The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 25, 1982, Image 6
Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED HELP WANTED NTERURBAN EATING HOUSE is now liring part-time DISH/BUS for the tlay- ime. Apply in person between 2&4 p.m. IStfn iERVICE STATION ATTENDANT, 815 Texas, College Station. 37tl0 DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and fu ture Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-0396 24tfn 'The HOUSTON CHRONICLE is cur-' rently taking applications for newspap er route carriers for summer & fall semesters. Routes take 2Vz to 3 hours per day, with salary from 400 to 800 per month. All routes receive a gas allowance also we need solicitors for rthe summer & fall semester. If interest ed please call Julian McMurrey 693- 2323. SOtTnl FULL OR PART TIME HOUSTON POST arc accepting applica tions for fall semester. Apply early. 8-16- 0396,846-2911. ' leotfn COLLEGE STATION DAIRY QUEEN 2323 Texas Avenue South, now accepting applications for all posi tions and shifts. Some weekends, flexible hours. Apply before 3 p.m. weekdays. See Shirley Gent NOW HIRING DELIVERY PEOPLE NEEDED FLEXIBLE HOURS $3.75/hr. plus 6% commission plus tips merit raise after 2 weeks up to $4.50/hr, Apply between 3:30 and 7 M-F 319 Patricia or 2314 S. Texas (across from the Dairy Queen) 39ts FOR RENT Attractive 2 bedroom 2 bath duplex. Kitch en appliances and drapes furnished new washer/dryer can be furnished upon re quest. Near TAM U and shopping centers, $425/mo., 693-0982, 696-7714. 29tfn BARCELONA One and two bedroom apartments available for immediate occupan cy. Call 693-0261 or come by 700 Dominik in College Station. 29tfn MINI WAREHOUSES 101 Jersey West (corner of Jersey & Wellborn across from Olsen field) THE STORAGE CENTER 696-4203 (Office at 512 West Loop) 36tfn NEW MINI WAREHOUSES 5x5 — 5x7 — 5x10 — 5x12 — 10x10 — 10x15 — 10x20 — 10x25 — 10x30 — $25 mo. $30 mo. $32 mo. $35 mo. $45 mo. $55 mo. $62 mo. $68 mo. $80 mo. THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 istfn SOUTHWEST VILLAGE One and two bedrooms available for immediate occupancy. Call 693-0804 or come by the office at 1101 Southwest Parkway. 29tfn RENT SLASHED Spacious two bedroom 1V 2 bath four-plex with washer and dryer, close to campus. Large kitchen, walk-in closets, large deck in rear. 693-8685. aotfn DUPLEXES AND HOUSES 2 & 3 bedroom in Bryan/CS. Kitchen appliances, W/D connection, carpet, drapes, fenced yard. JOE COURTNEY, INC. 696-4203 (Office at 512 West Loop) 36tfn •! ARBOR SQUARE One and two bedroom furnished apartments available for im mediate occupancy. Call 693- 3701 or come by 1700 Southwest Parkway. 29tfn ROOMMATE WANTED Roommate 1:00 p.m. I'ded. Call 823-5213 | after 3915 FOR SALE CASA DEL SOL One and two bedroom apartment available for immediate occupan cy. Call 696-3455 or come by 401 Stasney in College Station. 28tfn 1982 Chevette; excellent condition; auto matic, air, 4-door hatchback; call Ron, 1- 836-4571 (day) or 1-836-9004 (night). 3812 New 2 bedroom, l‘/2 bath, all appliances, W/D connections, unfurnished, 1000 Au tumn Circle. Phone 846-5907. No pets. 33130 PIONEER SX-780 receiver 55 watts $200. Sony TC-K55 tape deck $200. Pioneer turntable with cartridge $150, excellent condi tion, 696-2475. 3815 . Horse stables and pasture available, 693- Technics Turntable, direct-drive, manual, . - 4098 evenings, 845-8161 daily. 3915 new cartridge, $85-, 846-5820. 3714 COURTYARD APARTMENTS Are you looking for an apartment? We have nice large clean freshly painted apartments. On the shuttle bus route and close to campus. Semester leases available. Call 693-2772 or come by 600 University Oaks. Open 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday. FOR SALE *Day Shift "Night shift (til 10 p.m.) "Weekends "Flexible hours to fit your schedule "Rapid advancement ‘Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30 a.m. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik I90tfn Ladies 3 speed bike, 26 inch, $75.00, 693- 7617. 37t5 Batteries $21.95 + exchange guaranteed, 822-1719. 29130 '78 Fiat Bertone Xl/9, excellent condition. Silver w/pioneer 3000 stereo, new tires, call Ricardo, 696-7732. 3615 Hobie 16 $2900, Tequilia Sunrise Salis, excellent condition, many extras, 845-0348 or 775-4633. 37t5 Datsun pick-up, 1977, gas saver, priced below book. Tool box, 693-5928, 696-6013, 693-2780. 35t5 '72 BMW 2002, new paint, rebuilt engine, A/C, 260-4093. 35t7 Overseas appliances, brand new, never used. Wholesale prices. 779-6105 after 6 p.m. 3115 OFFICIAL NOTICE DIRECTORY REFUND POLICY Directory Fees are refundable in full during the semester in which payment is made Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders Directories must be picked up dur ing the academic year in which they are pub- Li shed ate; ACC EE LAND REFUND POUCT "Yearbook fees are refundable in full during the semester In which payment is made Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders. Yearbooks must be picked up dur ing the academic year in which they are pub lished "Students who will no* be on campus when’ the yearbooks are published, usually in Sep tember. must pay a mailing and handling fee Yearbooks will not be held, nor will they hr mailed without the necessary fees having been paid " 8167. SPECIAL NOTICE DON'T FORGET to go by Yearbook As sociate (On Puryear behind Culpepper Pla za) to have your Aggiclaud '83 picture tak en ' 23111 Sub-lease one bedroom, walking distance from campus, 693-4098 evening, 845-8161 daily. 3915 Las Vegas Timesharc 1 week per week 26 years sleeps 4 exchange privileges. Phone 779-6423 after 5:30 p.m. 3815 PLAN AHEAD FOR IM SWIMMING Preliminaries for Corps and Fish on Monday, October 25 at 7 p.m. Entries taken at P.L. Downs Pool until 7 p.m. Preliminaries for Men's and Women's Independent and Dorm on Tuesday, October 26 at 7 p.m. Entries taken at P.L. Downs Pool until 7 p.m. For further information contact IM-REC Sports Of fice, 159 E. Kyle, 845-7826. 3615 I VALLEY • liOLF I DRIVING I RANGE » Hrs: Mon-Sat 3-9 p.m.. Sunday 1 p.m.-8 p.m. 696-1220 V East Bypass and Hwy. 30. • Service Road Going South - y 4 f miles. V | 8120 | SERVICES Typing experienced, fast, accurate, all kinds, 822-0544, 846-9707. I84tfn TYPING, All kinds, 846-0132. Typing on word processing equipment. Ex perienced. We understand form and style. Automated Clerical Services, 693-1070. 14138, '75 Suzuki TS185, good condition, $650, 846-5469. 39t5 Mary Kay complimentary facial. Diane McCleary, 693-0104. ' 27U7 TYPING, 823-7723. Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars f Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. | Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. 823-8111 HfuJ Qualified journalism tutor now accepting students needing help. Call 846-2510. 35t5 “Problem Pregnancy? Free pregnancy test ing and referrals. (713) 524-0548.” 188tfn Call Sue for all your typing or word processing needs. 696-9550. 131tfn Karen s typing service, 775-6126. 7t37 TYPING/WORD PROCESSING. Reason able rates. Call SLS Transcription Services, 260-9137. 17t58 For the Cadillac in typing, Word Process ing is it. Check our prices AND our quali ty. 775-3523. TYPING, 823-4579. Gay/Lesbian line 846-8022. TYPING, 775-7017. Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846- 3755. 178tih & $ SMOOOTH MOVE! ]o n o[ 1 o! > 1 L/lb°H mi \ \ d 1 apartments 2 bedroom, IV2 bath, shuttle bus, laundry facilities, security guard. 1600 Southwest Parkway, 693- 6540. local / state Battalion/Page 6 October 25,1982 Dodge Colt, 76, green, am/fm cassette, good condition, $1850, 775-6001 or 779- 7228 . 36t5 Miniature factory provides experience in automation by Myra Retta Battalion Reporter Texas A&M’s Industrial Automation Laboratory’s scaled-down version of an auto mated factory provides students with an opportunity to look at a broad range of problems in manufacturing. The automation laboratory is examining new technology to determine how it best can be used. Dr. Robert E. Young, dire ctor of the laboratory, said. In addition to research, the labora tory is used to train students to develop the tools to design and build manufacturing systems. “Students then transfer the new technology from the sroom to the jobs they enter,” Young said. “This is referred to as performing technology transfer.’ The laboratory mainly is used to take a macro, or overall, look at (he manufacturing equip ment, he said. “This means taking all of the pieces of equipment and arrang ing them so that we can get the most production out of the least amount of equipment, people and space,” Young said. An automated factory to re- searth the manufacturing sys tems would require large equip ment and warehousing, he said, which would cost the University millions of dollars. So instead of a full-scale model, the industrial automation laboratory has con structed a scaled-down auto mated factory. The miniature model pro vides tremendous capability for looking at a broad range of problems in automated manu facturing at an acceptable cost. Young said. The automated factory, though in module form, is fully functional. “We have captured the prop erties of the large systems that are critical to the correct interac tion between the individual items within the system,” he said. “The computers are the same as those used in full-size factor ies. They don’t realize the fac tory is scaled-down,” he said. All the responses, control signals and computer programs are the same as in full-size systems. The factory was built from mechanical bread-board kits, which are similar to Erector sets. “They have gears and compo nents we can build from without having to go into the mechaiit shop and make them fra scratch,” Young said. The goal of the lab, he sail to have an automated factoij the lalxiratory. To achievei goal, Young said, the long-ni goals have been split imosni objectives and assigned tos dents as projects. The scaled-down lacton the best way to train students, said. “The students encounter! same type of computer pn lems as in industry, yet mini can Ik- made here withon! risk of destroying $1 ml worth of equipment,” he “They don’t face theriskoll ing a job or life either.’’ Young said the lab isgt attention from industry other universities. “Right now this is the advanced laboratory in country,” he said. “We haver of visitors from other unn ties in this country and ito 1 the world who are interestiH building similar facilities.' The Satur Collins courts Hispanic vote United Press International McALLEN — With just more than a week remaining before the general election, Jim Collins, the GOP candidate for U.S. Sen ate, is trying to gather support among minorities and the poor — traditional Democratic stron gholds. Stumping through the Rio Grande Valley last week, the conservative Dallas congress man said the Hispanic vote was essential in his bid to unseat Democratic . incumbent Sen. Lloyd Bent sen. As Collins views it -— and Bentsen is quick to disagree — FREE APARTMENT LOCATOR SERVICE • Apartments • Duplexes • Houses • Fourplexes • Townhouses Now leasing for summer and fall. Special sum mer rates now available. Walking & biking dis tance to T.A.M U. f HOMEFINDER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ba6-1005 1055 S. Texas C.S. TS-O Prescriptions Filled Glasses Repaired BRYAN 216 N. Main 799-2786 Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Sat. 8-1 COLLEGE STATION 8008 Post Oak Mall.. 764-0010 Mon.-Sat. 10-9 p.m. Texas State m Optical qe Since 1935. MSG Camera Committee FAXjXj photo CONTEST Entries open Nov. 1, 82 and close Nov. 5, 82 at 4 p.m. in tlie MSG LoPPy. Cost is $2.00 per print. Prints will Pe judged Sat. Nov. 6, 82. For more info call Bruce 260- 1958. he will carry Dallas, Fori and Houston. Austin Antonio, Collins says.aretj split. By his own reckoning,! trails Bentsen by 9 percfll better, hut says a suri number of the votersareu cided. To sway the undecided, lins utilizes a simple Bentsen is simply too lib the conservative spiritofTij Bentsen, who describesf self as being right ofeentet misses the claim as “gam But Collins says his surved 40 percent of the votersl the assertion. “The fact of the i Lloyd is a liberal. He Herbert Hoover and votfij George McGovern,” says. With his wife Dee da uglier Connie, Collins the crowd with the samel uses on Dallas businessnifl herals with their free-sptKl ways will he the downfallfl Republic, he says. To run against Bentsenj lins gave up a Housedistritij probably would have nim as long as he cared j Collins has run a tesif campaign from an organ al standpoint and has infusion of dollars fro®! ultra-right National Coiis( tive Political Action Con® 1 as well as whirlwind visitsl)!| Sen. John Tower, Vice I dent George Bush andl cently President Reagan. However, if the large ican-American populaj South Texas holds the kef |( l Uniti AUST I ings Iron mem off (Senate ■ Educatio jRaymonc publishei {texts to < (venereal [and junit Bymn (Friday at tory, Collins may have* strikes against him. ..... SERVICES WORD PBOGESSINt;-papers. reports, dissertations, etc.-Fast, accurate, reason- able, 846-62(X). 29tl5 MISC. / BELLYDANCING FOR ANY OCCA- SION, 696-1250. 12130 PERSONALS “CCS loves B-CS.” 27t30 SEXY, SUAVE, INTELLIGENT, RICH If you’re a female who seeks these qualities in a male, call 693-8563. Ask for Matt C. 39t1 WANTED CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 1,,n * * * * * * * * * * * * * * } * * * * * * * * * * * COLLEGE MON REPUBLICANS — Election Day Activities will be dis cussed. — Those interested in Poll watching should attend. lues. Oct. 26, 7:30 p.m 502 Rudder Vjf-¥-¥-¥-¥-¥-¥-Y-¥-¥-¥”¥-'¥-¥-¥-¥-¥-¥-^-¥-¥-¥-^ Sc Roll or ( H FR Bl Fit Roll oi