The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 15, 1982, Image 9
Battalion/Page 9 October 15, 1982 > g (on d this Braniff granted extension United Press International . FORT WORTH — Bankrupt JJraniff International Airways has a 30-day reorganization ex tension, but the airline’s presi dent says it would be easier it (hey could announce what air line tliey are negotiating with for an operating agreement, i Federal Judge John Flowers Wednesday extended the air line's deadline — which was due to expire Saturday — until Nov. 15. Braniff President Howard Putnam responded: gV‘I don’t see how you can get planes back in the air in 30 days, but what we’re trying to do is get an operating agreement with another airline. We’ll do the (rest we can," Putnam said. “If the other airline that we are talking to about a joint ven ture is able to announce it pub licly, I think that will take a tremendous amount of mysti que off it.” When Braniff declared bank- fuptcy on May 13, it was nearly $1 billion in clebi. Putnam said Flowers was being very cooperative about the extensions “as long as there’s a treasonable chance for a reorga- nteation that will provide a grea- jtier return of cents on the dollar Itfian a pure liquidation." . He said although Braniffs present course is to wait for an announcement on the operating jagreement, "that doesn't mean iwe don't have other options.” He did not say what those op tions might be. Midnight Show Arthur A Rollins- Joffe- Morra-Brezner Production Dudley Liza John Moore Minnelli Gielgud “Arthur” Musac by Executive Producer Produced by Burt Bacharach Charles H. Joffe Robert Greenhut Written and Directed by Steve Gordon fsouMOTMCn »v«iuiLt on W»»he» 8»os_ RtcoROS i Wes 1 Technicolor» | Ht*« THI CHttSTOfHEK C8QSS SMASH SINQU - AgTHUK'S THtMt' | An QRiOTI PICTURES R*—" BROS Q A WARNER COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY QlM2 Orton PMvms Company. All Right* Rttofvod. |PG|PMBfTM. GUCANCf SUGSSTEO UTTMM. MAT NOT ■( MAT AMI fl T ] PUTT - P»st 0.1k Mall CINEMA ill Senior Citizens Price $2.00 ai time —Age 65 & over with ID 1500 Harvty lead 764-0616 M mlhon light M yeorshom *♦ home tERVlCSTRIAL picture TONIGHT: 7:15-9:30 SAT/SUN: 12:30-2:45 19TH WEEK 5:00-7:15-9:30 He is afraid. He is totally alone. TONIGHT 7:30-9:45 SAT/SUN: 12:45-3:00, 5:15-7:30-9:45 Dragons were real. ■pR^GONSiiwei^ A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Copr^M ettCWJOQO TONIGHT: 7:00-9:00 SAT/SUN: 1:00-3:00 5:00-7:00-9:00 2ND BIG WEEK THE YEAR THE DREAMS CAME TRUE. PETER O'TOOLE JESSICA HARPER r ^ Favorite Year is MGM JA StuOtnl PncB >2 00 Er SSL PUTT CINEMA I & II SKAGGS CENTER KTAW 92 FM MIDNIGHT SH0WSi2:Q0Fri&Sat “ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW” (R) “SONG REMAINS THE SAME” (PG) STUDENT PRICE DOES NOT APPLY TO MNS. Skaggs centeTHBHBHfflT""^ -6714 TONIGHT: 7:45-9:45 SAT/SUN: 1:45-3:45 5:45-7:45-9:45 wr/Mt; AT RIDGEMONT HIGH TONIGHT: 8 P.M. ONLY. SAT./SUN.: 2:00-5:00 8:00 other side oi ^ $1 off Adult tickets + 1st Matinee * Sat & Sun * t 2002 *E. 29th SCHULMAN SCHULMAN 6 775- 2463 775- 2468 * * ♦I * ♦ *| * + \ + \ * ♦ +\ * ♦ ♦ ♦ +\ * +1 Tf Tf 1 2:15 4:35 7:15 9:40 MOTHER LODE THE NEXT GREAT ADVENTURE. PG PARENTAL GUIDANCE SUGGESTED -m ’some MATERIAL MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN! THEATRES MANOR EAST III 2:45 5:05 7:25 9:45 PINKFLOYD THE WALL COLOR IT TERRIFIC! Guv FCAUEV COSMOPOLUAN 2:25 4:40 7:25 9:50 3.TARTR6K3L -me WfvATH KHATI PG A PaflAMOUNI PICTURE ;1 ^ 2:20 4:40 7:10 9:25 ♦time ^walker Nothing can stop him, A- not even time. 7^ ® New World Pictures 1 2:10 4:35 7:15 9:40 2:25 4:25 7:10 9:25 {r|^ ' Mon-Family Nite Sch 6 Tue-Family Nite-ME ll + MANOR J EAST + MALL ♦ 323- 8300 J 4- * ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ * ♦ * * ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ >F ♦ ♦ mw WIDE SCREEN DOLBY STEREO J 2:20 4:45 7:15 9:50 “It’ll lift you up where you belong!’ AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN AM1TYVILLEII: THE POSSESSION Re prints by DELUXE" axon A PARAMfXJNT PICTURE Copyright < MCMLXXXII by Paramount Pictures Corporation All Riohts Reserved ‘ - • > * |JF k k k k k k k k k k k 4- United Artists MGM/UAd- 2:40 5:00 7:20 9:40 The Greatest Challenge ROCKY m PG 2:00 4:25 7:15 9:50 V WORLD ACCORDINCTO ^ Coming Soon: Fantsia*Jinxed»Holloween * Hyde •Jekyll and CAMPUS 846 6512 FRI&SAT MIDNIGHT ARTHUR 9:30 J 210 ? University 4- 7:15 * NIGHT J SHIFT FRI&SAT MIDNIGHT SHOW * ERASERHEAD j a- XANADU : HEAVY METAL i E 20 2 n 9 ° tti SKYWAY TWIN EAST BABY DOLL C.B. HUSTLER Downtown Bryan 822- 3300 WEST LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN CHERRY HILL HIGH PALACE 105 « 3 Sontra El Dlstino Santos y B Demon en el Mundo de los Muertos. M M M M M ROCKNROLL live bands will rock you away! + High Chicago ★ + Second Wind ★ if Fusion ★ FRIDAY NIGHT 8 P.M. Bring Your Own Booze! Mixers and Set-Ups Available ^ OL CAMPUS theatre z) ^ 2lO University Dr. 846-6512 Brought to you by Campus Theatre — Musicians World