The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 28, 1982, Image 15

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    Battalion/Pag! ii
October 28,11
udge allows
ys tents to stay
in by the Pretrial im
ncy, which will retjuirt;
ifisonally check ini
lation officer twice i
lule DeLorean has
I United Press International
■Ajudge blocked an attempt
to bulldoze a shantytown of
temson the Boston Common,
■ving protesters camped
.esman Mike Melinesilnationwide in “Reagan ran
ches” their first legal victory in
lined at Terminal Ifc. demonstrations that began
them Ireland car cm j five days ago.
prosecutors saidhedfH Boston Mayor Kevin
, tried to lave withW White, a Democrat and oppo-
in cocaine and heralnent of Reaganomics, said the
declared bankrupto Modern Hoovers ille was
in Detroit. Muikinga hell of a mess out ol
He Common” and a city
iHvyeriirgued the tents didn’t
legal requirements.
‘‘1 didn’t know that the
ir\A/ a I it/] '■'ll'' 1 camped out in in Bov
MtW AU 11 louts had to meet all these
■Hquirements,” a sarcastic
•judge William 'I'mmg said in
Currently ' n ^ avo1 <> ^ • * |e piotes-
HTtiejudge said the tent city
Ut s protected under the con-
utional right to free
While organizers of the
Sociation of Community
V^lianjjtjrgani/ations for Reform
celebrated the victory,
poor and unemployed
iuddled in at least 1 1 cities
A I XA/AVC 'f (Te cheered etirly VVednes-
/ALWAlTj Hy as skies cleared and In isk
I ' C »ds died down.
I nquire rOfHhi most of the camps, tem-
. Bratures were in tfie 40s and
VrVV Lnaaff-n stopped, a lug improve-
fnent over near-f reezing tem-
Frequently m"
peratures and steady rain ear
lier in the week.
Several depression-style
Hoovervilles opened Sunday
and demonstrators vowed to
stay put until the general elec
tion Nov. 2, an off-year elec
tion seen as a referendum on
Reagan’s attempts to improve
the economy.
l ent cities were up in Bos
ton, New Orleans, Detroit,
Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, St.
Louis, Houston, Denver, Col
umbus, Jersey City, and Little
Rock and were spreading.
Another was opening later
Wednesday in Memphis and
still more were planned in
Miami, Tampa, Des Moines,
Dallas and Albuquerque by
week’s end.
Involvement by activists
from the 1960s Vietnam war
protests was also spreading.
Longtime activist Dick Greg
ory rallied support in Pitt
sburgh and the Little Rock
camp opened Tuesday with a
speech by Benjamin Spock,
79, the baby doctor who was
tried and convicted for help
ing youth avoid the draft.
“Reagan’s policies are ruin
ing the country,” he said. “Un-
fortunately we are not going
to be able to retire him in
1982. But we can do some
things to make sure there is
still a country to retire him
Inflation, dollar power down
nw Valley Schools Credit ti
405 University Drive W
College Station, Texas 7/W
NOVEMBER fc, 1962
xa lobby,io-z.Novr
J r
ate Smith blessed
by freedom medal
1 United Press International
Raleigh, n.c. — Kate
Smith, whose robust rendition
ol'Goc! Bless America” touched
njjllions of people in the trou-
jl years of World War II, is
t|e latest recipient of the Pres-
ntial Medal of Freedom.
President Reagan gave Smith
the nation’s highest civilian hon-
jin a private ceremony Tues
day, hailing her for “the extra
■nething that reaches out to
the spirit as to the ear of the
‘Kate always sang from her
tut, and so we always listened
"§lh our hearts,” Reagan told
t® 60 people in Raleigh’s Civic
Center. “It has been truly said
tnat one of the most inspiring
things that our GIs in World
Warll in Europe and the Pacific
and later in Korea and Viet
nam— ever heard was the voice
of Kate Smith.”
iSniith, 75 and confined to a
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"If You Have Tried The Rest — Why Not Try The BEST"
United Press International
spending power of Americans is
not eroding as fast as it used to,
but it is still dropping, govern
ment figures show.
The Consumer Price Index
for September went up by only
0.2 percent, a tiny ripple com
pared to the double digit infla
tionary waves of the recent past.
So far this year inflation has fal
len to a 4.8 percent annual rate,
matching 1976.
But the Labor Department
also reported Tuesday Amer
icans’ spending power declined
by 0.3 percent.
The spending power — infla
tion-adjusted earnings — are
calculated from three statistics,
the month’s inflation rate, the
change in hourly pay and the
length of the average work
Hourly pay, held down by
recessionary pressures, slipped
by 0.1 percent in September
while the length of the work
week remained the same.
The leaders of the Republi
can and Democratic parties were
quick to comment on the Sep
tember inflation rate, in advance
of the congressional elections
“By a curious coincidence,”
President Reagan said, “the last
time we had that (4.8 percent)
inflation rate was the last time
there was a Republican adminis
tration here,” referring to Presi
dent Ford’s 1976 White House
House Speaker Thomas
“Tip” O’Neill responded with an
equally partisan jibe, saying,
“(President Herbert) Hoover
could point to an inflation rate
of zero in 1930 and a negative
inflation rate of 2 percent by
1932,” during the Great De
This year’s recession-fueled
cuts in tax revenues and in
creased welfare costs swelled the
federal deficit for fiscal 1982 to a7*
record SI 10.7 billion, theTreas-;*
ury Department said Tuesday,
The report on the govern- “
ment’s money year ending Sept, j
30 showed the most red ink ever, v
far beyond last year’s $57.9 bil- C
lion and the previous high obg
$66 billion set by the Ford admi- 7
nistration in 1976.
The 1982 deficit was fueled >
mostly by the recession, which'C
held down economic growth,^
and with it tax revenues.
wheelchair after suffering a
diabetic coma and several
strokes, did not speak. Wearing
a black dress and fur stole, she
looked straight ahead as Sen.
Jesse Helms, R-N.G., held her
hand and Reagan spoke.
Smith’s sister, Helena Steene
of Raleigh, thanked the presi-
dent on Smith’s behalf, adding:
“She is one of the greatest ladies
1 have ever known. She has al
ways lived for her country.”
Smith received the 209th
presidential medal given since
President Truman inaugurated
the award. It is bestowed on
those who contribute to national
security, world peace or other
Since its inception, the Medal
of Freedom has gone to such fi
gures as Pope John XXIII, the
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.,
and Bob Hope. A recent reci
pient was Reagan’s Middle East
negotiator, Philip Habib.
Is The Most Qualified Candidate For Judge
County Court At Law
Carolyn Ruffino
Steve Smith
Full Time Practice
• 5 years
• Over 300
• Handled civil and criminal cases
• 5 years
• Over 500 cases
• Partner, Dillon & Giesenschlag and head of trial section
handling civil and criminal cases
Civil Practice
As listed in the Civil Docket Records
of the Brazos County Court at Law
through August 26, 1982
3 cases in County Court at Law
14 probate cases
30 child support collection cases in Brazos County
Handled child abuse cases, temporary injunctions and
show cause hearings in Brazos County.
64 cases in County Court at Law
15 probate cases
Over 20 child support cases in Brazos and other counties
Jury trials for criminal and civil litigation and land
condemnation. Handled contested cases for Brazos
County residents in courts of Brazos County as well as
Robertson, Grimes, Burleson, Walker, Montgomery,
Washington, Lee, Leon, Harris, Dallas, Travis, Bell,
McLennan, Bexar, Brazoria, Smith, Denton, Jefferson,
Matagorda, Atascosa, Webb, Tom Green and Panola
Argued cases before 1st Court of Appeals, 14th Court of
Appeals, the 5th Court of Appeals and submitted written
briefs to the Texas Supreme Court.
Have appeared before and argued cases before military
boards at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.
Have handled federal court cases in Houston, Dallas, San
Antonio, Tyler, Jackson, MS. and Albany, N.Y.
Criminal Practice
• Former Assistant District Attorney
Past Juvenile Prosecutor in Brazos County Court at Law
Two certifications of juveniles to be handled as adults
• Twice argued before the 14th Judicial District Court of
Appeals in Houston
Represented businessmen, citizens, parents, children,
farmers, teachers, hourly workers and professional per
sons on a full time basis
Handled contested criminal cases in both County Court at
Law and District Court
Handled over 100 criminal cases including felony misde
meanor and juvenile matters for Brazos County citizens
in Brazos County as well as Burleson, Robertson,
Grimes, Walker, Hamilton, Harris, Waller, Callahan,
Bexar and Travis Counties.
Community Service
Chairwoman: St. Joseph’s Hospital
Board of Directors
Active Church worker
Founder & Volunteer: Rape Crisis Center, Inc.
1981 Outstanding Woman of Brazos County
Founding Director & Secretary: Brazos County
Crime Stoppers
Vice Chairman: March of Dimes-Brazos Valley
Chapter President-Elect: Noon Optimist Club of Bryan/Col
lege Station
Defensive Driving Instructor
Special Projects Chairman: OPAS
KAMU-TV Volunteer
Former Director: Brazos de Dios and Brazos Valley Sym
phony Society
Steve and his wife, Becky, are active church youth and
university student workers
Guest Lecturer on Legal Profession: various chools
Chamber of Commerce Committees
Member: Regional Alcoholism Council of BVDC
The record speaks for itself. Steve Smith has a much broader background in the law,
considerably more experience in County Court at law (in both criminal and civil cases), more
seasoning in contested matters and a record of public service to community.
The Judge of the County Court of Law is not an extension of the prosecutor’s office. It is a place
for the citizens as a whole and as individuals to find justice. The person who sits as judge needs
to be well versed, fair and experienced. Steve Smith is best qualified to hold this important
office. We ask for your vote and support.
Paid Political Advertisement by Committee to Elect Steve Smith/Don Dillon, Chairman/Judy Rychlik, Treasurer, Box 9213, College Station, TX. 77840