> MISSION CAR WASH 3301 Texas Ave. S 1 off exterior wash Sundays only 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Student ID Required sports Battalion/Page 14 September 24,1982 A8cM 20-2 after sweep FALL FEST Brazos County Pavilion SEPT. 24,'82 MUSIC BY MUSIC MASTERS Ladies $ 3 00 advance Men $ 4 00 advance $ 5 at door 7:30 ’till Yell Practice 200 KEGS ICE COLD COORS BEER All proceeds for Brazos Valley Animal Shelter Facility Drivers License required 696-2724 Aggie Ladies dump Bears by John Wagner Battalion Staff Something about Baylor Uni versity brings out the best in the Texas Aggie softball team. The two teams had met five times this year prior to Thursday night’s double-header, and the Aggies had won all five games. So one could chalk up the Aggies’ double-header sweep of the Bears as tradition. Or one could shrug it off as luck. Or maybe, if you believe in such things, it’s a hex, a jinx, or even voodoo. But whatever it is, it works. Seven games, seven Aggie vic tories. And even more asto nishing is the fact that in those seven games, the Bears have yet to score. The Aggies have scored 22 runs to the Bears’ zero, includ ing Thursday’s 5-0, 4-0 sweep at Travis Field in Bryan. ' Lori Stoll pitched the first game for Texas A&M, throwing a one-hitter at the Bears while striking out 10. Stoll has 101 strikeouts on the year, and has given up 29 hits and 16 walks. Stoll is now 11-0 with an ERA of 0.35. The Aggies’ were led offen sively by Debbie Rollman and Carrie Austgen, who both had two hits in three at-bats. The Aggies had seven hits in the first game. Josie Carter and freshman Mary Schwind paced the Aggies in the second game, picking up five of the team’s nine hits and knocking in two of its runs. Car ter was 3-for-4 with one RBI, and Schwind was 2-for-3, also with one RBI. Shan McDonald was the win ning pitcher for the Aggies, giv ing up six hits and striking out seven. She is now 9-2. McDonald has struck out 96 batters this year and given up 43 hits. Her ERA is 0.49. The Aggies have a team bat ting average of .298, and a field ing average of .965 through 22 games. Sue Lilley, the Aggies’ assis tant coach, says there’s no magic to the team’s success. It’s simply hard work. “We work on batting every day,” she said. “And the bats are really starting to ring.” And Lilley said the play of several freshman, a key factor in the Aggies’ hopes for success,, starting to come around “They’re (the freshmet progressing at a good rate,”ii ley said. “We don’t haveast lineup yet, and we’re moii' people around, but mostofi players are able to play am where. At this point, I’dsi we’re really pleased at they’re coming along. “The fall season is show us who can do what I’d say we have some prj- talented athletes. We’re a it versatile team.” The 20-2 Aggies will In Louisiana Tech ~ J ™ in a header Tuesday starting 12:30. Sam Houston State be in town Wednesday, alsofe, double-header beginning ai p.m. Pizza inn For pizza out, it’s Pizza Inn. Sunday AGGIE NIGHT SPECIAL Free Pitcher of Beer JUAREZ Htecluila TECLUILA TECIIJILA TEEUilLA with a Pizza — Large or Medium — 2 or more toppings Must be 19 or older! Porter’s struggli against alcohol drugs not over by Milton Richman UPI Sports Editor Darrell Porter is no Elmer Gantry. You don’t catch him jumping on a soapbox and preachingb the sky will come down on you if you take the wrong roadinlifei way he did for a while. No, sir, Darrell Porter doesn’t lean on you like a lot of otli reformed drinkers do. That doesn’t mean he’s forgotten all about what happened him. He’ll never do that — not after what he went through, Porter has come a long way since then, and what I admireabs tiona GOLD OB SILVER IMPORTED & BOTTLED BY TEQUILA JALISCO S A ST LOUIS. MO. 80 PROOF 413 Texas College Station Under Hew Management 846-6164 Hey, Aggies Most items at reduced prices you may be a prize winner Check your LUCKY NUMBER on your Sears catalog for Texas A&M students in this issue of The Battalion The Weekend at Hillel (Jewish Student Center) FRIDAY, SEPT. 24 6 p.m.—Join Rabbi Marc Belgrad for dinner >3°° Members M 00 Mon-Members Reservation deadline by Thurs. 4:30 p.m. 8 p.m. — Services conducted by the Rabbi. There will be an Oneg Shabbat sponsored by the Jewish Women’s Club. SATURDAY, SEPT. 25 3 p.m. — Informal discussion with Rabbi Mar Belgrad SUNDAY, SEPT. 26 8 p.m. — Kol Nidre Service — beginning of Yom Kippur MONDAY, SEPT. 27 10 a.m. — Yom Kippur s foot! 6p.n en rc ingl: Ted scon had 1 with eoba than John yard may TLE Lou 2-0 si but c bama attac yard; last i starK quan effec J88.( leadi time for 2 p.m. C Si Ha men’: tance field IT him is that he isn’t standing around taking bows for reaching destination yet. He nearly destroyed himself a few years ago ini® by Ji false euphoria of alcohol and drugs. He will remember how fan 'finish slipped as long as he lives and how he somehow found enou; stand inner strength to chart a new life for himself at The Meadow Arizona in 1980. The struggle isn’t over. Not by a long shot. He is resignedtoib fact he’ll have to discipline himself the rest of his life. Porter is an individual of unusual sensitivity. He appreciates good fortune at being part of a ballclub like the St. Louis Cardim a team that could be in the World Series in a few weeks if it does: run into a mine field somewhere along the way. But that possibility hasn’t become the driving force inhisl Porter’s values have changed dramatically since his ordeali relates to people much better than he ever did, which couldbei reason the Cardinals’ 30-year-old catcher feels the compassion does every time he sees another drug user in professional spor coming out of the closet. “It hurts me when I see them do that only because theydos really know what they’ve got ahead of them,” Porter says. “Wlif sickn they come out and say T did drugs and I quit, so I don’t ha« problem anymore,’ I just shake my head. They have noideaint! A&M Bayk lowec 63 at Ga cour: ende 24:5< elude 25:1( 25:3; 26:1; 26:3< Vi: A ggi' comp Af world what they have in front of them. None whatsoever. “If they think it’s that easy to quit, to turn it off just liketb they’re only kidding themselves and nobody else. You’re ne« really out of the woods. You have to keep fighting it all thetimf Porter says it’s been over two years since he had a drink. “The only thing that really tempts me is a glass of beer/’hesa “I like beer, but I haven’t had one in over two years. The people: The Meadows told me it’s dangerous and I believe themT know, sometimes I’ll look at a glass of beer on one of those very days and say to myself, ‘Oh, you can handle it,’ but then I all! think about what those people told me. They said it’s not the one that kills you, it’s the first one. I don’t want to takeach; because I was as miserable a human being as I can possiblyimagi: and I don’t want to be like that again.” Darrell Porter looks like Clark Kent. Particularly when he on his horn-rimmed glasses. He’s even built like Superman hull: realizes he’s only mortal, and fallible enough to slip again, soIfj guards against it as best he can by not taking that first badsli And he’s happy. Perhaps happier than he’s ever been in his now that he and his wife, Deanne, are the parents of a 5-month4 girl, Lindsey Deanne, their first child. Porter said he didn’t know his wife when he had drinl problems. “I’m glad I didn’t,” he says. Whitey Herzog, the Cardinals’ manager, says quite openly he expected more from Porter with the bat this year butalsopall out that despite his .230 average, Porter has made an impor«j| contribution in keeping the Cardinals on top with his 45 10 homers. the w BRING your catalog to Sears at 1502 Harvey Road in Post Oak Mall. If your number matches one of the numbers posted there, you'll win the correspond ing prize. Contest ends December 4, 1982. YOU could win a 19-in. diag. meas. Color TV, a 20 watt Mini Streo Component System, or Portable Stereo Music System. Come check your lucky numbers at Sears. NEW from Sears. . . a 52-page catalog designed especially for the students at Texas A&M, with your interests and needs in mind. KEEP this special Sears catalog handy — file in a safe place. You may order from it through February 15 1983. PHONE 764-0315 to place your Sears catalog or der. You'll enjoy shopping the convenient catalog way. Entertainment Lyle Lovett Dana Cooper & DC 3 A Sears Credit Card is one of the most valuable credit cards a student can have. PHONE 1 -800- 323-3274, ext. 25 to apply. Fri. & Sat., Sept. 24 & 25 Two Shows — 8 & 10:30 p.m. $ 3 one show, s 5 for both You can count on Sears SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Post Oak Mall 1502 Harvey Road Shop 10 a.m.-9 p.m.. Auto Center opens 8 a.m