October 28, 1982 Battalion/Page 11 ear W11 ' l *»at Ihev plant OB iK ^ evening blues-® llle "I America sdijH ""i " litre she’s fir ■ Ml. mu* the unemploii® "'•s came out On piember’srateatapis® •o' ession high of imp Reagan has seuti of economic hi Ixilster his arpuel mm is headed form* uesdav. he haileda showing the inlk September wasotiltii. ^ w hich if maintai«il| hue the lowestraitl since 1972. smiri sites, indudiitj .trenas, a residera le St. Louis and 41} ites. \ sources said dim confirmed aland 'ixnential” sites, detail and slate vet to account |ii)tiiuls of the h was mixed ir ns of waste oil a ml the state by an ap|» it ting privates foil!’ rsalfl decade ago.ffl in theypn to trace thei vears, beraw n not remeinl* cl of all theol igists say I to skin diseas birth defects.' nd cancer, Medical As# cl last month4 uman stutfe ids of Vieinat *d to Agent 0 awsuits allegi kin condition egenerative f i.nicer or ^ airth defects. I the soil K* arenas vasin i residential* St. Louis sill* ]>A officials.'' and rubbei king sample* 1 drive. WOMICK* TraWt u,w1 GREAT FALL SALE FOR MEN! 3 DAYS ONLY! Thurs., Oct. 28... Fri. Oct. 29... Sat. Oct. 30 SUITS, SLACKS, SWEATERS, ACTIVEWEAR, SHIRTS, MORE! 1 SAVE 5.01 TO 70.10 All from regular stock... expert alterations free. Use your Dillard's charge, MasterCard, American Express, Visa or Diner's Club card. Trained sales staff to assist you. JUST A FEW OUTSTANDING EXAMPLES Cotswold Save 55.10 Hand tailored Reg. $195 Now, 139.90 Nino Cerruti Save 65.10-70.10 3 pc. Reg. $225-235 Now, 159.90 Allyn St. George Save 55.10-65.10 3 pc Reg. $175-215 Now, 119.90-149.90 John Weitz Save 55.10-65.10 2 pc.-3 pc. Reg. $195-225 Now, 139.90-159.90 Johnny Carson Save 55.10 3 pc. Reg. $175 Now, 119.90 Cricketeer Save 65.10-70.10 3 pc. Reg. $225-250 Now, 159.90-179.90 Silton jackets save 35,01 to 45.01! Supple leather blazers, bomber-or waist-length jackets, 38-46. reg. $199-245. .159.99-199.99 fashion jeans save 10.01 to 16.01! Indigo jeans by Jantzen and Farah. . . some stretch styles, 30-42. reg. $30-36.. .19.99 designerwear save 1/3! Cotton fleece activewear from Henry Grethal and Ron Chere- skin. Reg. 27.50-$85 Dillard's shirts save 5.01 to 8.01! Our own solid or patterned dress shirts, 14V2-17, 32-35. Reg. 14-18...9.99 young men's pullover sweaters save 7.01 to 9.01! Solid-hued cotton corduroy slacks by Genera and RPM, waists 28-36. Reg. $27-29 .. .19.99 save 5.01 to 9.01! Purtan Earl Vee pullovers, Jantzen shetland-looks, Arrow fancies. Reg. $22-26... 16.99 Dillard SHOP THURSDAY THRU SATURDAY 10-9