalem during a 1980 U.N. vote that upset the Israelis and American Jews. The Battalion USPS 045 360 Member of Texas Press Association Southwest Journalism Conference Editor Diana Sultenfuss Managing Editor Phyllis Henderson Associate Editor Denise Rit liter City Editor Gary Barker Assistant City Editor HopeE. Paasch Sports Editor Frank L. Christlieb Entertainment Editor Nancy Floeck Assistant Entertainment Editor Colette Hutchings News Editors Rachel Bostwick, Cathy Capps, Johna Jo Maurer, Daniel Puckett, Jan Werner, Todd Woodard Staff Writers Jennifer Carr, Susan Dittman, Beverly Hamilton, David Johnson, John Lopez, Robert McGlOhon, Carol Smith, Dana Smelser, Joe Tindel, John Wagner, Rebeca Zimmermann Copyeditor Elaine Engstrom, Cartoonist Scott McCullar Graphic Artist • ■ Pam Starasinic Photographers David Fisher, Jorge C^asari, Ronald W. Emerson, Octavio Garcia, Michael D. Johnson, Irene Mees, John Ryan, Robert Snider Editorial Policy The Battalion is a non-profit, self-supporting news paper operated as a community service to Texas A&M University and Bryan-College Station. Opinions ex pressed in The Battalion are those of the editor or the author, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Texas A&M University administrators or faculty mem bers, or of the Board of Regents. The Battalion also serves as a laboratory newspaper for students in reporting, editing and photography clas ses within the Department ol Communications. Questions or comments concerning any editorial matter should be directed to the editor. Letters Policy Letters to the Editor should not exceed 300 words in length, and arc subject to being cut if they are longer. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit letters for style and length, but will make every effort to maintain the author’s intent. Each letter must also be signed and show the address and phone number of the writer. Columns and guest editorials arc also welcome, and are not subject to the same length constraints as letters. Address all inquiries and correspondence to: Editor, The Battalion, 21fi Reed McDonald, Texas A&M Uni versity, College Station, TX 77843, or phone (713) 845- 2611. The Battalion is published daily during Texas A& M 's fall and spring semesters, except for holiday and exami nation periods. Mail subscriptions are $16.75 per semes ter, $33.25 per school year and $35 per full year. Adver tising rates furnished on request. Our address: The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843. United Press International is entitled exclusively to the use for reproduction of all news dispatches credited to it. Rights of reproduction of all other matter herein reserved. Second class postage paid at College Station, TX 77843. Halloween tricks and treats K^m tiew Can you imagine Halloween without lots of candy? Although trick-or-treating has been banned in some communities in Massachusetts, the tradition lives on here at Texas A&M. Instead of worrying ab out mid-term grades and focusing on im provement, it seems like Aggies are wor rying about what they are going to dress up as for Halloween. Some Aggies are concentrating not on what they will dress up as for Halloween, but on what kindsof tricks they can play instead of giving out candy. Denise R. Patton There are many advantages to playing tricks, instead of giving out candy. For one, it would be just plain fun to scare someone, or to make someone laugh. You could also get rid of some of those odds and ends floating around your room. For instance you could get rid of all of your mismatched socks. Put them in those little Halloween bags that are sold at Skaggs, and drop them in the pillow cases of the trick-or-treaters who come to visit you. Won’t they be in for a surprise when they get home and open the bag.-' Unfortunately, you will not be around to see their expressions when they see that they “got a sock.” You could also spend the evening greeting your visitors armed with a can of whipped cream to spray it in their faces when you open the door, f his is a great trick because you receive instant gratifi cation as you spray whipped cream on the trick-or-treaters and see the asto nished expression on their laces. On the east coast the trees drop their leaves by the time I lalloween has arrived. Oh, the happy, nutty things you can do with dead leaves — you can fill a friend’s car with leaves, and you tan put them in little bags and hand them out. If you know anybody who lives in a house, then I would suggest that you toilet paper their house. One disadvan tage of doing this to a friend could hap pen the next day when that friend asks you to come help clean up the mess. But, by all means go help clean. That way you will have a front seat to see the react ion of Invite milk and your f riend. Just anothei lornii B cation. by Kathy I I oilet papering a dorm battalion R f different problems — shouldw.BFe Associatio to go with this option, voutvil Students has outgi self limited as it is slid) a smallsiB ie ^ emor ' a * \ out cover is not verv good.A« s ho P ,n g to mg Idea would be to see an beil ^ tin ii out m the wee hoursformer stuch and toilet paper another dorm xl as a&M Uni\ I here is anothet trkkthat Mini of Regen ts i time to pull and would lit of Jersey and Hoi although the t nck-or-treatttti®efore a new In even realize it is being pullede alert to an that friends or enemies will lx ting to pull — and haveahapi ween. ■ a part of the He the proper! A&M. ■ A similar agr precedent for lea Hging to state precedent w of' land at t he ftoi.is to Safeway ^ftince the assc MomIv affiliated HM, donating o Syeir to the Univc Hion official an dltculty in the lej sage. Hlf we are to c<: vice our alumni, \ He to go to a within the next f n .Jim Jeter, assistan Hor of the For Association. IVhen the Fot [iter in the Men iter, the currer xiation, was n early 1970s, i e approximat lies a year. M graduates )0 students a ) funding for the be separate i n :ed from forme year. instruction ol Iding and an a< lot with 50 to ly to cost a m lion, Jeter said, t the funds f o be raised by 11 : ©nn • uEA /-THt bitpMfi** “Eleven o’clock and all’s w-well!” Letter: Distribution of income ■ by Maureen Battalion R Bryan City M; Chirk told the Wednesday that it re-open bidding c ■d gas tract i Park. | Baker Explore the highest bid c over $77,000 —h make payments Baker Exploratio its competitors 1 which is probabh neglected its payi ■ “Evidently the- [made a bad bid,’ I The council \v cling, Clark saict ; ifig. If the top bid Exploration’s bit Editor: I went to listen to Mr. Ralph Nader on Oct. 19 and was greatly impressed by the man’s central theme. Knowing he was addressing mostly college students, he understands this. I think that the more general truth which may be gleaned I rom die comparison of the United States to non-free countries is t hat in this country. a man is chained neither by tc: " i11 “V? venue. Clark saic commend that cc stressed die importance of intelligent citizenship and discriminating consum erism, and his desire to see such citizens encouraged by our educational system, a desire that I deeply share. Thinking back on what he said brings a particular phrase to mind, however. He mentioned a relatively more “equitable distribution of income” in the United States as a positive aspect of our economy over that of Brazil’s economy, owing to the fact that Brazil harbors many coer cive monopolies which have freed them selves from the marketplace through government collusion. I agree that con sumers should be protected from coer cive and market-free (alias choice-free) monopolies. I agree that this society should protect the rights of consumers from invasion by environmental polu- tion, or by hazardous working condi tions. In addition, I would also like to observe that the producer in this country also has the right to Own what he pro duces. The producer also has the right to be shielded from claims on his wealth solely through desires for a more “equit able distribution of income” (in other words, coercion for the “common” wel fare). Individual rights do not stop with the consumer, and I am sure Mr. Nader Berry’s World despot nor by force of a mob. t cpmpany to cou frank Knickers Bake up the lost 306 Red 1 The counci i ii ■■‘iBryan's problem by Jim Berry‘iTc„ v le * ^ W Clark said the total of 554 lettei the junk cars ask move their vehicl ©1982 by NEA, Inc “No, the pipeline has not reached Europe yet, comrade. Why?" by Shellee Battalion R I' Writer, compos director Elizabet give a performa Rudder Forum. ■ “A Night with dos” will include ings and songs fn way play, “Runv Judith Fleishers \ her. j The perforr [Sponsored by the lartment in cor the Hillel Found; student organiza pultural, social an vices for Texas / Elizabeth Sw: losed, written an Iral productioi