ifPage 6 if 25,1982 state Battalion/Page 7 October 25, 1982 inio the mediant make them fm «said, of the lab, he sail utoniated facton try. To achieve i said, the long- ecu split intosnd nd assigned to ijects. fd-dmvn laaon to train students,! Inns encounter of computer idustry, yet mistti le here without! it roving Si ml |iiipment," he face the risk ol life either.’’ ul the lab isgt rom industn rsities. ow this is the laboratory r said. “Wehavei rom other unin ountry and an ho are interestd uilar facilities. rts >te Exxon safety to be studied ★★★★.★★★★★★★★■A 5 SCHULMAN * THEATRES 4k $1 off adult ticket 1st Matinee In case you forgot the name ... staff photo by Octavio Garcia The Aggie Band showed off a little during the team’s name in giant letters. The Aggies won, Saturday’s game with the Rice Owls, spelling out 49-7; see related story page 9. Texts can’t refer to VD vn reckoning,C sen by 9 per«» t says a surf the voters are# the undecided] s a simple simply tooiM ative spirit ofTj who describesl yr right of center] claim as “garN says his surveys! of the voters 1<| Ml. ct of the nia |l l liberal. He talk] c lover and vol( J United Press International AUSTIN — Despite inisgiv- lings from Texas Health Depart- Iment officials and the head of a Seriate subcommittee, Texas Education Commissioner Raymond Bynum has directed publishers of health education Itexts to delete all reference to [venereal diseases in elementary [and junior high school hooks. Bynum issued the directive iFriday and indicated the deci sion to teach sexual information should best be left to local school boards. “No doubt about it,†Bynum said. “They (health officials) would love to see it mandated into the curriculum. “It’s more an issue of do the locals control how it’s handled versus the state dictating how it’s handled in that area.†Bynum said none of the five textbook publishers covered by the order have objected. But the Health Department infectious disease control dire ctor Joe Pair disagrees. He said the department is fighting an epidemic of sexually transmit ted diseases in the 15- to 19- year-old age group. “We’ve always tried to get venereal disease education insti tuted in the public schools,†Pair said. “We do have a problem of POLTERGEIST: Fact or Fantasy? A discussion of psychic phenomena with Donna Buhrman, an authority on psychic development Tuesday October 26 7:30 p.m. Room 701 Rudder Free Presented by 45* MSC Cepheid Variable venereal disease control in the state of Texas.†He said last year there were 502 cases of gonorrhea reported in children 10 to 14 years old. State Sen. Betty Andujar, R- Fort Worth, said to deny educa tion on sexually transmitted dis eases to youngsters who may be exposed to them amounts to ignoring a real and significant health risk. The education agency’s deci sion to delete venereal diseases from textbooks comes a year af ter Bynum ordered the removal of Mirriam-Webster’s New Col legiate Dictionary from a list of approved textbooks due to so- called “dirty words†the diction ary defined. 5^ KAY, Have A Beauti- ^ ^ ful Week Sweetheart. ^ T Love T yb SHAUN ^ ********* % NOW IN STOCK: mitre THE SOCCER SPECIALISTS SOCCER SHOES *29“ United Press International BATON ROUGE, La. — Workers at Exxon Corp. refin ery wastewater plants nation wide may have been affected by a harmful substance, a federal safety official said. Whatever the substance was, it caused an increased likelihood of miscarriage during pregnan cy in the wives of Baton Rouge workers, said Dr. Steve Fox of the National Institute for Occu pational Safety and Health. Evidence suggests reproduc tive problems can be caused by lead and mercury, which are among hazardous materials handled by Exxon wastewater workers, he said. The institute is trying to find out why Baton Rouge workers’ wives have an increased likeli hood of miscarriages during pregnancy, Fox said Friday. The increased chance of mis carriage showed up in a 1981 Exxon study. T he $250,000 study showed pregnancies occurring after the husband worked in the treat ment plant were more likely to fail than those occurring before such exposure. “While the severe limitations of the data inhibit firm conclu sions, there is a statistical associa tion between wastewater treat ment plant exposure and adverse pregnancy outcome,†the study said. The study, by Environmental Health Associates of California, concluded the reproductive cells of male electricians, mechanics and instrument workers might be damaged temporarily by exp osure to chemicals. Exxon officials have said they will follow up the 1981 study through long-term monitoring of the pregnancies of workers’ wives, charting of the history of the women’s pregnancies or test ing reproductive systems of workers. Federal officials who investi gated health complaints at the refinery cited Exxon for three safety violations Friday. Howev er, inspectors said the violations were not serious. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration cited Ex xon for employees working in standing water, holes in the floor over a separator at the was tewater treatment plant and in adequate training of wastewater plant workers in the use of re spirators. The Baton Rouge refinery, which is the second largest in the United States, produces gaso line, asphalt, diesel, jet fuel, waxes and lubricants. * * * * •A ^ Every Thurs-Senior Citizens . ^ Shows at 3:30. Price $1.00 and ^ Tt only Senior Citizens will be ad- )+- fitted. Sch. 8 Only. jj. Mon-family night Sch-6 Tue-famiiy night M.E. Ill SCHULMAN6 2000 E.29-775-2463-775-2468 * * * * * * *' * i * *- * *- 4c 4c 4* 4c 4c 4t- 4c 4c 4c 4c HALLOWEEN III 7:25-9:50 Garp 7:15-9:50 AMITYVILLE II 7:10-9:25 JINXED 7:25-9:40 "~JEKYLL AND * HYDE J Together Again * 7:10-9:25 * (414714 “FAST TIMES AT RIDOEMONT HIQH†7:4S-t:4l (R) 'DAS BOOT†(R) •30 only. CINEMA III fVsf o.,u m ,n 7I4-061I •■.T."(PG> 7:15-9:30 •MV FAVORITE YEAR' (PCi) 7:00-9:00 ‘MONSIQNOR’ (R) 7:25-9:50 Mother T Lode(PG) ^ JMANOR EAST III} â– ft Manor E. Mall 823-6300 ]f. jAn Officer and a } 4c Gentleman * X 7:15-9:50 * Walt Disneys FANTASIA 7:20-9:45 Campus PINK FLOYD THE WALL 7:15-9:40 4c 4c 4c *. X ROCKY III 7:20-9:40 4f' 4c 4t i* 4i 4c 4c 4c 4c * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * if the lar can pop.,, is holds tllL’ I is may ka ve 9 ust him- J 5j! Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased With These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods. Each Daily Special Only $2.39 Plus Tax. “Open Daily†Dining: 11 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. — 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M with Permanent or Replaceable Cleats (Replaceable Cleats Available) TRI-STATE A&M SPORTING GOODS ttftOO Old College Rond 84B-S2MO »46-»570 MSC FREE UNIVERSITY CLASS REGISTRATION Wed., Oct. 27, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. ^ Rm. 226 MSC i s oe dis- ate i.m MONDAY EVENING SPECIAL Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy Whipped Potatoes Your Choice of One Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea TUESDAY EVENING WEDNESDAY SPECIAL EVENING SPECIAL Mexican Fiesta Chicken Fried Steak Dinner w cream Gravy Two Cheese and Whipped Potatoes and Onion Enchiladas Choice of one other w chili Vegetable Mexican Rice Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Patio Style Pinto Beans Coffee or Tea Tostadas Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter Sen /° THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner nn SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE \ I a I r) Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing — Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FOR YOUR PROTECTION OUR PERSONNEL HAVE HEALTH CARDS. FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL BREADED FISH FILET w TARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL Yankee Pot Ro^st (Texas Salad) Mashed • Potato w gravy Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee (“QuaNty Firstâ€! SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNER Served with Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Roll or Corn Bread - Butter - Coffee or Tea Giblet Gravy And your choide of any One vegetable vOfe than Breakfast Leaks Fish Shrimp Pork Chops Casseroles Pastries Spice Teas Omelets Quiche * Sauteed Veggies • Espresso * Salads • Wines * Sandwiches • Imported Beers — Orders To Qo, Just Call Ahead — Backstag riq ^ estaur ant & Bar University Dr. (Northgate) 846-1861 *************